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File: index.php

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File: index.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: the core engine
Framework with MVC support
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 11,614 bytes


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<? /** This file contains the php-papa engine :) =========================================================== FileName : papa/core.php License : GNU/LGPL Project : PHP-PAPA Type : PHP Framework Class Name : !!! Version : 1.0 =========================================================== */ /************************************************************************* * Start profiling *************************************************************************/ $time_start = microtime( true ); ob_start(); //we won't use magic quotes :) set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************************* * Load the config file and frequently used values **************************************************************************/ include 'papa/config.php'; //get the application folder name in document root $papa_base_path = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] , 0 , strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/index.php')); //Make the application url $papa_base_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $papa_base_path; // Get the application name/title from the config file $papa_app_name = @$papa_config['application']['name']; // Get the session name $sessionClass = @$papa_config['application']['session']; $papa_base_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); $papa_base_dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $papa_base_dir); // Get the default controller name, if not set papa will take // '_default' as the default controller name $papa_default_controller = @$papa_config["application"]["default_controller"]; if(empty($papa_default_controller)){ $papa_default_controller = "_default"; } /** * if true, debug box will appear on the browser */ $__PAPA_DEBUG__ON__ = $papa_config["application"]["debug_console"]===true; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************************* * Load the core lib file *************************************************************************/ include 'papa/core.php'; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************************* * Suppress any output to browser * and start the session with the handler *************************************************************************/ ///* if(empty($sessionClass)){ $sessionClass = 'PapaSession'; require_once('papa/PapaSession.php'); }else{ //papa_use($sessionClass); require_once $papa_base_dir.'/classes/'.str_replace('.','/',$sessionClass).'.php'; } try{ $session = new $sessionClass(); }catch(Exception $ex){ var_dump($ex); }//*/ if(isset($_SESSION['__papa__new_session'])){ $_SESSION['__papa__new_session'] = false; }else{ $_SESSION['__papa__new_session'] = true; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************************* * Functions related to translation/localization ************************************************************************/ if(isset($_SESSION['__PAPA__locale'])){ // Not set before in the session? $__PAPA_LOCALE_ = $_SESSION['__PAPA__locale']; // papa_session_get could be used }else{ $__PAPA_LOCALE_ = $papa_config['settings']['locale']; // set it from the config.xml } /** * The lang array and try to load the language file. A language * translation file is put under the lang folder. */ $__PAPA_LANG__[]=''; @include_once 'lang/'.$__PAPA_LOCALE_.'.php'; // Try to load the locale file /************************************************************************* * Load the theme and set it *************************************************************************/ if(isset($_SESSION['__PAPA__theme'])){ $papa_theme = $_SESSION['__PAPA__theme']; }else if(isset($papa_config['settings']['theme'])) $papa_theme = $papa_config['settings']['theme']; if( empty( $papa_theme ) ){ // Theme not set in config file ? $papa_theme = 'default'; // Set it default -- convention } // So not empty, get it from the session papa_set_current_theme($papa_theme); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************************* * Process the request URI *************************************************************************/ $path= $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // Get the request URI if(strpos($path,'?')!==false) $path = substr($path,0,strpos($path,'?'));//extract the GET param /** * Fix following type of url: * to */ $path = ereg_replace( '/+', "/", $path ); /** * The url may end with .html extension */ if( substr( $path, -5 ) == '.html' ){ // Remove any .html added by pa_href $path = substr( $path, 0, -5 ); } /** * Request type could be determined from here by the extensions * but it is done in papa_get_request_type() function for future * extendings */ $papa_current_path = substr( $path, mb_strlen( $papa_base_path, 'UTF-8' ) ); if( mb_strlen( $papa_current_path , 'UTF-8' ) > 1 ){ // Eemove slash at front $papa_current_path = substr( $papa_current_path, 1 ); } if( substr( $papa_current_path, -1 ) == '/' ){ // Remove any trailing slash $papa_current_path = substr( $papa_current_path, 0, -1 ); if(!empty($papa_current_path)){ return header('Location:'.$papa_base_path.'/'.$papa_current_path.'.html'); } } $papa_current_path = ereg_replace( '/+', "/", $papa_current_path ); //$papa_current_path = $papa_current_path $req = explode( "/", $papa_current_path ); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************************* * Determine the controller and the method *************************************************************************/ $strController = ''; // The controller name $strMethod = ''; // The method name if( count( $req ) < 1 ){ // If no controller selected, forward to default index include( 'controller/' . $papa_default_controller . '.php' ); // Load the Default controller, convention $controller = new $papa_default_controller(); $strController = $papa_default_controller; // Set the controller name $method = 'index'; // Set the method name }else{ // Load the requested controller and call the method /* * Controllers can be grouped into folders. In that case * folders can be added before the controller name separated * by '-'. for example, controllers/admin/user.php can be * called using /admin-user/ * * For optimizing purpose can remove the following line if you * never use folders to group your controllers * * For histrical reason and lazyness the variable name is kept $applet */ $applet = array_shift( $req ); /** * Handle special sitation for virtual controller _papa * any papa_xxx function can be called as /_papa/functionanme/arg1/arg2/arg3/... */ if( '_papa' == $applet or '__action' == $applet){ $method = array_shift( $req ); // Get the requested method if(!empty( $method )){ // If its not empty... return call_user_func_array( $method, $req ); // call it }else{ // This can be customized when papa gets older echo 'unknown request'; return; } } /** * Check if its a call to a applet */ if( 'app' == $applet ){ $method = array_shift( $req ); // Get the requested method if(!empty( $method )){ // If its not empty... if(file_exists($papa_base_dir . '/applets/' . $method .'/index.php')) { return papa_show_app($method); }else{ papa_404(); return; } //return call_user_func_array( $method, $req ); // call it }else{ // This can be customized when papa gets older echo 'unknown applet'; return; } } /////////////////////////////////// /** * Load the controller class */ $path = $papa_current_path; $applet=''; do{ if( file_exists( 'controller/'.$path . '/' .$papa_default_controller.'.php' )){ $applet = $path . '/' . $papa_default_controller; break; }elseif( file_exists( 'controller/'.$path.'.php' )){ $applet = $path; break; } $path = substr($path,0,strrpos($path,'/')); }while(strlen($path)>0); if(empty($applet)){ $applet = $papa_default_controller; } $path = substr($papa_current_path,strlen($path)); if($path{0}=='/') $path = substr($path,1); $req = explode('/',$path); $controllerPath = $applet; include( 'controller/'.$applet.'.php' ); $method = array_shift($req); // Get the method name /** * The following two lines can be commented out if controllers are never * grouped into folders. * * Say, a controller a is kept under folder b which is placed under c folder * i.e. /controller/c/b/a.php * * The follwoing two line breaks this string into an array and takes the * last item of that as the controller class name */ $tmp = ( explode( '/', $applet ) ); $applet = $tmp[ count( $tmp ) - 1 ]; $controller = new $applet; // Instanciate the controller $controller->sessionHandler = $session; if( empty( $method ) ){ // method name is not given if( $papa_default_controller == $applet ){ } $method = 'index'; // Use 'index' as the method name -- Convention } if( ! method_exists( $controller, $method ) ){ // Invalid method name ?! array_unshift( $req,$method ); // Putback the method name in the request array $method = 'index'; // and use 'index' as the method name -- Convention } }// end else /************************************************************************* * Check permission of the request *************************************************************************/ $polices = papa_get_polices($papa_current_path); $errorPage = ''; //TODO : Can be configurable in older papa $isPermitted = true; // Flag to store permission status if( empty( $polices ) ){ // controller has also no police $isPermitted = true; // set permitted }else{ // method defined its own police //$polices = split( ',', $polices ); // take all foreach( $polices as $police ){ // let all the police to interrogate if(empty($police)){ continue; } include 'classes/'.$police.'.php' ;// go to police station $cop = new $police(); // call a police if($cop->isOutLaw()){ // is outlaw?! $isPermitted = false; // yea, not permitted $errorPage = $cop->redirectTo(); // get the jail location break; } } } if( $isPermitted === true ){ // Call the controller method if($controller->skipCall()===false){ call_user_func_array( array( $controller, $method ), $req ); } }else{ // Show the error page, loadview should be used ? header( 'location:'.$errorPage ); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // simple, right :) ? ?>