DownloadClass TArrayMongoBSONHandler
*This class handles MongoDB BSON format arrays.*
>### Extends TArrayHandler
use ASCOOS\FRAMEWORK\Extras\Arrays\MongoBSON\TArrayMongoBSONHandler;
$filePath = 'data.bson';
$arrayData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
$objArray = new TArrayMongoBSONHandler($arrayData); // Initialize TArrayMongoBSONHandler class
$objArray->toMongoBSON(string $filePath); // Converts array to BSON format and saves to file.
$objArray->Free($objArray); // Destructs and frees memory of object
`void toMongoBSON(string $filePath)` : Converts array to BSON format and saves to file.
`void fromMongoBSON(string $filePath)` : Converts BSON format to array.
<summary>? INHERITANCES</summary>
`TArrayHandler Methods`
* `void __construct(array $array = [], array $properties = [])` : The constructor method for the class.
* `string toJSON ()` : Converts array to JSON string.
* `void fromJSON(string $json)` : Converts JSON string to array.
* `string toXML()` : Converts array to XML string.
* `void fromXML(string $xml)` : Converts XML string to array.
* `object toObject()` : Converts array to an object.
* `void fromObject(object $object)` : Converts an object to array.
* `void toINI(string $filePath)` : Converts array to INI format and saves to file.
* `void fromINI(string $filePath)` : Converts INI file to array.
* `string toRSS()` : Converts array to RSS feed format.
* `void fromRSS(string $rss)` : Converts RSS feed format to array.
* `void toPHPArrayFile(string $filePath)` : Creates a PHP file that returns the array.
* `void fromPHPArrayFile(string $filePath)` : Reads a PHP file that returns an array and assigns it to the internal array.
* `void toPHPVariablesFile(string $filePath)` : Creates a PHP file that defines variables for the array elements.
* `void fromPHPVariablesFile(string $filePath)` : Reads a PHP file that defines variables and assigns them to the internal array.
* `void toCSV(string $filePath)` : Converts array to CSV format and saves to file.
* `void fromCSV(string $filePath)` : Converts CSV format to array.
* `void toYAML(string $filePath)` : Converts array to YAML format and saves to file.
* `void fromYAML(string $filePath)` : Converts YAML format to array.
* `void toBSON(string $filePath)` : Converts array to a binary-like format and saves to file.
* `void fromBSON(string $filePath)` : Converts binary-like format to array.
* `void toTOML(string $filePath)` : Converts array to TOML format and saves to file.
* `void fromTOML(string $filePath)` : Converts TOML format to array.
* `void toPlainText(string $filePath)` : Converts array to plain text format and saves to file.
* `void fromPlainText(string $filePath)` : Converts plain text format to array.
* `bool empty(array $array)` : Checks if an array is empty.
* `array filter(callable $callback)` : Filters the array based on a callback function.
* `mixed reduce(callable $callback, mixed $initial)` : Reduces the array to a single value using a callback function.
* `void reverse()` : Reverses the array.
* `void sortAsc()` : Sorts the array in ascending order.
* `void sortDesc()` : Sorts the array in descending order.
* `bool find(mixed $element)` : Finds an element in the array.
* `array map(callable $callback)` : Applies a callback function to each element in the array.
* `array unique()` : Removes duplicate values from the array.
* `array keys()` : Returns the keys of the array.
* `array values()` : Returns the values of the array.
* `array slice(int $offset, int $length = null)` : Returns a slice of the array.
* `array chunk(int $size)` : Splits the array into chunks.
* `array combine(array $keys)` : Combines two arrays into an associative array.
* `array diff(array $array)` : Returns the difference between two arrays.
* `array intersect(array $array)` : Returns the intersection of two arrays.
* `array flip()` : Flips the array keys and values.
* `bool walkRecursive(callable $callback)` : Applies a callback function to each element in the array recursively.
* `bool validateNotEmpty()` : Validates the array for empty elements.
* `bool validateDataType(string $type)` : Validates the array for specific data types.
* `bool validateUnique()` : Validates the array for unique elements.
* `bool validateRange(float $min, float $max)` : Validates the array for elements within a specific range.
* `bool validatePattern(string $pattern)` : Validates the array for elements matching a specific pattern.
* `void cleanEmptyElements()` : Cleans the array by removing empty elements.
* `void cleanInvalidDataTypes(string $type)` : Cleans the array by removing elements of invalid data types.
* `void cleanSpecialCharacters(string $pattern = '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/')` : Cleans the array by removing special characters from elements.
* `void cleanWhitespace()` : Cleans the array by trimming whitespace from elements.
* `void cleanHTMLTags()` : Cleans the array by removing HTML tags from elements.
* `void cleanValidURLs()` : Validates and cleans the array for valid URLs.
`TObject Methods`
* `string __toString()` : Returns a string containing the name of this class.
* `bool Free(object $object)` : Frees the memory of the Object or its clone.
* `bool FreeProperties(object $object)` : Delete and Frees up memory for all class properties.
* `bool getClassDeprecated()` : Returns true if class is deprecated, otherwise false.
* `int getClassVersion()` : We get the version of the class.
* `array getProperties()` : Returns the table of class properties.
* `mixed getProperty(string $property)` : Returns the content of the requested property.
* `?array getPublicProperties()` : Returns an array of the public properties of the class.
* `int|false getVersion(string $property)` : Get the version as an integer.
* `string|false getVersionStr(string $property)` : Get the version as a formatted string.
* `bool isExecutable(int $currentVersion, int $currentPHPVersion)` : Checks whether the current version of the class is executable according to the minimum and maximum versions you specify.
* `void setProjectVersion(int|string $version = -1)` : Sets the project version.
* `void setProperties(array $properties, string|int|null $property_key=null)` : Set the properties of the class.
* `bool setProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string|int|null $property_key=null)` : Set a single property of the class.
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