Maxim Paginator

Maxim Paginator is a PHP Class written by Adeeyo Sulaiman A. (Maxim Web Technologies).

How to Use
  • Instantiate the class: First you need to instantiate the class like this
  • $classInstant = new MaximPaginator($hostname, $server_username, $server_password, $database_name, $recordPerPage, $querySQL);

    e.g To instantiate the class for an sql "SELECT * FROM table" with maximum of 10 record returns per page.

    $paginator = new MaximPaginator("localhost", "root", "password", "myDb", 10, "SELECT * FROM table");

  • Set the class variable vars: Although this step is not compulsory but it is advised to follow to avoid inconsistency. This will enable the class to retain all url ($_GETS[]) data e.g if the query depends on a url data like incase of a search, the class will still retains this data in the navigation link.
  • $vars = get_defined_vars();
    Note if the step is taken, the first line is not to be edited.
  • Get Query Resource: You can get the query resource processed by the class for use in your program.
  • $queryRes = $paginator->getQueryResource();
  • Customise Navigation Links: You can customised the navigation link word which are defaulted as "Next, Previous, Last, First". You can change those defaulted link word by your own wordsor graphics(images).
  • $paginator->customiseNavigationLink($nextLinkCustom, $previousLinkCustom, $firstLinkCustom, $lastLinkCustom);
  • Display Navigation Links: Then, you display the navigation link at a point in your webpage.
  • $paginator->displayNavigator();
  • Other useful functions:
    • getCurrentPage():   This function will return the current page number.
    • getRecordPerPage():   This function will return the number of record per page set in the class constructor.