PHP Classes

Xml2Array: The class parse an XML file and load it

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x2a 1.0GNU Lesser Genera...XML, Data types


The class is meant to parse an XML file and load it into an array.

It uses the DOMXML extension functions to parse the XML tags, its attributes, the external entity and character data section.

The class also provides some functions to retrive part XML document structure into an array.

Picture of Andrioli Darvin
Name: Andrioli Darvin <contact>
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Country: Italy Italy
Age: 57
All time rank: 954 in Italy Italy
Week rank: 216 Down14 in Italy Italy Down


CXml2Array version 1.1 27/02/2004 Description: ---------------------- The class is meant to parse an XML file and load it into an array. The module uses the DOMXML functions to parse the tag's values, the tag's attribute, the external entity and CDATA section. Also the class provides some functions to retrieve all or part of the array made from the XML file. Installation: ---------------------- PHP => 4.3.0 - I've test the class using PHP 4.3.0 and PHP 4.3.1. I think the class should work with PHP 4.2.x. The DOMXML extension enabled (see PHP manual how to enable it) Usage: ---------------------- // Here the code to run the class require 'CXml2Array.php'; $InName='test.xml'; if(!$TplDom = domxml_open_file(realpath($InName))) trigger_error('Error parsing the file ',E_USER_ERROR); $root = $TplDom->document_element(); $x=new CXml2Array($root); $ArrayXml=x->GetArray(); // if you want see the array contents, use $x->ArrayDump(); See test1.php to get more complete information about the usage visit my site ChangeLog: ---------------------- 1.1 - 27/2/2004 * Changed, now the child's tag are retrieved in the same order they are in the XML file * Changed, the text inside the tag are 'right-trimmed' in order to maintain the left spaces * New, new functions: GetText, GetTagName, EachChild, EachChildArray 1.0 - 15/12/2003 * First public release That's all. I hope it be useful. Darvin (darvin at andrioli dot com)

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