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PHP Threads Class: Run multiple tasks in parallel using HTTP requests

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This class can run multiple tasks in parallel using HTTP requests.

It can send HTTP requests to the same Web server and the same script that is currently running.

The class can pass the name of a function to execute in the child thread, as well additional parameters to pass to it.

Multiple threads may be started in parallel. The class can return the results each thread given the thread identifier.

Picture of Amilton Junior
Name: Amilton Junior <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: 30
All time rank: 3430261 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 83 Up8 in Brazil Brazil Up


    File: matrix.php
    Description: Matrix multiplication example using CThreads library.
    Usage: Call from the browser this file.
    URL Parameters:
        threads - (int) number of threads (2 default)
        size - (int) size of the matrix (size x size) (4 default)
        print - (int) 1 to print out, 0 to not
    Author: Amilton de Camargo Jr. <>
    Copyright (cc) 2014 - Amilton de Camargo Jr. <>

// Include CThreads library

///////// FUNCTIONS //////////

// Function that generates a matrix
// Arguments:
// (int) $size - Size of the matrix (size x size)
// (int) $rand_from - First number range
// (int) $rand_to - Last number range
// Return:
// (array) $matrix - Generated matrix
function GenerateMatrix($size=0, $rand_from=1, $rand_to=2)
// If it got an invalid size
if ( $size < 2 )
        return array();
$matrix = array();
// Generate the matrix
for ( $i=0; $i<$size; $i++ )
        for (
$j=0; $j<$size; $j++ )
$matrix[$i][$j] = ($rand_from == $rand_to) ? $rand_from : mt_rand($rand_from, $rand_to);

// Function that prints a matrix
// Arguments:
// (array) $matrix - Matrix to be printed
// (int) $size - Matrix size
// Return:
// (void)
function PrintMatrix($matrix=array(), $size=0)
// If invalid arguments
if ( !is_array($matrix) || $size < 0 )
// Print the matrix
for ( $i=0; $i<$size; $i++ )
        for (
$j=0; $j<$size; $j++ )
$matrix[$i][$j] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';

// Function to calculate a piece of a matrix
// Arguments:
// (array/int/float/String) $args - Arguments for the function
// Return:
// (array) $ret - Array with startpoint, endpoint, and result matrix
function Multiply($args)
// If not a valid argument
if ( !is_array($args) )
// Get the arguments
$t_number = $args['t_number']; // Thread ID
$size = $args['size']; // Matrix size
$threads = $args['threads']; // Number of threads
$first = $args['first']; // First matrix
$second = $args['second']; // Second matrix
$result = array(); // Result matrix (local)
if ( $threads > 1 )
// Calculate the thread's boundaries
$rows = (int) ($size / $threads);
$start = (int) ($rows * $t_number);
$end = (int) ($start + $rows);
$dif = (int) ($size - ( $threads * $rows ));
// If it is the first thread and the matrix size is odd
if ( $t_number == 0 && $size % 2 != 0 && $dif > 0 )
$end += $dif;
$start = 0;
$end = $size;
// Perform the calculation
for ( $i=$start; $i<$end; $i++ )
$j=0; $j<$size; $j++ )
$k=0; $k<$size; $k++ )
$result[$i][$j] += $first[$i][$k] * $second[$k][$j]; // Save the result to the resultant matrix
    // Return the values
$ret = array();
$ret['start'] = $start;
$ret['end'] = $end;
$ret['result'] = $result;

// Get the result form all calculations and make the final matrix
// Arguments:
// (array) $results - Results from threads
// (int) $threads - Number of threads
// (int) $size - Matrix size
// Return:
// (array) $result - Result matrix from multiplication
function FinalResult($results=array(), $threads=0, $size=0)
$result = array();
    for (
$t=0; $t<$threads; $t++ )
$start = $results[$t]['start'];
$end = $results[$t]['end'];
$res = $results[$t]['result'];
        for (
$i=$start; $i<$end; $i++ )
            for (
$j=0; $j<$size; $j++ )
$result[$i][$j] = $res[$i][$j];

//////////// MAIN PROGRAM /////////////

$threads = (isset($_GET['threads'])) ? (int) $_GET['threads'] : 2; // Number of threads
$m_size = (isset($_GET['size'])) ? (int) $_GET['size'] : 4; // Matrix size
$matrix1 = GenerateMatrix($m_size); // First matrix
$matrix2 = GenerateMatrix($m_size); // Second matrix
$result = array(); // Result of the multiplication
$thread_handle = new CThreads(); // Thread handles object
$printOut = (isset($_GET['print'])) ? (int) $_GET['print'] : true; // Boolean variable whether to print or not

// Print tha matrices
if ( $printOut )
'<b>Matrix Multiplication</b><br><br>';
'Matrix 1:<br><br>';
PrintMatrix($matrix1, $m_size);
'</td><td width="50">&nbsp;</td><td>';
'Matrix 2:<br><br>';
PrintMatrix($matrix2, $m_size);

"<br>> Using {$threads} thread(s) to calculate...<br>";

// Beginning timestamp
$parallel_start_time = microtime(true);

if (
$threads == 1 )
// Set the arguments
$args = array(); // Initialize the variable
$args['t_number'] = 0; // Thread ID
$args['size'] = $m_size; // Matrix size
$args['threads'] = 1; // Number of threads
$args['first'] = $matrix1; // First matrix
$args['second'] = $matrix2; // Second matrix
    // Perform the calculation and get the result
$threads_results[0] = Multiply($args);
// Create the threads
for ( $i=0; $i<$threads; $i++ )
// Set the arguments
$args = array(); // Initialize the variable
$args['t_number'] = $i; // Thread ID
$args['size'] = $m_size; // Matrix size
$args['threads'] = $threads; // Number of threads
$args['first'] = $matrix1; // First matrix
$args['second'] = $matrix2; // Second matrix
        // Create the thread and set the function to call and its arguments
$thread_handle->AddThread('Multiply', $args, true);
// Run all threads
// Get the result from all threads
$threads_results = $thread_handle->GetResults();

// End timestamp
$parallel_end_time = microtime(true);

// Get the final result
$result = FinalResult($threads_results, $threads, $m_size);

// Print out the result
if ( $printOut )
PrintMatrix($result, $m_size);

'<br>Parallel part done in '.round($parallel_end_time-$parallel_start_time, 3).' seconds<br>';


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Plain text file CThreads.php Class Main class
Accessible without login Plain text file matrix.php Example Example of usage

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