PHP Classes

PHP Innovation Award winners

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Award Winners by Author of 2010

Rank Author Packages Points
1 Er. Rochak Chauhan India 6 57
2 Tufan Baris YILDIRIM Turkey 3 28
3 Arturs Sosins Latvia 5 27
4 Carlson A. Soares Brazil 2 21
5 Amin United States 2 20
6 Michele Andreoli Italy 2 16
7 Michael J. Fuhrman United States 3 15
7 Rafael Jaques Brazil 1 15
7 Pashkov Denis Igorevich Ukraine 3 15
7 Nitesh Apte India 2 15

Award Winners by Country of 2010

Rank Country Packages Points
1 India India 8 72
1 Brazil Brazil 8 72
3 United States United States 9 69
4 Italy Italy 8 55
5 Germany Germany 10 52
6 France France 7 40
7 Ukraine Ukraine 6 32
8 The Netherlands The Netherlands 6 29
9 Turkey Turkey 3 28
10 Latvia Latvia 5 27

Winners of December of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic-Tac-Toe game using alpha beta search algorithm
Amin United States 25.00% 10 One copy of the Zend Studio
Queue actions on objects to be performed later
Thomas Björk Sweden 17.86% 9 One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
3 Multidim
Manipulate multidimensional arrays in MySQL tables
troy knapp United States 10.71% 8 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
3 DHCP Lease Query
Send queries to a DHCP server
Pat Winn United States 10.71% 8 One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
3 Search by Relevance
Sort arrays or MySQL searches by relevance
Carlson A. Soares Brazil 10.71% 8 One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
6 Proxy Connector
Retrieve remote Web pages using the TOR network
Ska-Man Italy 7.14% 5 One copy of RadPHP XE
6 QuickAPI
Implement an API with other classes or functions
Ingvar Stepanyan Ukraine 7.14% 5 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
6 Array Treatment
Count array values by given entry names
Muhamed Turkanovic Slovenia 7.14% 5 One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
9 allowHTML
Filter insecure HTML following OWASP AntiSamy
Simon Emery 3.57% 2
10 twzCronChart
Parse crontab schedule and generate Gantt charts
Tony Australia <1.00% 1

Winners of November of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 Music theory
Generate music scales and chords
Arturs Sosins Latvia 34.38% 7 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
2 Google File Finder
Search for files in sites using Google
Diego Garrido de Almeida Brazil 18.75% 6 One year server license IP to country region city database
3 Java and C# compatible object autoboxing for PHP
Wrap string and integer values in objects
Artur Graniszewski Poland 15.62% 5 One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
3 Net Ping
Send ping requests sending ICMP packets
Maxim Ignatenko Russian Federation 15.62% 5 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
5 Ripcord
Implement XML-RPC clients and servers
Auke van Slooten The Netherlands 9.38% 3 One copy of the Zend Studio
Store and retrieve objects in MongoDB databases
Bartlomiej Rudzki Poland 3.12% 2
6 Walker
Convert an array into hierarchic data
Arthur Borisow Ukraine 3.12% 2 One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine

Winners of October of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 Error Logging
Handle PHP fatal and non-fatal execution errors
Nitesh Apte India 32.35% 7 One copy of the Zend Studio
2 Comparator Tools
Compare and sort objects of many types
Fabian Schmengler Germany 20.59% 6 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
2 CSS sprite class
Generate sprite images and CSS to use image styles
Arturs Sosins Latvia 20.59% 6 One book of choice by Packt
4 WS Client Builder
Generate class code for calling a SOAP Web service
Basilio Briceño Mexico 14.71% 4 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
5 Metalix Encryption
Generate hash of string applying MD5 several times
Alex Telford New Zealand 8.82% 3 One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
6 Bin packing
Implementation of one dimensional bin packing
Chi H. France 2.94% 2 One copy of DWebPro Standard License
7 Pop under class
Display interstitial advertising
Arturs Sosins Latvia <1.00% 1

Winners of September of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 DB Populator
Populate a MySQL database with random data
Rafael Jaques Brazil 16.22% 15 One copy of the Zend Studio
2 PHP Scanner
Crawl a site to find PHP errors
Mike Stowe United States 13.51% 14
3 Image Crop
Visual editor to let the user crop images
Carlson A. Soares Brazil 10.81% 13 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
3 First Person View
Browse images like a first person view game
Oscar Dias Brazil 10.81% 13 One book of choice by Packt
3 PDF print
Alter a PDF document to make it print when opened
Laurens Ramandt Belgium 10.81% 13 One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
3 Twitter Auto Publish
Post statuses to Twitter without using oAuth
Er. Rochak Chauhan India 10.81% 13 One copy of Delphi for PHP
7 PNG Data Encoder and Container
Encode and decode data inside PNG images
wmchris Germany 8.11% 9 One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
7 Retrieving, executing and saving partial data from SQL dump
Extract table dumps from full MySQL database dumps
Alexander Selifonov Russian Federation 8.11% 9 One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
9 Colorful variable dump
Dump variable values using colors
Artur Graniszewski Poland 5.41% 7 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
10 IP Net Calculator
Compute the common mask from multiple IP addresses
Alexander Over Germany 2.70% 6 One year server license IP to country region city database
10 Sparql Query Builder
Compose queries to XML RDF documents with SPARQL
Arturs Sosins Latvia 2.70% 6 One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
12 Smooth Decrease Class
Generate a series of values that decrease smoothly
Ming Choi Hong Kong <1.00% 4
12 kart-trie
Manage and search associative array with Kart tree
Chi H. France <1.00% 4
12 32bit File Stats
Get information of large files on 32 bit systems
Jamie Curnow Australia <1.00% 4
12 Cache wrapper
Store and retrieve entries in memory caches
Pashkov Denis Igorevich Ukraine <1.00% 4

Winners of August of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 multiOTP PHP class
Authenticate and manage OTP strong user tokens
André Liechti Switzerland 25.00% 11 One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
2 PHP Chord
Render images with guitar chords
Tony Pottier France 16.67% 10 One copy of the Zend Studio
3 Image compare
Compare two images to find the differences
Pashkov Denis Igorevich Ukraine 12.50% 9 One year server license IP to country region city database
3 Haanga
Template engine to process Django style templates
Cesar D. Rodas Paraguay 12.50% 9 One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
5 Notes
AJAX based notes editor
Michael J. Fuhrman United States 8.33% 7
5 Probability distribution
Create noise with Gaussian or Poisson distribution
Michele Andreoli Italy 8.33% 7 One book of choice by Packt
5 Curl multi sitemap
Generate multiple sitemaps crawling sites
Arturs Sosins Latvia 8.33% 7 One copy of VS.PHP
8 PHP Benchmark script to mesure performance
Measure the performance of PHP
AlessandroTorrisi The Netherlands 4.17% 4
8 Images Comparison Class
Compare two images to check if they are identical
Ming Choi Hong Kong 4.17% 4
10 Simple Singleton and Multiton Class
Create and manage one or more singleton objects
Andrei Alexandru Spain <1.00% 2

Winners of July of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 D3Ribbon Menu
Generate HTML to display ribbon-like menus
Tufan Baris YILDIRIM Turkey 28.95% 7 One yearly subscription to the PHP Solutions magazine
2 te-edu Password Meter
Check whether a password is strong
Goran Bogdanovic Serbia 18.42% 6 One year server license IP to country region city database
2 Todo List
Manage a list of tasks of a to do list
Michael J. Fuhrman United States 18.42% 6 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
4 Equation
Evaluate and render polynomial equations
Francisco Jose Naranjo Spain 15.79% 4 One copy of the Zend Studio
5 Output Filter
Filter scalars, arrays, data objects recursively
Fabian Schmengler Germany 7.89% 3 One book of choice by Packt
6 Redirection Detector
Check and retrieve the redirection URL of a page
Jaroslaw Miazga Poland 5.26% 2
6 People
Manage user contacts
Michael J. Fuhrman United States 5.26% 2

Winners of June of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 CountDown class
Display the time remaining to a give date
Cat The Netherlands 28.00% 6 One copy of VS.PHP
2 Supervisor of filling of folders
Monitor the size of files in file
Roberto Aleman Venezuela 20.00% 5 One copy of the Zend Studio
2 Nodal Analysis
Perform nodal analysis of linear circuit networks
Bart Plovie Belgium 20.00% 5 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
4 TellStick Home automation
Control Tellstick home electronic devices
Petter Kjelkenes Norway 16.00% 3
5 Simple MySQL wrapper replicator
Access multiple MySQL servers
Pashkov Denis Igorevich Ukraine 12.00% 2 One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
6 Hilbert curve
Generate points of an Hilbert curve
Chi H. France 4.00% 1 One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition

Winners of May of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 PHP Search MySQL Tables
Search for text in all tables of a MySQL database
Er. Rochak Chauhan India 19.35% 13 One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
2 PDF Text Extractor
Extract text from PDF files
joeri The Netherlands 16.13% 12 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
3 Adjacency Model
Create and manipulate adjacency lists in MySQL
Peter Drinnan Canada 12.90% 11 One book of choice by Packt
4 Cached Virtual Array
Base class for implementing persistent arrays
Ingvar Stepanyan Ukraine 9.68% 10 One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
5 PHP Duplicate Files Finder
Find files with the same contents
Er. Rochak Chauhan India 6.45% 9
5 PHP Text Spinner
Change words of a text with synonyms
Er. Rochak Chauhan India 6.45% 9
5 splx_graph
Render polygons in HTML pages using DIV elements
Alessandro Vernassa (speleoalex) Italy 6.45% 9 One copy of Delphi for PHP
5 Fast Fourier Transform
Compute the Fast Fourier Transform of sampled data
Michele Andreoli Italy 6.45% 9 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
5 PHP OpenGraph
Extract OpenGraph information from sites
Gerson Minichiello Brazil 6.45% 9 One copy of DWebPro Standard License
5 Auto DB Up
Update a MySQL database from SQL files
Alexandru Trandafir Catalin Spain 6.45% 9 One book of choice by Apress
11 PHP Compare Strings
Compares strings to determine similarity level
Er. Rochak Chauhan India 3.23% 3
12 Music Albums Year Analyzer
Scan music files collection
Ahmad Retha <1.00% 2
12 NewHaze API
Incorporate games in sites with the NewHaze API
Edmund Gentle <1.00% 2

Winners of April of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 Database Copier
Copy tables between MySQL databases
waqas khan kakar Pakistan 34.85% 11 One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
2 PHP MD5 Decrypter
Decrypt MD5 password and hashes with MD5Decryter
Er. Rochak Chauhan India 12.12% 10 One copy of the Zend Studio
3 Firewall
Accept or deny requests depending on IP address
Temperini Mirko Italy 10.61% 9 One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
4 secache
Store and retrieve cached values from single file
wanglei China 9.09% 8
5 PHProtector
Analyse HTTP requests to detect security attacks
Hugo Sousa Portugal 7.58% 7 One book of choice by Apress
5 Color Harmony Class
Convert and generate harmonic colors
Usman Didi Khamdani Indonesia 7.58% 7 One copy of VS.PHP
7 MongoFS
Store and get data in MongoDB GridFS like files
Cesar D. Rodas Paraguay 4.55% 5 One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
7 Webmaster Tools
Manage sites in the Google Webmaster Tools
Paul Williamson Australia 4.55% 5 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
9 Inline Style
Apply stylesheets to HTML as tag style attributes
Christiaan Baartse The Netherlands 3.03% 3 One book of choice by Packt
9 zQRCode
Generate QRCode images using site
Joandi Indonesia 3.03% 3 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
9 EPub
Create ebook in EPUB format for ex. Apple iPad
Asbjorn Grandt Denmark 3.03% 3 One copy of Delphi for PHP

Winners of March of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 Image Processor (CSS)
Draw images defined with CSS like properties
Tufan Baris YILDIRIM Turkey 34.62% 10 One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
2 Back Propagation Scale
Implement neural networks using back propagation
freedelta France 21.15% 9 One book of choice by Apress
3 GraphML Generator
Generate UML diagrams from PHP code using GraphML
tucsi Hungary 15.38% 8 One copy of the Zend Studio
3 YouTube Trailer
Search and embed movie trailers from YouTube
Nitesh Apte India 15.38% 8 One copy of Delphi for PHP
5 Proxy
Extract lists of proxy servers from remote sites
Petter Kjelkenes Norway 3.85% 6
5 Typesafe Enum
Implement enumerated values as class functions
Fabian Schmengler Germany 3.85% 6 One book of choice by Packt
7 UNLimg
Generate an image based on the hash of string
Luis Henrique Brazil 1.92% 4 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
7 flexGen
Generate code to show MySQL results using Flex
thiago Brazil 1.92% 4 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
7 MPO Extractor
Extract images from Fuji MPO files
Mihai Scurtu 1.92% 4
10 Fibonacci
Generate Fibonacci sequence numbers
Artur Barseghyan The Netherlands <1.00% 1

Winners of February of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
1 Trigonometric tools
Calculate sine, cosine and tangent of angles
Mohammed Cherkaoui Morocco 19.57% 7 One book of choice by Packt
2 Class Prototype
Define variables of all class objects dynamically
Marco Marchiò Italy 17.39% 6 One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
3 Script Alone
Manage the execution of PHP daemon scripts
Barbushin Sergey Russian Federation 15.22% 5 One copy of the Zend Studio
3 NabiCI
Continuous integration framework
hwrProgs Germany 15.22% 5 One copy of Delphi for PHP
5 Link CSV
Load and merge the data of two CSV files
Schubertus Hodenus Germany 13.04% 3 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
6 Gettable
Make protected class properties accessible
Chris Lam Hong Kong 10.87% 2
7 Tokenizer
Tokenizer split strings into tokens
Domenico Pontari Italy 8.70% 1 One copy of VS.PHP

Winners of January of 2010

Rank Class Author Score Points Prize
Query arrays with a SQL-like syntax using LINQ
Tufan Baris YILDIRIM Turkey 35.94% 11 One copy of the Zend Studio
2 FLV Metadata
Get metadata from Flash video files
Amin United States 17.19% 10 One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
3 PreLoad Images
Generate page with preloaded images
riccardo castagna Italy 15.62% 9 One copy of Delphi for PHP
4 Detect Opcode Cache
Detect whether PHP is running an opcode cache
Alexander Over Germany 6.25% 8 One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
4 Oscar CouchDb
Manipulate data on a CouchDB database
de saint leger christophe France 6.25% 8 One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
6 Pearson Significance
Calculate significance for correlation coefficient
Roman Australia 4.69% 6 One book of choice by Apress
6 Very Simple XML Element
Extend SimpleXML document composition capabilities
Jonathan Gotti France 4.69% 6 One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
8 xColor
Manipulate color values
Robert Eisele Germany 3.12% 4 One year server license IP to country region city database
8 docType
Create HTML or XHTML depending on the user browser
Michael A. Peters United States 3.12% 4 One book of choice by Manning
10 Thunderbird Junk Log To Postfix Header Check
Convert Thunderbird junk log to Postfix rules
Basilio Briceño Mexico 1.56% 2
10 Cache variables
Cache variable values in PHP scripts
Piotrek M Poland 1.56% 2

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