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File: tbs_class.php
Role: Class source
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Description: TinyButStrong template engine ____________________
Class: TinyButStrong plug-in for Excel
Generate Excel spreadsheets using template plug-in
Author: By
Last change: TBS 3.7.0 for PHP 5
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 122,685 bytes


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<?php /* ******************************************************** TinyButStrong - Template Engine for Pro and Beginners ------------------------ Version : 3.7.0 for PHP 5 Date : 2011-03-17 Web site : Author : ******************************************************** This library is free software. You can redistribute and modify it even for commercial usage, but you must accept and respect the LPGL License version 3. */ // Check PHP version if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.0')<0) echo '<br><b>TinyButStrong Error</b> (PHP Version Check) : Your PHP version is '.PHP_VERSION.' while TinyButStrong needs PHP version 5.0 or higher. You should try with TinyButStrong Edition for PHP 4.'; // Render flags define('TBS_NOTHING', 0); define('TBS_OUTPUT', 1); define('TBS_EXIT', 2); // Plug-ins actions define('TBS_INSTALL', -1); define('TBS_ISINSTALLED', -3); // ********************************************* class clsTbsLocator { public $PosBeg = false; public $PosEnd = false; public $Enlarged = false; public $FullName = false; public $SubName = ''; public $SubOk = false; public $SubLst = array(); public $SubNbr = 0; public $PrmLst = array(); public $PrmIfNbr = false; public $MagnetId = false; public $BlockFound = false; public $FirstMerge = true; public $ConvProtect = true; public $ConvStr = true; public $ConvMode = 1; // Normal public $ConvBr = true; } // ********************************************* class clsTbsDataSource { public $Type = false; public $SubType = 0; public $SrcId = false; public $Query = ''; public $RecSet = false; public $RecKey = ''; public $RecNum = 0; public $RecNumInit = 0; public $RecSaving = false; public $RecSaved = false; public $RecBuffer = false; public $CurrRec = false; public $TBS = false; public $OnDataOk = false; public $OnDataPrm = false; public $OnDataPrmDone = array(); public $OnDataPi = false; public function DataAlert($Msg) { return $this->TBS->meth_Misc_Alert('when merging block '.$this->TBS->_ChrOpen.$this->TBS->_CurrBlock.$this->TBS->_ChrClose,$Msg); } public function DataPrepare(&$SrcId,&$TBS) { $this->SrcId = &$SrcId; $this->TBS = &$TBS; $FctInfo = false; $FctObj = false; if (is_array($SrcId)) { $this->Type = 0; } elseif (is_resource($SrcId)) { $Key = get_resource_type($SrcId); switch ($Key) { case 'mysql link' : $this->Type = 6; break; case 'mysql link persistent' : $this->Type = 6; break; case 'mysql result' : $this->Type = 6; $this->SubType = 1; break; case 'pgsql link' : $this->Type = 7; break; case 'pgsql link persistent' : $this->Type = 7; break; case 'pgsql result' : $this->Type = 7; $this->SubType = 1; break; case 'sqlite database' : $this->Type = 8; break; case 'sqlite database (persistent)' : $this->Type = 8; break; case 'sqlite result' : $this->Type = 8; $this->SubType = 1; break; default : $FctInfo = $Key; $FctCat = 'r'; } } elseif (is_string($SrcId)) { switch (strtolower($SrcId)) { case 'array' : $this->Type = 0; $this->SubType = 1; break; case 'clear' : $this->Type = 0; $this->SubType = 3; break; case 'mysql' : $this->Type = 6; $this->SubType = 2; break; case 'text' : $this->Type = 2; break; case 'num' : $this->Type = 1; break; default : $FctInfo = $SrcId; $FctCat = 'k'; } } elseif ($SrcId instanceof Iterator) { $this->Type = 9; $this->SubType = 1; } elseif ($SrcId instanceof ArrayObject) { $this->Type = 9; $this->SubType = 2; } elseif ($SrcId instanceof IteratorAggregate) { $this->Type = 9; $this->SubType = 3; } elseif ($SrcId instanceof MySQLi) { $this->Type = 10; } elseif ($SrcId instanceof PDO) { $this->Type = 11; } elseif (is_object($SrcId)) { $FctInfo = get_class($SrcId); $FctCat = 'o'; $FctObj = &$SrcId; $this->SrcId = &$SrcId; } elseif ($SrcId===false) { $this->DataAlert('the specified source is set to FALSE. Maybe your connection has failed.'); } else { $this->DataAlert('unsupported variable type : \''.gettype($SrcId).'\'.'); } if ($FctInfo!==false) { $ErrMsg = false; if ($TBS->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($FctInfo,$FctCat,$FctObj,$ErrMsg,false)) { $this->Type = $FctInfo['type']; if ($this->Type!==5) { if ($this->Type===4) { $this->FctPrm = array(false,0); $this->SrcId = &$FctInfo['open'][0]; } $this->FctOpen = &$FctInfo['open']; $this->FctFetch = &$FctInfo['fetch']; $this->FctClose = &$FctInfo['close']; } } else { $this->Type = $this->DataAlert($ErrMsg); } } return ($this->Type!==false); } public function DataOpen(&$Query,$QryPrms=false) { // Init values unset($this->CurrRec); $this->CurrRec = true; if ($this->RecSaved) { $this->FirstRec = true; unset($this->RecKey); $this->RecKey = ''; $this->RecNum = $this->RecNumInit; if ($this->OnDataOk) $this->OnDataArgs[1] = &$this->CurrRec; return true; } unset($this->RecSet); $this->RecSet = false; $this->RecNumInit = 0; $this->RecNum = 0; if (isset($this->TBS->_piOnData)) { $this->OnDataPi = true; $this->OnDataPiRef = &$this->TBS->_piOnData; $this->OnDataOk = true; } if ($this->OnDataOk) { $this->OnDataArgs = array(); $this->OnDataArgs[0] = &$this->TBS->_CurrBlock; $this->OnDataArgs[1] = &$this->CurrRec; $this->OnDataArgs[2] = &$this->RecNum; $this->OnDataArgs[3] = &$this->TBS; } switch ($this->Type) { case 0: // Array if (($this->SubType===1) and (is_string($Query))) $this->SubType = 2; if ($this->SubType===0) { $this->RecSet = &$this->SrcId; } elseif ($this->SubType===1) { if (is_array($Query)) { $this->RecSet = &$Query; } else { $this->DataAlert('type \''.gettype($Query).'\' not supported for the Query Parameter going with \'array\' Source Type.'); } } elseif ($this->SubType===2) { // TBS query string for array and objects, syntax: "var[item1][item2]->item3[item4]..." $x = trim($Query); $z = chr(0); $x = str_replace(array(']->','][','->','['),$z,$x); if (substr($x,strlen($x)-1,1)===']') $x = substr($x,0,strlen($x)-1); $ItemLst = explode($z,$x); $ItemNbr = count($ItemLst); $Item0 = &$ItemLst[0]; // Check first item if ($Item0[0]==='~') { $Item0 = substr($Item0,1); if ($this->TBS->ObjectRef!==false) { $Var = &$this->TBS->ObjectRef; $i = 0; } else { $i = $this->DataAlert('invalid query \''.$Query.'\' because property ObjectRef is not set.'); } } else { if (isset($GLOBALS[$Item0])) { $Var = &$GLOBALS[$Item0]; $i = 1; } else { $i = $this->DataAlert('invalid query \''.$Query.'\' because global variable \''.$Item0.'\' is not found.'); } } // Check sub-items $Empty = false; while (($i!==false) and ($i<$ItemNbr) and ($Empty===false)) { $x = $ItemLst[$i]; if (is_array($Var)) { if (isset($Var[$x])) { $Var = &$Var[$x]; } else { $Empty = true; } } elseif (is_object($Var)) { $ArgLst = $this->TBS->f_Misc_CheckArgLst($x); if (method_exists($Var,$x)) { $f = array(&$Var,$x); unset($Var); $Var = call_user_func_array($f,$ArgLst); } elseif (property_exists(get_class($Var),$x)) { if (isset($Var->$x)) $Var = &$Var->$x; } elseif (isset($Var->$x)) { $Var = $Var->$x; // useful for overloaded property } else { $Empty = true; } } else { $i = $this->DataAlert('invalid query \''.$Query.'\' because item \''.$ItemLst[$i].'\' is neither an Array nor an Object. Its type is \''.gettype($Var).'\'.'); } if ($i!==false) $i++; } // Assign data if ($i!==false) { if ($Empty) { $this->RecSet = array(); } else { $this->RecSet = &$Var; } } } elseif ($this->SubType===3) { // Clear $this->RecSet = array(); } // First record if ($this->RecSet!==false) { $this->RecNbr = $this->RecNumInit + count($this->RecSet); $this->FirstRec = true; $this->RecSaved = true; $this->RecSaving = false; } break; case 6: // MySQL switch ($this->SubType) { case 0: $this->RecSet = @mysql_query($Query,$this->SrcId); break; case 1: $this->RecSet = $this->SrcId; break; case 2: $this->RecSet = @mysql_query($Query); break; } if ($this->RecSet===false) $this->DataAlert('MySql error message when opening the query: '.mysql_error()); break; case 1: // Num $this->RecSet = true; $this->NumMin = 1; $this->NumMax = 1; $this->NumStep = 1; if (is_array($Query)) { if (isset($Query['min'])) $this->NumMin = $Query['min']; if (isset($Query['step'])) $this->NumStep = $Query['step']; if (isset($Query['max'])) { $this->NumMax = $Query['max']; } else { $this->RecSet = $this->DataAlert('the \'num\' source is an array that has no value for the \'max\' key.'); } if ($this->NumStep==0) $this->RecSet = $this->DataAlert('the \'num\' source is an array that has a step value set to zero.'); } else { $this->NumMax = ceil($Query); } if ($this->RecSet) { if ($this->NumStep>0) { $this->NumVal = $this->NumMin; } else { $this->NumVal = $this->NumMax; } } break; case 2: // Text if (is_string($Query)) { $this->RecSet = &$Query; } else { $this->RecSet = ''.$Query; } break; case 3: // Custom function $FctOpen = $this->FctOpen; $this->RecSet = $FctOpen($this->SrcId,$Query,$QryPrms); if ($this->RecSet===false) $this->DataAlert('function '.$FctOpen.'() has failed to open query {'.$Query.'}'); break; case 4: // Custom method from ObjectRef $this->RecSet = call_user_func_array($this->FctOpen,array(&$this->SrcId,&$Query,&$QryPrms)); if ($this->RecSet===false) $this->DataAlert('method '.get_class($this->FctOpen[0]).'::'.$this->FctOpen[1].'() has failed to open query {'.$Query.'}'); break; case 5: // Custom method of object $this->RecSet = $this->SrcId->tbsdb_open($this->SrcId,$Query,$QryPrms); if ($this->RecSet===false) $this->DataAlert('method '.get_class($this->SrcId).'::tbsdb_open() has failed to open query {'.$Query.'}'); break; case 7: // PostgreSQL switch ($this->SubType) { case 0: $this->RecSet = @pg_query($this->SrcId,$Query); break; case 1: $this->RecSet = $this->SrcId; break; } if ($this->RecSet===false) $this->DataAlert('PostgreSQL error message when opening the query: '.pg_last_error($this->SrcId)); break; case 8: // SQLite switch ($this->SubType) { case 0: $this->RecSet = @sqlite_query($this->SrcId,$Query); break; case 1: $this->RecSet = $this->SrcId; break; } if ($this->RecSet===false) $this->DataAlert('SQLite error message when opening the query:'.sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($this->SrcId))); break; case 9: // Iterator if ($this->SubType==1) { $this->RecSet = $this->SrcId; } else { // 2 or 3 $this->RecSet = $this->SrcId->getIterator(); } $this->RecSet->rewind(); break; case 10: // MySQLi $this->RecSet = $this->SrcId->query($Query); if ($this->RecSet===false) $this->DataAlert('MySQLi error message when opening the query:'.$this->SrcId->error); break; case 11: // PDO $this->RecSet = $this->SrcId->prepare($Query); if ($this->RecSet===false) { $ok = false; } elseif (is_array($QryPrms)) { $ok = $this->RecSet->execute($QryPrms); } else { $ok = $this->RecSet->execute(); } if (!$ok) { $err = $this->SrcId->errorInfo(); $this->DataAlert('PDO error message when opening the query:'.$err[2]); } break; } if (($this->Type===0) or ($this->Type===9)) { unset($this->RecKey); $this->RecKey = ''; } else { if ($this->RecSaving) { unset($this->RecBuffer); $this->RecBuffer = array(); } $this->RecKey = &$this->RecNum; // Not array: RecKey = RecNum } return ($this->RecSet!==false); } public function DataFetch() { if ($this->RecSaved) { if ($this->RecNum<$this->RecNbr) { if ($this->FirstRec) { if ($this->SubType===2) { // From string reset($this->RecSet); $this->RecKey = key($this->RecSet); $this->CurrRec = &$this->RecSet[$this->RecKey]; } else { $this->CurrRec = reset($this->RecSet); $this->RecKey = key($this->RecSet); } $this->FirstRec = false; } else { if ($this->SubType===2) { // From string next($this->RecSet); $this->RecKey = key($this->RecSet); $this->CurrRec = &$this->RecSet[$this->RecKey]; } else { $this->CurrRec = next($this->RecSet); $this->RecKey = key($this->RecSet); } } if ((!is_array($this->CurrRec)) and (!is_object($this->CurrRec))) $this->CurrRec = array('key'=>$this->RecKey, 'val'=>$this->CurrRec); $this->RecNum++; if ($this->OnDataOk) { $this->OnDataArgs[1] = &$this->CurrRec; // Reference has changed if ($this->SubType===2) if ($this->OnDataPrm) call_user_func_array($this->OnDataPrmRef,$this->OnDataArgs); if ($this->OnDataPi) $this->TBS->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->OnDataPiRef,$this->OnDataArgs); if ($this->SubType!==2) $this->RecSet[$this->RecKey] = $this->CurrRec; // save modifications because array reading is done without reference :( } } else { unset($this->CurrRec); $this->CurrRec = false; } return; } switch ($this->Type) { case 6: // MySQL $this->CurrRec = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->RecSet); break; case 1: // Num if (($this->NumVal>=$this->NumMin) and ($this->NumVal<=$this->NumMax)) { $this->CurrRec = array('val'=>$this->NumVal); $this->NumVal += $this->NumStep; } else { $this->CurrRec = false; } break; case 2: // Text if ($this->RecNum===0) { if ($this->RecSet==='') { $this->CurrRec = false; } else { $this->CurrRec = &$this->RecSet; } } else { $this->CurrRec = false; } break; case 3: // Custom function $FctFetch = $this->FctFetch; $this->CurrRec = $FctFetch($this->RecSet,$this->RecNum+1); break; case 4: // Custom method from ObjectRef $this->FctPrm[0] = &$this->RecSet; $this->FctPrm[1] = $this->RecNum+1; $this->CurrRec = call_user_func_array($this->FctFetch,$this->FctPrm); break; case 5: // Custom method of object $this->CurrRec = $this->SrcId->tbsdb_fetch($this->RecSet,$this->RecNum+1); break; case 7: // PostgreSQL $this->CurrRec = pg_fetch_assoc($this->RecSet); break; case 8: // SQLite $this->CurrRec = sqlite_fetch_array($this->RecSet,SQLITE_ASSOC); break; case 9: // Iterator if ($this->RecSet->valid()) { $this->CurrRec = $this->RecSet->current(); $this->RecKey = $this->RecSet->key(); $this->RecSet->next(); } else { $this->CurrRec = false; } break; case 10: // MySQLi $this->CurrRec = $this->RecSet->fetch_assoc(); if (is_null($this->CurrRec)) $this->CurrRec = false; break; case 11: // PDO $this->CurrRec = $this->RecSet->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); break; } // Set the row count if ($this->CurrRec!==false) { $this->RecNum++; if ($this->OnDataOk) { if ($this->OnDataPrm) call_user_func_array($this->OnDataPrmRef,$this->OnDataArgs); if ($this->OnDataPi) $this->TBS->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->OnDataPiRef,$this->OnDataArgs); } if ($this->RecSaving) $this->RecBuffer[$this->RecKey] = $this->CurrRec; } } public function DataClose() { $this->OnDataOk = false; $this->OnDataPrm = false; $this->OnDataPi = false; if ($this->RecSaved) return; switch ($this->Type) { case 6: mysql_free_result($this->RecSet); break; case 3: $FctClose=$this->FctClose; $FctClose($this->RecSet); break; case 4: call_user_func_array($this->FctClose,array(&$this->RecSet)); break; case 5: $this->SrcId->tbsdb_close($this->RecSet); break; case 7: pg_free_result($this->RecSet); break; case 10: $this->RecSet->free(); break; // MySQLi //case 11: $this->RecSet->closeCursor(); break; // PDO } if ($this->RecSaving) { $this->RecSet = &$this->RecBuffer; $this->RecNbr = $this->RecNumInit + count($this->RecSet); $this->RecSaving = false; $this->RecSaved = true; } } } // ********************************************* class clsTinyButStrong { // Public properties public $Source = ''; public $Render = 3; public $TplVars = array(); public $ObjectRef = false; public $NoErr = false; public $Assigned = array(); // Undocumented (can change at any version) public $Version = '3.7.0'; public $Charset = ''; public $TurboBlock = true; public $VarPrefix = ''; public $FctPrefix = ''; public $Protect = true; public $ErrCount = 0; public $ErrMsg = ''; public $AttDelim = false; public $MethodsAllowed = false; public $OnLoad = true; public $OnShow = true; // Private public $_ErrMsgName = ''; public $_LastFile = ''; public $_CharsetFct = false; public $_Mode = 0; public $_CurrBlock = ''; public $_ChrOpen = '['; public $_ChrClose = ']'; public $_ChrVal = '[val]'; public $_ChrProtect = '&#91;'; public $_PlugIns = array(); public $_PlugIns_Ok = false; public $_piOnFrm_Ok = false; function __construct($Chrs='',$VarPrefix='',$FctPrefix='') { if ($Chrs!=='') { $Ok = false; $Len = strlen($Chrs); if ($Len===2) { // For compatibility $this->_ChrOpen = $Chrs[0]; $this->_ChrClose = $Chrs[1]; $Ok = true; } else { $Pos = strpos($Chrs,','); if (($Pos!==false) and ($Pos>0) and ($Pos<$Len-1)) { $this->_ChrOpen = substr($Chrs,0,$Pos); $this->_ChrClose = substr($Chrs,$Pos+1); $Ok = true; } } if ($Ok) { $this->_ChrVal = $this->_ChrOpen.'val'.$this->_ChrClose; $this->_ChrProtect = '&#'.ord($this->_ChrOpen[0]).';'.substr($this->_ChrOpen,1); } else { $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with clsTinyButStrong() function','value \''.$Chrs.'\' is a bad tag delimitor definition.'); } } $this->VarPrefix = $VarPrefix; $this->FctPrefix = $FctPrefix; // Links to global variables global $_TBS_FormatLst, $_TBS_UserFctLst, $_TBS_AutoInstallPlugIns; if (!isset($_TBS_FormatLst)) $_TBS_FormatLst = array(); if (!isset($_TBS_UserFctLst)) $_TBS_UserFctLst = array(); $this->_FormatLst = &$_TBS_FormatLst; $this->_UserFctLst = &$_TBS_UserFctLst; // Auto-installing plug-ins if (isset($_TBS_AutoInstallPlugIns)) foreach ($_TBS_AutoInstallPlugIns as $pi) $this->PlugIn(TBS_INSTALL,$pi); } // Public methods public function LoadTemplate($File,$Charset='') { if ($File==='') { $this->meth_Misc_Charset($Charset); return true; } $Ok = true; if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok) { if (isset($this->_piBeforeLoadTemplate) or isset($this->_piAfterLoadTemplate)) { // Plug-ins $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $ArgLst[0] = &$File; $ArgLst[1] = &$Charset; if (isset($this->_piBeforeLoadTemplate)) $Ok = $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piBeforeLoadTemplate,$ArgLst); } } // Load the file if ($Ok!==false) { if (!is_null($File)) { $x = ''; if (!$this->f_Misc_GetFile($x,$File,$this->_LastFile)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with LoadTemplate() method','file \''.$File.'\' is not found or not readable.'); if ($Charset==='+') { $this->Source .= $x; } else { $this->Source = $x; } } if ($this->_Mode==0) { if (!is_null($File)) $this->_LastFile = $File; if ($Charset!=='+') $this->TplVars = array(); $this->meth_Misc_Charset($Charset); } // Automatic fields and blocks if ($this->OnLoad) $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source,'onload',true,true); } // Plug-ins if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok and isset($ArgLst) and isset($this->_piAfterLoadTemplate)) $Ok = $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piAfterLoadTemplate,$ArgLst); return $Ok; } public function GetBlockSource($BlockName,$AsArray=false,$DefTags=true,$ReplaceWith=false) { $RetVal = array(); $Nbr = 0; $Pos = 0; $FieldOutside = false; $P1 = false; $Mode = ($DefTags) ? 3 : 2; $PosBeg1 = 0; $PosEndPrec = false; while ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($this->Source,$BlockName,$Pos,'.',$Mode,$P1,$FieldOutside)) { $Nbr++; $Sep = ''; if ($Nbr==1) { $PosBeg1 = $Loc->PosBeg; } elseif (!$AsArray) { $Sep = substr($this->Source,$PosSep,$Loc->PosBeg-$PosSep); // part of the source between sections } $RetVal[$Nbr] = $Sep.$Loc->BlockSrc; $Pos = $Loc->PosEnd; $PosSep = $Loc->PosEnd+1; $P1 = false; } if ($Nbr==0) return false; if (!$AsArray) { if ($DefTags) { // Return the true part of the template $RetVal = substr($this->Source,$PosBeg1,$Pos-$PosBeg1+1); } else { // Return the concatenated section without def tags $RetVal = implode('', $RetVal); } } if ($ReplaceWith!==false) $this->Source = substr($this->Source,0,$PosBeg1).$ReplaceWith.substr($this->Source,$Pos+1); return $RetVal; } public function MergeBlock($BlockLst,$SrcId='assigned',$Query='',$QryPrms=false) { if ($SrcId==='assigned') { $Arg = array($BlockLst,&$SrcId,&$Query,&$QryPrms); if (!$this->meth_Misc_Assign($BlockLst, $Arg, 'MergeBlock')) return 0; $BlockLst = $Arg[0]; $SrcId = &$Arg[1]; $Query = &$Arg[2]; } if (is_string($BlockLst)) $BlockLst = explode(',',$BlockLst); if ($SrcId==='cond') { $Nbr = 0; foreach ($BlockLst as $Block) { $Block = trim($Block); if ($Block!=='') $Nbr += $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source,$Block,true,true); } return $Nbr; } else { return $this->meth_Merge_Block($this->Source,$BlockLst,$SrcId,$Query,false,0,$QryPrms); } } public function MergeField($NameLst,$Value='assigned',$IsUserFct=false,$DefaultPrm=false) { $FctCheck = $IsUserFct; if ($PlugIn = isset($this->_piOnMergeField)) $ArgPi = array('','',&$Value,0,&$this->Source,0,0); $SubStart = 0; $Ok = true; $Prm = is_array($DefaultPrm); if ( ($Value==='assigned') and ($NameLst!=='var') and ($NameLst!=='onshow') and ($NameLst!=='onload') ) { $Arg = array($NameLst,&$Value,&$IsUserFct,&$DefaultPrm); if (!$this->meth_Misc_Assign($NameLst, $Arg, 'MergeField')) return false; $NameLst = $Arg[0]; $Value = &$Arg[1]; $IsUserFct = &$Arg[2]; $DefaultPrm = &$Arg[3]; } $NameLst = explode(',',$NameLst); foreach ($NameLst as $Name) { $Name = trim($Name); $Cont = false; switch ($Name) { case '': $Cont=true;break; case 'onload': $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source,'onload',true,true);$Cont=true;break; case 'onshow': $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source,'onshow',true,true);$Cont=true;break; case 'var': $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($this->Source,true);$Cont=true;break; } if ($Cont) continue; if ($PlugIn) $ArgPi[0] = $Name; $PosBeg = 0; // Initilize the user function (only once) if ($FctCheck) { $FctInfo = $Value; $ErrMsg = false; if (!$this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($FctInfo,'f',$ErrMsg,$ErrMsg,false)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with MergeField() method',$ErrMsg); $FctArg = array('',''); $SubStart = false; $FctCheck = false; } while ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($this->Source,$Name,$PosBeg,'.')) { if ($Prm) $Loc->PrmLst = array_merge($DefaultPrm,$Loc->PrmLst); // Apply user function if ($IsUserFct) { $FctArg[0] = &$Loc->SubName; $FctArg[1] = &$Loc->PrmLst; $Value = call_user_func_array($FctInfo,$FctArg); } // Plug-ins if ($PlugIn) { $ArgPi[1] = $Loc->SubName; $ArgPi[3] = &$Loc->PrmLst; $ArgPi[5] = &$Loc->PosBeg; $ArgPi[6] = &$Loc->PosEnd; $Ok = $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnMergeField,$ArgPi); } // Merge the field if ($Ok) { $PosBeg = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($this->Source,$Loc,$Value,$SubStart); } else { $PosBeg = $Loc->PosEnd; } } } } public function Show($Render=false) { $Ok = true; if ($Render===false) $Render = $this->Render; if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok) { if (isset($this->_piBeforeShow) or isset($this->_piAfterShow)) { // Plug-ins $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $ArgLst[0] = &$Render; if (isset($this->_piBeforeShow)) $Ok = $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piBeforeShow,$ArgLst); } } if ($Ok!==false) { if ($this->OnShow) $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source,'onshow',true,true); $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($this->Source,true); } if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok and isset($ArgLst) and isset($this->_piAfterShow)) $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piAfterShow,$ArgLst); if ($this->_ErrMsgName!=='') $this->MergeField($this->_ErrMsgName, $this->ErrMsg); if (($Render & TBS_OUTPUT)==TBS_OUTPUT) echo $this->Source; if (($this->_Mode==0) and (($Render & TBS_EXIT)==TBS_EXIT)) exit; return $Ok; } public function PlugIn($Prm1,$Prm2=0) { if (is_numeric($Prm1)) { switch ($Prm1) { case TBS_INSTALL: // Try to install the plug-in $PlugInId = $Prm2; if (isset($this->_PlugIns[$PlugInId])) { return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with PlugIn() method','plug-in \''.$PlugInId.'\' is already installed.'); } else { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); array_shift($ArgLst); array_shift($ArgLst); return $this->meth_PlugIn_Install($PlugInId,$ArgLst,false); } case TBS_ISINSTALLED: // Check if the plug-in is installed return isset($this->_PlugIns[$Prm2]); case -4: // Deactivate special plug-ins $this->_PlugIns_Ok_save = $this->_PlugIns_Ok; $this->_PlugIns_Ok = false; return true; case -5: // Deactivate OnFormat $this->_piOnFrm_Ok_save = $this->_piOnFrm_Ok; $this->_piOnFrm_Ok = false; return true; case -10: // Restore if (isset($this->_PlugIns_Ok_save)) $this->_PlugIns_Ok = $this->_PlugIns_Ok_save; if (isset($this->_piOnFrm_Ok_save)) $this->_piOnFrm_Ok = $this->_piOnFrm_Ok_save; return true; } } elseif (is_string($Prm1)) { // Plug-in's command $p = strpos($Prm1,'.'); if ($p===false) { $PlugInId = $Prm1; } else { $PlugInId = substr($Prm1,0,$p); // direct command } if (!isset($this->_PlugIns[$PlugInId])) { if (!$this->meth_PlugIn_Install($PlugInId,array(),true)) return false; } if (!isset($this->_piOnCommand[$PlugInId])) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with PlugIn() method','plug-in \''.$PlugInId.'\' can\'t run any command because the OnCommand event is not defined or activated.'); $ArgLst = func_get_args(); if ($p===false) array_shift($ArgLst); $Ok = call_user_func_array($this->_piOnCommand[$PlugInId],$ArgLst); if (is_null($Ok)) $Ok = true; return $Ok; } return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with PlugIn() method','\''.$Prm1.'\' is an invalid plug-in key, the type of the value is \''.gettype($Prm1).'\'.'); } // *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- function meth_Locator_FindTbs(&$Txt,$Name,$Pos,$ChrSub) { // Find a TBS Locator $PosEnd = false; $PosMax = strlen($Txt) -1; $Start = $this->_ChrOpen.$Name; do { // Search for the opening char if ($Pos>$PosMax) return false; $Pos = strpos($Txt,$Start,$Pos); // If found => next chars are analyzed if ($Pos===false) { return false; } else { $Loc = new clsTbsLocator; $ReadPrm = false; $PosX = $Pos + strlen($Start); $x = $Txt[$PosX]; if ($x===$this->_ChrClose) { $PosEnd = $PosX; } elseif ($x===$ChrSub) { $Loc->SubOk = true; // it is no longer the false value $ReadPrm = true; $PosX++; } elseif (strpos(';',$x)!==false) { $ReadPrm = true; $PosX++; } else { $Pos++; } $Loc->PosBeg = $Pos; if ($ReadPrm) { clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_PrmRead($Txt,$PosX,false,'\'',$this->_ChrOpen,$this->_ChrClose,$Loc,$PosEnd); if ($PosEnd===false) { $this->meth_Misc_Alert('','can\'t found the end of the tag \''.substr($Txt,$Pos,$PosX-$Pos+10).'...\'.'); $Pos++; } } } } while ($PosEnd===false); $Loc->PosEnd = $PosEnd; if ($Loc->SubOk) { $Loc->FullName = $Name.'.'.$Loc->SubName; $Loc->SubLst = explode('.',$Loc->SubName); $Loc->SubNbr = count($Loc->SubLst); } else { $Loc->FullName = $Name; } if ($ReadPrm and isset($Loc->PrmLst['comm'])) { $Loc->PosBeg0 = $Loc->PosBeg; $Loc->PosEnd0 = $Loc->PosEnd; $comm = $Loc->PrmLst['comm']; if (($comm===true) or ($comm==='')) { $Loc->Enlarged = clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_EnlargeToStr($Txt,$Loc,'<!--' ,'-->'); } else { $Loc->Enlarged = clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$comm,false); } } return $Loc; } function &meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef(&$LocR,$BlockName,$Txt,$PrmLst) { $Chk = true; $LocLst = array(); $LocNbr = 0; if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok && isset($this->_piOnCacheField)) { $pi = true; $ArgLst = array(0=>$BlockName, 1=>false, 2=>&$Txt, 3=>array('att'=>true)); } else { $pi = false; } // Cache TBS locators if ($this->TurboBlock) { $Chk = false; $Pos = 0; $PrevEnd = -1; $PrevIsAMF = false; // AMF means Attribute Moved Forward while ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.')) { $IsAMF = false; $IsAtt = false; $NewIdx = false; if ($pi) { $ArgLst[1] = &$Loc; $this->meth_Plugin_RunAll($this->_piOnCacheField,$ArgLst); } if (($Loc->SubName==='#') or ($Loc->SubName==='$')) { $Loc->IsRecInfo = true; $Loc->RecInfo = $Loc->SubName; $Loc->SubName = ''; } else { $Loc->IsRecInfo = false; } if ($Loc->PosBeg>$PrevEnd) { // No embedding if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['att'])) { $LocSrc = substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc->PosBeg+1); $this->f_Xml_AttFind($Txt,$Loc,true,$this->AttDelim); if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['atttrue'])) { $Loc->PrmLst['magnet'] = '#'; $Loc->PrmLst['ope'] = (isset($Loc->PrmLst['ope'])) ? $Loc->PrmLst['ope'].',attbool' : 'attbool'; } $IsAtt = true; if ($Loc->AttForward) { $IsAMF = true; } else { if ($Loc->AttInsLen>0) { for ($i=$LocNbr;$i>0;$i--) { if ($LocLst[$i]->PosEnd>=$Loc->PosBeg) { $NewIdx = $i; $li = $LocLst[$i]; $li->PosBeg += $Loc->AttInsLen; $li->PosEnd += $Loc->AttInsLen; $LocLst[$i+1] = $li; } else { $i = 0; } } } } unset($Loc->PrmLst['att']); } $LocNbr++; } else { // The previous tag is embedding => no increment, then previous Loc is overwrited $Chk = true; if ($PrevIsAMF) { $l = &$LocLst[$LocNbr]; $this->meth_Misc_Alert('','TBS is not able to merge the field '.$LocSrc.' because parameter \'att\' makes this fied moving forward over another TBS field.'); } } $PrevIsAMF = false; if ($IsAtt) { $Pos = $Loc->PrevPosBeg; if ($IsAMF) $PrevIsAMF = true; } elseif ($Loc->Enlarged) { // Parameter 'comm' $Pos = $Loc->PosBeg0+1; $Loc->Enlarged = false; } else { $Pos = $Loc->PosBeg+1; } if ($NewIdx===false) { $LocLst[$LocNbr] = $Loc; $PrevEnd = $Loc->PosEnd; } else { $LocLst[$NewIdx] = $Loc; $PrevEnd = $LocLst[$LocNbr]->PosEnd; } } } // Create the object $o = (object) null; $o->Prm = $PrmLst; $o->LocLst = $LocLst; $o->LocNbr = $LocNbr; $o->Name = $BlockName; $o->Src = $Txt; $o->Chk = $Chk; $o->IsSerial = false; $o->AutoSub = false; $i = 1; while (isset($PrmLst['sub'.$i])) { $o->AutoSub = $i; $i++; } $LocR->BDefLst[] = &$o; // Can be usefull for plug-in return $o; } function meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp(&$LocR,$BlockName,&$BDef,$Type,$Field,$Prm) { $BDef->PrevValue = false; $BDef->Type = $Type; // Save sub items in a structure near to Locator. $Field0 = $Field; if (strpos($Field,$this->_ChrOpen)===false) $Field = $this->_ChrOpen.$BlockName.'.'.$Field.$this->_ChrClose; $BDef->FDef = &$this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$BlockName,$Field,array()); if ($BDef->FDef->LocNbr==0) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Parameter '.$Prm,'The value \''.$Field0.'\' is unvalide for this parameter.'); if ($Type==='H') { if ($LocR->HeaderFound===false) { $LocR->HeaderFound = true; $LocR->HeaderNbr = 0; $LocR->HeaderDef = array(); // 1 to HeaderNbr } $i = ++$LocR->HeaderNbr; $LocR->HeaderDef[$i] = &$BDef; } else { if ($LocR->FooterFound===false) { $LocR->FooterFound = true; $LocR->FooterNbr = 0; $LocR->FooterDef = array(); // 1 to FooterNbr } $BDef->AddLastGrp = ($Type==='F'); $i = ++$LocR->FooterNbr; $LocR->FooterDef[$i] = &$BDef; } } function meth_Locator_Replace(&$Txt,&$Loc,&$Value,$SubStart) { // This function enables to merge a locator with a text and returns the position just after the replaced block // This position can be useful because we don't know in advance how $Value will be replaced. // Found the value if there is a subname if (($SubStart!==false) and $Loc->SubOk) { for ($i=$SubStart;$i<$Loc->SubNbr;$i++) { $x = $Loc->SubLst[$i]; // &$Loc... brings an error with Event Example, I don't know why. if (is_array($Value)) { if (isset($Value[$x])) { $Value = &$Value[$x]; } elseif (array_key_exists($x,$Value)) {// can happens when value is NULL $Value = &$Value[$x]; } else { if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'item \''.$x.'\' is not an existing key in the array.',true); unset($Value); $Value = ''; break; } } elseif (is_object($Value)) { $ArgLst = $this->f_Misc_CheckArgLst($x); if (method_exists($Value,$x)) { if ($this->MethodsAllowed or !in_array(strtok($Loc->FullName,'.'),array('onload','onshow','var')) ) { $x = call_user_func_array(array(&$Value,$x),$ArgLst); } else { if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'\''.$x.'\' is a method and the current TBS settings do not allow to call methods on automatic fields.',true); $x = ''; } } elseif (property_exists($Value,$x)) { $x = &$Value->$x; } elseif (isset($Value->$x)) { $x = $Value->$x; // useful for overloaded property } else { if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'item '.$x.'\' is neither a method nor a property in the class \''.get_class($Value).'\'.',true); unset($Value); $Value = ''; break; } $Value = &$x; unset($x); $x = ''; } else { if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'item before \''.$x.'\' is neither an object nor an array. Its type is '.gettype($Value).'.',true); unset($Value); $Value = ''; break; } } } $CurrVal = $Value; // Unlink if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['onformat'])) { if ($Loc->FirstMerge) { $Loc->OnFrmInfo = $Loc->PrmLst['onformat']; $Loc->OnFrmArg = array($Loc->FullName,'',&$Loc->PrmLst,&$this); $ErrMsg = false; if (!$this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($Loc->OnFrmInfo,'f',$ErrMsg,$ErrMsg,true)) { unset($Loc->PrmLst['onformat']); if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'(parameter onformat) '.$ErrMsg); $Loc->OnFrmInfo = 'pi'; // Execute the function pi() just to avoid extra error messages } } else { $Loc->OnFrmArg[3] = &$this; // } $Loc->OnFrmArg[1] = &$CurrVal; if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['subtpl'])) { $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(true,$Loc,$CurrVal); call_user_func_array($Loc->OnFrmInfo,$Loc->OnFrmArg); $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(false,$Loc,$CurrVal); $Loc->ConvProtect = false; $Loc->ConvStr = false; } else { call_user_func_array($Loc->OnFrmInfo,$Loc->OnFrmArg); } } if ($Loc->FirstMerge) { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['frm'])) { $Loc->ConvMode = 0; // Frm $Loc->ConvProtect = false; } else { // Analyze parameter 'htmlconv' if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['htmlconv'])) { $x = strtolower($Loc->PrmLst['htmlconv']); $x = '+'.str_replace(' ','',$x).'+'; if (strpos($x,'+esc+')!==false) {$this->f_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->ConvStr = false; $Loc->ConvEsc = true; } if (strpos($x,'+wsp+')!==false) {$this->f_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->ConvWS = true; } if (strpos($x,'+js+')!==false) {$this->f_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->ConvStr = false; $Loc->ConvJS = true; } if (strpos($x,'+url+')!==false) {$this->f_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->ConvStr = false; $Loc->ConvUrl = true; } if (strpos($x,'+utf8+')!==false) {$this->f_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->ConvStr = false; $Loc->ConvUtf8 = true; } if (strpos($x,'+no+')!==false) $Loc->ConvStr = false; if (strpos($x,'+yes+')!==false) $Loc->ConvStr = true; if (strpos($x,'+nobr+')!==false) {$Loc->ConvStr = true; $Loc->ConvBr = false; } } else { if ($this->Charset===false) $Loc->ConvStr = false; // No conversion } // Analyze parameter 'protect' if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['protect'])) { $x = strtolower($Loc->PrmLst['protect']); if ($x==='no') { $Loc->ConvProtect = false; } elseif ($x==='yes') { $Loc->ConvProtect = true; } } elseif ($this->Protect===false) { $Loc->ConvProtect = false; } } if ($Loc->Ope = isset($Loc->PrmLst['ope'])) { $OpeLst = explode(',',$Loc->PrmLst['ope']); $Loc->OpeAct = array(); $Loc->OpeArg = array(); foreach ($OpeLst as $i=>$ope) { if ($ope==='list') { $Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 1; $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = (isset($Loc->PrmLst['valsep'])) ? $Loc->PrmLst['valsep'] : ','; if (($Loc->ConvMode===1) && $Loc->ConvStr) $Loc->ConvMode = -1; // special mode for item list conversion } elseif ($ope==='minv') { $Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 11; $Loc->MSave = $Loc->MagnetId; } elseif ($ope==='attbool') { // this operation key is set when a loc is cached with paremeter atttrue $Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 14; } else { $x = substr($ope,0,4); if ($x==='max:') { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['maxhtml'])) {$Loc->OpeAct[$i]=2;} elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['maxutf8'])) {$Loc->OpeAct[$i]=4;} else {$Loc->OpeAct[$i]=3;} $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = intval(trim(substr($ope,4))); $Loc->OpeEnd = (isset($Loc->PrmLst['maxend'])) ? $Loc->PrmLst['maxend'] : '...'; if ($Loc->OpePrm[$i]<=0) $Loc->Ope = false; } elseif ($x==='mod:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 5; $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = '0'+trim(substr($ope,4)); } elseif ($x==='add:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 6; $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = '0'+trim(substr($ope,4)); } elseif ($x==='mul:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 7; $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = '0'+trim(substr($ope,4)); } elseif ($x==='div:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 8; $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = '0'+trim(substr($ope,4)); } elseif ($x==='mok:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 9; $Loc->OpeMOK[] = trim(substr($ope,4)); $Loc->MSave = $Loc->MagnetId; } elseif ($x==='mko:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] =10; $Loc->OpeMKO[] = trim(substr($ope,4)); $Loc->MSave = $Loc->MagnetId; } elseif ($x==='nif:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] =12; $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = trim(substr($ope,4)); } elseif ($x==='msk:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] =13; $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = trim(substr($ope,4)); } elseif (isset($this->_piOnOperation)) { $Loc->OpeAct[$i] = 0; $Loc->OpePrm[$i] = $ope; $Loc->OpeArg[$i] = array($Loc->FullName,&$CurrVal,&$Loc->PrmLst,&$Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd,&$Loc); $Loc->PrmLst['_ope'] = $Loc->PrmLst['ope']; } elseif (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) { $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'parameter ope doesn\'t support value \''.$ope.'\'.',true); } } } } $Loc->FirstMerge = false; } $ConvProtect = $Loc->ConvProtect; // Plug-in OnFormat if ($this->_piOnFrm_Ok) { if (isset($Loc->OnFrmArgPi)) { $Loc->OnFrmArgPi[1] = &$CurrVal; $Loc->OnFrmArgPi[3] = &$this; // } else { $Loc->OnFrmArgPi = array($Loc->FullName,&$CurrVal,&$Loc->PrmLst,&$this); } $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnFormat,$Loc->OnFrmArgPi); } // Operation if ($Loc->Ope) { foreach ($Loc->OpeAct as $i=>$ope) { switch ($ope) { case 0: $Loc->PrmLst['ope'] = $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; // for compatibility $OpeArg = &$Loc->OpeArg[$i]; $OpeArg[1] = &$CurrVal; $OpeArg[3] = &$Txt; if (!$this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnOperation,$OpeArg)) return $Loc->PosBeg; break; case 1: if ($Loc->ConvMode===-1) { if (is_array($CurrVal)) { foreach ($CurrVal as $k=>$v) { if (!is_string($v)) $v = (string)$v; $this->meth_Conv_Str($v,$Loc->ConvBr); $CurrVal[$k] = $v; } $CurrVal = implode($Loc->OpePrm[$i],$CurrVal); } else { if (!is_string($CurrVal)) $CurrVal = (string)$CurrVal; $this->meth_Conv_Str($CurrVal,$Loc->ConvBr); } } else { if (is_array($CurrVal)) $CurrVal = implode($Loc->OpePrm[$i],$CurrVal); } break; case 2: if (strlen(''.$CurrVal)>$Loc->OpePrm[$i]) $this->f_Xml_Max($CurrVal,$Loc->OpePrm[$i],$Loc->OpeEnd); break; case 3: if (strlen(''.$CurrVal)>$Loc->OpePrm[$i]) $CurrVal = substr(''.$CurrVal,0,$Loc->OpePrm[$i]).$Loc->OpeEnd; break; case 4: if (strlen(''.$CurrVal)>$Loc->OpePrm[$i]) $CurrVal = mb_substr(''.$CurrVal,0,$Loc->OpePrm[$i],'UTF-8').$Loc->OpeEnd; break; case 5: $CurrVal = ('0'+$CurrVal) % $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; break; case 6: $CurrVal = ('0'+$CurrVal) + $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; break; case 7: $CurrVal = ('0'+$CurrVal) * $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; break; case 8: $CurrVal = ('0'+$CurrVal) / $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; break; case 9; case 10: if ($ope===9) { $CurrVal = (in_array((string)$CurrVal,$Loc->OpeMOK)) ? ' ' : ''; } else { $CurrVal = (in_array((string)$CurrVal,$Loc->OpeMKO)) ? '' : ' '; } // no break here case 11: if ((string)$CurrVal==='') { if ($Loc->MagnetId===0) $Loc->MagnetId = $Loc->MSave; } else { if ($Loc->MagnetId!==0) { $Loc->MSave = $Loc->MagnetId; $Loc->MagnetId = 0; } $CurrVal = ''; } break; case 12: if ((string)$CurrVal===$Loc->OpePrm[$i]) $CurrVal = ''; break; case 13: $CurrVal = str_replace('*',$CurrVal,$Loc->OpePrm[$i]); break; case 14: $CurrVal = clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_AttBoolean($CurrVal, $Loc->PrmLst['atttrue'], $Loc->AttName); break; } } } // String conversion or format if ($Loc->ConvMode===1) { // Usual string conversion if (!is_string($CurrVal)) $CurrVal =(string)$CurrVal; // (string) is faster than strval() and settype() if ($Loc->ConvStr) $this->meth_Conv_Str($CurrVal,$Loc->ConvBr); } elseif ($Loc->ConvMode===0) { // Format $CurrVal = $this->meth_Misc_Format($CurrVal,$Loc->PrmLst); } elseif ($Loc->ConvMode===2) { // Special string conversion if (!is_string($CurrVal)) $CurrVal = (string)$CurrVal; if ($Loc->ConvStr) $this->meth_Conv_Str($CurrVal,$Loc->ConvBr); if ($Loc->ConvEsc) $CurrVal = str_replace('\'','\'\'',$CurrVal); if ($Loc->ConvWS) { $check = ' '; $nbsp = '&nbsp;'; do { $pos = strpos($CurrVal,$check); if ($pos!==false) $CurrVal = substr_replace($CurrVal,$nbsp,$pos,1); } while ($pos!==false); } if ($Loc->ConvJS) { $CurrVal = addslashes($CurrVal); // apply to ('), ("), (\) and (null) $CurrVal = str_replace(array("\n","\r","\t"),array('\n','\r','\t'),$CurrVal); } if ($Loc->ConvUrl) $CurrVal = urlencode($CurrVal); if ($Loc->ConvUtf8) $CurrVal = utf8_encode($CurrVal); } // if/then/else process, there may be several if/then if ($Loc->PrmIfNbr) { $z = false; $i = 1; while ($i!==false) { if ($Loc->PrmIfVar[$i]) $Loc->PrmIfVar[$i] = $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($Loc->PrmIf[$i],true); $x = str_replace($this->_ChrVal,$CurrVal,$Loc->PrmIf[$i]); if ($this->f_Misc_CheckCondition($x)) { if (isset($Loc->PrmThen[$i])) { if ($Loc->PrmThenVar[$i]) $Loc->PrmThenVar[$i] = $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($Loc->PrmThen[$i],true); $z = $Loc->PrmThen[$i]; } $i = false; } else { $i++; if ($i>$Loc->PrmIfNbr) { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['else'])) { if ($Loc->PrmElseVar) $Loc->PrmElseVar = $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($Loc->PrmLst['else'],true); $z =$Loc->PrmLst['else']; } $i = false; } } } if ($z!==false) { if ($ConvProtect) { $CurrVal = str_replace($this->_ChrOpen,$this->_ChrProtect,$CurrVal); // TBS protection $ConvProtect = false; } $CurrVal = str_replace($this->_ChrVal,$CurrVal,$z); } } if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['file'])) { $x = $Loc->PrmLst['file']; if ($x===true) $x = $CurrVal; $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($x,false); $x = trim(str_replace($this->_ChrVal,$CurrVal,$x)); $CurrVal = ''; if ($x!=='') { if ($this->f_Misc_GetFile($CurrVal,$x,$this->_LastFile)) { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['getbody'])) $CurrVal = $this->f_Xml_GetPart($CurrVal,$Loc->PrmLst['getbody'],true); if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['rename'])) $this->meth_Locator_Rename($CurrVal, $Loc->PrmLst['rename']); } else { if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'the file \''.$x.'\' given by parameter file is not found or not readable.',true); } $ConvProtect = false; } } if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['script'])) {// Include external PHP script $x = $Loc->PrmLst['script']; if ($x===true) $x = $CurrVal; $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($x,false); $x = trim(str_replace($this->_ChrVal,$CurrVal,$x)); if ($x!=='') { $this->_Subscript = $x; $this->CurrPrm = &$Loc->PrmLst; $sub = isset($Loc->PrmLst['subtpl']); if ($sub) $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(true,$Loc,$CurrVal); if ($this->meth_Misc_RunSubscript($CurrVal,$Loc->PrmLst)===false) { if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'the file \''.$x.'\' given by parameter script is not found or not readable.',true); } if ($sub) $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(false,$Loc,$CurrVal); if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['getbody'])) $CurrVal = $this->f_Xml_GetPart($CurrVal,$Loc->PrmLst['getbody'],true); if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['rename'])) $this->meth_Locator_Rename($CurrVal, $Loc->PrmLst['rename']); unset($this->CurrPrm); $ConvProtect = false; } } if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['att'])) { $this->f_Xml_AttFind($Txt,$Loc,true,$this->AttDelim); if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['atttrue'])) { $CurrVal = clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_AttBoolean($CurrVal, $Loc->PrmLst['atttrue'], $Loc->AttName); $Loc->PrmLst['magnet'] = '#'; } } // Case when it's an empty string if ($CurrVal==='') { if ($Loc->MagnetId===false) { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['.'])) { $Loc->MagnetId = -1; } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['ifempty'])) { $Loc->MagnetId = -2; } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['magnet'])) { $Loc->MagnetId = 1; $Loc->PosBeg0 = $Loc->PosBeg; $Loc->PosEnd0 = $Loc->PosEnd; if ($Loc->PrmLst['magnet']==='#') { if (isset($Loc->AttBeg)) { $Loc->MagnetId = -3; } else { $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'parameter \'magnet=#\' cannot be processed because parameter \'att\' is not set or the attribute is not found.',true); } } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['mtype'])) { switch ($Loc->PrmLst['mtype']) { case 'm+m': $Loc->MagnetId = 2; break; case 'm*': $Loc->MagnetId = 3; break; case '*m': $Loc->MagnetId = 4; break; } } } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['attadd'])) { // In order to delete extra space $Loc->PosBeg0 = $Loc->PosBeg; $Loc->PosEnd0 = $Loc->PosEnd; $Loc->MagnetId = 5; } else { $Loc->MagnetId = 0; } } switch ($Loc->MagnetId) { case 0: break; case -1: $CurrVal = '&nbsp;'; break; // Enables to avoid null cells in HTML tables case -2: $CurrVal = $Loc->PrmLst['ifempty']; break; case -3: $Loc->Enlarged = true; $Loc->PosBeg = $Loc->AttBegM; $Loc->PosEnd = $Loc->AttEnd; break; case 1: $Loc->Enlarged = true; $this->f_Loc_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],false); break; case 2: $Loc->Enlarged = true; $CurrVal = $this->f_Loc_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],true); break; case 3: $Loc->Enlarged = true; $Loc2 = $this->f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],true,$Loc->PosBeg,false,false,false); if ($Loc2!==false) { $Loc->PosBeg = $Loc2->PosBeg; if ($Loc->PosEnd<$Loc2->PosEnd) $Loc->PosEnd = $Loc2->PosEnd; } break; case 4: $Loc->Enlarged = true; $Loc2 = $this->f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],true,$Loc->PosBeg,true,false,false); if ($Loc2!==false) $Loc->PosEnd = $Loc2->PosEnd; break; case 5: $Loc->Enlarged = true; if (substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg-1,1)==' ') $Loc->PosBeg--; break; } $NewEnd = $Loc->PosBeg; // Useful when mtype='m+m' } else { if ($ConvProtect) $CurrVal = str_replace($this->_ChrOpen,$this->_ChrProtect,$CurrVal); // TBS protection $NewEnd = $Loc->PosBeg + strlen($CurrVal); } $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,$CurrVal,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc->PosBeg+1); return $NewEnd; // Return the new end position of the field } function meth_Locator_FindBlockNext(&$Txt,$BlockName,$PosBeg,$ChrSub,$Mode,&$P1,&$FieldBefore) { // Return the first block locator just after the PosBeg position // Mode = 1 : Merge_Auto => doesn't save $Loc->BlockSrc, save the bounds of TBS Def tags instead, return also fields // Mode = 2 : FindBlockLst or GetBlockSource => save $Loc->BlockSrc without TBS Def tags // Mode = 3 : GetBlockSource => save $Loc->BlockSrc with TBS Def tags $SearchDef = true; $FirstField = false; // Search for the first tag with parameter "block" while ($SearchDef and ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$PosBeg,$ChrSub))) { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['block'])) { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['p1'])) { if ($P1) return false; $P1 = true; } $Block = $Loc->PrmLst['block']; $SearchDef = false; } elseif ($Mode===1) { return $Loc; } elseif ($FirstField===false) { $FirstField = $Loc; } $PosBeg = $Loc->PosEnd; } if ($SearchDef) { if ($FirstField!==false) $FieldBefore = true; return false; } $Loc->PosDefBeg = -1; if ($Block==='begin') { // Block definied using begin/end if (($FirstField!==false) and ($FirstField->PosEnd<$Loc->PosBeg)) $FieldBefore = true; $Opened = 1; while ($Loc2 = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$PosBeg,$ChrSub)) { if (isset($Loc2->PrmLst['block'])) { switch ($Loc2->PrmLst['block']) { case 'end': $Opened--; break; case 'begin': $Opened++; break; } if ($Opened==0) { if ($Mode===1) { $Loc->PosBeg2 = $Loc2->PosBeg; $Loc->PosEnd2 = $Loc2->PosEnd; } else { if ($Mode===2) { $Loc->BlockSrc = substr($Txt,$Loc->PosEnd+1,$Loc2->PosBeg-$Loc->PosEnd-1); } else { $Loc->BlockSrc = substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc2->PosEnd-$Loc->PosBeg+1); } $Loc->PosEnd = $Loc2->PosEnd; } $Loc->BlockFound = true; return $Loc; } } $PosBeg = $Loc2->PosEnd; } return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'a least one tag with parameter \'block=end\' is missing.',false,'in block\'s definition'); } if ($Mode===1) { $Loc->PosBeg2 = false; } else { $beg = $Loc->PosBeg; $end = $Loc->PosEnd; if ($this->f_Loc_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Block,false)===false) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'at least one tag corresponding to '.$Loc->PrmLst['block'].' is not found. Check opening tags, closing tags and embedding levels.',false,'in block\'s definition'); if ($Loc->SubOk or ($Mode===3)) { $Loc->BlockSrc = substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc->PosBeg+1); $Loc->PosDefBeg = $beg - $Loc->PosBeg; $Loc->PosDefEnd = $end - $Loc->PosBeg; } else { $Loc->BlockSrc = substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$beg-$Loc->PosBeg).substr($Txt,$end+1,$Loc->PosEnd-$end); } } $Loc->BlockFound = true; if (($FirstField!==false) and ($FirstField->PosEnd<$Loc->PosBeg)) $FieldBefore = true; return $Loc; // methods return by ref by default } function meth_Locator_Rename(&$Txt, $Replace) { // Rename or delete TBS tags names if (is_string($Replace)) $Replace = explode(',',$Replace); foreach ($Replace as $x) { if (is_string($x)) $x = explode('=', $x); if (count($x)==2) { $old = trim($x[0]); $new = trim($x[1]); if ($old!=='') { if ($new==='') { $q = false; $s = 'clear'; $this->meth_Merge_Block($Txt, $old, $s, $q, false, false, false); } else { $old = $this->_ChrOpen.$old; $old = array($old.'.', $old.' ', $old.';', $old.$this->_ChrClose); $new = $this->_ChrOpen.$new; $new = array($new.'.', $new.' ', $new.';', $new.$this->_ChrClose); $Txt = str_replace($old,$new,$Txt); } } } } } function meth_Locator_FindBlockLst(&$Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,$SpePrm) { // Return a locator object covering all block definitions, even if there is no block definition found. $LocR = new clsTbsLocator; $LocR->P1 = false; $LocR->FieldOutside = false; $LocR->FOStop = false; $LocR->BDefLst = array(); $LocR->NoData = false; $LocR->Special = false; $LocR->HeaderFound = false; $LocR->FooterFound = false; $LocR->SerialEmpty = false; $LocR->GrpBreak = false; // Only for plug-ins $LocR->WhenFound = false; $LocR->WhenDefault = false; $LocR->SectionNbr = 0; // Normal sections $LocR->SectionLst = array(); // 1 to SectionNbr $BDef = false; $ParentLst = array(); $Pid = 0; do { if ($BlockName==='') { $Loc = false; } else { $Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.',2,$LocR->P1,$LocR->FieldOutside); } if ($Loc===false) { if ($Pid>0) { // parentgrp mode => disconnect $Txt from the source $Parent = &$ParentLst[$Pid]; $Src = $Txt; $Txt = &$Parent->Txt; if ($LocR->BlockFound) { // Redefine the Header block $Parent->Src = substr($Src,0,$LocR->PosBeg); // Add a Footer block $BDef = &$this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$BlockName,substr($Src,$LocR->PosEnd+1),$Parent->Prm); $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BlockName,$BDef,'F',$Parent->Fld,'parentgrp'); } // Now go down to previous level $Pos = $Parent->Pos; $LocR->PosBeg = $Parent->Beg; $LocR->PosEnd = $Parent->End; $LocR->BlockFound = true; unset($Parent); unset($ParentLst[$Pid]); $Pid--; $Loc = true; } } else { $Pos = $Loc->PosEnd; // Define the block limits if ($LocR->BlockFound) { if ( $LocR->PosBeg > $Loc->PosBeg ) $LocR->PosBeg = $Loc->PosBeg; if ( $LocR->PosEnd < $Loc->PosEnd ) $LocR->PosEnd = $Loc->PosEnd; } else { $LocR->BlockFound = true; $LocR->PosBeg = $Loc->PosBeg; $LocR->PosEnd = $Loc->PosEnd; } // Merge block parameters if (count($Loc->PrmLst)>0) $LocR->PrmLst = array_merge($LocR->PrmLst,$Loc->PrmLst); // Force dynamic parameter to be cachable if ($Loc->PosDefBeg>=0) { $dynprm = array('when','headergrp','footergrp','parentgrp'); foreach($dynprm as $dp) { $n = 0; if ((isset($Loc->PrmLst[$dp])) and (strpos($Loc->PrmLst[$dp],$this->_ChrOpen.$BlockName)!==false)) { $n++; if ($n==1) { $len = $Loc->PosDefEnd - $Loc->PosDefBeg + 1; $x = substr($Loc->BlockSrc,$Loc->PosDefBeg,$len); } $x = str_replace($Loc->PrmLst[$dp],'',$x); } if ($n>0) $Loc->BlockSrc = substr_replace($Loc->BlockSrc,$x,$Loc->PosDefBeg,$len); } } // Save the block and cache its tags $BDef = &$this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$BlockName,$Loc->BlockSrc,$Loc->PrmLst); // Add the text in the list of blocks if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['nodata'])) { // Nodata section $LocR->NoData = &$BDef; } elseif (($SpePrm!==false) and isset($Loc->PrmLst[$SpePrm])) { // Special section (used for navigation bar) $LocR->Special = &$BDef; } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['when'])) { if ($LocR->WhenFound===false) { $LocR->WhenFound = true; $LocR->WhenSeveral = false; $LocR->WhenNbr = 0; $LocR->WhenLst = array(); } $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($Loc->PrmLst['when'],false); $BDef->WhenCond = &$this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$BlockName,$Loc->PrmLst['when'],array()); $BDef->WhenBeforeNS = ($LocR->SectionNbr===0); $i = ++$LocR->WhenNbr; $LocR->WhenLst[$i] = &$BDef; if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['several'])) $LocR->WhenSeveral = true; } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['default'])) { $LocR->WhenDefault = &$BDef; $LocR->WhenDefaultBeforeNS = ($LocR->SectionNbr===0); } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['headergrp'])) { $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BlockName,$BDef,'H',$Loc->PrmLst['headergrp'],'headergrp'); } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['footergrp'])) { $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BlockName,$BDef,'F',$Loc->PrmLst['footergrp'],'footergrp'); } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['splittergrp'])) { $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BlockName,$BDef,'S',$Loc->PrmLst['splittergrp'],'splittergrp'); } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['parentgrp'])) { $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BlockName,$BDef,'H',$Loc->PrmLst['parentgrp'],'parentgrp'); $BDef->Fld = $Loc->PrmLst['parentgrp']; $BDef->Txt = &$Txt; $BDef->Pos = $Pos; $BDef->Beg = $LocR->PosBeg; $BDef->End = $LocR->PosEnd; $Pid++; $ParentLst[$Pid] = &$BDef; $Txt = &$BDef->Src; $Pos = $Loc->PosDefBeg + 1; $LocR->BlockFound = false; $LocR->PosBeg = false; $LocR->PosEnd = false; } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['serial'])) { // Section with serial subsections $SrSrc = &$BDef->Src; // Search the empty item if ($LocR->SerialEmpty===false) { $SrName = $BlockName.'_0'; $x = false; $SrLoc = $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($SrSrc,$SrName,0,'.',2,$x,$x); if ($SrLoc!==false) { $LocR->SerialEmpty = $SrLoc->BlockSrc; $SrSrc = substr_replace($SrSrc,'',$SrLoc->PosBeg,$SrLoc->PosEnd-$SrLoc->PosBeg+1); } } $SrName = $BlockName.'_1'; $x = false; $SrLoc = $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($SrSrc,$SrName,0,'.',2,$x,$x); if ($SrLoc!==false) { $SrId = 1; do { // Save previous subsection $SrBDef = &$this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$SrName,$SrLoc->BlockSrc,$SrLoc->PrmLst); $SrBDef->SrBeg = $SrLoc->PosBeg; $SrBDef->SrLen = $SrLoc->PosEnd - $SrLoc->PosBeg + 1; $SrBDef->SrTxt = false; $BDef->SrBDefLst[$SrId] = &$SrBDef; // Put in order $BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$SrId] = &$SrBDef; $i = $SrId; while (($i>1) and ($SrBDef->SrBeg<$BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$SrId-1]->SrBeg)) { $BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$i] = &$BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$i-1]; $BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$i-1] = &$SrBDef; $i--; } // Search next subsection $SrId++; $SrName = $BlockName.'_'.$SrId; $x = false; $SrLoc = $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($SrSrc,$SrName,0,'.',2,$x,$x); } while ($SrLoc!==false); $BDef->SrBDefNbr = $SrId-1; $BDef->IsSerial = true; $i = ++$LocR->SectionNbr; $LocR->SectionLst[$i] = &$BDef; } } else { // Normal section $i = ++$LocR->SectionNbr; $LocR->SectionLst[$i] = &$BDef; } } } while ($Loc!==false); if ($LocR->WhenFound and ($LocR->SectionNbr===0)) { // Add a blank section if When is used without a normal section $BDef = &$this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$BlockName,'',array()); $LocR->SectionNbr = 1; $LocR->SectionLst[1] = &$BDef; } return $LocR; // methods return by ref by default } function meth_Merge_Block(&$Txt,$BlockLst,&$SrcId,&$Query,$SpePrm,$SpeRecNum,$QryPrms=false) { $BlockSave = $this->_CurrBlock; $this->_CurrBlock = $BlockLst; // Get source type and info $Src = new clsTbsDataSource; if (!$Src->DataPrepare($SrcId,$this)) { $this->_CurrBlock = $BlockSave; return 0; } if (is_string($BlockLst)) $BlockLst = explode(',', $BlockLst); $BlockNbr = count($BlockLst); $BlockId = 0; $WasP1 = false; $NbrRecTot = 0; $QueryZ = &$Query; $ReturnData = false; while ($BlockId<$BlockNbr) { $RecSpe = 0; // Row with a special block's definition (used for the navigation bar) $QueryOk = true; $this->_CurrBlock = trim($BlockLst[$BlockId]); if ($this->_CurrBlock==='*') { $ReturnData = true; if ($Src->RecSaved===false) $Src->RecSaving = true; $this->_CurrBlock = ''; } // Search the block $LocR = $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockLst($Txt,$this->_CurrBlock,0,$SpePrm); if ($LocR->BlockFound) { if ($LocR->Special!==false) $RecSpe = $SpeRecNum; // OnData if ($Src->OnDataPrm = isset($LocR->PrmLst['ondata'])) { $Src->OnDataPrmRef = $LocR->PrmLst['ondata']; if (isset($Src->OnDataPrmDone[$Src->OnDataPrmRef])) { $Src->OnDataPrm = false; } else { $ErrMsg = false; if ($this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($Src->OnDataPrmRef,'f',$ErrMsg,$ErrMsg,true)) { $Src->OnDataOk = true; } else { $LocR->FullName = $this->_CurrBlock; $Src->OnDataPrm = $this->meth_Misc_Alert($LocR,'(parameter ondata) '.$ErrMsg,false,'block'); } } } // Dynamic query if ($LocR->P1) { if ( ($LocR->PrmLst['p1']===true) && ((!is_string($Query)) || (strpos($Query,'%p1%')===false)) ) { // p1 with no value is a trick to perform new block with same name if ($Src->RecSaved===false) $Src->RecSaving = true; } elseif (is_string($Query)) { $Src->RecSaved = false; unset($QueryZ); $QueryZ = ''.$Query; $i = 1; do { $x = 'p'.$i; if (isset($LocR->PrmLst[$x])) { $QueryZ = str_replace('%p'.$i.'%',$LocR->PrmLst[$x],$QueryZ); $i++; } else { $i = false; } } while ($i!==false); } $WasP1 = true; } elseif (($Src->RecSaved===false) and ($BlockNbr-$BlockId>1)) { $Src->RecSaving = true; } } elseif ($WasP1) { $QueryOk = false; $WasP1 = false; } // Open the recordset if ($QueryOk) { if ((!$LocR->BlockFound) and (!$LocR->FieldOutside)) { // Special case: return data without any block to merge $QueryOk = false; if ($ReturnData and (!$Src->RecSaved)) { if ($Src->DataOpen($QueryZ,$QryPrms)) { do {$Src->DataFetch();} while ($Src->CurrRec!==false); $Src->DataClose(); } } } else { $QueryOk = $Src->DataOpen($QueryZ,$QryPrms); if (!$QueryOk) { if ($WasP1) { $WasP1 = false;} else {$LocR->FieldOutside = false;} // prevent from infinit loop } } } // Merge sections if ($QueryOk) { if ($Src->Type===2) { // Special for Text merge if ($LocR->BlockFound) { $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,$Src->RecSet,$LocR->PosBeg,$LocR->PosEnd-$LocR->PosBeg+1); $Src->DataFetch(); // store data, may be needed for multiple blocks $Src->RecNum = 1; $Src->CurrRec = false; } else { $Src->DataAlert('can\'t merge the block with a text value because the block definition is not found.'); } } elseif ($LocR->BlockFound===false) { $Src->DataFetch(); // Merge first record only } else { $this->meth_Merge_BlockSections($Txt,$LocR,$Src,$RecSpe); } $Src->DataClose(); // Close the resource } if (!$WasP1) { $NbrRecTot += $Src->RecNum; $BlockId++; } if ($LocR->FieldOutside) $this->meth_Merge_FieldOutside($Txt,$Src->CurrRec,$Src->RecNum,$LocR->FOStop); } // End of the merge unset($LocR); $this->_CurrBlock = $BlockSave; if ($ReturnData) { return $Src->RecSet; } else { unset($Src); return $NbrRecTot; } } function meth_Merge_BlockSections(&$Txt,&$LocR,&$Src,&$RecSpe) { // Initialise $SecId = 0; $SecOk = ($LocR->SectionNbr>0); $SecSrc = ''; $BlockRes = ''; // The result of the chained merged blocks $IsSerial = false; $SrId = 0; $SrNbr = 0; $GrpFound = false; if ($LocR->HeaderFound or $LocR->FooterFound) { $GrpFound = true; $piOMG = false; if ($LocR->FooterFound) $Src->PrevRec = (object) null; } // Plug-ins $piOMS = false; if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok) { if (isset($this->_piBeforeMergeBlock)) { $ArgLst = array(&$Txt,&$LocR->PosBeg,&$LocR->PosEnd,$LocR->PrmLst,&$Src,&$LocR); $this->meth_Plugin_RunAll($this->_piBeforeMergeBlock,$ArgLst); } if (isset($this->_piOnMergeSection)) { $ArgLst = array(&$BlockRes,&$SecSrc); $piOMS = true; } if ($GrpFound and isset($this->_piOnMergeGroup)) { $ArgLst2 = array(0,0,&$Src,&$LocR); $piOMG = true; } } // Main loop $Src->DataFetch(); while($Src->CurrRec!==false) { // Headers and Footers if ($GrpFound) { $brk_any = false; $brk_src = ''; if ($LocR->FooterFound) { $brk = false; for ($i=$LocR->FooterNbr;$i>=1;$i--) { $GrpDef = &$LocR->FooterDef[$i]; $x = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($GrpDef->FDef,$Src); if ($Src->RecNum===1) { $GrpDef->PrevValue = $x; $brk_i = false; } else { if ($GrpDef->AddLastGrp) { $brk_i = &$brk; } else { unset($brk_i); $brk_i = false; } if (!$brk_i) $brk_i = !($GrpDef->PrevValue===$x); if ($brk_i) { $brk_any = true; $ok = true; if ($piOMG) {$ArgLst2[0]=&$Src->PrevRec; $ArgLst2[1]=&$GrpDef; $ok = $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnMergeGroup,$ArgLst2);} if ($ok!==false) $brk_src = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($GrpDef,$Src->PrevRec).$brk_src; $GrpDef->PrevValue = $x; } } } $Src->PrevRec->CurrRec = $Src->CurrRec; $Src->PrevRec->RecNum = $Src->RecNum; $Src->PrevRec->RecKey = $Src->RecKey; } if ($LocR->HeaderFound) { $brk = ($Src->RecNum===1); for ($i=1;$i<=$LocR->HeaderNbr;$i++) { $GrpDef = &$LocR->HeaderDef[$i]; $x = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($GrpDef->FDef,$Src); if (!$brk) $brk = !($GrpDef->PrevValue===$x); if ($brk) { $ok = true; if ($piOMG) {$ArgLst2[0]=&$Src; $ArgLst2[1]=&$GrpDef; $ok = $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnMergeGroup,$ArgLst2);} if ($ok!==false) $brk_src .= $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($GrpDef,$Src); $GrpDef->PrevValue = $x; } } $brk_any = ($brk_any or $brk); } if ($brk_any) { if ($IsSerial) { $BlockRes .= $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($SecDef,$SrId,$LocR); $IsSerial = false; } $BlockRes .= $brk_src; } } // end of header and footer // Increment Section if (($IsSerial===false) and $SecOk) { $SecId++; if ($SecId>$LocR->SectionNbr) $SecId = 1; $SecDef = &$LocR->SectionLst[$SecId]; $IsSerial = $SecDef->IsSerial; if ($IsSerial) { $SrId = 0; $SrNbr = $SecDef->SrBDefNbr; } } // Serial Mode Activation if ($IsSerial) { // Serial Merge $SrId++; $SrBDef = &$SecDef->SrBDefLst[$SrId]; $SrBDef->SrTxt = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($SrBDef,$Src); if ($SrId>=$SrNbr) { $SecSrc = $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($SecDef,$SrId,$LocR); $BlockRes .= $SecSrc; $IsSerial = false; } } else { // Classic merge if ($SecOk) { if ($Src->RecNum===$RecSpe) $SecDef = &$LocR->Special; $SecSrc = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($SecDef,$Src); } else { $SecSrc = ''; } if ($LocR->WhenFound) { // With conditional blocks $found = false; $continue = true; $i = 1; do { $WhenBDef = &$LocR->WhenLst[$i]; $cond = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($WhenBDef->WhenCond,$Src); if ($this->f_Misc_CheckCondition($cond)) { $x_when = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($WhenBDef,$Src); if ($WhenBDef->WhenBeforeNS) {$SecSrc = $x_when.$SecSrc;} else {$SecSrc = $SecSrc.$x_when;} $found = true; if ($LocR->WhenSeveral===false) $continue = false; } $i++; if ($i>$LocR->WhenNbr) $continue = false; } while ($continue); if (($found===false) and ($LocR->WhenDefault!==false)) { $x_when = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR->WhenDefault,$Src); if ($LocR->WhenDefaultBeforeNS) {$SecSrc = $x_when.$SecSrc;} else {$SecSrc = $SecSrc.$x_when;} } } if ($piOMS) $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnMergeSection,$ArgLst); $BlockRes .= $SecSrc; } // Next row $Src->DataFetch(); } //--> while($CurrRec!==false) { $SecSrc = ''; // Serial: merge the extra the sub-blocks if ($IsSerial) $SecSrc .= $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($SecDef,$SrId,$LocR); // Footer if ($LocR->FooterFound) { if ($Src->RecNum>0) { for ($i=1;$i<=$LocR->FooterNbr;$i++) { $GrpDef = &$LocR->FooterDef[$i]; if ($GrpDef->AddLastGrp) { $ok = true; if ($piOMG) {$ArgLst2[0]=&$Src->PrevRec; $ArgLst2[1]=&$GrpDef; $ok = $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnMergeGroup,$ArgLst2);} if ($ok!==false) $SecSrc .= $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($GrpDef,$Src->PrevRec); } } } } // NoData if ($Src->RecNum===0) { if ($LocR->NoData!==false) { $SecSrc = $LocR->NoData->Src; } elseif(isset($LocR->PrmLst['bmagnet'])) { $this->f_Loc_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$LocR,$LocR->PrmLst['bmagnet'],false); } } // Plug-ins if ($piOMS and ($SecSrc!=='')) $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnMergeSection,$ArgLst); $BlockRes .= $SecSrc; // Plug-ins if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok and isset($ArgLst) and isset($this->_piAfterMergeBlock)) { $ArgLst = array(&$BlockRes,&$Src,&$LocR); $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piAfterMergeBlock,$ArgLst); } // Merge the result $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,$BlockRes,$LocR->PosBeg,$LocR->PosEnd-$LocR->PosBeg+1); if ($LocR->P1) $LocR->FOStop = $LocR->PosBeg + strlen($BlockRes) -1; } function meth_Merge_AutoVar(&$Txt,$ConvStr,$Id='var') { // Merge automatic fields with global variables $Pref = &$this->VarPrefix; $PrefL = strlen($Pref); $PrefOk = ($PrefL>0); if ($ConvStr===false) { $Charset = $this->Charset; $this->Charset = false; } // Then we scann all fields in the model $x = ''; $Pos = 0; while ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Id,$Pos,'.')) { if ($Loc->SubNbr==0) $Loc->SubLst[0]=''; // In order to force error message if ($Loc->SubLst[0]==='') { $Pos = $this->meth_Merge_AutoSpe($Txt,$Loc); } elseif ($Loc->SubLst[0][0]==='~') { if (!isset($ObjOk)) $ObjOk = (is_object($this->ObjectRef) or is_array($this->ObjectRef)); if ($ObjOk) { $Loc->SubLst[0] = substr($Loc->SubLst[0],1); $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$this->ObjectRef,0); } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) { $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false); } else { $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'property ObjectRef is neither an object nor an array. Its type is \''.gettype($this->ObjectRef).'\'.',true); $Pos = $Loc->PosEnd + 1; } } elseif ($PrefOk and (substr($Loc->SubLst[0],0,$PrefL)!==$Pref)) { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) { $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false); } else { $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'does not match the allowed prefix.',true); $Pos = $Loc->PosEnd + 1; } } elseif (isset($GLOBALS[$Loc->SubLst[0]])) { $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$GLOBALS[$Loc->SubLst[0]],1); } else { if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) { $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false); } else { $Pos = $Loc->PosEnd + 1; $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'the PHP global variable named \''.$Loc->SubLst[0].'\' does not exist or is not set yet.',true); } } } if ($ConvStr===false) $this->Charset = $Charset; return false; // Useful for properties PrmIfVar & PrmThenVar } function meth_Merge_AutoSpe(&$Txt,&$Loc) { // Merge Special Var Fields ([var..*]) $ErrMsg = false; $SubStart = false; if (isset($Loc->SubLst[1])) { switch ($Loc->SubLst[1]) { case 'now': $x = time(); break; case 'version': $x = $this->Version; break; case 'script_name': $x = basename(((isset($_SERVER)) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['PHP_SELF'] )); break; case 'template_name': $x = $this->_LastFile; break; case 'template_date': $x = ''; if ($this->f_Misc_GetFile($x,$this->_LastFile,'',false)) $x = $x['mtime']; break; case 'template_path': $x = dirname($this->_LastFile).'/'; break; case 'name': $x = 'TinyButStrong'; break; case 'logo': $x = '**TinyButStrong**'; break; case 'charset': $x = $this->Charset; break; case 'error_msg': $this->_ErrMsgName = $Loc->FullName; return $Loc->PosEnd; break; case '': $ErrMsg = 'it doesn\'t have any keyword.'; break; case 'tplvars': if ($Loc->SubNbr==2) { $SubStart = 2; $x = implode(',',array_keys($this->TplVars)); } else { if (isset($this->TplVars[$Loc->SubLst[2]])) { $SubStart = 3; $x = &$this->TplVars[$Loc->SubLst[2]]; } else { $ErrMsg = 'property TplVars doesn\'t have any item named \''.$Loc->SubLst[2].'\'.'; } } break; case 'cst': $x = @constant($Loc->SubLst[2]); break; case 'tbs_info': $x = 'TinyButStrong version '.$this->Version.' for PHP 5'; $x .= "\r\nInstalled plug-ins: ".count($this->_PlugIns); foreach (array_keys($this->_PlugIns) as $pi) { $o = &$this->_PlugIns[$pi]; $x .= "\r\n- plug-in [".(isset($o->Name) ? $o->Name : $pi ).'] version '.(isset($o->Version) ? $o->Version : '?' ); } break; default: $IsSupported = false; if (isset($this->_piOnSpecialVar)) { $x = ''; $ArgLst = array(substr($Loc->SubName,1),&$IsSupported ,&$x, &$Loc->PrmLst,&$Txt,&$Loc->PosBeg,&$Loc->PosEnd,&$Loc); $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnSpecialVar,$ArgLst); } if (!$IsSupported) $ErrMsg = '\''.$Loc->SubLst[1].'\' is an unsupported keyword.'; } } else { $ErrMsg = 'it doesn\'t have any subname.'; } if ($ErrMsg!==false) { $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,$ErrMsg); $x = ''; } if ($Loc->PosBeg===false) { return $Loc->PosEnd; } else { return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,$SubStart); } } function meth_Merge_FieldOutside(&$Txt, &$CurrRec, $RecNum, $PosMax) { $Pos = 0; $SubStart = ($CurrRec===false) ? false : 0; do { $Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$this->_CurrBlock,$Pos,'.'); if ($Loc!==false) { if (($PosMax!==false) and ($Loc->PosEnd>$PosMax)) return; if ($Loc->SubName==='#') { $NewEnd = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$RecNum,false); } else { $NewEnd = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$CurrRec,$SubStart); } if ($PosMax!==false) $PosMax += $NewEnd - $Loc->PosEnd; $Pos = $NewEnd; } } while ($Loc!==false); } function meth_Merge_SectionNormal(&$BDef,&$Src) { $Txt = $BDef->Src; $LocLst = &$BDef->LocLst; $iMax = $BDef->LocNbr; $PosMax = strlen($Txt); if ($Src===false) { // Erase all fields $x = ''; // Chached locators for ($i=$iMax;$i>0;$i--) { if ($LocLst[$i]->PosBeg<$PosMax) { $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$x,false); if ($LocLst[$i]->Enlarged) { $PosMax = $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg; $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg = $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg0; $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd = $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd0; $LocLst[$i]->Enlarged = false; } } } // Unchached locators if ($BDef->Chk) { $BlockName = &$BDef->Name; $Pos = 0; while ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.')) $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false); } } else { // Chached locators for ($i=$iMax;$i>0;$i--) { if ($LocLst[$i]->PosBeg<$PosMax) { if ($LocLst[$i]->IsRecInfo) { if ($LocLst[$i]->RecInfo==='#') { $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$Src->RecNum,false); } else { $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$Src->RecKey,false); } } else { $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$Src->CurrRec,0); } if ($LocLst[$i]->Enlarged) { $PosMax = $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg; $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg = $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg0; $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd = $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd0; $LocLst[$i]->Enlarged = false; } } } // Unchached locators if ($BDef->Chk) { $BlockName = &$BDef->Name; foreach ($Src->CurrRec as $key => $val) { $Pos = 0; $Name = $BlockName.'.'.$key; while ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$val,0); } $Pos = 0; $Name = $BlockName.'.#'; while ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Src->RecNum,0); $Pos = 0; $Name = $BlockName.'.$'; while ($Loc = $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Src->RecKey,0); } } // Automatic sub-blocks if (isset($BDef->AutoSub)) { for ($i=1;$i<=$BDef->AutoSub;$i++) { $name = $BDef->Name.'_sub'.$i; $query = ''; $col = $BDef->Prm['sub'.$i]; if ($col===true) $col = ''; $col_opt = (substr($col,0,1)==='(') && (substr($col,-1,1)===')'); if ($col_opt) $col = substr($col,1,strlen($col)-2); if ($col==='') { // $col_opt cannot be used here because values which are not array nore object are reformated by $Src into an array with keys 'key' and 'val' $data = &$Src->CurrRec; } elseif (is_object($Src->CurrRec)) { $data = &$Src->CurrRec->$col; } else { if (array_key_exists($col, $Src->CurrRec)) { $data = &$Src->CurrRec[$col]; } else { if (!$col_opt) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('for merging the automatic sub-block ['.$name.']','key \''.$col.'\' is not found in record #'.$Src->RecNum.' of block ['.$BDef->Name.']. This key can become optional if you designate it with parenthesis in the main block, i.e.: sub'.$i.'=('.$col.')'); unset($data); $data = array(); } } if (is_string($data)) { $data = explode(',',$data); } elseif (is_null($data) || ($data===false)) { $data = array(); } $this->meth_Merge_Block($Txt, $name, $data, $query, false, 0, false); } } return $Txt; } function meth_Merge_SectionSerial(&$BDef,&$SrId,&$LocR) { $Txt = $BDef->Src; $SrBDefOrdered = &$BDef->SrBDefOrdered; $Empty = &$LocR->SerialEmpty; // All Items $F = false; for ($i=$BDef->SrBDefNbr;$i>0;$i--) { $SrBDef = &$SrBDefOrdered[$i]; if ($SrBDef->SrTxt===false) { // Subsection not merged with a record if ($Empty===false) { $SrBDef->SrTxt = $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($SrBDef,$F); } else { $SrBDef->SrTxt = $Empty; } } $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,$SrBDef->SrTxt,$SrBDef->SrBeg,$SrBDef->SrLen); $SrBDef->SrTxt = false; } $SrId = 0; return $Txt; } function meth_Merge_AutoOn(&$Txt,$Name,$TplVar,$MergeVar) { // Merge [onload] or [onshow] fields and blocks $GrpDisplayed = array(); $GrpExclusive = array(); $P1 = false; $FieldBefore = false; $Pos = 0; while ($LocA=$this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'_',1,$P1,$FieldBefore)) { if ($LocA->BlockFound) { if (!isset($GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName])) { $GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName] = false; $GrpExclusive[$LocA->SubName] = ($LocA->SubName!==''); } $Displayed = &$GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName]; $Exclusive = &$GrpExclusive[$LocA->SubName]; $DelBlock = false; $DelField = false; if ($Displayed and $Exclusive) { $DelBlock = true; } else { if (isset($LocA->PrmLst['when'])) { if (isset($LocA->PrmLst['several'])) $Exclusive=false; $x = $LocA->PrmLst['when']; $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($x,false); if ($this->f_Misc_CheckCondition($x)) { $DelField = true; $Displayed = true; } else { $DelBlock = true; } } elseif(isset($LocA->PrmLst['default'])) { if ($Displayed) { $DelBlock = true; } else { $Displayed = true; $DelField = true; } $Exclusive = true; // No more block displayed for the group after } } // Del parts if ($DelField) { if ($LocA->PosBeg2!==false) $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,'',$LocA->PosBeg2,$LocA->PosEnd2-$LocA->PosBeg2+1); $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,'',$LocA->PosBeg,$LocA->PosEnd-$LocA->PosBeg+1); $Pos = $LocA->PosBeg; } else { if ($LocA->PosBeg2===false) { if ($this->f_Loc_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$LocA,$LocA->PrmLst['block'],false)===false) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($LocA,'at least one tag corresponding to '.$LocA->PrmLst['block'].' is not found. Check opening tags, closing tags and embedding levels.',false,'in block\'s definition'); } else { $LocA->PosEnd = $LocA->PosEnd2; } if ($DelBlock) { $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,'',$LocA->PosBeg,$LocA->PosEnd-$LocA->PosBeg+1); } else { // Merge the block as if it was a field $x = ''; $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocA,$x,false); } $Pos = $LocA->PosBeg; } } else { // Field (has no subname at this point) // Check for Template Var if ($TplVar) { if (isset($LocA->PrmLst['tplvars']) or isset($LocA->PrmLst['tplfrms'])) { $Scan = ''; foreach ($LocA->PrmLst as $Key => $Val) { if ($Scan=='v') { $this->TplVars[$Key] = $Val; } elseif ($Scan=='f') { $this->meth_Misc_FormatSave($Val,$Key); } elseif ($Key==='tplvars') { $Scan = 'v'; } elseif ($Key==='tplfrms') { $Scan = 'f'; } } } } $x = ''; $Pos = $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocA,$x,false); $Pos = $LocA->PosBeg; } } if ($MergeVar) $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($this->Source,true,$Name); // merge other fields (must have subnames) foreach ($this->Assigned as $n=>$a) { if (isset($a['auto']) and ($a['auto']===$Name)) { $x = array(); $this->meth_Misc_Assign($n,$x,false); } } } // Convert a string with charset or custom function function meth_Conv_Str(&$Txt,$ConvBr=true) { if ($this->Charset==='') { // Html by default $Txt = htmlspecialchars($Txt); if ($ConvBr) $Txt = nl2br($Txt); } elseif ($this->_CharsetFct) { $Txt = call_user_func($this->Charset,$Txt,$ConvBr); } else { $Txt = htmlspecialchars($Txt,ENT_COMPAT,$this->Charset); if ($ConvBr) $Txt = nl2br($Txt); } } // Standard alert message provided by TinyButStrong, return False is the message is cancelled. function meth_Misc_Alert($Src,$Msg,$NoErrMsg=false,$SrcType=false) { $this->ErrCount++; if ($this->NoErr) { $t = array('','','','',''); } else { $t = array('<br /><b>','</b>','<em>','</em>','<br />'); $Msg = htmlentities($Msg); } if (!is_string($Src)) { if ($SrcType===false) $SrcType='in field'; $Src = $SrcType.' '.$this->_ChrOpen.$Src->FullName.'...'.$this->_ChrClose; } $x = $t[0].'TinyButStrong Error'.$t[1].' '.$Src.': '.$Msg; if ($NoErrMsg) $x = $x.' '.$t[2].'This message can be cancelled using parameter \'noerr\'.'.$t[3]; $x = $x.$t[4]."\n"; if ($this->NoErr) { $this->ErrMsg .= $x; } else { $x = str_replace($this->_ChrOpen,$this->_ChrProtect,$x); echo $x; } return false; } function meth_Misc_Assign($Name,&$ArgLst,$CallingMeth) { // $ArgLst must be by reference in order to have its inner items by reference too. if (!isset($this->Assigned[$Name])) { if ($CallingMeth===false) return true; return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with '.$CallingMeth.'() method','key \''.$Name.'\' is not defined in property Assigned.'); } $a = &$this->Assigned[$Name]; $meth = (isset($a['type'])) ? $a['type'] : 'MergeBlock'; if (($CallingMeth!==false) and (strcasecmp($CallingMeth,$meth)!=0)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with '.$CallingMeth.'() method','the assigned key \''.$Name.'\' cannot be used with method '.$CallingMeth.' because it is defined to run with '.$meth.'.'); $n = count($a); for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) { if (isset($a[$i])) $ArgLst[$i] = &$a[$i]; } if ($CallingMeth===false) { if (in_array(strtolower($meth),array('mergeblock','mergefield'))) { call_user_func_array(array(&$this,$meth), $ArgLst); } else { return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('The assigned field \''.$Name.'\'. cannot be merged because its type \''.$a[0].'\' is not supported.'); } } if (!isset($a['merged'])) $a['merged'] = 0; $a['merged']++; return true; } function meth_Misc_ChangeMode($Init,&$Loc,&$CurrVal) { if ($Init) { // Save contents configuration $Loc->SaveSrc = &$this->Source; $Loc->SaveRender = $this->Render; $Loc->SaveMode = $this->_Mode; unset($this->Source); $this->Source = ''; $this->Render = TBS_OUTPUT; $this->_Mode++; // Mode>0 means subtemplate mode ob_start(); // Start buffuring output } else { // Restore contents configuration $this->Source = &$Loc->SaveSrc; $this->Render = $Loc->SaveRender; $this->_Mode = $Loc->SaveMode; $CurrVal = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } function meth_Misc_UserFctCheck(&$FctInfo,$FctCat,&$FctObj,&$ErrMsg,$FctCheck=false) { $FctId = $FctCat.':'.$FctInfo; if (isset($this->_UserFctLst[$FctId])) { $FctInfo = $this->_UserFctLst[$FctId]; return true; } // Check and put in cache $FctStr = $FctInfo; $IsData = ($FctCat!=='f'); $Save = true; if ($FctStr[0]==='~') { $ObjRef = &$this->ObjectRef; $Lst = explode('.',substr($FctStr,1)); $iMax = count($Lst) - 1; $Suff = 'tbsdb'; $iMax0 = $iMax; if ($IsData) { $Suff = $Lst[$iMax]; $iMax--; } // Reading sub items for ($i=0;$i<=$iMax;$i++) { $x = &$Lst[$i]; if (is_object($ObjRef)) { $ArgLst = $this->f_Misc_CheckArgLst($x); if (method_exists($ObjRef,$x)) { if ($i<$iMax) { $f = array(&$ObjRef,$x); unset($ObjRef); $ObjRef = call_user_func_array($f,$ArgLst); } } elseif ($i===$iMax0) { $ErrMsg = 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because \''.$x.'\' is not a method in the class \''.get_class($ObjRef).'\'.'; return false; } elseif (isset($ObjRef->$x)) { $ObjRef = &$ObjRef->$x; } else { $ErrMsg = 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because sub-item \''.$x.'\' is neither a method nor a property in the class \''.get_class($ObjRef).'\'.'; return false; } } elseif (($i<$iMax0) and is_array($ObjRef)) { if (isset($ObjRef[$x])) { $ObjRef = &$ObjRef[$x]; } else { $ErrMsg = 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because sub-item \''.$x.'\' is not a existing key in the array.'; return false; } } else { $ErrMsg = 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because '.(($i===0)?'property ObjectRef':'sub-item \''.$x.'\'').' is not an object'.(($i<$iMax)?' or an array.':'.'); return false; } } // Referencing last item if ($IsData) { $FctInfo = array('open'=>'','fetch'=>'','close'=>''); foreach ($FctInfo as $act=>$x) { $FctName = $Suff.'_'.$act; if (method_exists($ObjRef,$FctName)) { $FctInfo[$act] = array(&$ObjRef,$FctName); } else { $ErrMsg = 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because method '.$FctName.' is not found.'; return false; } } $FctInfo['type'] = 4; if (isset($this->RecheckObj) and $this->RecheckObj) $Save = false; } else { $FctInfo = array(&$ObjRef,$x); } } elseif ($IsData) { $IsObj = ($FctCat==='o'); if ($IsObj and method_exists($FctObj,'tbsdb_open') and (!method_exists($FctObj,'+'))) { // '+' avoid a bug in PHP 5 if (!method_exists($FctObj,'tbsdb_fetch')) { $ErrMsg = 'the expected method \'tbsdb_fetch\' is not found for the class '.$Cls.'.'; return false; } if (!method_exists($FctObj,'tbsdb_close')) { $ErrMsg = 'the expected method \'tbsdb_close\' is not found for the class '.$Cls.'.'; return false; } $FctInfo = array('type'=>5); } else { if ($FctCat==='r') { // Resource $x = strtolower($FctStr); $x = str_replace('-','_',$x); $Key = ''; $i = 0; $iMax = strlen($x); while ($i<$iMax) { if (($x[$i]==='_') or (($x[$i]>='a') and ($x[$i]<='z')) or (($x[$i]>='0') and ($x[$i]<='9'))) { $Key .= $x[$i]; $i++; } else { $i = $iMax; } } } else { $Key = $FctStr; } $FctInfo = array('open'=>'','fetch'=>'','close'=>''); foreach ($FctInfo as $act=>$x) { $FctName = 'tbsdb_'.$Key.'_'.$act; if (function_exists($FctName)) { $FctInfo[$act] = $FctName; } else { $err = true; if ($act==='open') { // Try simplified key $p = strpos($Key,'_'); if ($p!==false) { $Key2 = substr($Key,0,$p); $FctName2 = 'tbsdb_'.$Key2.'_'.$act; if (function_exists($FctName2)) { $err = false; $Key = $Key2; $FctInfo[$act] = $FctName2; } } } if ($err) { $ErrMsg = 'Data source Id \''.$FctStr.'\' is unsupported because function \''.$FctName.'\' is not found.'; return false; } } } $FctInfo['type'] = 3; } } else { if ( $FctCheck && ($this->FctPrefix!=='') && (strncmp($this->FctPrefix,$FctStr,strlen($this->FctPrefix))!==0) ) { $ErrMsg = 'user function \''.$FctStr.'\' does not match the allowed prefix.'; return false; } else if (!function_exists($FctStr)) { $x = explode('.',$FctStr); if (count($x)==2) { if (class_exists($x[0])) { $FctInfo = $x; } else { $ErrMsg = 'user function \''.$FctStr.'\' is not correct because \''.$x[0].'\' is not a class name.'; return false; } } else { $ErrMsg = 'user function \''.$FctStr.'\' is not found.'; return false; } } } if ($Save) $this->_UserFctLst[$FctId] = $FctInfo; return true; } function meth_Misc_RunSubscript(&$CurrVal,$CurrPrm) { // Run a subscript without any local variable damage return @include($this->_Subscript); } function meth_Misc_Charset($Charset) { if ($Charset==='+') return; $this->_CharsetFct = false; if (is_string($Charset)) { if (($Charset!=='') and ($Charset[0]==='=')) { $ErrMsg = false; $Charset = substr($Charset,1); if ($this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($Charset,'f',$ErrMsg,$ErrMsg,false)) { $this->_CharsetFct = true; } else { $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with LoadTemplate() method',$ErrMsg); $Charset = ''; } } } elseif (is_array($Charset)) { $this->_CharsetFct = true; } elseif ($Charset===false) { $this->Protect = false; } else { $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with LoadTemplate() method','the CharSet argument is not a string nor an array.'); $Charset = ''; } $this->Charset = $Charset; } function meth_PlugIn_RunAll(&$FctBank,&$ArgLst) { $OkAll = true; foreach ($FctBank as $FctInfo) { $Ok = call_user_func_array($FctInfo,$ArgLst); if (!is_null($Ok)) $OkAll = ($OkAll and $Ok); } return $OkAll; } function meth_PlugIn_Install($PlugInId,$ArgLst,$Auto) { $ErrMsg = 'with plug-in \''.$PlugInId.'\''; if (class_exists($PlugInId)) { // Create an instance $IsObj = true; $PiRef = new $PlugInId; $PiRef->TBS = &$this; if (!method_exists($PiRef,'OnInstall')) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($ErrMsg,'OnInstall() method is not found.'); $FctRef = array(&$PiRef,'OnInstall'); } else { $FctRef = 'tbspi_'.$PlugInId.'_OnInstall'; if(function_exists($FctRef)) { $IsObj = false; $PiRef = true; } else { return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($ErrMsg,'no class named \''.$PlugInId.'\' is found, and no function named \''.$FctRef.'\' is found.'); } } $this->_PlugIns[$PlugInId] = &$PiRef; $EventLst = call_user_func_array($FctRef,$ArgLst); if (is_string($EventLst)) $EventLst = explode(',',$EventLst); if (!is_array($EventLst)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($ErrMsg,'OnInstall() method does not return an array.'); // Add activated methods foreach ($EventLst as $Event) { $Event = trim($Event); if (!$this->meth_PlugIn_SetEvent($PlugInId, $Event)) return false; } return true; } function meth_PlugIn_SetEvent($PlugInId, $Event, $NewRef='') { // Enable or disable a plug-in event. It can be called by a plug-in, even during the OnInstall event. $NewRef can be used to change the method associated to the event. // Check the event's name if (strpos(',OnCommand,BeforeLoadTemplate,AfterLoadTemplate,BeforeShow,AfterShow,OnData,OnFormat,OnOperation,BeforeMergeBlock,OnMergeSection,OnMergeGroup,AfterMergeBlock,OnSpecialVar,OnMergeField,OnCacheField,', ','.$Event.',')===false) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with plug-in \''.$PlugInId.'\'','The plug-in event named \''.$Event.'\' is not supported by TinyButStrong (case-sensitive). This event may come from the OnInstall() method.'); $PropName = '_pi'.$Event; if ($NewRef===false) { // Disable the event if (!isset($this->$PropName)) return false; $PropRef = &$this->$PropName; unset($PropRef[$PlugInId]); return true; } // Prepare the reference to be called $PiRef = &$this->_PlugIns[$PlugInId]; if (is_object($PiRef)) { if ($NewRef==='') $NewRef = $Event; if (!method_exists($PiRef, $NewRef)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with plug-in \''.$PlugInId.'\'','The plug-in event named \''.$Event.'\' is declared but its corresponding method \''.$NewRef.'\' is found.'); $FctRef = array(&$PiRef, $NewRef); } else { $FctRef = ($NewRef==='') ? 'tbspi_'.$PlugInId.'_'.$Event : $NewRef; if (!function_exists($FctRef)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with plug-in \''.$PlugInId.'\'','The expected function \''.$FctRef.'\' is not found.'); } // Save information into the corresponding property if (!isset($this->$PropName)) $this->$PropName = array(); $PropRef = &$this->$PropName; $PropRef[$PlugInId] = $FctRef; // Flags saying if a plugin is installed switch ($Event) { case 'OnCommand': break; case 'OnSpecialVar': break; case 'OnOperation': break; case 'OnFormat': $this->_piOnFrm_Ok = true; break; default: $this->_PlugIns_Ok = true; break; } return true; } function meth_Misc_Format(&$Value,&$PrmLst) { // This function return the formated representation of a Date/Time or numeric variable using a 'VB like' format syntax instead of the PHP syntax. $FrmStr = $PrmLst['frm']; $CheckNumeric = true; if (is_string($Value)) $Value = trim($Value); if ($FrmStr==='') return ''; $Frm = $this->meth_Misc_FormatSave($FrmStr); // Manage Multi format strings if ($Frm['type']=='multi') { // Select the format if (is_numeric($Value)) { if (is_string($Value)) $Value = 0.0 + $Value; if ($Value>0) { $FrmStr = &$Frm[0]; } elseif ($Value<0) { $FrmStr = &$Frm[1]; if ($Frm['abs']) $Value = abs($Value); } else { // zero $FrmStr = &$Frm[2]; $Minus = ''; } $CheckNumeric = false; } else { $Value = ''.$Value; if ($Value==='') { return $Frm[3]; // Null value } else { $t = strtotime($Value); // We look if it's a date if (($t===-1) or ($t===false)) { // Date not recognized return $Frm[1]; } elseif ($t===943916400) { // Date to zero return $Frm[2]; } else { // It's a date $Value = $t; $FrmStr = &$Frm[0]; } } } // Retrieve the correct simple format if ($FrmStr==='') return ''; $Frm = $this->meth_Misc_FormatSave($FrmStr); } switch ($Frm['type']) { case 'num' : // NUMERIC if ($CheckNumeric) { if (is_numeric($Value)) { if (is_string($Value)) $Value = 0.0 + $Value; } else { return ''.$Value; } } if ($Frm['PerCent']) $Value = $Value * 100; $Value = number_format($Value,$Frm['DecNbr'],$Frm['DecSep'],$Frm['ThsSep']); $Value = substr_replace($Frm['Str'],$Value,$Frm['Pos'],$Frm['Len']); if ($Frm['Pad']!==false) $Value = str_pad($Value, $Frm['Pad'], '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return $Value; break; case 'date' : // DATE if (is_string($Value)) { if ($Value==='') return ''; $x = strtotime($Value); if (($x===-1) or ($x===false)) { if (!is_numeric($Value)) $Value = 0; } else { $Value = &$x; } } else { if (!is_numeric($Value)) return ''.$Value; } if ($Frm['loc'] or isset($PrmLst['locale'])) { $x = strftime($Frm['str_loc'],$Value); $this->meth_Conv_Str($x,false); // may have accent return $x; } else { return date($Frm['str_us'],$Value); } break; default: return $Frm['string']; break; } } function meth_Misc_FormatSave(&$FrmStr,$Alias='') { if (isset($this->_FormatLst[$FrmStr])) return $this->_FormatLst[$FrmStr]; if (strpos($FrmStr,'|')!==false) { // Multi format $Frm = explode('|',$FrmStr); // syntax: Postive|Negative|Zero|Null $FrmNbr = count($Frm); $Frm['abs'] = ($FrmNbr>1); if ($FrmNbr<3) $Frm[2] = &$Frm[0]; // zero if ($FrmNbr<4) $Frm[3] = ''; // null $Frm['type'] = 'multi'; $this->_FormatLst[$FrmStr] = $Frm; } elseif (($nPosEnd = strrpos($FrmStr,'0'))!==false) { // Numeric format $nDecSep = '.'; $nDecNbr = 0; $nDecOk = true; $nPad = false; $nPadZ = 0; if (substr($FrmStr,$nPosEnd+1,1)==='.') { $nPosEnd++; $nPos = $nPosEnd; $nPadZ = 1; } else { $nPos = $nPosEnd - 1; while (($nPos>=0) and ($FrmStr[$nPos]==='0')) { $nPos--; } if (($nPos>=1) and ($FrmStr[$nPos-1]==='0')) { $nDecSep = $FrmStr[$nPos]; $nDecNbr = $nPosEnd - $nPos; } else { $nDecOk = false; } } // Thousand separator $nThsSep = ''; if (($nDecOk) and ($nPos>=5)) { if ((substr($FrmStr,$nPos-3,3)==='000') and ($FrmStr[$nPos-4]!=='0') and ($FrmStr[$nPos-5]==='0')) { $nPos = $nPos-4; $nThsSep = $FrmStr[$nPos]; } } // Pass next zero if ($nDecOk) $nPos--; while (($nPos>=0) and ($FrmStr[$nPos]==='0')) { $nPos--; } $nLen = $nPosEnd-$nPos; if ( ($nThsSep==='') and ($nLen>($nDecNbr+$nPadZ+1)) ) $nPad = $nLen - $nPadZ; // Percent $nPerCent = (strpos($FrmStr,'%')===false) ? false : true; $this->_FormatLst[$FrmStr] = array('type'=>'num','Str'=>$FrmStr,'Pos'=>($nPos+1),'Len'=>$nLen,'ThsSep'=>$nThsSep,'DecSep'=>$nDecSep,'DecNbr'=>$nDecNbr,'PerCent'=>$nPerCent,'Pad'=>$nPad); } else { // Date format $x = $FrmStr; $FrmPHP = ''; $FrmLOC = ''; $StrIn = false; $Cnt = 0; $i = strpos($FrmStr,'(locale)'); $Locale = ($i!==false); if ($Locale) $x = substr_replace($x,'',$i,8); $iEnd = strlen($x); for ($i=0;$i<$iEnd;$i++) { if ($StrIn) { // We are in a string part if ($x[$i]==='"') { if (substr($x,$i+1,1)==='"') { $FrmPHP .= '\\"'; // protected char $FrmLOC .= $x[$i]; $i++; } else { $StrIn = false; } } else { $FrmPHP .= '\\'.$x[$i]; // protected char $FrmLOC .= $x[$i]; } } else { if ($x[$i]==='"') { $StrIn = true; } else { $Cnt++; if (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'hh' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'H'; $FrmLOC .= '%H'; $i += 1;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'hm' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'h'; $FrmLOC .= '%I'; $i += 1;} // for compatibility elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,1),'h' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'G'; $FrmLOC .= '%H';} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'rr' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'h'; $FrmLOC .= '%I'; $i += 1;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,1),'r' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'g'; $FrmLOC .= '%I';} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,4),'ampm')===0) { $FrmPHP .= substr($x,$i,1); $FrmLOC .= '%p'; $i += 3;} // $Fmp = 'A' or 'a' elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'nn' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'i'; $FrmLOC .= '%M'; $i += 1;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'ss' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 's'; $FrmLOC .= '%S'; $i += 1;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'xx' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'S'; $FrmLOC .= '' ; $i += 1;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,4),'yyyy')===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'Y'; $FrmLOC .= '%Y'; $i += 3;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'yy' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'y'; $FrmLOC .= '%y'; $i += 1;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,4),'mmmm')===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'F'; $FrmLOC .= '%B'; $i += 3;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,3),'mmm' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'M'; $FrmLOC .= '%b'; $i += 2;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'mm' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'm'; $FrmLOC .= '%m'; $i += 1;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,1),'m' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'n'; $FrmLOC .= '%m';} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,4),'wwww')===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'l'; $FrmLOC .= '%A'; $i += 3;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,3),'www' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'D'; $FrmLOC .= '%a'; $i += 2;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,1),'w' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'w'; $FrmLOC .= '%u';} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,4),'dddd')===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'l'; $FrmLOC .= '%A'; $i += 3;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,3),'ddd' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'D'; $FrmLOC .= '%a'; $i += 2;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,2),'dd' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'd'; $FrmLOC .= '%d'; $i += 1;} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($x,$i,1),'d' )===0) { $FrmPHP .= 'j'; $FrmLOC .= '%d';} else { $FrmPHP .= '\\'.$x[$i]; // protected char $FrmLOC .= $x[$i]; // protected char $Cnt--; } } } } if ($Cnt>0) { $this->_FormatLst[$FrmStr] = array('type'=>'date','str_us'=>$FrmPHP,'str_loc'=>$FrmLOC,'loc'=>$Locale); } else { $this->_FormatLst[$FrmStr] = array('type'=>'else','string'=>$FrmStr); } } if ($Alias!='') $this->_FormatLst[$Alias] = &$this->_FormatLst[$FrmStr]; return $this->_FormatLst[$FrmStr]; } static function f_Misc_ConvSpe(&$Loc) { if ($Loc->ConvMode!==2) { $Loc->ConvMode = 2; $Loc->ConvEsc = false; $Loc->ConvWS = false; $Loc->ConvJS = false; $Loc->ConvUrl = false; $Loc->ConvUtf8 = false; } } static function f_Misc_CheckArgLst(&$Str) { $ArgLst = array(); if (substr($Str,-1,1)===')') { $pos = strpos($Str,'('); if ($pos!==false) { $ArgLst = explode(',',substr($Str,$pos+1,strlen($Str)-$pos-2)); $Str = substr($Str,0,$pos); } } return $ArgLst; } static function f_Misc_CheckCondition($Str) { // Check if an expression like "exrp1=expr2" is true or false. $StrZ = $Str; // same string but without protected data $Max = strlen($Str)-1; $p = strpos($Str,'\''); if ($Esc=($p!==false)) { $In = true; for ($p=$p+1;$p<=$Max;$p++) { if ($StrZ[$p]==='\'') { $In = !$In; } elseif ($In) { $StrZ[$p] = 'z'; } } } // Find operator and position $Ope = '='; $Len = 1; $p = strpos($StrZ,$Ope); if ($p===false) { $Ope = '+'; $p = strpos($StrZ,$Ope); if ($p===false) return false; if (($p>0) and ($StrZ[$p-1]==='-')) { $Ope = '-+'; $p--; $Len=2; } elseif (($p<$Max) and ($StrZ[$p+1]==='-')) { $Ope = '+-'; $Len=2; } else { return false; } } else { if ($p>0) { $x = $StrZ[$p-1]; if ($x==='!') { $Ope = '!='; $p--; $Len=2; } elseif ($x==='~') { $Ope = '~='; $p--; $Len=2; } elseif ($p<$Max) { $y = $StrZ[$p+1]; if ($y==='=') { $Len=2; } elseif (($x==='+') and ($y==='-')) { $Ope = '+=-'; $p--; $Len=3; } elseif (($x==='-') and ($y==='+')) { $Ope = '-=+'; $p--; $Len=3; } } else { } } } // Read values $Val1 = trim(substr($Str,0,$p)); $Val2 = trim(substr($Str,$p+$Len)); if ($Esc) { $Nude1 = clsTinyButStrong::f_Misc_DelDelimiter($Val1,'\''); $Nude2 = clsTinyButStrong::f_Misc_DelDelimiter($Val2,'\''); } else { $Nude1 = $Nude2 = false; } // Compare values if ($Ope==='=') { return (strcasecmp($Val1,$Val2)==0); } elseif ($Ope==='!=') { return (strcasecmp($Val1,$Val2)!=0); } elseif ($Ope==='~=') { return (preg_match($Val2,$Val1)>0); } else { if ($Nude1) $Val1='0'+$Val1; if ($Nude2) $Val2='0'+$Val2; if ($Ope==='+-') { return ($Val1>$Val2); } elseif ($Ope==='-+') { return ($Val1 < $Val2); } elseif ($Ope==='+=-') { return ($Val1 >= $Val2); } elseif ($Ope==='-=+') { return ($Val1<=$Val2); } else { return false; } } } static function f_Misc_DelDelimiter(&$Txt,$Delim) { // Delete the string delimiters $len = strlen($Txt); if (($len>1) and ($Txt[0]===$Delim)) { if ($Txt[$len-1]===$Delim) $Txt = substr($Txt,1,$len-2); return false; } else { return true; } } static function f_Misc_GetFile(&$Res,&$File,$LastFile='',$Contents=true) { // Load the content of a file into the text variable. $Res = ''; $fd = @fopen($File,'r',true); // 'rb' if binary for some OS. fopen() uses include_path and search on the __FILE__ directory while file_exists() doesn't. if ($fd===false) { if ($LastFile==='') return false; $File2 = dirname($LastFile).'/'.$File; $fd = @fopen($File2,'r',true); if ($fd===false) return false; $File = $File2; } if ($fd===false) return false; $fs = fstat($fd); if ($Contents) { // Return contents if (isset($fs['size'])) { if ($fs['size']>0) $Res = fread($fd,$fs['size']); } else { while (!feof($fd)) $Res .= fread($fd,4096); } } else { // Return stats $Res = $fs; } fclose($fd); return true; } static function f_Loc_PrmRead(&$Txt,$Pos,$XmlTag,$DelimChrs,$BegStr,$EndStr,&$Loc,&$PosEnd,$WithPos=false) { $BegLen = strlen($BegStr); $BegChr = $BegStr[0]; $BegIs1 = ($BegLen===1); $DelimIdx = false; $DelimCnt = 0; $DelimChr = ''; $BegCnt = 0; $SubName = $Loc->SubOk; $Status = 0; // 0: name not started, 1: name started, 2: name ended, 3: equal found, 4: value started $PosName = 0; $PosNend = 0; $PosVal = 0; // Variables for checking the loop $PosEnd = strpos($Txt,$EndStr,$Pos); if ($PosEnd===false) return; $Continue = ($Pos<$PosEnd); while ($Continue) { $Chr = $Txt[$Pos]; if ($DelimIdx) { // Reading in the string if ($Chr===$DelimChr) { // Quote found if ($Chr===$Txt[$Pos+1]) { // Double Quote => the string continue with un-double the quote $Pos++; } else { // Simple Quote => end of string $DelimIdx = false; } } } else { // Reading outside the string if ($BegCnt===0) { // Analyzing parameters $CheckChr = false; if (($Chr===' ') or ($Chr==="\r") or ($Chr==="\n")) { if ($Status===1) { if ($SubName and ($XmlTag===false)) { // Accept spaces in TBS subname. } else { $Status = 2; $PosNend = $Pos; } } elseif ($XmlTag and ($Status===4)) { clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$XmlTag,$DelimChr,$DelimCnt,$PosName,$PosNend,$PosVal,$Pos,$WithPos); $Status = 0; } } elseif (($XmlTag===false) and ($Chr===';')) { clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$XmlTag,$DelimChr,$DelimCnt,$PosName,$PosNend,$PosVal,$Pos,$WithPos); $Status = 0; } elseif ($Status===4) { $CheckChr = true; } elseif ($Status===3) { $Status = 4; $DelimCnt = 0; $PosVal = $Pos; $CheckChr = true; } elseif ($Status===2) { if ($Chr==='=') { $Status = 3; } elseif ($XmlTag) { clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$XmlTag,$DelimChr,$DelimCnt,$PosName,$PosNend,$PosVal,$Pos,$WithPos); $Status = 1; $PosName = $Pos; $CheckChr = true; } else { $Status = 4; $DelimCnt = 0; $PosVal = $Pos; $CheckChr = true; } } elseif ($Status===1) { if ($Chr==='=') { $Status = 3; $PosNend = $Pos; } else { $CheckChr = true; } } else { $Status = 1; $PosName = $Pos; $CheckChr = true; } if ($CheckChr) { $DelimIdx = strpos($DelimChrs,$Chr); if ($DelimIdx===false) { if ($Chr===$BegChr) { if ($BegIs1) { $BegCnt++; } elseif(substr($Txt,$Pos,$BegLen)===$BegStr) { $BegCnt++; } } } else { $DelimChr = $DelimChrs[$DelimIdx]; $DelimCnt++; $DelimIdx = true; } } } else { if ($Chr===$BegChr) { if ($BegIs1) { $BegCnt++; } elseif(substr($Txt,$Pos,$BegLen)===$BegStr) { $BegCnt++; } } } } // Next char $Pos++; // We check if it's the end if ($Pos===$PosEnd) { if ($XmlTag) { $Continue = false; } elseif ($DelimIdx===false) { if ($BegCnt>0) { $BegCnt--; } else { $Continue = false; } } if ($Continue) { $PosEnd = strpos($Txt,$EndStr,$PosEnd+1); if ($PosEnd===false) return; } else { if ($XmlTag and ($Txt[$Pos-1]==='/')) $Pos--; // In case last attribute is stuck to "/>" clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$XmlTag,$DelimChr,$DelimCnt,$PosName,$PosNend,$PosVal,$Pos,$WithPos); } } } $PosEnd = $PosEnd + (strlen($EndStr)-1); } static function f_Loc_PrmCompute(&$Txt,&$Loc,&$SubName,$Status,$XmlTag,$DelimChr,$DelimCnt,$PosName,$PosNend,$PosVal,$Pos,$WithPos) { if ($Status===0) { $SubName = false; } else { if ($Status===1) { $x = substr($Txt,$PosName,$Pos-$PosName); } else { $x = substr($Txt,$PosName,$PosNend-$PosName); } if ($XmlTag) $x = strtolower($x); if ($SubName) { $Loc->SubName = trim($x); $SubName = false; } else { if ($Status===4) { $v = trim(substr($Txt,$PosVal,$Pos-$PosVal)); if ($DelimCnt===1) { // Delete quotes inside the value if ($v[0]===$DelimChr) { $len = strlen($v); if ($v[$len-1]===$DelimChr) { $v = substr($v,1,$len-2); $v = str_replace($DelimChr.$DelimChr,$DelimChr,$v); } } } } else { $v = true; } if ($x==='if') { clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_PrmIfThen($Loc,true,$v); } elseif ($x==='then') { clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_PrmIfThen($Loc,false,$v); } else { $Loc->PrmLst[$x] = $v; if ($WithPos) $Loc->PrmPos[$x] = array($PosName,$PosNend,$PosVal,$Pos,$DelimChr,$DelimCnt); } } } } static function f_Loc_PrmIfThen(&$Loc,$IsIf,$Val) { $nbr = &$Loc->PrmIfNbr; if ($nbr===false) { $nbr = 0; $Loc->PrmIf = array(); $Loc->PrmIfVar = array(); $Loc->PrmThen = array(); $Loc->PrmThenVar = array(); $Loc->PrmElseVar = true; } if ($IsIf) { $nbr++; $Loc->PrmIf[$nbr] = $Val; $Loc->PrmIfVar[$nbr] = true; } else { $nbr2 = $nbr; if ($nbr2===false) $nbr2 = 1; // Only the first 'then' can be placed before its 'if'. This is for compatibility. $Loc->PrmThen[$nbr2] = $Val; $Loc->PrmThenVar[$nbr2] = true; } } static function f_Loc_EnlargeToStr(&$Txt,&$Loc,$StrBeg,$StrEnd) { /* This function enables to enlarge the pos limits of the Locator. If the search result is not correct, $PosBeg must not change its value, and $PosEnd must be False. This is because of the calling function. */ // Search for the begining string $Pos = $Loc->PosBeg; $Ok = false; do { $Pos = strrpos(substr($Txt,0,$Pos),$StrBeg[0]); if ($Pos!==false) { if (substr($Txt,$Pos,strlen($StrBeg))===$StrBeg) $Ok = true; } } while ( (!$Ok) and ($Pos!==false) ); if ($Ok) { $PosEnd = strpos($Txt,$StrEnd,$Loc->PosEnd + 1); if ($PosEnd===false) { $Ok = false; } else { $Loc->PosBeg = $Pos; $Loc->PosEnd = $PosEnd + strlen($StrEnd) - 1; } } return $Ok; } static function f_Loc_EnlargeToTag(&$Txt,&$Loc,$TagLst,$RetInnerSrc) { //Modify $Loc, return false if tags not found, returns the inner source of tag if $RetInnerSrc=true // Analyze string $Ref = 0; $LevelStop = 0; $TagLst = explode('+',$TagLst); $TagIsSgl = array(); $TagMax = count($TagLst) - 1; for ($i=0;$i<=$TagMax;$i++) { do { // Check parentheses, relative position and single tag $tag = &$TagLst[$i]; $tag = trim($tag); $x = strlen($tag) - 1; // pos of last char if (($x>1) and ($tag[0]==='(') and ($tag[$x]===')')) { if ($Ref===0) $Ref = $i; if ($Ref===$i) $LevelStop++; $tag = substr($tag,1,$x-1); } else { if (($x>=0) and ($tag[$x]==='/')) { $TagIsSgl[$i] = true; $tag = substr($tag,0,$x); } else { $TagIsSgl[$i] = false; } $x = false; } } while ($x!==false); } // Find tags that embeds the locator if ($TagIsSgl[$Ref]) { $LevelStop = false; } elseif ($LevelStop===0) { $LevelStop = 1; } $TagO = clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$TagLst[$Ref],true,$Loc->PosBeg-1,false,$LevelStop,false); if ($TagO===false) return false; $PosBeg = $TagO->PosBeg; if ($TagIsSgl[$Ref]) { $PosEnd = max($Loc->PosEnd,$TagO->PosEnd); $InnerLim = $PosEnd + 1; } else { $LevelStop += -$TagO->RightLevel; // RightLevel=1 only if the tag is single and embeds $Loc, otherwise it is 0 if ($LevelStop>0) { $TagC = clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$TagLst[$Ref],false,$Loc->PosEnd+1,true,-$LevelStop,false); if ($TagC==false) return false; $PosEnd = $TagC->PosEnd; $InnerLim = $TagC->PosBeg; } else { $PosEnd = $TagO->PosEnd; $InnerLim = $PosEnd + 1; } } $RetVal = true; if ($RetInnerSrc) { $RetVal = ''; if ($Loc->PosBeg>$TagO->PosEnd) $RetVal .= substr($Txt,$TagO->PosEnd+1,min($Loc->PosBeg,$InnerLim)-$TagO->PosEnd-1); if ($Loc->PosEnd<$InnerLim) $RetVal .= substr($Txt,max($Loc->PosEnd,$TagO->PosEnd)+1,$InnerLim-max($Loc->PosEnd,$TagO->PosEnd)-1); } // Forward $TagC = true; for ($i=$Ref+1;$i<=$TagMax;$i++) { $x = $TagLst[$i]; if (($x!=='') and ($TagC!==false)) { $level = ($TagIsSgl[$i]) ? false : 0; $TagC = clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$x,$TagIsSgl[$i],$PosEnd+1,true,$level,false); if ($TagC!==false) $PosEnd = $TagC->PosEnd; } } // Backward $TagO = true; for ($i=$Ref-1;$i>=0;$i--) { $x = $TagLst[$i]; if (($x!=='') and ($TagO!==false)) { $level = ($TagIsSgl[$i]) ? false : 0; $TagO = clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$x,true,$PosBeg-1,false,$level,false); if ($TagO!==false) $PosBeg = $TagO->PosBeg; } } $Loc->PosBeg = $PosBeg; $Loc->PosEnd = $PosEnd; return $RetVal; } static function f_Loc_AttBoolean($CurrVal, $AttTrue, $AttName) { // Return the good value for a boolean attribute if ($AttTrue===true) { if ((string)$CurrVal==='') { return ''; } else { return $AttName; } } elseif ((string)$CurrVal===$AttTrue) { return $AttName; } else { return ''; } } static function f_Xml_AttFind(&$Txt,&$Loc,$Move=false,$AttDelim=false) { // att=div#class ; att=((div))#class ; att=+((div))#class $Att = $Loc->PrmLst['att']; $p = strrpos($Att,'#'); if ($p===false) { $TagLst = ''; } else { $TagLst = substr($Att,0,$p); $Att = substr($Att,$p+1); } $Forward = (substr($TagLst,0,1)==='+'); if ($Forward) $TagLst = substr($TagLst,1); $TagLst = explode('+',$TagLst); $iMax = count($TagLst)-1; $WithPrm = false; $LocO = &$Loc; foreach ($TagLst as $i=>$Tag) { $LevelStop = false; while ((strlen($Tag)>1) and (substr($Tag,0,1)==='(') and (substr($Tag,-1,1)===')')) { if ($LevelStop===false) $LevelStop = 0; $LevelStop++; $Tag = trim(substr($Tag,1,strlen($Tag)-2)); } if ($i==$iMax) $WithPrm = true; $Pos = ($Forward) ? $LocO->PosEnd+1 : $LocO->PosBeg-1; unset($LocO); $LocO = clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,true,$Pos,$Forward,$LevelStop,$WithPrm,$WithPrm); if ($LocO===false) return false; } $Loc->AttForward = $Forward; $Loc->AttTagBeg = $LocO->PosBeg; $Loc->AttTagEnd = $LocO->PosEnd; $Loc->AttDelimChr = false; $AttLC = strtolower($Att); if (isset($LocO->PrmLst[$AttLC])) { // The attribute is existing $p = $LocO->PrmPos[$AttLC]; $Loc->AttBeg = $p[0]; $p[3]--; while ($Txt[$p[3]]===' ') $p[3]--; // external end of the attribute, may has an extra spaces $Loc->AttEnd = $p[3]; $Loc->AttDelimCnt = $p[5]; $Loc->AttDelimChr = $p[4]; if (($p[1]>$p[0]) and ($p[2]>$p[1])) { //$Loc->AttNameEnd = $p[1]; $Loc->AttValBeg = $p[2]; } else { // attribute without value //$Loc->AttNameEnd = $p[3]; $Loc->AttValBeg = false; } } else { // The attribute is not yet existing $Loc->AttDelimCnt = 0; $Loc->AttBeg = false; $Loc->AttName = $Att; } // Search for a delimitor if (($Loc->AttDelimCnt==0) and (isset($LocO->PrmPos))) { foreach ($LocO->PrmPos as $p) { if ($p[5]>0) $Loc->AttDelimChr = $p[4]; } } if ($Move) return clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_AttMove($Txt,$Loc,$AttDelim); return true; } static function f_Xml_AttMove(&$Txt, &$Loc, $AttDelim=false) { if ($AttDelim===false) $AttDelim = $Loc->AttDelimChr; if ($AttDelim===false) $AttDelim = '"'; $sz = $Loc->PosEnd - $Loc->PosBeg + 1; $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,'',$Loc->PosBeg,$sz); // delete the current locator if ($Loc->AttForward) { $Loc->AttTagBeg += -$sz; $Loc->AttTagEnd += -$sz; } elseif ($Loc->PosBeg<$Loc->AttTagEnd) { $Loc->AttTagEnd += -$sz; } $InsPos = false; if ($Loc->AttBeg===false) { $InsPos = $Loc->AttTagEnd; if ($Txt[$InsPos-1]==='/') $InsPos--; if ($Txt[$InsPos-1]===' ') $InsPos--; $Ins1 = ' '.$Loc->AttName.'='.$AttDelim; $Ins2 = $AttDelim; $Loc->AttBeg = $InsPos + 1; $Loc->AttValBeg = $InsPos + strlen($Ins1) - 1; } else { if ($Loc->PosEnd<$Loc->AttBeg) $Loc->AttBeg += -$sz; if ($Loc->PosEnd<$Loc->AttEnd) $Loc->AttEnd += -$sz; if ($Loc->AttValBeg===false) { $InsPos = $Loc->AttEnd+1; $Ins1 = '='.$AttDelim; $Ins2 = $AttDelim; $Loc->AttValBeg = $InsPos+1; } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['attadd'])) { $InsPos = $Loc->AttEnd; $Ins1 = ' '; $Ins2 = ''; } else { // value already existing if ($Loc->PosEnd<$Loc->AttValBeg) $Loc->AttValBeg += -$sz; $PosBeg = $Loc->AttValBeg; $PosEnd = $Loc->AttEnd; if ($Loc->AttDelimCnt>0) {$PosBeg++; $PosEnd--;} } } if ($InsPos===false) { $InsLen = 0; } else { $InsTxt = $Ins1.'[]'.$Ins2; $InsLen = strlen($InsTxt); $PosBeg = $InsPos + strlen($Ins1); $PosEnd = $PosBeg + 1; $Txt = substr_replace($Txt,$InsTxt,$InsPos,0); $Loc->AttEnd = $InsPos + $InsLen - 1; $Loc->AttTagEnd += $InsLen; } $Loc->PrevPosBeg = $Loc->PosBeg; $Loc->PrevPosEnd = $Loc->PosEnd; $Loc->PosBeg = $PosBeg; $Loc->PosEnd = $PosEnd; $Loc->AttBegM = ($Txt[$Loc->AttBeg-1]===' ') ? $Loc->AttBeg-1 : $Loc->AttBeg; // for magnet=# $Loc->AttInsLen = $InsLen; // for CacheField return min($Loc->PrevPosEnd,$Loc->PosEnd); // New position to continue the search. } static function f_Xml_Max(&$Txt,&$Nbr,$MaxEnd) { // Limit the number of HTML chars $pMax = strlen($Txt)-1; $p=0; $n=0; $in = false; $ok = true; while ($ok) { if ($in) { if ($Txt[$p]===';') { $in = false; $n++; } } else { if ($Txt[$p]==='&') { $in = true; } else { $n++; } } if (($n>=$Nbr) or ($p>=$pMax)) { $ok = false; } else { $p++; } } if (($n>=$Nbr) and ($p<$pMax)) $Txt = substr($Txt,0,$p).$MaxEnd; } static function f_Xml_GetPart(&$Txt,$TagLst,$AllIfNothing=false) { // Returns parts of the XML/HTML content, default is BODY. if (($TagLst===true) or ($TagLst==='')) $TagLst = 'body'; $x = ''; $nothing = true; $TagLst = explode('+',$TagLst); // Build a clean list of tags foreach ($TagLst as $i=>$t) { if ((substr($t,0,1)=='(') and (substr($t,-1,1)==')')) { $t = substr($t,1,strlen($t)-2); $Keep = true; } else { $Keep = false; } $TagLst[$i] = array('t'=>$t, 'k'=>$Keep, 'b'=>-1, 'e'=>-1, 's'=>false); } $PosOut = strlen($Txt); $Pos = 0; do { // Search new positions $TagMin = false; $PosMin = $PosOut; foreach ($TagLst as $i=>$Tag) { if ($Tag['b']<$Pos) { $Loc = clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$Tag['t'],true,$Pos,true,false,false); if ($Loc===false) { $Tag['b'] = $PosOut; // tag not found, no more search on this tag } else { $Tag['b'] = $Loc->PosBeg; $Tag['e'] = $Loc->PosEnd; $Tag['s'] = (substr($Txt,$Loc->PosEnd-1,1)==='/'); // true if it's a single tag } $TagLst[$i] = $Tag; // update } if ($Tag['b']<$PosMin) { $TagMin = $i; $PosMin = $Loc->PosBeg; } } // Add the part if ($TagMin!==false) { $Tag = &$TagLst[$TagMin]; $Pos = $Tag['e']+1; if ($Tag['s']) { // single tag if ($Tag['k']) $x .= substr($Txt,$Tag['b'] ,$Tag['e'] - $Tag['b'] + 1); } else { // search the closing tag $Loc = clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$Tag['t'],false,$Pos,true,false,false); if ($Loc===false) { $Tag['b'] = $PosOut; // closing tag not found, no more search on this tag } else { $nothing = false; if ($Tag['k']) { $x .= substr($Txt,$Tag['b'] ,$Loc->PosEnd - $Tag['b'] + 1); } else { $x .= substr($Txt,$Tag['e']+1,$Loc->PosBeg - $Tag['e'] - 1); } $Pos = $Loc->PosEnd + 1; } } } } while ($TagMin!==false); if ($AllIfNothing and $nothing) return $Txt; return $x; } static function f_Xml_FindTagStart(&$Txt,$Tag,$Opening,$PosBeg,$Forward,$Case=true) { /* Find the start of an XML tag. $Case=false can be useful for HTML. $Tag='' should work and found the start of the first tag. $Tag='/' should work and found the start of the first closing tag. Encapsulation levels are not feataured yet. */ if ($Txt==='') return false; $x = '<'.(($Opening) ? '' : '/').$Tag; $xl = strlen($x); $p = $PosBeg - (($Forward) ? 1 : -1); if ($Case) { do { if ($Forward) $p = strpos($Txt,$x,$p+1); else $p = strrpos(substr($Txt,0,$p+1),$x); if ($p===false) return false; if (substr($Txt,$p,$xl)!==$x) continue; // For PHP 4 only $z = substr($Txt,$p+$xl,1); } while ( ($z!==' ') && ($z!=="\r") && ($z!=="\n") && ($z!=='>') && ($z!=='/') && ($Tag!=='/') && ($Tag!=='') ); } else { do { if ($Forward) $p = stripos($Txt,$x,$p+1); else $p = strripos(substr($Txt,0,$p+1),$x); if ($p===false) return false; $z = substr($Txt,$p+$xl,1); } while ( ($z!==' ') && ($z!=="\r") && ($z!=="\n") && ($z!=='>') && ($z!=='/') && ($Tag!=='/') && ($Tag!=='') ); } return $p; } static function f_Xml_FindTag(&$Txt,$Tag,$Opening,$PosBeg,$Forward,$LevelStop,$WithPrm,$WithPos=false) { /* This function is a smart solution to find an XML tag. It allows to ignore full opening/closing couple of tags that could be inserted before the searched tag. It allows also to pass a number of encapsulations. To ignore encapsulation and opengin/closing just set $LevelStop=false. $Opening is used only when $LevelStop=false. */ if ($Tag==='_') { // New line $p = clsTinyButStrong::f_Xml_FindNewLine($Txt,$PosBeg,$Forward,($LevelStop!==0)); $Loc = new clsTbsLocator; $Loc->PosBeg = ($Forward) ? $PosBeg : $p; $Loc->PosEnd = ($Forward) ? $p : $PosBeg; $Loc->RightLevel = 0; return $Loc; } $Pos = $PosBeg + (($Forward) ? -1 : +1); $TagIsOpening = false; $TagClosing = '/'.$Tag; $LevelNum = 0; $TagOk = false; $PosEnd = false; $TagL = strlen($Tag); $TagClosingL = strlen($TagClosing); $RightLevel = 0; do { // Look for the next tag def if ($Forward) { $Pos = strpos($Txt,'<',$Pos+1); } else { if ($Pos<=0) { $Pos = false; } else { $Pos = strrpos(substr($Txt,0,$Pos - 1),'<'); // strrpos() syntax compatible with PHP 4 } } if ($Pos!==false) { // Check the name of the tag if (strcasecmp(substr($Txt,$Pos+1,$TagL),$Tag)==0) { $PosX = $Pos + 1 + $TagL; // The next char $TagOk = true; $TagIsOpening = true; } elseif (strcasecmp(substr($Txt,$Pos+1,$TagClosingL),$TagClosing)==0) { $PosX = $Pos + 1 + $TagClosingL; // The next char $TagOk = true; $TagIsOpening = false; } if ($TagOk) { // Check the next char $x = $Txt[$PosX]; if (($x===' ') or ($x==="\r") or ($x==="\n") or ($x==='>') or ($Tag==='/') or ($Tag==='')) { // Check the encapsulation count if ($LevelStop===false) { // No encaplusation check if ($TagIsOpening!==$Opening) $TagOk = false; } else { // Count the number of level if ($TagIsOpening) { $PosEnd = strpos($Txt,'>',$PosX); if ($PosEnd!==false) { if ($Txt[$PosEnd-1]==='/') { if (($Pos<$PosBeg) and ($PosEnd>$PosBeg)) {$RightLevel=1; $LevelNum++;} } else { $LevelNum++; } } } else { $LevelNum--; } // Check if it's the expected level if ($LevelNum!=$LevelStop) { $TagOk = false; $PosEnd = false; } } } else { $TagOk = false; } } //--> if ($TagOk) } } while (($Pos!==false) and ($TagOk===false)); // Search for the end of the tag if ($TagOk) { $Loc = new clsTbsLocator; if ($WithPrm) { clsTinyButStrong::f_Loc_PrmRead($Txt,$PosX,true,'\'"','<','>',$Loc,$PosEnd,$WithPos); } elseif ($PosEnd===false) { $PosEnd = strpos($Txt,'>',$PosX); if ($PosEnd===false) { $TagOk = false; } } } // Result if ($TagOk) { $Loc->PosBeg = $Pos; $Loc->PosEnd = $PosEnd; $Loc->RightLevel = $RightLevel; return $Loc; } else { return false; } } static function f_Xml_FindNewLine(&$Txt,$PosBeg,$Forward,$IsRef) { $p = $PosBeg; if ($Forward) { $Inc = 1; $Inf = &$p; $Sup = strlen($Txt)-1; } else { $Inc = -1; $Inf = 0; $Sup = &$p; } do { if ($Inf>$Sup) return max($Sup,0); $x = $Txt[$p]; if (($x==="\r") or ($x==="\n")) { $x2 = ($x==="\n") ? "\r" : "\n"; $p0 = $p; if (($Inf<$Sup) and ($Txt[$p+$Inc]===$x2)) $p += $Inc; // Newline char can have two chars. if ($Forward) return $p; // Forward => return pos including newline char. if ($IsRef or ($p0!=$PosBeg)) return $p0+1; // Backwars => return pos without newline char. Ignore newline if it is the very first char of the search. } $p += $Inc; } while (true); } } ?>