PHP Classes

autoformBQ: Generate Web forms from MySQL query results

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autoformbq 1.0.0Free for non-comm...HTML, Databases


AutoformBQ means "automatic form By Query". It is a package to dynamically generate forms to edit or insert records into a MySQL database table.

After you have successfully executed MySql query, autoformBQ processes the result set metadata and determines the columns and tables to create the form to edit an existing record or to insert the data for a new record.

There are several options to customize the generated form layout:

* The kind of form: edit or new
* The default precision of the values of floating point columns
* Flag the form input of NOT NULL columns to tell the user that it is required to enter a value
* Define the form header and footer
* Avoid setting the values of columns of the types date, time, datetime and year, if the user does not specify a value
* Choose the type of form inputs for enum columns between radio or select types
* Choose the type of form inputs for set columns between checkbox or select types
* Many other presentation details can be configured with CSS styles

Picture of Uwe Stein
Name: Uwe Stein <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: Germany Germany
Age: 64
All time rank: 37523 in Germany Germany
Week rank: 200 Up11 in Germany Germany Up

  Files folder image Files (8)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file autoformBQ.css Data sample css-definitions used by autoformBQ_sample.php
Accessible without login Plain text file autoformBQ.doc Doc. Documentation
Plain text file autoformBQ.php Class the class autoformBQ
Accessible without login Plain text file autoformBQ_lang_de_inc.php Conf. german string-definitions
Accessible without login Plain text file autoformBQ_lang_en_inc.php Conf. english string-definitions
Accessible without login Plain text file autoformBQ_sample.php Example a sample to see autoformBQ working
Plain text file class_field.php Class class field is built to support autoformBQ
Accessible without login Plain text file create_static_form.sample.php Example a example how to generate static forms via http-download

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15 years ago (kishore kumar)