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File: TinyImageManager.php

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  Classes of Pablo Matias Perrone   TinyImageManager for CodeIgniter   TinyImageManager.php   Download  
File: TinyImageManager.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Code Igniter Class
Class: TinyImageManager for CodeIgniter
Handle TinyMCE Image Manager image uploads
Author: By
Last change: English texts
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 30,540 bytes


Class file image Download
<?php require 'Image_Toolbox.class.php'; require 'exifReader.php'; class TinyImageManager { public $dir; public $firstAct = false; public $folderAct = false; public $ALLOWED_IMAGES; public $ALLOWED_FILES; public $path; public $SID; public $errors; public $config; /** * Diseñador * * @return TinyImageManager */ function __construct($config = array()) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); if (!is_array($config)) $config = array(); $this->setConfig($config); $action = (array_key_exists('action', $_POST) ? $_POST['action'] : null); switch ($action) { case 'SID': exit($this->SID); case 'newfolder': case 'showtree': case 'showpath': case 'showdir': case 'uploadfile': case 'delfile': case 'delfolder': case 'renamefile': $action = '_'.$action; exit($this->$action()); default: } } private function _newfolder() { $result = array(); $dir = $this->AccessDir($_POST['path'], $_POST['type']); if( $dir ) { if( preg_match('/[a-z0-9-_]+/sim', $_POST['name']) ) { if( is_dir($dir.'/'.$_POST['name']) ) { $result['error'] = $this->errors['This dir already contains']; } else { if( mkdir($dir.'/'.$_POST['name']) ) { $result['tree'] = $this->DirStructure('images', 'first', $dir.'/'.$_POST['name']); $result['tree'] .= $this->DirStructure('files', 'first', $dir.'/'.$_POST['name']); $result['addr'] = $this->DirPath($_POST['type'], $this->AccessDir($_POST['path'].'/'.$_POST['name'], $_POST['type'])); $result['error'] = ''; } else { $result['error'] = $this->errors['Error creating dir']; } } } else { $result['error'] = $this->errors['Dir name can only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores']; } } else { $result['error'] = $this->errors['Access denied']; } echo "{'tree':'{$result['tree']}', 'addr':'{$result['addr']}', 'error':'{$result['error']}'}"; } private function _showtree() { if( !isset($_POST['path']) ) $_POST['path'] = ''; if( !isset($_POST['type']) ) $_POST['type'] = ''; if( $_POST['path'] == '/' ) $_POST['path'] = ''; if( isset($_POST['default']) && isset($this->path) ) $path = $this->path; else $path = $this->path = $_POST['path']; if( $_POST['type'] == 'files' ) $this->firstAct = true; if( $_POST['type'] == 'files' ) echo $this->DirStructure('images', 'first'); else echo $this->DirStructure('images', 'first', $this->AccessDir($path, 'images')); if( $_POST['type'] == 'files' ) $this->firstAct = false; if( $_POST['type'] == 'images' ) echo $this->DirStructure('files', 'first'); else echo $this->DirStructure('files', 'first', $this->AccessDir($path, 'files')); } private function _showpath() { if( isset($_POST['default']) && isset($this->path) ) $path = $this->path; else $path = $this->path = $_POST['path']; echo $this->DirPath($_POST['type'], $this->AccessDir($path, $_POST['type'])); } private function _showdir() { if( isset($_POST['default']) && isset($this->path) ) $path = $this->path; else $path = $this->path = $_POST['path']; echo $this->ShowDir($path, $_POST['pathtype']); } private function _uploadfile() { echo $this->UploadFile($_POST['path'], $_POST['pathtype']); } private function _delfile() { if( is_array($_POST['md5']) ) { foreach( $_POST['md5'] as $k => $v ) { $this->DelFile($_POST['pathtype'], $_POST['path'], $v, $_POST['filename'][$k], true); } echo $this->ShowDir($_POST['path'], $_POST['pathtype']); } else { echo $this->DelFile($_POST['pathtype'], $_POST['path'], $_POST['md5'], $_POST['filename'], true); } } private function _delfolder($action) { echo $this->DelFolder($_POST['pathtype'], $_POST['path']); } private function _renamefile($action) { echo $this->RenameFile($_POST['pathtype'], $_POST['path'], $_POST['filename'], $_POST['newname']); } private function _errors($lang) { switch(strtolower(substr($lang, 0, 2))) { case 'es': return array( 'This dir already contains' => 'Esta carpeta ya contiene', 'Error creating dir' => 'Ocurrió un error al crear la carpeta', 'Dir name can only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores' => 'El nombre del directorio solo puede contener letras, numeros y guiones', 'Access denied' => 'Acceso denegado', 'You can not delete a root dir!' => 'No se puede eliminar el directorio raiz!', 'As long the dir contains subfolders, it can\'t be removed.' => 'No se puede eliminar una carpeta que contenga subcarpetas.', 'Error deleting dir' => 'Ocurrió un error al borrar la carpeta' ); case 'fr': return array( 'This dir already contains' => 'Ce dossier contient déjà des', 'Error creating dir' => 'Erreur lors de la création de dossiers', 'Dir name can only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores' => 'Nommez le dossier ne peut contenir que des lettres, des chiffres, des tirets et caractères de soulignement', 'Access denied' => 'Accès refusé', 'You can not delete a root dir!' => 'Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer le dossier racine!', 'As long the dir contains subfolders, it can\'t be removed.' => 'Tant que le dossier contient des sous-dossiers, il ne peut pas être supprimé.', 'Error deleting dir' => 'Erreur de suppression du dossier' ); case 'ru': return array( 'This dir already contains' => '&#1058;&#1072;&#1082;&#1072;&#1103; &#1087;&#1072;&#1087;&#1082;&#1072; &#1091;&#1078;&#1077; &#1077;&#1089;&#1090;&#1100;', 'Error creating dir' => '&#1054;&#1096;&#1080;&#1073;&#1082;&#1072; &#1089;&#1086;&#1079;&#1076;&#1072;&#1085;&#1080;&#1103; &#1087;&#1072;&#1087;&#1082;&#1080;', 'Dir name can only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores' => '&#1053;&#1072;&#1079;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085;&#1080;&#1077; &#1087;&#1072;&#1087;&#1082;&#1080; &#1084;&#1086;&#1078;&#1077;&#1090; &#1089;&#1086;&#1076;&#1077;&#1088;&#1078;&#1072;&#1090;&#1100; &#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1100;&#1082;&#1086; &#1083;&#1072;&#1090;&#1080;&#1085;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1077; &#1073;&#1091;&#1082;&#1074;&#1099;, &#1094;&#1080;&#1092;&#1088;&#1099;, &#1090;&#1080;&#1088;&#1077; &#1080; &#1079;&#1085;&#1072;&#1082; &#1087;&#1086;&#1076;&#1095;&#1077;&#1088;&#1082;&#1080;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085;&#1080;&#1103;', 'Access denied' => '&#1054;&#1090;&#1082;&#1072;&#1079; &#1074; &#1076;&#1086;&#1089;&#1090;&#1091;&#1087;&#1077;', 'You can not delete a root dir!' => '&#1053;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100;&#1079;&#1103; &#1091;&#1076;&#1072;&#1083;&#1103;&#1090;&#1100; &#1082;&#1086;&#1088;&#1085;&#1077;&#1074;&#1091;&#1102; &#1087;&#1072;&#1087;&#1082;&#1091;!', 'As long the dir contains subfolders, it can\'t be removed.' => '&#1055;&#1086;&#1082;&#1072; &#1087;&#1072;&#1087;&#1082;&#1072; &#1089;&#1086;&#1076;&#1077;&#1088;&#1078;&#1080;&#1090; &#1074;&#1083;&#1086;&#1078;&#1077;&#1085;&#1085;&#1099;&#1077; &#1087;&#1072;&#1087;&#1082;&#1080;, &#1086;&#1085;&#1072; &#1085;&#1077; &#1084;&#1086;&#1078;&#1077;&#1090; &#1073;&#1099;&#1090;&#1100; &#1091;&#1076;&#1072;&#1083;&#1077;&#1085;&#1072;.', 'Error deleting dir' => '&#1054;&#1096;&#1080;&#1073;&#1082;&#1072; &#1091;&#1076;&#1072;&#1083;&#1077;&#1085;&#1080;&#1103; &#1087;&#1072;&#1087;&#1082;&#1080;' ); case 'en': return = array( 'This dir already contains' => 'This dir already contains', 'Error creating dir' => 'Error creating dir', 'Dir name can only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores' => 'Dir name can only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores', 'Access denied' => 'Access denied', 'You can not delete a root dir!' => 'You can not delete a root dir!', 'As long the dir contains subfolders, it can\'t be removed.' => 'As long the dir contains subfolders, it can\'t be removed.', 'Error deleting dir' => 'Error deleting dir' ); default: return $this->_errors('en'); } } public function setConfig(array $config) { $default = array( 'ImagesPath' => '', 'FilesPath' => '', 'Path' => '', 'AllowedImages' => array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'), 'AllowedFiles' => array('doc', 'docx', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'mdb', 'accdb', 'swf', 'zip', 'rar', 'rtf', 'pdf', 'psd', 'mp3', 'wma'), 'Width' => 500, 'Height' => 500, 'CLASS_LINK' => 'lightview', 'REL_LINK' => 'lightbox', 'errors' => $this->_errors(array_key_exists('Language', $config) ? $config['Language'] : 'en') ); $this->config = array_merge($default, $config); $this->errors = &$this->config['errors']; $this->ALLOWED_IMAGES = $this->config['AllowedImages']; //Images dir (root relative) $this->ALLOWED_FILES = $this->config['AllowedFiles']; //Files dir (root relative) $this->path = $this->config['Path']; $this->dir = array( 'images' => realpath(FCPATH.$config['ImagesPath']), 'files' => realpath(FCPATH.$config['FilesPath']) ); //Width and height of resized image $this->WIDTH_TO_LINK = $this->config['Width']; $this->HEIGHT_TO_LINK = $this->config['Height']; //Additional attributes class and rel $this->CLASS_LINK = $this->config['CLASS_LINK']; $this->REL_LINK = $this->config['REL_LINK']; } /** * Comprobación de permisos de escritura en la carpeta (no del sistema) * * @param string $requestDirectory Pedir una carpeta (o relativamente DIR_IMAGES DIR_FILES) * @param (images|files) $typeDirectory Tipo de carpeta de imágenes o archivos * @return path|false */ function AccessDir($requestDirectory, $typeDirectory) { if( $typeDirectory == 'images' ) { $full_request_images_dir = realpath($this->dir['images'].$requestDirectory); if( strpos($full_request_images_dir, $this->dir['images']) === 0 ) { return $full_request_images_dir; } else return false; } elseif( $typeDirectory == 'files' ) { $full_request_files_dir = realpath($this->dir['files'].$requestDirectory); if( strpos($full_request_files_dir, $this->dir['files']) === 0 ) { return $full_request_files_dir; } else return false; } else return false; } /** * el árbol de directorios * función recursiva * * @return array */ function Tree($beginFolder) { $struct = array(); $handle = opendir($beginFolder); if( $handle ) { $struct[$beginFolder]['path'] = str_replace(array($this->dir['files'], $this->dir['images']), '', $beginFolder); $tmp = preg_split('[\\/]', $beginFolder); $tmp = array_filter($tmp); end($tmp); $struct[$beginFolder]['name'] = current($tmp); $struct[$beginFolder]['count'] = 0; while( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) ) { if( $file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != '.thumbs' ) { if( is_dir($beginFolder.'/'.$file) ) { $struct[$beginFolder]['childs'][] = $this->Tree($beginFolder.'/'.$file); } else { $struct[$beginFolder]['count']++; } } } closedir($handle); asort($struct); return $struct; } return false; } /** * Visualización de un árbol de directorios * función recursiva * * @param images|files $type * @param first|String $innerDirs * @param String $currentDir * @param int $level * @return html */ function DirStructure($type, $innerDirs='first', $currentDir='', $level=0) { //Mientras que desactipublic la---??? if( $type == 'files' ) return; $currentDirArr = array(); if( !empty($currentDir) ) { $currentDirArr = preg_split('[\\/]', str_replace($this->dir[$type], '', realpath($currentDir))); $currentDirArr = array_filter($currentDirArr); } if( $innerDirs == 'first' ) { $innerDirs = array(); $innerDirs = $this->Tree($this->dir[$type]); if( realpath($currentDir) == $this->dir[$type] && !$this->firstAct ) { $firstAct = 'folderAct'; $this->firstAct = true; } else { $firstAct = ''; } $ret = ''; if( $innerDirs == false ) return 'Problemas con el directorio raiz ('.DIR_IMAGES.')'; foreach( $innerDirs as $v ) { $ret = '<div class="folder'.ucfirst($type).' '.$firstAct.'" path="" pathtype="'.$type.'">'.($type == 'images' ? 'Images' : 'Files').($v['count'] > 0 ? ' ('.$v['count'].')' : '').'</div><div class="folderOpenSection" style="display:block;">'; if( isset($v['childs']) ) { $ret .= $this->DirStructure($type, $v['childs'], $currentDir, $level); } break; } $ret .= '</div>'; return $ret; } if( sizeof($innerDirs) == 0 ) return false; $ret = ''; foreach( $innerDirs as $v ) { foreach( $v as $v ) { } if( isset($v['count']) ) { $files = 'Files: '.$v['count']; $count_childs = isset($v['childs']) ? sizeof($v['childs']) : 0; if( $count_childs != 0 ) { $files .= ', directories: '.$count_childs; } } else { $files = ''; } if( isset($v['childs']) ) { $folderOpen = ''; $folderAct = ''; $folderClass = 'folderS'; if( isset($currentDirArr[$level + 1]) ) { if( $currentDirArr[$level + 1] == $v['name'] ) { $folderOpen = 'style="display:block;"'; $folderClass = 'folderOpened'; if( $currentDirArr[sizeof($currentDirArr)] == $v['name'] && !$this->folderAct ) { $folderAct = 'folderAct'; $this->folderAct = true; } else { $folderAct = ''; } } } $ret .= '<div class="'.$folderClass.' '.$folderAct.'" path="'.$v['path'].'" title="'.$files.'" pathtype="'.$type.'">'.$v['name'].($v['count'] > 0 ? ' ('.$v['count'].')' : '').'</div><div class="folderOpenSection" '.$folderOpen.'>'; $ret .= $this->DirStructure($type, $v['childs'], $currentDir, $level + 1); $ret .= '</div>'; } else { $soc = sizeof($currentDirArr); if( $soc > 0 && $currentDirArr[$soc] == $v['name'] ) { $folderAct = 'folderAct'; } else { $folderAct = ''; } $ret .= '<div class="folderClosed '.$folderAct.'" path="'.$v['path'].'" title="'.$files.'" pathtype="'.$type.'">'.$v['name'].($v['count'] > 0 ? ' ('.$v['count'].')' : '').'</div>'; } } return $ret; } /** * El camino (bread crumbs) * * @param images|files $type * @param String $path * @return html */ function DirPath($type, $path='') { if( !empty($path) ) { $path = preg_split('[\\/]', str_replace($this->dir[$type], '', realpath($path))); $path = array_filter($path); } $ret = '<div class="addrItem" path="" pathtype="'.$type.'" title=""><img src="img/'.($type == 'images' ? 'folder_open_image' : 'folder_open_document').'.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Root dir" /></div>'; $i = 0; $addPath = ''; if( is_array($path) ) { foreach( $path as $v ) { $i++; $addPath .= '/'.$v; if( sizeof($path) == $i ) { $ret .= '<div class="addrItemEnd" path="'.$addPath.'" pathtype="'.$type.'" title=""><div>'.$v.'</div></div>'; } else { $ret .= '<div class="addrItem" path="'.$addPath.'" pathtype="'.$type.'" title=""><div>'.$v.'</div></div>'; } } } return $ret; } function CallDir($dir, $type) { $dir = $this->AccessDir($dir, $type); if( !$dir ) return false; set_time_limit(120); if( !is_dir($dir.'/.thumbs') ) { mkdir($dir.'/.thumbs'); } $dbfile = $dir.'/.thumbs/.db'; if( is_file($dbfile) ) { $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "r"); $dblength = filesize($dbfile); if( $dblength > 0 ) $dbdata = fread($dbfilehandle, $dblength); fclose($dbfilehandle); $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "w"); } else { $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "w"); } if( !empty($dbdata) ) { $files = unserialize($dbdata); } else $files = array(); $handle = opendir($dir); if( $handle ) { while( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) ) { if( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { if( isset($files[$file]) ) continue; if( is_file($dir.'/'.$file) ) { $file_info = pathinfo($dir.'/'.$file); $file_info['extension'] = strtolower($file_info['extension']); if( !in_array(strtolower($file_info['extension']), $this->ALLOWED_IMAGES) ) { continue; } $link = str_replace(array('/\\', '//', '\\\\', '\\'), '/', '/'.str_replace(realpath(FCPATH), '', realpath($dir.'/'.$file))); $path = pathinfo($link); $path = $path['dirname']; if( $file_info['extension'] == 'jpg' || $file_info['extension'] == 'jpeg' ) { $er = new phpExifReader($dir.'/'.$file); $files[$file]['exifinfo'] = $er->getImageInfo(); $files[$file]['imageinfo'] = getimagesize($dir.'/'.$file); $files[$file]['general'] = array( 'filename' => $file, 'name' => basename(strtolower($file_info['basename']), '.'.$file_info['extension']), 'ext' => $file_info['extension'], 'path' => $path, 'link' => $link, 'size' => filesize($dir.'/'.$file), 'date' => filemtime($dir.'/'.$file), 'width' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][0], 'height' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][1], 'md5' => md5_file($dir.'/'.$file) ); } else { $files[$file]['imageinfo'] = getimagesize($dir.'/'.$file); $files[$file]['general'] = array( 'filename' => $file, 'name' => basename(strtolower($file_info['basename']), '.'.$file_info['extension']), 'ext' => $file_info['extension'], 'path' => $path, 'link' => $link, 'size' => filesize($dir.'/'.$file), 'date' => filemtime($dir.'/'.$file), 'width' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][0], 'height' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][1], 'md5' => md5_file($dir.'/'.$file) ); } } } } closedir($handle); } fwrite($dbfilehandle, serialize($files)); fclose($dbfilehandle); return $files; } function UploadFile($dir, $type) { $dir = $this->AccessDir($dir, $type); if( !$dir ) return false; if( !is_dir($dir.'/.thumbs') ) { mkdir($dir.'/.thumbs'); } $dbfile = $dir.'/.thumbs/.db'; if( is_file($dbfile) ) { $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "r"); $dblength = filesize($dbfile); if( $dblength > 0 ) $dbdata = fread($dbfilehandle, $dblength); fclose($dbfilehandle); //$dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "w"); } else { //$dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "w"); } if( !empty($dbdata) ) { $files = unserialize($dbdata); } else $files = array(); //File from the flash-Multiboot if( isset($_POST['Filename']) ) { //Type (image / file) $pathtype = $_POST['pathtype']; if( strpos($_POST['Filename'], '.') !== false ) { $extension = end(explode('.', $_POST['Filename'])); $filename = substr($_POST['Filename'], 0, strlen($_POST['Filename']) - strlen($extension) - 1); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); return false; } if( $pathtype == 'images' ) $allowed = $this->ALLOWED_IMAGES; elseif( $pathtype == 'files' ) $allowed = $this->ALLOWED_FILES; //If the file is not suitable resolution if( !in_array(strtolower($extension), $allowed) ) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); return false; } $md5 = md5_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']); $file = $md5.'.'.$extension; //Check for image if( $pathtype == 'images' ) { $files[$file]['imageinfo'] = getimagesize($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']); if( empty($files[$file]['imageinfo']) ) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); return false; } } if( !copy($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $dir.'/'.$file) ) { header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'); return false; } $link = str_replace(array('/\\', '//', '\\\\', '\\'), '/', '/'.str_replace(realpath(FCPATH), '', realpath($dir.'/'.$file))); $path = pathinfo($link); $path = $path['dirname']; if( $extension == 'jpg' || $extension == 'jpeg' ) { $er = new phpExifReader($dir.'/'.$file); $files[$file]['exifinfo'] = $er->getImageInfo(); $files[$file]['general'] = array( 'filename' => $file, 'name' => $filename, 'ext' => $extension, 'path' => $path, 'link' => $link, 'size' => filesize($dir.'/'.$file), 'date' => filemtime($dir.'/'.$file), 'width' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][0], 'height' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][1], 'md5' => $md5 ); } else { $files[$file]['general'] = array( 'filename' => $file, 'name' => $filename, 'ext' => $extension, 'path' => $path, 'link' => $link, 'size' => filesize($dir.'/'.$file), 'date' => filemtime($dir.'/'.$file), 'width' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][0], 'height' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][1], 'md5' => $md5 ); } } //Files from the normal load else { sort($_FILES); $ufiles = $_FILES[0]; foreach( $ufiles['name'] as $k => $v ) { if( $ufiles['error'][$k] != 0 ) continue; //Type (image / file) $pathtype = $_POST['pathtype']; if( strpos($ufiles['name'][$k], '.') !== false ) { $extension = end(explode('.', $ufiles['name'][$k])); $filename = substr($ufiles['name'][$k], 0, strlen($ufiles['name'][$k]) - strlen($extension) - 1); } else { continue; } if( $pathtype == 'images' ) $allowed = $this->ALLOWED_IMAGES; elseif( $pathtype == 'files' ) $allowed = $this->ALLOWED_FILES; //If no suitable file extension if( !in_array(strtolower($extension), $allowed) ) { continue; } $md5 = md5_file($ufiles['tmp_name'][$k]); $file = $md5.'.'.$extension; //Check for image if( $pathtype == 'images' ) { $files[$file]['imageinfo'] = getimagesize($ufiles['tmp_name'][$k]); if( empty($files[$file]['imageinfo']) ) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); return false; } } if( !copy($ufiles['tmp_name'][$k], $dir.'/'.$file) ) { continue; } $link = str_replace(array('/\\', '//', '\\\\', '\\'), '/', '/'.str_replace(realpath(FCPATH), '', realpath($dir.'/'.$file))); $path = pathinfo($link); $path = $path['dirname']; if( $extension == 'jpg' || $extension == 'jpeg' ) { $er = new phpExifReader($dir.'/'.$file); $files[$file]['exifinfo'] = $er->getImageInfo(); $files[$file]['general'] = array( 'filename' => $file, 'name' => $filename, 'ext' => $extension, 'path' => $path, 'link' => $link, 'size' => filesize($dir.'/'.$file), 'date' => filemtime($dir.'/'.$file), 'width' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][0], 'height' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][1], 'md5' => $md5 ); } else { $files[$file]['general'] = array( 'filename' => $file, 'name' => $filename, 'ext' => $extension, 'path' => $path, 'link' => $link, 'size' => filesize($dir.'/'.$file), 'date' => filemtime($dir.'/'.$file), 'width' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][0], 'height' => $files[$file]['imageinfo'][1], 'md5' => $md5 ); } } } $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "w"); fwrite($dbfilehandle, serialize($files)); fclose($dbfilehandle); return ''; } function RenameFile($type, $dir, $filename, $newname) { $dir = $this->AccessDir($dir, $type); if( !$dir ) return false; $filename = trim($filename); if( empty($filename) ) { return 'error'; } if( !is_dir($dir.'/.thumbs') ) { return 'error'; } $dbfile = $dir.'/.thumbs/.db'; if( is_file($dbfile) ) { $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "r"); $dblength = filesize($dbfile); if( $dblength > 0 ) $dbdata = fread($dbfilehandle, $dblength); fclose($dbfilehandle); } else { return 'error'; } $files = unserialize($dbdata); foreach( $files as $file => $fdata ) { if( $file == $filename ) { $files[$file]['general']['name'] = $newname; break; } } $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "w"); fwrite($dbfilehandle, serialize($files)); fclose($dbfilehandle); return 'ok'; } function ShowDir($dir, $type) { $dir = $this->CallDir($dir, $type); if( !$dir ) { //echo 'Error al leer, puede no tenerse acceso.'; return ''; } $ret = ''; foreach( $dir as $v ) { $thumb = $this->GetThumb($v['general']['path'], $v['general']['md5'], $v['general']['filename'], 2, 100, 100); if( $v['general']['width'] > $this->WIDTH_TO_LINK || $v['general']['height'] > $this->HEIGHT_TO_LINK ) { if( $v['general']['width'] > $v['general']['height'] ) { $middle_thumb = $this->GetThumb($v['general']['path'], $v['general']['md5'], $v['general']['filename'], 0, $this->WIDTH_TO_LINK, 0); } else { $middle_thumb = $this->GetThumb($v['general']['path'], $v['general']['md5'], $v['general']['filename'], 0, 0, $this->HEIGHT_TO_LINK); } list($middle_width, $middle_height) = getimagesize(FCPATH.$middle_thumb); $middle_thumb_attr = 'fmiddle="'.$middle_thumb.'" fmiddlewidth="'.$middle_width.'" fmiddleheight="'.$middle_height.'" fclass="'.$this->CLASS_LINK.'" frel="'.$this->REL_LINK.'"'; } else { $middle_thumb = ''; $middle_thumb_attr = ''; } $ret .= ' <table class="imageBlock0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" filename="'.$v['general']['filename'].'" fname="'.$v['general']['name'].'" ext="'.strtoupper($v['general']['ext']).'" path="'.$v['general']['path'].'" linkto="'.$v['general']['link'].'" fsize="'.$v['general']['size'].'" date="'.date('d.m.Y H:i',$v['general']['date']).'" fwidth="'.$v['general']['width'].'" fheight="'.$v['general']['height'].'" md5="'.$v['general']['md5'].'" '.$middle_thumb_attr.'><tr><td valign="bottom" align="center"> <div class="imageBlock1"> <div class="imageImage"> <img src="'.$thumb.'" width="100" height="100" alt="'.$v['general']['name'].'" /> </div> <div class="imageName">'.$v['general']['name'].'</div> </div> </td></tr></table> '; } return $ret; } function GetThumb($dir, $md5, $filename, $mode, $width=100, $height=100) { $path = realpath(FCPATH.'/'.$dir); if( is_file($path.'/.thumbs/'.$md5.'_'.$width.'_'.$height.'_'.$mode.'.jpg') ) return $dir.'/.thumbs/'.$md5.'_'.$width.'_'.$height.'_'.$mode.'.jpg'; $t = new Image_Toolbox($path.'/'.$filename); $t->newOutputSize($width, $height, $mode, false, '#FFFFFF'); $t->save($path.'/.thumbs/'.$md5.'_'.$width.'_'.$height.'_'.$mode.'.jpg', 'jpg', 80); return $dir.'/.thumbs/'.$md5.'_'.$width.'_'.$height.'_'.$mode.'.jpg'; } function DelFile($pathtype, $path, $md5, $filename, $callShowDir=false) { $tmppath = $path; $path = $this->AccessDir($path, $pathtype); if( !$path ) return false; if( is_dir($path.'/.thumbs') ) { if( $pathtype == 'images' ) { $handle = opendir($path.'/.thumbs'); if( $handle ) { while( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) ) { if( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { if( substr($file, 0, 32) == $md5 ) { unlink($path.'/.thumbs/'.$file); } } } } } $dbfile = $path.'/.thumbs/.db'; if( is_file($dbfile) ) { $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "r"); $dblength = filesize($dbfile); if( $dblength > 0 ) $dbdata = fread($dbfilehandle, $dblength); fclose($dbfilehandle); $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "w"); } else { $dbfilehandle = fopen($dbfile, "w"); } if( isset($dbdata) ) { $files = unserialize($dbdata); } else $files = array(); unset($files[$filename]); fwrite($dbfilehandle, serialize($files)); fclose($dbfilehandle); } if( is_file($path.'/'.$filename) ) { if( unlink($path.'/'.$filename) ) { if( $callShowDir ) { return $this->ShowDir($tmppath, $pathtype); } else { return true; } } } else return 'error'; return 'error'; } function DelFolder($pathtype, $path) { $path = $this->AccessDir($path, $pathtype); if( !$path ) return false; if( realpath($path.'/') == realpath(FCPATH.DIR_IMAGES.'/') ) { $return = array('error' => $this->errors['You can not delete a root dir!']); return json_encode($return); } $files = array(); $handle = opendir($path); if( $handle ) { while( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) ) { if( $file != "." && $file != ".." && trim($file) != "" && $file != ".thumbs" ) { if( is_dir($path.'/'.$file) ) { $return = array('error' => $this->errors['As long the dir contains subfolders, it can\'t be removed.']); return json_encode($return); } else { $files[] = $file; } } } } closedir($handle); $handle = opendir($path.'/.thumbs'); if( $handle ) { while( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) ) { if( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { if( is_file($path.'/.thumbs/'.$file) ) { unlink($path.'/.thumbs/'.$file); } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($path.'/.thumbs'); } foreach( $files as $f ) { if( is_file($path.'/'.$f) ) unlink($path.'/'.$f); } if( !rmdir($path) ) { $return = array('error' => $this->errors['Error deleting dir']); return json_encode($return); } return '{ok:\'\'}'; } }