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One Hash Salted Password: Generate and check passwords using a salted hash

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onehashsaltedpasswor 1.0GNU General Publi...5PHP 5, Cryptography


This class can generate and check passwords using a salted hash.

It takes a given password text and generates a hash using a random salt string value.

The class can also check a previously generated hash matches the hash of a given password using the same salt string value.

Picture of Ákos Nikházy
Name: Ákos Nikházy <contact>
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Country: Hungary Hungary
Age: 37
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Week rank: 21 Up1 in Hungary Hungary Up
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require 'OneHashSaltedPassword.class.php';

$a = new OneHashSaltedPassword('testkey');

$pw = $a->GenerateSaltedPassword('test'); //we generating a new hash for the password "test"
echo $pw . '<hr>';
var_dump($a->CheckPassword('test',$pw)); //we pretend someone typed in the correct passoword. Retuns bool(ture)
var_dump($a->CheckPassword('test2',$pw)); //we pretend someone typed in the wrong password. Returns bool(false)



This class is for generate and check password hashes that actually contains the salt too.

The idea:

This way in the database you can store a single hash value in the password column while it is salted properly so even at the same password you will see different hash values.

Also if an attacker steals only your user database they will assume you store your password in plain sha256, not knowing it is actually a combination of a password and a salt, making their work harder.

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Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file OneHashSaltedPassword-demo.php Example Example script
Plain text file OneHashSaltedPassword.class.php Class Class source
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