PHP Classes

HTTP Request class: Generate Javascript to send HTTP AJAX requests

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StarStarStar 58%Total: 7,552 All time: 246 This week: 57Up
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httprequest 1.0GNU Lesser Genera...AJAX


This class can be used to send HTTP requests to remote Web servers from Javascript code in Web pages without the need to reload such pages.

The class generates the necessary Javascript for performing the HTTP requests and handle the returned XML responses. It uses same technology behind Gmail and many other sites, that is also known as AJAX.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2005
Number 4

Prize: One copy of the Maguma Workbench
AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a technology that is becoming increasingly popular as it provides meants to establish the communication in the background between a Web browser and a Web server.

AJAX permits executing actions and updating parts of Web pages without reloading the whole page.

Despite it has been introduced with Internet Explorer 5.5, only recently this technology has been implemented by Mozilla browsers and other browsers that followed the trend.

The wide adoption of AJAX opened space for applications and components that use AJAX to provide highly interactive Web based user interfaces.

This package is one of the three, released almost at the same time in August 2005, that provide means to facilitate the creation of PHP applications that take advantage of AJAX potential.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Martin Fasani
Name: Martin Fasani is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Martin Fasani .
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Germany Germany
Age: 47
All time rank: 33016 in Germany Germany
Week rank: 214 Up10 in Germany Germany Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

  Files folder image Files (8)  
File Role Description
Plain text file classhttpreq.php Class Main Class
Accessible without login Plain text file democlass.php Example Demo of class implementation
Accessible without login Plain text file democlassheaders.php Example Demo of the class reading headers (using proxyhead.php helper script)
Accessible without login Plain text file docclassmethods.php Aux. Properties and methods of the class
Accessible without login Plain text file proxycurl.php Aux. Simple CURL proxy
Accessible without login Plain text file proxyhead.php Aux. Proxy to retrieve headers. Credit inside source
Accessible without login Plain text file soapreq.xml Data Xml file to make a google search request
Accessible without login Plain text file xmlhttpclass_article.txt Doc. xmlhttpclass Article Release

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