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1. How Can PHP Check If Two Strings Are Similar

Updated on: 2024-01-25

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Blog: PHP Similar Strings Finder package blog
Package: PHP Similar Strings Finder

Sometimes, users search for a text to check if it contains a given string.

Users may type the string to find mistakes so the spelling of the text to search is incorrect.

In that case, searching for strings similar to what the user typed is better.

Check this PHP package to learn how to find one or more similar text strings in a text document.

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1. Learn from a Vue.js PHP CRUD Example How to Use Laravel Vite and Laravel Sanctum to Implement Applications that Load Pages Very Quickly

Updated on: 2024-01-22

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Blog: Vue.js PHP CRUD Example Using Laravel Vite package blog
Package: Vue.js PHP CRUD Example Using Laravel Vite

Laravel is a popular framework that many PHP developers use to implement applications using packages that extend Laravel capabilities to implement PHP Web applications and APIs.

Laravel Vite implements single-page web applications using Vue.js and Inertia.js JavaScript libraries to quickly update the application's user interface pages.

Laravel Sanctum implements an API with the same code used to implement a Laravel Web application.

This package provides an example Laravel application that uses Laravel Vite and Laravel Sanctum to implement a blog system with user and blog post management.

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1. How Can Wordpress Delete User Programmatically By Improving WordPress API to Comply with Modern Laws

Updated on: 2024-01-19

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Blog: WordPress Delete User API package blog
Package: WordPress Delete User API

WordPress is a prevalent PHP content management application that allows registered users to submit and publish blog posts and pages on sites managed by WordPress.

Modern legislation requires that sites allow users to have their data removed from sites, such as names, email addresses, and other details.

WordPress itself allows administrators to delete user accounts. If the WordPress site users want to delete accounts, they may need another method.

This package allows a WordPress API user to delete the user account. This way, an application that uses a WordPress site API may allow users to request the deletion of accounts themselves.

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1. How to Use a Laravel Migration Seeder Class that Is More Flexible and Configurable

Updated on: 2024-01-18

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Blog: Flexible Laravel Migration Seeder package blog
Package: Flexible Laravel Migration Seeder

Laravel is a popular PHP framework that many developers use to implement PHP applications.

When an application needs to evolve, it often needs to upgrade the database schema.

Laravel provides classes to implement the migration and seeding of the application database schema.

Since many applications need an initial seeding, whether for configuration or base data, this package implements a Laravel database migration service that can simplify the migrations by allowing developers to configure the mentioned seeding more flexibly and configurable.

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1. How to Measure the Popularity of a PHP Project By Counting How Many Contributors a Project Has Using PHP API

Updated on: 2024-01-17

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Blog: PHP Libraries.IO package blog
Package: PHP Libraries.IO

Many developers host projects on sites like GitHub that provide accessible Git repository hosting to let developers share their projects on the Internet using Git to keep track of changes in repository files.

While GitHub provides an excellent repository hosting service, it is always possible to provide additional services on top of GitHub. is a project that can provide a different view of the organization of projects hosted in GitHub and add more services like monitoring project dependencies and contributors.

This package provides a PHP API to query different aspects of projects listed in Libraries.IO.

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1. How to Use a PHP Neural Network Library to Implement a Pure PHP Artificial Inteligence Engine

Updated on: 2024-01-16

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Blog: PHP Neural Net Library package blog
Package: PHP Neural Net Library

Artificial intelligence has become more relevant in recent times due to the evolution of tools that make it easier for lay users to use, like, for instance, ChatGPT.

An artificial intelligence engine can be implemented in any programming language.

Check this package to learn and use a PHP package that provides the essential components to implement pure PHP neural networks that artificial intelligence applications can use.

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1. How Can PHP Convert Array to JSON, CSV, or XML Files using Functions and Classes Built-In PHP

Updated on: 2024-01-12

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Blog: PHP Convert Array to JSON, CSV or XML package blog
Package: PHP Convert Array to JSON, CSV or XML

Many PHP applications need to export data to be used by other applications.

Those other applications can often import data in JSON, CSV, or XML formats.

Check out this PHP package with a simple example script that can generate files in JSON, CSV, or XML formats from array data, possibly generated from database queries.

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1. How to Do PHP Performance Tuning of a Web Application Using XDebug and a JavaScript Benchmark Script

Updated on: 2024-01-11

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Blog: PHP Performance Tuning of a Web Application package blog
Package: PHP Performance Tuning of a Web Application

Many PHP developers are concerned with implementing fast applications and providing a good user experience.

One way to measure the performance of a PHP application is to use the XDebug PHP extension to collect performance data so developers can identify slow parts of their code that should be optimized.

The package implements a PHP application and comes with documentation to set up the XDebug PHP extension to determine application bottlenecks that can be optimized.

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15. How to Implement PHP Sentiment Analysis Using Google Artificial Intelligence API to Process Natural Language Text

Updated on: 2024-01-10

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Blog: PHP OAuth Library package blog
Package: PHP OAuth Library

The evolution of artificial intelligence allowed the implementation of more advanced solutions for complex problems like, for instance, the interpretation of human language.

One type of interpretation of human language is the analysis of sentiments expressed by people when they send text messages.

Read this step-by-step tutorial article to learn, for example, PHP code and how to use Google Cloud Natural Language API to analyze human sentiments using text messages from PHP.

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1. PHP Example of How to Export MySQL Data in Excel XLS Format

Updated on: 2024-01-09

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Blog: Export MySQL Data to Excel in PHP Example package blog
Package: Export MySQL Data to Excel in PHP Example

Many developers work on PHP applications for users who want to export data to view in a Microsoft Excel format.

Often, those PHP applications use MySQL to store application data.

Check this PHP package to learn how to export your PHP application data to files that can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel XLS format using simple PHP code scripts.

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