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PHP Cron Scheduler Parser: Compute the time of scheduled jobs in cron format

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csd-parser 2GNU Lesser Genera...5PHP 5, Time and Date


This class can compute the time of scheduled jobs in cron format.

It takes the definition of task schedule in the format used by the cron program and computes the time of future or past job schedule times.

The class may compute the schedule times relatively to the current time or some other given time moment.

Picture of Chris Volwerk
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Name: Chris Volwerk <contact>
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Country: The Netherlands The Netherlands
Age: 42
All time rank: 284875 in The Netherlands The Netherlands
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= 'D d-m-y H:i'; // Will output dates like this in example
$basetime = date('d-m-Y H:00'); // A (default) base time for consistancy in example
$schedule = '1 3 2-8/6 * 2,3'; // A (default) scheduling definition
$schedule2 = '0 0 15 * *'; // A (2nd default) scheduling definition
$output = '';

$_GET['schedule'])) {

echo_errors($errno, $message) {


$basetime = $_GET['basetime'];
$schedule = $_GET['schedule'];
$schedule2 = $_GET['schedule2'];

// Create a new parser, basetime is optional by thw way, it will default to the current time
try {
$parser = new csd_parser($schedule, $basetime);
'<div style="margin: 5px 0 0; color: gray;">$parser = new csd_parser($schedule, $basetime)</div>';

// Output next time cron should run, 3 different ways ("next" is default)
echo '<h3>Next runtime, 3 different ways</h3>';
date($format, $parser->get()).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get()</span><br />';
date($format, $parser->get('next')).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get(\'next\')</span><br />';
date($format, $parser->get(0)).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get(0)</span><br />';

// And the last time it was supposed to run, 3 different ways
echo '<h3>Last runtime, 3 different ways</h3>';
date($format, $parser->get('last')).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get(\'last\')</span><br />';
date($format, $parser->get('prev')).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get(\'prev\')</span><br />';
date($format, $parser->get(-1)).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get(-1)</span><br />';

// The next 3 times it's supposed to run
echo '<h3>The next 3 runtimes</h3>';
$i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
date($format, $parser->get($i)).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get('.$i.')</span><br />';

// Try a different schedule
echo '<h3>The next 3 runtimes, with 2<sup>nd</sup> schedule</h3>';
$parser = new csd_parser($schedule2, $basetime);
$i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
date($format, $parser->get($i)).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get('.$i.')</span><br />';

        try {

// And now with both combined
            // Note that you can also use text, separating schedules with newlines (allows for input trough e.g. a textarea)
echo '<h3 style="margin-bottom: 0px">Combine the above two schedules and calc next 3 runtimes</h3>';
'<div style="margin: 5px 0 12px; color: gray;">$parser = new csd_parser(array($schedule, $schedule2), $basetime)</div>';
$parser = new csd_parser(array($schedule, $schedule2), $basetime);
$i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
date($format, $parser->get($i)).' <span style="margin-left: 20px; color: gray">$parser->get('.$i.')</span><br />';

// All runtimes of the next past months
            // Note the use of (string) to indicate this is NOT an offset
echo '<h3 style="margin-bottom: 0px">All the runtimes of the past 3 months</h3>';
'<div style="margin: 5px 0 12px; color: gray;">$parser->get( (string) strtotime(\'-3 month\', strtotime($basetime)) )</div>';
$untill = strtotime('-3 month', strtotime($basetime));
$times = $parser->get((string)$untill);
$times as $time) {
date($format, $time).'<br />';

// Quickly fetch with static function csd_parser::calc
            // Note that each call to the static function parses AND calculates everything anew
            // it will thus be slower if you want to calculate subsequent times
echo '<h3 style="margin-bottom: 0px">Calc next runtime using the static function</h3>';
'<div style="margin: 5px 0 12px; color: gray;">csd_parser::calc($schedule, 0, $basetime)</div>';
$time = csd_parser::calc($schedule, 0, $basetime);
date($format, $time);
        } catch(
Exception $e) {
    } catch(
Exception $e) {

$output = '<hr>'.ob_get_clean();

echo <<<EOF
<body style="font-family: monospace;">
<h3>Generate examples with</h3>
  <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100px">Schedule:</span><input type="text" value="
$schedule" name="schedule" style="width: 200px; font-family: monospace" /> [<a href="" target=_blank">Help</a>]<br />
  <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100px">2<sup>nd</sup> Schedule:</span><input type="text" value="
$schedule2" name="schedule2" style="width: 200px; font-family: monospace" ><br />
  <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100px">Time:</span><input type="text" value="
$basetime" name="basetime" style="width: 200px; font-family: monospace" >
  <input type="submit" value="Generate" />
  <a href="examples.php"><button type="button">Reset</button></a>


Class for easy calculation of UNIX timestamps from cron scheduling definitions Created: May 27th 2013 Author: Volwerk, C Contact: vollie [at] vollie [dot] net License: LGPLv3 About ================================================================================ This class can calculate a (range of) unix timestamp(s) of either future or past occurences relative to a given time considering a single or a combination of multiple scheduling definitions. I made this class after finding most classes capable of parsing cron scheduling definitions either bloated or lacking in functionality. This was written to be completely independent of other classes, non-standard functionalities and frame- works, be bug-free, calculate reasonably fast and have little overhead. Features ================================================================================ - Full support of 'traditional' crontab format including ranges, increments and multiple list items, allowing for advanced statements, e.g.: 5-10 12 1-10/2,*/5 * 2,3 2013 - Support for combining multiple statements using an or like approach. e.g.: "0 10 * * *" combined with "0 0 5 * *" would run every day at 10 and once a month at 0:00 on the 5th. - Get both future and paste times by offset (e.g. 5 crons from now). - Get a range of times (e.g. from now untill one month from now). - Support for named entries (e.g. "monday" or "mon" instead of 1, or "june" or "jun" instead of 6). - Identifies error in definitions and trows 'regular' (supressable) errors for them identifying the list item and line in the error. - Overlaps, duplicates or out of range entries are corrected. - Calculate relative to an optionally provided (custom) time Usage ================================================================================ You can use either a static approach or create a new parser. E.g the below two options both fetch $which runtime(s) of $cron_string relative to $start_point. csd_parser::calc($cron_string, $which, $start_point); $parser = new csd_parser($cron_string, $start_point); $parser->get($which); For more (advanced) examples (and explanation of what they'll do) glance over the example.php file. It can be easily adjusted to run some tests as well. It is worth noting that the static approach always reparses and recalculates. So if you want multiple times, creating a new object will be (slightly) faster. Who can use this class? ================================================================================ Anyone who wants to use cron-like scheduling for anything other than 'pure' cron jobs, or who wants to avoid the relative hassle of creating (seperate) crons for every scheduled task. e.g.: Our own system simply runs one cron every minute which in turn picks and reschedules jobs that can easily be scheduled, configured and even written using forms in the administrative area. changes ================================================================================ Sep 1st 2014 - Fixed issue that may occur when calculating into the future stemming from compensation for leap years - Slightly increased performance Jul 31st 2017 - Fixed issue relating to weekday numbers which led to skipping an entire week instead of resuming on the earliest next weekday

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