* [CAD2D] class create 2 dimensional engineering drawing.
* Entity Data are strore in the associative array.
* Class draw the drawing on image after entity data.
* This class is free for the educational use as long as maintain this header together with this class.
* Author: Win Aung Cho
* Contact [email protected]
* version 1.0
* Date: 10-02-2023
require_once ("../src/cad2d.php");
$model2d = new CAD2D();
$model2d->setCanvas(200, 800, 1.5);
$model2d->drawGrid(-50, -50, 300, 600, 50);
$p1 = ['x' => 50, 'y' => 0];
$p2 = ['x' => 250, 'y' => 0];
$p3 = ['x' => 150, 'y' => 200];
$ent = [
'p1' => $p1,
'p2' => $p2
$ent = [
'p1' => $p3,
'p2' => $p2
$ent = [
'p1' => $p1,
'p2' => $p3
$info = array(
"p" => $p1,
"text" => "Trust",
"color" => BLUE,
"size" => 20,
"scale" => 2.0,
"ro" => 0
$tstyle = array(
"hor" => "right",
"ver" => "top",
"shadow" => true,
"border" => true,
"shadowcol" => GREY,
"bordercol" => GREEN
$tstyle[hor] = "left";
$tstyle[ver] = "top";
$info[p] = $p2;
$info[text] = "Love";
$tstyle[hor] = "center";
$tstyle[ver] = "bottom";
$tstyle[border] = false;
$info[p] = $p3;
$info[text] = "Respect";
$info[scale] = 1.0;
$p1[y] += 200;
$p2[y] += 200;
$p3[y] += 100;
$info[p] = $p1;
$info[text] = "Trust";
$tstyle[hor] = "left";
$tstyle[ver] = "bottom";
$info[ro] = 60;
$info[p] = $p3;
$info[text] = "Respect";
$tstyle[hor] = "center";
$tstyle[ver] = "bottom";
$info[ro] = 0;
$info[p] = $p2;
$info[text] = "Love";
$tstyle[hor] = "right";
$tstyle[ver] = "bottom";
$info[ro] = -60;
$fname = "cad2dtext.png";
imagePng($model2d->canvas, './images/'.$fname);
echo "<img src='images/$fname?u=".time()."'/>";