Example for Linkedlist.php
copyright 2003 Bas Jobsen ([email protected])
Last Change: 20003/02/13
$LIST= new LinkedList();
$ITEM1= new ListItem(5);
$ITEM2= new ListItem(6);
$ITEM3= new ListItem(12);
$ITEM4= new ListItem(1);
$ITEM5= new ListItem(165);
echo '--'."\n";
$x=$LIST->ListSearch(1); /* 1) */
echo '--'."\n";
echo '--'."\n";
$LIST->ListDelete(&$ITEM5); /* 2) */
The procedure ListDelete removes an element form
a linked list. It must give be given a pointer 2)
to x. If you wish to delete an element with a given
key you must first call ListSearch 1) to retrieve
a pointer to the element.
Introduction to ALGORITHMS
Thomas H. Cormen
Charles E. Leiserson
Ronald L. Rivest