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Jabber Client: Event driven Jabber instant messenger client

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jabberclass 1.0.0GNU Lesser Genera...4Networking, Chat


This package can be used to implement an instant messenger client applications based on the Jabber (XMPP) protocol.

It implements an event driven approach on which large type of events can be handled by the application using callback functions of a custom application class.

This package is based on class.jabber.php package originally written by Carlo Zottmann.

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#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
/* Jabber Class Example
 * Copyright 2002-2005, Steve Blinch
 * ============================================================================
 * Provides a very basic example of how to use class_Jabber.php.
 * This example connects to a Jabber server, logs in, and waits until a message
 * is received from another contact.
 * It then starts a countdown which, in sequence:
 * 1) sends a "composing" event to the other contact (eg: "so-and-so is typing a message"),
 * 2) sends a "composing stopped" event,
 * 3) sends another "composing" event",
 * 4) sends a message to the other contact,
 * 5) logs out
// set your Jabber server hostname, username, and password here

define("RUN_TIME",30); // set a maximum run time of 30 seconds
define("CBK_FREQ",1); // fire a callback event every second

// This class handles all events fired by the Jabber client class; you
// can optionally use individual functions instead of a class, but this
// method is a bit cleaner.
class TestMessenger {
TestMessenger(&$jab) {
$this->jab = &$jab;
$this->countdown = 0;
// called when a connection to the Jabber server is established
function handleConnected() {
// now that we're connected, tell the Jabber class to login
// called after a login to indicate the the login was successful
function handleAuthenticated() {
// browser for transport gateways
// retrieve this user's roster
// set this user's presence
$this->jab->set_presence("","Ya, I'm online... so what?");
// called after a login to indicate that the login was NOT successful
function handleAuthFailure($code,$error) {
"Authentication failure: $error ($code)\n";
// set terminated to TRUE in the Jabber class to tell it to exit
$this->jab->terminated = true;
// called periodically by the Jabber class to allow us to do our own
    // processing
function handleHeartbeat() {
// display our countdown progress
echo "[$this->countdown]\n";
// if the countdown is in progress, determine if we need to take any action
if ($this->countdown>0) {
// first, we want to fire our composing event
if ($this->countdown==7) {
"Composing start!\n";
// next, we want to indicate that we've stopped composing a message
if ($this->countdown==5) {
"Composing stop!\n";
// next, we indicate that we're composing again
if ($this->countdown==3) {
"Composing start!\n";
// and finally, we send a message to the remote user and tell the Jabber class
            // to exit
if ($this->countdown==0) {
"Fire message!\n";
$this->jab->message($this->last_msg_from,"chat",NULL,"Hallo? Is me!");
$this->jab->terminated = true;
        foreach ($this->jab->roster as $jid=>$details) {
            echo "$jid\t\t\t".$details["transport"]."\t".$details["show"]."\t".$details["status"]."\n";
// called when an error is received from the Jabber server
function handleError($code,$error,$xmlns) {
"Error: $error ($code)".($xmlns?" in $xmlns":"")."\n";
// called when a message is received from a remote contact
function handleMessage($from,$to,$body,$subject,$thread,$id,$extended) {
"Incoming message!\n";
"From: $from\t\tTo: $to\n";
"Subject: $subject\tThread; $thread\n";
"Body: $body\n";
"ID: $id\n";
$this->last_msg_id = $id;
$this->last_msg_from = $from;
// for the purposes of our example, we start a countdown here to do some
        // random events, just for the sake of demonstration
$this->countdown = 10;

// include the Jabber class

// create an instance of the Jabber class
$jab = new Jabber();

// create an instance of our event handler class
$test = new TestMessenger($jab);

// set handlers for the events we wish to be notified about

// connect to the Jabber server
if (!$jab->connect(JABBER_SERVER)) {
"Could not connect to the Jabber server!\n");

// now, tell the Jabber class to begin its execution loop

// Note that we will not reach this point (and the execute() method will not
// return) until $jab->terminated is set to TRUE. The execute() method simply
// loops, processing data from (and to) the Jabber server, and firing events
// (which are handled by our TestMessenger class) until we tell it to terminate.
// This event-based model will be familiar to programmers who have worked on
// desktop applications, particularly in Win32 environments.

// disconnect from the Jabber server


Jabber Client Library Version 0.8 Copyright 2002-2005, eSite Media Inc. Portions Copyright 2002, Carlo Zottmann ============================================================================ This file was contributed (in part or whole) by a third party, and is released under the GNU LGPL. Please see the CREDITS and LICENSE sections below for details. **************************************************************************** DETAILS This is an event-driven Jabber client class implementation. This library allows PHP scripts to connect to and communicate with Jabber servers. CREDITS & COPYRIGHTS This class was originally based on Class.Jabber.PHP v0.4 (Copyright 2002, Carlo "Gossip" Zottmann). The code for this class has since been nearly completely rewritten by Steve Blinch for eSite Media Inc. All such modified code is Copyright 2002-2005, eSite Media Inc. The original Class.Jabber.PHP was released under the GNU General Public License (GPL); however, we have received written permission from the original author and copyright holder, Carlo Zottmann, to relicense our version of this class and release it under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). This allows compatibility with Centova's proprietary software license. LICENSE class_Jabber.php - Jabber Client Library Copyright (C) 2002-2005, eSite Media Inc. Copyright (C) 2002, Carlo Zottmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA JABBER is a registered trademark of Jabber Inc.

  Files folder image Files (7)  
File Role Description
Plain text file class_ConnectionSocket.php Class Connection socket class
Plain text file class_Jabber.php Class Main Jabber class file
Plain text file class_SHA1Library.php Class Native PHP SHA1 class
Plain text file class_XMLParser.php Class XML parser class
Accessible without login Plain text file jabber_example.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License terms
Accessible without login Plain text file README Data Documentation

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