PHP Classes

Spambot Trap Deluxe: Generate pages with spam trap e-mail address links

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StarStarStarStar 66%Total: 1,301 All time: 2,969 This week: 45Up
Version License Categories
spamdeluxe 1.0.0FreewareHTML, Email, Security


This class can be used to generate pages with e-mail links pointing to spam trap e-mail addresses.

It can be used with mod_rewrite conditions to redirect unwanted crawling bots to a different spam trap domain.

In the spam trap domain the class can be used to serve pages with bogus e-mail addresses either in the form of mailto: links or plain text e-mail dresses.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2006
Number 9
Spam is nowadays a growing concern for publishers of sites that need to provide contact addresses in their pages.

Spammers use robot programs that crawl Web pages to find and extract those contact addresses.

One way to detect whether robots have crawled and collected addresses from pages to send spam messages is to use spam trap addresses.

Spam trap addresses are not of real people. They can be associated to mailboxes processed by automated programs that can keep track of the sources of spam. Similar messages sent from the same source are very likely to also be spam.

This class can generate pages with spam trap addresses that can be used to later to track spam sources.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Peter Shaw
Name: Peter Shaw <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Germany Germany
Age: ???
All time rank: 2018128 in Germany Germany
Week rank: 267 Up11 in Germany Germany Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


* ezSpamBotTrap - v3.20070924 * * This script generates a labyrinth * of random e-mail-addresses. * * This script is to free the world * from Spam! Make love not spam! * * This script can be used always for free * and should never be sold and is free for * sharing. Never remove this text. * * ! CAUTION ! * Usage of this script is always on your * own risk! You should always use the script * far away of your main ip/domain. * Spammer may dislike your actions and * try to harm your servers or reputation. * You should also have no limits on traffic. * Spambots are as stupid as their creators * and may spider your pages without ending. * An exit link is created on each page to * hopefully prevent. * Be warned of spam-abuse to your domains * and high traffic-rates! * The author doesnt care. It is all up to * yourself. Theres no liability, no warranty. Package contains 5 files ...readme.txt ...spamtrap.php ...class.ezSpamBotTrap.php ...htaccess-bottrap.txt (traps and redirects bots from one domain to the other with the labyrinth on) ...htaccess-onyourtrapdomain.txt (simulation of static html links like 12345.html) Installation and Setup of the Script... 1. open spamtrap.php and make your settings: $count_pagebrowserlinks = 10; //pagebrowser-size means 10 links on a row $count_maxpages = 1000; //range for virtual-pages is 1000 $count_addresses = 20; //20 emails per page $email_link = TRUE; //output email as link or if false as plain-text 2. save file 3. open htaccess-onyourtrapdomain.txt and edit the domain where to route in case of 404 in last line. 4. save file 5. upload spamtrap.php, htaccess-onyourtrapdomain.txt, class.ezSpamBotTrap.php on your domain where the labyrinth should run on. 6. rename the uploaded file on your domain from htaccess-onyourtrapdomain.txt to .htaccess 7. open htaccess-bottrap.txt and edit the url where to redirect to if a badbot comes along 8. save file 9. upload htaccess-bottrap.txt to the domain you want to protect from bots 10. rename the uploaded file on your domain from htaccess-bottrap.txt to .htaccess ca va... now testing... Testing installation 0. open your website and test what happends- page should load normal... 1. then open your Firefox and enter about:config in the url-line... 2. then enter general.useragent.extra.firefox in the filter-line... 3. rightclick on the item in the listing window below... 4. select edit and change value to badbot2... 5. clear your browser cache and try again to load your website. now you should be redirected successfully to your email-labyrinth Update Botlist... check on the internet for lists of badbots user-agents and add them to your bottrap-server-htaccess-file... ...dont forget to try like discribed above!!! reg-ex may cause difficulties to different installations?! have fun hunting bots and teasing the spammers!

Screenshots (1)  
  • ezSpamBotTrap.jpg
  Files folder image Files (6)  
File Role Description
Plain text file class.ezSpamBotTrap.php Class Main Class
Plain text file htaccess-bottrap.txt Data htaccess for the bottrap
Plain text file htaccess-onyourtrapdomain.txt Data htaccess for the labyrinth
Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Documentation
Plain text file spamtrap.php Example Init the Labyrinth

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