PHP Classes

PHP Native Mobile App Dispatcher: Redirect a mobile device to use a native app

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Not enough user ratingsTotal: 495 All time: 5,859 This week: 67Up
Version License PHP version Categories
mobile-dispatcher 2.0.11GNU Lesser Genera...5.3.0HTTP, PHP 5, Wireless and Mobile


This class can redirect a mobile device to use a native app.

It can register mobile applications available on App stores as recommended alternatives to use the current site as a native application for different mobile operating system families.

The class can detect the operating system family of the current user accessing the site using a mobile device and redirect to the appropriate mobile application installation page previously registered with the class.

If the family of a device is not detected, the list of the apps for all registered families is displayed.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2015

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Some Web sites provide alternative native mobile applications that the users can use to take advantage of the site resources when using a mobile device.

Therefore it is convenient to redirect the users to the pages that prompt the user to decide if he wants to install the mobile application on his device.

This class can redirect the users to the correct URLs to trigger the process of installation of mobile applications if the user wants to install them.

It works with different types of mobile device operating systems. Alternatively it shows a Web page for the user to select the mobile application version he wants to install if the mobile device is not recognized.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of André Liechti
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Name: André Liechti <contact>
Classes: 9 packages by
Country: Switzerland Switzerland
Age: 55
All time rank: 3996 in Switzerland Switzerland
Week rank: 23 Up1 in Switzerland Switzerland Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 8x

Winner: 2x


MobileDispatcher PHP class

MobileDispatcher PHP class is a GNU LGPL class to redirect a mobile device to the dedicated App for this family of mobile devices.

Thanks to this dispatcher, you can now distribute a single QRcode with the same URL inside to distribute an app for various mobile device families (for example:

If the family of a device is not detected, the list of the Apps for all families is displayed instead.

(c) 2014-2015 SysCo systemes de communication sa

Current build: (2015-08-06)



    $mobile_dispatcher = new MobileDispatcher();

        'TOTP/HOTP code generator'

        'Google Authenticator'



Check mobile.dispatcher.demo.php for a full implementation example.

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  Mobile Dispatcher implementation demonstrationExternal page  
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Accessible without login Plain text file Lic. License text
Plain text file mobile.dispatcher.class.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file mobile.dispatcher.demo.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

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