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File: gimmecache.php

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File: gimmecache.php
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Description: The cache class file (include it in your scripts)
Class: gimmeCache
SImple to use but powerful caching class.
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 7,445 bytes


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<?php /*********************************** gimmecache.php @ 2002 Sam Yapp You are free to use modify and do whatever you like with this script. Usage: *** To cache a whole page, *** near the top of your script, include_once("gimmecache.php"); $cache = new gimmecache("path/to/store/cached/files/in", 60); // refresh cache after 60 seconds $cache->cache("a_unique_name_identifying_this_cache"); *** To cache part of a script, ie. big database query *** include_once("gimmecache.php"); $cache = new gimmecache("path/to/store/cached/files/in", date("Y-m-d 00:00:00")); // refresh cache once a day if( $cache->cache("a_unique_name_identifying_this_cache")){ // cache() returns true if the code needs to be refreshed // all the code you want to cache goes here, eg. $result = mysql_query($really_big_and_slow_query); while( list( $f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ echo "Field1 $f1, Field2 $f2, Field3 $f3, Field4 $f4<br>\n"; } $cache->stop(); // finish caching this bit of code } // The sql query and output of the data will only occur the first time each day that the script is requested. // the output is stored in the cache and is output to the browser as html which for a big query will be faster. *** To remove a cached file - sometimes you may need to refresh a script the next time it is called, but not this time *** $cache->expirecache($cache_identifier); *** to replace one or more strings in the cached output before outputting it to the web browser $cache->cache($cachepath, $expirytime, $search = array("firstvalue", "secondvalue"), array("firstreplacement", "secondreplacement")); // error checking: the variable $_THE_CACHE_ERRORS is an array containing text descriptions of any errors. It will be empty if no errors occur ************************************/ // you can change these: $_DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH = "./cached"; // path to store cached files in - must be php writable $_USE_DATABASE = ""; // enter the database table name here to use db instead of files - see below /******************************* if you want to cache to a mysql database, enter the name of the table in $_USE_DATABASE above. the database should have the following structure: CREATE TABLE cached ( id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', updated datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', file text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) at present, this class simply calls mysql_query($sql) - ie it assumes that you have already opened a database connection with mysql_connect and mysql_select_db elsewhere in the script. if $_USE_DATABASE = "" then files will be used for caching. (quicker, in most cases ? ) ******************************/ // do NOT change the names of these - unless you change them throughout the script $_THE_CACHE_FILENAME = array(); // global variable holds filenames of cached files $_THE_CACHE_ERRORS = array(); // store any error messages generated $_THE_CACHE_EXISTS = array(); $_THE_CACHE_REPLACE = array(); class gimmecache{ var $cachepath; var $expireafter; var $expiretype; var $filename; var $connection; var $usedb; function setexpiry($expireafter = 60){ // sets either the number of seconds before re-caching or a date-string after which to expire the cache $this->expireafter = $expireafter; if( is_int($expireafter) ){ $this->expiretype = "sec"; }else{ $this->expiretype = "date"; } } function gimmecache( $cachepath = "", $expireafter = 60, $connection = 0){ // cachepath is where cached files will be stored global $_DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH; global $_USE_DATABASE; if( $_USE_DATABASE != "" ){ $this->usedb = $_USE_DATABASE; $this->connection = $connection; }else{ $this->usedb = false; } $this->cachepath = ($cachepath == "" ? $_DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH : $cachepath); $this->setexpiry($expireafter); $this->filename = ""; } function expirecache($cachename){ $filename = $this->cachepath."/".md5($cachename).".cache"; @unlink($filename); } function cache($cachename, $expireafter = "", $search = array(), $replace=array()){ $this->cachename = $cachename; if( $expireafter == "" ) $expireafter = $this->expireafter; $this->setexpiry($expireafter); $update = 0; if( $this->usedb ){ $filename = md5($cachename); $res = @mysql_query("SELECT updated, file FROM ".$this->usedb." WHERE id='".$filename."'")or die(mysql_error()); if( mysql_num_rows($res) == 0 ){ $update = 1; $exist = 0; }else{ list( $updated, $f) = mysql_fetch_row($res); $updated = strtotime($updated); $exist = 1; } }else{ $filename = $this->cachepath."/".md5($cachename).".cache"; if( !file_exists($filename) ){ $update = 1; $exist = 0; }else{ $exist = 1; $updated = filemtime($filename); } } if( $exist ==0 || $updated < ($this->expiretype == "sec" ? time() - $this->expireafter : strtotime($this->expireafter))){ $update = 1; } if( $update){ ob_start( "_the_cache_capture"); global $_THE_CACHE_FILENAME; global $_THE_CACHE_EXISTS; global $_THE_CACHE_REPLACE; $_THE_CACHE_FILENAME[] = $filename; $_THE_CACHE_EXISTS[] = $exist; $countcache = count( $_THE_CACHE_REPLACE); $_THE_CACHE_REPLACE[$countcache]["search"] = $search; $_THE_CACHE_REPLACE[$countcache]["replace"] = $replace; return true; }else{ global $_THE_CACHED_ERRORS; if( $this->usedb ){ echo str_replace($search, $replace, $f); }else{ if( count($search) == 0 ){ if( !@readfile( $filename)) $_THE_CACHE_ERRORS = "readfile failed for ".$this->filename; }else{ $f = join("", file($filename)); echo str_replace($search, $replace, $f); } } return false; } } function stop($returnbuffer = false){ // if returnbuffer is true, returns the contents of the cache to the calling script if( $returnbuffer ){ $ret = ob_get_contents(); }else{ $ret = ""; } ob_end_flush(); return $ret; } } function _the_cache_capture(&$output){ global $_THE_CACHE_FILENAME; global $_THE_CACHE_ERRORS; global $_THE_CACHE_EXISTS; global $_THE_CACHE_REPLACE; global $_USE_DATABASE; $numcaches = count($_THE_CACHE_FILENAME); if( $numcaches != 0 ){ $filename = $_THE_CACHE_FILENAME[$numcaches-1]; if( $_USE_DATABASE != "" ){ if( $_THE_CACHE_EXISTS[$numcaches-1] == 1 ){ $sql = "UPDATE cached SET updated=now(), file='".addslashes($output)."' WHERE id='".$filename."'"; }else{ $sql = "INSERT INTO cached (id, updated, file) VALUES ('".$filename."', now(), '".addslashes($output)."')"; } @mysql_query($sql); }else{ $fo = @fopen($filename, "w"); if( $fo ){ if( !@fwrite( $fo, $output)) $_THE_CACHE_ERRORS[] = "Error writing to file $filename."; @fclose( fo); }else{ $_THE_CACHE_ERRORS[] = "Failed opening file $filename for output."; } } array_pop($_THE_CACHE_FILENAME); }else{ $_THE_CACHE_ERRORS[] = "No active caches."; } if( count( $_THE_CACHE_REPLACE[$numcaches-1]["search"]) != 0 ){ $result = str_replace($_THE_CACHE_REPLACE[$numcaches-1]["search"], $_THE_CACHE_REPLACE[$numcaches-1]["replace"], &$output); }else{ $result = &$output; } return $result; } ?>