/* */
/* Class: CCodeRed.inc.php */
/* */
/* Content: Class for grepping your (Apache) Logfile */
/* and showing the CodeRed Worm attacks */
/* */
/* Requires: NONE */
/* */
/* Copyrights: This class was created by Felix-Gabriel Gangu */
/* for the ForeverNET Media GmbH, Germany. */
/* */
/* Questions? Take a look @ http://www.forevernet.de */
/* or drop a line to
[email protected]! */
/* */
/* Please let me know, if you make some modifications! */
/* What about a better error handling? */
/* */
/* Hints: For usage see the included file "codered_show.php" */
/* */
/* Version History: */
/* */
/* 20.09.01 Date of creation */
class CCodeRed
// public:
// private:
var $_cLogFile;
var $_iRefresh;
var $_iNumLines;
var $_fp;
var $_aLines;
function CCodeRed($cLogFile,$iRefresh,$iNumLines)
function _Doit()
while (!feof ($this->_fp))
$cLine = fgets($this->_fp, 4096);
if (stristr($cLine,"default.ida"))
function ShowPage($bRefresh=TRUE)
if ($bRefresh)
$cRet.="Last ".$this->_iNumLines." CCodeRed attempts on this server:"."<br>";
$cRet.="(Total requests in logfile: ".count($this->_aLines).")"."<br><br>";
for ($i=0; $i<$this->_iNumLines; $i++)
return $cRet;
function GetNumCodeRedRequests()
return count($this->_aLines);
function GetRefreshJavaScript()
return $this->_MakeJavaScript();
function GetResultArray()
for ($i=0; $i<$this->_iNumLines; $i++)
return $aRet;
function _FileOpen()
function _FileClose()
function _MakeJavaScript()
$cRet.="var interval;\n";
$cRet.="function RefreshStart()\n";
$cRet.="function RefreshStop()\n";
$cRet.="<input type=\"button\" value=\"Refresh Start\" onClick=\"RefreshStart()\">\n";
$cRet.="<input type=\"button\" value=\"Refresh Stop\" onClick=\"RefreshStop()\">\n";
return $cRet;
} // EOC