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  Classes of Ed Williams   HTTP_Connection   Download  
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Class: HTTP_Connection
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<? /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ define(CRLF, "\r\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_Header // purpose: represents an http header string ie. "<name>: <value>" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_Header { var $m_name; var $m_value; var $m_header; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor // input: fieldName - name of the header eg. 'Referer' // input: filedValue - value of the header eg. 'localhost' function HTTP_Header($fieldName, $fieldValue) { $this->m_name = $fieldName; $this->m_value = $fieldValue; $this->m_header = $fieldName.": ".$fieldValue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: get the entire header line // return: header string without crlf function Get() { return $this->m_header; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: get just the value of the header // return: string value of header function GetValue() { return $this->m_value; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: get just the name of the header // return: string name of header function GetName() { return $this->m_name; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_Message // purpose: represents a http message /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_Message { var $m_headers; var $m_entityBody; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor // input: HTTP_Headers - array of header objs to use with this message // input: entityBody - an entity body function HTTP_Message($HTTP_Headers, $entityBody="") { $this->m_headers = array(); $this->SetHeaders($HTTP_Headers); $this->m_entityBody = $entityBody; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: append header objs to this message // input: array of header objs function SetHeaders($HTTP_Headers) { if (is_array($HTTP_Headers)) { while(list(,$HTTP_Header) = each($HTTP_Headers)) { $this->m_headers[]= $HTTP_Header; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: append a single header obj // input: a header obj function SetHeader($HTTP_Header) { $this->m_headers[]= $HTTP_Header; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: return the first header obj found based on its name // return: header obj function GetHeader($fieldName) { if (is_array($this->m_headers)) { while(list(,$HTTP_Header) = each($this->m_headers)) { if ($HTTP_Header->GetName() == $fieldName) return $HTTP_Header; } } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: return array of header objs for this message // return: array of header objs function GetHeaders() { return $this->m_headers; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: return the entity body // return: entity body string function GetEntityBody() { return $this->m_entityBody; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_Request extends HTTP_Message // purpose: represents a http request to send to the server.Care must be taken // with uri for use with proxy server /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_Request extends HTTP_Message { var $m_method; var $m_uri; var $m_version; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor: // input: method - the method for this request // input: uri - the URI for this request // input: version - the HTTP verison for this request // input: HTTP_Headers - array of header objs // input: entityBody - entity body this request function HTTP_Request($method, $uri, $version, $HTTP_Headers, $entityBody="") { $this->HTTP_Message($HTTP_Headers, $entityBody); $this->m_version = $version; $this->m_method = $method; $this->m_uri = $uri; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: returns the method // return: method string function GetMethod() { return $this->m_method; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: returns request uri // return: uri string function GetURI() { return $this->m_uri; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: return the http version // return: http version string function GetVersion() { return $this->m_version; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_Response extends HTTP_Message // purpose: represents a http response message read from the server /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_Response extends HTTP_Message { var $m_version; var $m_statusCode; var $m_phrase; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor // input: version - http version // input: statusCode - statusCode // input: phrase - phrase // input: headers - array of header objs // input: entityBody - entity body function HTTP_Response($version , $statusCode, $phrase, $HTTP_Headers="", $entityBody="") { $this->HTTP_Message($HTTP_Headers, $entityBody); $this->m_version = $version; $this->m_statusCode = $statusCode; $this->m_phrase = $phrase; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: return the http version // return: http version string function GetVersion() { return $this->m_version; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: return the status code // return: status code string function GetStatusCode() { return $this->m_statusCode; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: return the phrase // return: phrase string function GetPhrase() { return $this->m_phrase; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_Connection // purpose: represents a http connection to the http server // use to send and read http messages from server /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_Connection { var $m_host; var $m_port; var $m_timeout; var $m_fp; var $m_debug = false; // set true to print debug messages /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor // input: host - host name to connect (ip or domain name) // input: port - port to use on host for http // input: timeout - timeout for connection function HTTP_Connection($host, $port=80, $timeOut=30) { $this->m_host = $host; $this->m_port = $port; $this->m_timeOut = $timeOut; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: connect to the host in constructor function Connect() { // // open up the socket to host $this->m_fp = fsockopen($this->m_host, $this->m_port, &$errno, &$errstr, $this->m_timeOut); if (!$this->m_fp) die("Error: Connect: ${errstr} (${errno})"); if ($this->m_debug) echo "DEBUG: opening connection<br>"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: close the connection to the host function Close() { if ($this->m_debug) echo "DEBUG: closing connection<br>"; fclose($this->m_fp); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: send a http request to the host/port in constructor // input: HTTP_Request - request obj function Request($HTTP_Request) { // // write request line if ($this->m_debug) echo "DEBUG: sending request line: ".$HTTP_Request->GetMethod()." ".$HTTP_Request->GetURI()." ".$HTTP_Request->GetVersion()."<br>"; fwrite($this->m_fp, $HTTP_Request->GetMethod()." ".$HTTP_Request->GetURI()." ".$HTTP_Request->GetVersion().CRLF); // // write headers $HTTP_Headers = $HTTP_Request->GetHeaders(); while(list(,$HTTP_Header) = each($HTTP_Headers)) { if ($this->m_debug) echo "DEBUG: sending header: ", $HTTP_Header->Get()."<br>"; fwrite($this->m_fp, $HTTP_Header->Get()."\n"); } // // write entity body $body = $HTTP_Request->GetEntityBody(); if (!empty($body)) { $HTTP_Header = $HTTP_Request->GetHeader("Content-Length"); if ($this->m_debug) echo "DEBUG: sending entity body length: ", ($HTTP_Header->GetValue()? $HTTP_Header->GetValue() : "unknown")."<br>"; fwrite($this->m_fp, CRLF); fwrite($this->m_fp, $body, $HTTP_Header->GetValue()); fwrite($this->m_fp, CRLF); } fwrite($this->m_fp, CRLF); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: read a http response from the host // output: HTTP_Response - creates a response obj function Response(&$HTTP_Response) { // // read status line $statusLine = fgets($this->m_fp, 1024); if ($this->m_debug) "DEBUG: read status line: ".$statusLine; $this->_SplitResponseLine($statusLine, $version, $statusCode, $phrase); // // read in headers $HTTP_Headers = array(); while(!feof($this->m_fp)) { $line = fgets($this->m_fp, 1024); if ($line == CRLF) break; $this->_SplitHeader($line, $fieldName, $fieldValue); if ($this->m_debug) echo "DEBUG: read header: ".$fieldName.": ".$fieldValue."<br>"; if ($fieldName == "Content-Length") $len = $fieldValue; $HTTP_Headers[] = new HTTP_Header($fieldName, $fieldValue); } if ($this->m_debug) echo "DEBUG: reading entity body - length: ", ($len ? $len : "unknown"), "<br>"; // // read in entity body (if there is one) if (!$len) $len = 1024; while(!feof($this->m_fp)) { $body .= fread($this->m_fp, $len); } // // create the response $HTTP_Response = new HTTP_Response($version, $statusCode, $phrase, $HTTP_Headers, $body); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: splits up a header into its different parts function _SplitHeader($header, &$fieldName, &$fieldValue) { $header = str_replace(CRLF, "", $header); $pos = strpos($header, ':'); $fieldName = substr($header, 0, $pos); $fieldValue = substr($header, $pos+2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // purpose: splits up a response line into its different parts function _SplitResponseLine($line, &$version, &$statusCode, &$phrase) { $line = str_replace(CRLF, "", $line); $regs = split("[[:space:]]+", $line, 3); $version = $regs[0]; $statusCode = $regs[1]; $phrase = $regs[2]; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_Cookie_Header extends HTTP_Header // purpose: represents a http cookie header /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_Cookie_Header extends HTTP_Header { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor: // input: hash containing keys=>values to be stored in this cookie function HTTP_Cookie_Header($values) { while(list($k, $v) = each($values)) $encValues .= $k."=".urlencode($v).";"; $this->HTTP_Header("Cookie", $encValues); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_BasicAuth_Header extends HTTP_Header // purpose: represents a http basic auth header /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_BasicAuth_Header extends HTTP_Header { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor: // input: username - username for auth // input: password - password for auth function HTTP_BasicAuth_Header($username, $password) { $this->HTTP_Header("Authorization", "BASIC ".base64_encode($username.":".$password)); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_GET_Request extends HTTP_Request // purpose: represents a http GET request /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_GET_Request extends HTTP_Request { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor: // input: uri - uri to get // input: HTTP_Headers - array of header objs for this request function HTTP_GET_Request($uri, $HTTP_Headers=0) { $this->HTTP_Request("GET", $uri, "HTTP/1.0", $HTTP_Headers); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_HEAD_Request extends HTTP_Request // purpose: represents a http HEAD request /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_HEAD_Request extends HTTP_Request { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor: // input: uri - uri to get headers for // input: HTTP_Headers - array of header objs for this request function HTTP_HEAD_Request($uri, $HTTP_Headers=0) { $this->HTTP_Request("HEAD", $uri, "HTTP/1.0", $HTTP_Headers); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class: HTTP_POST_Request extends HTTP_Request // purpose: represent a POST http request.Headers (Content-Type,Content-Length) // and entityBody sent for you /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HTTP_POST_Request extends HTTP_Request { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor: // input: uri - uri to post to // input: postValues - hash of unencoded post values to use // input: HTTP_Headers - array of header objs for this request function HTTP_POST_Request($uri, $postValues, $HTTP_Headers) { while(list($key,$val) = each($postValues)) $queryString .= urlencode($key)."=".urlencode($val)."&"; $HTTP_Headers[] = new HTTP_Header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $HTTP_Headers[] = new HTTP_Header("Content-Length", strlen($queryString)); $this->HTTP_Request("POST", $uri, "HTTP/1.0", $HTTP_Headers, $queryString); } }; ?>