Author: Manuel Lemos
Viewers: 1,277
Last month viewers: 1
Categories: Sponsored
AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework used frequently for creating single page applications that work very fast.
Read this article to learn about 20 AngularJS books and videos that you can buy with a 50% just for the next days.
Read this article to learn about 20 AngularJS books and videos that you can buy with a 50% just for the next days.
Packt is a well know book publisher that has been supporting the PHP Classes and JS Classes community since many years ago as a sponsor of the PHP and JavaScript Innovation Award.
This week they have launched a campaign to help developers to learn more about taking the most of AngularJS library.
This is a well known JavaScript library developed by Google that is used to build single page applications.
This campaign allows you to buy any of the following 20 AngularJS ebooks and videos with 50% discount. If you want to benefit from this discount, just visit the Packt Web site now.
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