PHP Classes

Repair ereg

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Subject:Repair ereg
Summary:Repair ereg bug for new version of PHP
Author:Zdeno Sekerak
Date:2015-01-31 22:03:41

  1. Repair ereg   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Zdeno Sekerak Zdeno Sekerak - 2015-01-31 22:03:41
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | activeMailLib 0.1 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Date: 17 Feb 2005 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | UPDATE: 1 Feb 2015 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | License: LGPL |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | activeMailLib is a PHP class to validate and send |
// | MIME E-mail messages using the PHP function mail(). |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Giorgos Tsiledakis <gt(at)corissia(dot)com> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

class activeMailLib
// PUBLIC (Constructor)
// param $type: sets the mail type; accepted values: plain or html; default: plain
function activeMailLib($type="plain")
if ($type=="html" || $type=="plain")

// some default's

// PUBLIC enableAddressValidation() -> checks the validity of an email address when sending an mail
function enableAddressValidation()

// PUBLIC enableServerValidation() -> checks the validity of an email server when sending an mail
// (not implemented for windows servers yet)
function enableServerValidation()

// PUBLIC To() -> sets the mail receiver(s)
// param $to: string or array (to send to many receivers)
function To($to)
if (is_array($to))
foreach ($to as $res)
if ($this->mkCheck($res)) $this->mailto[] = $res;
if (is_string($to))
if ($this->mkCheck($to)) $this->mailto[]=$to;

// PUBLIC ClearTo() -> clear mailto adresate
function ClearTo()
$this->mailto = false;

// PUBLIC Cc() -> sets the Carbon Copy mail receiver
function Cc($cc)
if (is_string($cc))

if ($this->mkCheck($cc))

// PUBLIC Bcc() -> sets the Blind Carbon Copy mail receiver
function Bcc($bcc)
if (is_string($bcc)){
if ($this->mkCheck($bcc)) $this->mailbcc=$bcc;

// PUBLIC From() -> sets the mail sender
// param $from: receiver`s mail (string)
// param $name: receiver`s name (string)
function From($from,$name=false)
if (is_string($from))
if ($this->mkCheck($from))
if ($name && is_string($name))
if ($name!=" ") $this->mailfromname="\"".addslashes($name)."\"";
else $this->mailfromname=$this->mailfrom;

// PUBLIC Reply() -> sets the address for a reply mail
// param $to: reply receiver`s mail (string); default: sender`s mail
function Reply($to)
if (is_string($to)){
if ($this->mkCheck($to)) $this->mailreply=$to;

// PUBLIC Subject() -> sets the mail subject
function Subject($var="")
if (is_string($var))
$this->mailsubj=strtr($var,"\r\n"," "); // just one line

// PUBLIC Message() -> sets the mail message body
// param $var: message as string
// param $charset: message charset
// param $encoding: message encoding
function Message($var="",$charset="iso-8859-2",$encoding="quoted-printable")
if (is_string($var))


// PUBLIC Attachment() -> sets a mail attachment
// param $file: the path or the url of the file to send as attachment
// param $filename: the name you want the attachment file to have
// param $maxsize: the maximal size in bytes of the attachment file
// param $disp: the disposition of the attachment file; accepted values: inline or attachment
// param $type: the type of the attachment file
function Attachment($file,$filename=false,$maxsize=false,$disp="attachment",$type=false)
if (!$filename) $filename=$file;
if (is_readable($file)){ // get a local file
if ($maxsize && $maxsize<filesize($file)){
return false;

if ($type) $this->attfile['type'][]=$type;
else $this->attfile['type'][]="application/octet-stream";


if ($disp!="inline") $this->attfile['disp'][]="attachment";
else $this->attfile['disp'][]=$disp;
else{ // get an URL (allow_url_fopen in php.ini must be true for that)
if ($fp)

if ($type) $this->attfile['type'][]=$type;
else $this->attfile['type'][]="application/octet-stream";


if ($disp!="inline") $this->attfile['disp'][]="attachment";
else $this->attfile['disp'][]=$disp;
else return false;

// PUBLIC Receipt() -> returns a receipt when the mail is read (not suported by all mail servers)
// param $to: receipt receiver`s mail (string); default: sender`s mail
function Receipt($to=false)

if ($to && is_string($to))
if ($this->mkCheck($to))

// PUBLIC Priority() -> sets the mail priority
// param $num: 1-5
function Priority($num)
if ($num>=1 && $num<=5)
// PUBLIC Send() -> sends the mail
function Send()

if ($this->mailto && $this->mailfrom)
foreach($this->mailto as $res)

if ($serv[0]==true)
$this->mailsent[$res]=mail($res, $this->mailsubj, $this->mailbody, $this->mailheaders);

// PUBLIC isSent() -> checks if a mail has been sent
function isSent($addr="")
if ($addr=="")

if (@$this->mailsent[$addr])
return $this->mailsent[$addr];
return false;

// PUBLIC checkAddress() -> checks the validity of an email address before sending an mail
function checkAddress($addr)

return $result;

// PUBLIC checkServer() -> checks the validity of an email server before sending an mail
// (not implemented for windows servers yet)
function checkServer($addr)

return $result;

// PUBLIC getRawData() -> returns the generated headers, the mail receiver(s), subject and body
function getRawData()

if ($this->mailto)
foreach($this->mailto as $res)
$out.="TO: ".$res."<br /><br />\n";

$out.="SUBJECT: ".$this->mailsubj."<br /><br />\n";
$out.="MESSAGE: ".$this->mailbody."<br /><br />\n";
$out.="HEADERS: ".htmlentities($this->mailheaders)."<br /><br />\n";

return $out;

// PRIVATE VARIABLES -> do not modify them on runtime, use the functions instesd
var $mailvers = "activeMailLib PHP, modify by TrSek";
var $knownmail="";
var $checkaddr=false;
var $checkserv=false;
var $type="plain";
var $charset="iso-8859-2";
var $encoding="quoted-printable";
var $mailto=false;
var $mailfrom=false;
var $mailfromname=false;
var $mailreply=false;
var $mailcc=false;
var $mailbcc=false;
var $mailreceipt=false;
var $mailpriority=false;
var $mailsubj="";
var $mailbody="";
var $mailheaders=false;
var $attfile=false;
var $mailsent=array();

// PRIVATE mkCheck() -> checks the validity of a mail address
function mkCheck($var)

if ($this->checkaddr)
if (preg_match($temp,$var))
return true;
return false;
else return true;

// PRIVATE mkCheckServer() -> checks the validity of a mail server (NOT ON WINDOWS)
function mkCheckServer($email)
// no validation if OS is Windows, return true
if(defined("PHP_OS") && !strcmp(substr(PHP_OS,0,3),"WIN"))
return array(true, "This method is not supported on Windows systems");

list($user,$domain) = explode("@",$email,2);

if ($this->checkserv)
$result=array(false,$domain." Mailserver not found");

if ($mxlist)
foreach($mxlist as $mx)
if (!$fp) continue;

socket_set_blocking($fp, false);

if (ereg("^220",$out))
if (($c>0 && $out=="")) break;
else $s++;
if ($s>9999) break;
} while ($out=="");

socket_set_blocking($fp, true);
fputs($fp,"HELO ActiveMail\n");
fputs($fp,"MAIL FROM: $this->knownmail\n");
fputs($fp,"RCPT TO: $email\n");
if (ereg("^250",$out)) $result=array(true,$out);
else $result=array(false,$out);
if ($result[0]) break;
else $result=array(false,$email." Function getmxrr() not supported or Mailserver not found");
else $result=array(true,$email." Mailserver not checked");
return $result;

// PRIVATE mkHeaders() -> generates the mail headers
function mkHeaders()
$this->headers["Content-Type"]="text/$this->type; charset=\"$this->charset\"";

if ($this->mailfrom)
if ($this->mailfromname)
$this->headers["From"] = $this->mailfromname." <".$this->mailfrom.">";
$this->headers["From"] = $this->mailfrom;

if ($this->mailcc) $this->headers["Cc"] = $this->mailcc;
if ($this->mailbcc) $this->headers["Bcc"] = $this->mailbcc;
if ($this->mailvers) $this->headers["X-Mailer"] = $this->mailvers;
if ($this->mailreply) $this->headers["Reply-To"]=$this->mailreply;
if ($this->mailreceipt)

if ($this->mailpriority)
case 1:

case 2:

case 3:

case 4:

case 5:


while(list($headername,$value) = each($this->headers))
if ($value)
$this->mailheaders.="$headername: $value\n";

// PRIVATE mkAttachment() -> generates the mail body in case of an attachment
function mkAttachment()
$this->headers["Content-Type"]="multipart/mixed;\n boundary=\"".$boundary."\"; type=\"multipart/mixed\"";
$mailbody="This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n";
$mailbody.="\nContent-Type: text/$this->type; charset=\"$this->charset\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: $this->encoding\n\n".$this->mailbody."\n";
$sep= chr(13) . chr(10);

for ($x=0;$x<count($this->attfile['name']);$x++)
$subhdr="--".$boundary."\nContent-type: $type;\n name=\"$base\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\nContent-Disposition: $disp;\n filename=\"$base\"\n";
while (!feof($fp)) $filecont.= fread($fp, $fsize);

$mailbody.= implode($sep, $subheader);
$mailbody.="\n-- End --";