class.forms Help

This class was created by Adam Parker & Oliver Leuyim Angel.

Starting a Form

To start a basic form, just include this code:
include_once ('class.forms.php');

$form = new buildForm();
This will start a form that will submit to itself via post. You can customize these aspects if you want, below is an example of full customization.
include_once ('class.forms.php');

$form = new buildForm();
$form->action = 'post';
$form->method = 'login.php';
$form->validate = true;
Using that code will start a form (with javascript validation enabled) that will post to the file login.php.
include_once ('class.forms.php');

$form = new buildForm();
$form->database = array('table' => 'account');

if($_POST) { echo $form->processSubmitted($_POST, $_FILES); }

$form->action = 'post';
$form->method = 'login.php';
$form->validate = true;
This will associate a mySQL table with this form allowing you to save to it
include_once ('class.forms.php');

$form = new buildForm();
$form->database = array('table' => 'account', 'where' => 'userid = "1"');

if($_POST) { echo $form->processSubmitted($_POST, $_FILES); }

$form->action = 'post';
$form->method = 'login.php';
$form->validate = true;
This will associate a mySQL table with this form allowing you to update it and pull information from the table

File Upload

This is an example of a basic insertion of upload box:
$form->upload(array('name' => 'photo'));
The only thing we are doing here is creating a new upload area called 'photo'. We can customize this in a number of ways:
$form->upload(array('name' => 'photo', 'size' => '20', 'maxsize' => '10000', 'allowed' => 'jpg,gif,png', 'resize' => '500x500', 'dir' => '/home/uploads/', html => 'style="font-size: 0.9em;"'));

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:Name of field
size:Set the size tag in the file box (width)
maxsize:The largest file size you'll accept (in bytes)
allowed:A comma delimited list of allowed file types
resize:The deminitions to resize the image (WIDTHxHEIGHT). Will resize proportionally.
dir:Full path to the directory you wish to upload your file (other than default)
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag

Text Input

This is an example of a basic insertion of a text input:
$form->text(array('name' => 'username'));
The only thing we are doing here is creating a new text field called 'username'. We can customize this in a number of ways:
$form->text(array('name' => 'username', size => '50', validate => 'Please enter your username', html => 'style="font-size: 0.9em;"'));

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:Name of field
size:Set the size tag in the input box
validate:Enables validation for this field and sets message to inform the user
value:(1) Preset value for the field
(2) To pre-populate with GET data, set value to [get]
(3) To pre-populate with POST data, set value to [post]
(4) To pre-populate with SQL data, set value to [sql]
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag

Password Input

This is an example of a basic insertion of a password input:
$form->password(array('name' => 'password'));
The only thing we are doing here is creating a new password field called 'password'. We can customize this in a number of ways:
$form->password(array('name' => 'password', size => '50', validate => 'Please enter your password', html => 'style="font-size: 0.9em;"'));

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:Name of field
size:Set the size tag in the input box<
validate:Enables validation for this field and sets message to inform the user
value:(1) Preset value for the field
(2) To pre-populate with GET data, set value to [get]
(3) To pre-populate with POST data, set value to [post]
(4) To pre-populate with SQL data, set value to [sql]
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag

Hidden Value

This is an example of a basic insertion of a hidden value:
$form->hidden(array('name' => 'userid'));
The only thing we are doing here is creating a new hidden field called 'userid'. We can customize this in a number of ways:
$form->hidden(array('name' => 'userid', 'value' => '[get]'));

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:Name of field
value:(1) Preset value for the field
(2) To pre-populate with GET data, set value to [get]
(3) To pre-populate with POST data, set value to [post]
(4) To pre-populate with SQL data, set value to [sql]


This is an example of a basic insertion of a textarea:
$form->textarea(array('name' => 'comments'));
The only thing we are doing here is creating a new textarea called 'comments'. We can customize this in a number of ways:
$form->textarea(array('name' => 'comments', 'rows' => '10', 'cols' => '30', 'value' => '[post]', 'validate' => 'Please enter some comments', 'html' => 'style="font-size: 1.1em;"'));

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:Name of field
rows:Set the row tag in the textarea
cols:Set the cols tag in the textarea
validate:Enables validation for this field and sets message to inform the user
value:(1) Preset value for the field
(2) To pre-populate with GET data, set value to [get]
(3) To pre-populate with POST data, set value to [post]
(4) To pre-populate with SQL data, set value to [sql]
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag

Radio Button

This is an example of a basic insertion of a radio button:
$form->radio(array('name' => 'gender', 'value' => 'male')); $form->radio(array('name' => 'gender', 'value' => 'female'));
The only thing we are doing here is creating two new radio button called 'gender', with one value 'male' the other 'female'. We can customize this in a number of ways:
$form->radio(array('name' => 'gender', 'value' => 'male', 'checked' => 'male', 'label' => 'Male', 'html' = > 'style="font: Tahoma;"', 'validate' => 'Please select a gender'));

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:Name of field
value:Value of field if selected
label:Add a label for this field
checked:(1) Marks item as checked if value is equal to specified string
(2) To check against GET data, set value to [get]
(3) To check against POST data, set value to [post]
(4) To check against SQL data, set value to [sql]
validate:Enables validation for this field and sets message to inform the user
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag


This is an example of a basic insertion of a checkbox:
$form->checkbox(array('name' => 'tv', 'value' => 'yes')); $form->checkbox(array('name' => 'tv', 'value' => 'no'));
The only thing we are doing here is creating two checkbox, with one value 'yes' the other 'no'. We can customize this in a number of ways:
$form->checkbox(array('name' => 'tv', 'value' => 'yes', 'checked' => '[post]', 'label' => 'Yes', 'html' = > 'style="font: Tahoma;"', 'validate' => 'Please select if you have a TV'));

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:Name of field
value:Value of field if selected
label:Add a label for this field
checked:(1) Marks item as checked if value is equal to specified string
(2) To check against GET data, set value to [get]
(3) To check against POST data, set value to [post]
(4) To check against SQL data, set value to [sql]
validate:Enables validation for this field and sets message to inform the user
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag

Drop Down Select Boxes

Adding a drop down select box is the most robust feature of this form generator. In here, I'll go over a few different custimizing options.
Select Box with Values from Array
$aryValues = array('one' => '1 Computer', 'two' => '2 Computers', 'three' => '3 Computers');
$form->select(array('name' => 'numberofcomputers', 'value' => $aryValues, 'selected' => '[get]', 'html' => 'style="width:100%;"'));

This will load the values from $aryValues into the select box. In the first part of the array 'one' would be the value and '1 Computer' would be the displayed text for that option.
Select Box with Values from Command Deliminated List
$form->select(array('name' => 'numberofcomputers', 'value' => '1 Computer, 2 Computers, 3 Computers', 'selected' => '[get]', 'html' => 'style="width:100%;"'));

This will load the values '1 Computer, 2 Computers, 3 Computers' into the select box. The value for the first option will be '1_Computer' and the display text will be '1 Computer'
Select Box with Values from Number Range
$form->select(array('name' => 'numberofcomputers', 'value' => '1~3~Computers', 'selected' => '[get]', 'html' => 'style="width:100%;"'));

This will process the values '1~3~Computers' into the select box. It will automatically create a option for all the numbers between '1' and '3' and will contain the suffix 'Computers' in the display text
Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:The name of the button
value:(1) Populate values and options according to an array. Example: $aryValues = array('one' => '1 Computer', 'two' => '2 Computers');
(2) Populate values and options according to a comma delimited list
(3) Populate values and options based on a range of numbers: Example 1: 2000~2015 (Starts at 2000 and will end at 2015)
Example 2: 2000-2015~Years (Starts at 2000 and will end at 2015. Will display suffix of 'Years' after each option)
(4) Populate with states use: [states] (only for the version in php v5)
(5) Populate with countries use: [countries] (only for the version in php v5)
(6) Populate with Mexico states use: [estados] (only for the version in php v5)
validate:Enables validation for this field and sets message to inform the user
selected:(1) Marks item as selected if value is equal to specified string
(2) To check against GET data, set value to [get]
(3) To check against POST data, set value to [post]
(4) To check against SQL data, set value to [sql]
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag


To add a submit button, add this quick line of code:
This button can be customized in a number of ways:
$form->submit(array('value' => 'Submit Contact Form', 'html' => 'style="font: bold 12pt Tahoma;"');

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
value:The text to appear in this button
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag


To add a button, add this quick line of code:
$form->button(array('name' => 'checkForm'));
This button can be customized in a number of ways:
$form->submit(array('name' => 'checkForm', 'value' => 'Check Form', 'html' => 'style="font: bold 12pt Tahoma;"'));

Explination of Options:
OptionWhat it Does
name:The name of the button
value:The text to appear in this button
html:Add advanced commands directly into the tag

Closing the Form

Closing the form is very simple, just use this after all your other form code: