Joomla Login functionality for external sources.
Copy files from joomla-site directory to the root of your Joomla website.
Copy files from other-site directory to where you want to access this API from.
How To Use
Send POST params user and pass to hab-joomla-login.php located inside joomla-site . And it will return user data like json_encoded: username, name, email etc.
To use script inside other-site . Simply include the HabJoomlaLogin.php, to your code and call the HabJoomlaLogin class. here is an example:
include "path/to/HabJoomlaLogin.php";
//Login Data username and password
$data = [
"user" => "user123";
"pass" => "pass123";
//Path to the hab-joomla-login.php located on the server with Joomla installation.
$pathJoomla = "path/to/hab-joomla-login.php";
//Contains the array with user information
$login = HabJoomlaLogin::doLogin($data, $pathJoomla);