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Customizable CAPTCHA: Generate and validate CAPTCHA images

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customizable-captcha 1.0GNU General Publi...5.0PHP 5, Graphics, Validation, Security


This class can be used to Generate and validate CAPTCHA images.

It can generate an image with a random text made of hexadecimal digits.

The class stores the text in a session variable for posterior verification.

The image is served as the current script output in PNG format.

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A fully-customizable captcha class. Captcha is used to stop automated form submission. This class can be used to generate custom captcha image for your website. It also provides method to validate the captcha. How to use ---------- Start session Instantiate Captcha class Set captcha properties( background, text color, font etc.) using setXXX methods provided by the captcha object (optional). Display image using showImage() method Requirements: PHP5 GD libraray ( freetype library support needed) method summary -------------- function showImage() Generates captcha image. Outputs generated image in png format. function setBGColor( $r, $g, $b ) Sets the background color of captcha image. Parameters: $r -> Red, $g -> green, $b -> blue. [ RGB format ] function setFontSize( $size ) Sets the font size. Parameter: $size -> The font size. Depending on your version of GD, this should be specified as the pixel size (GD1) or point size (GD2). function setSize( $width, $height ) Sets the captcha images size. Parameters : $width -> image width, $height -> image height. function setFont( $font ) Sets the font of captcha. Parameter: $font -> path to TrueType font file. function setTextColor( $r, $g, $b ) Sets the captcha text color. Parameters: $r -> Red, $g -> green, $b -> blue. [ RGB format ] public static function isValid( $code ) Validates captcha. if valid returns true, otherwise false. Parameter: $code -> user input to be validated

  Files folder image Files (4)  
File Role Description
Plain text file class.captcha.php Class captcha class
Accessible without login Plain text file form.php Example captcha demo page
Accessible without login Plain text file getcaptcha.php Example captcha loader - generates captcha image for form.php
Accessible without login Plain text file readme Doc. readme

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User Comments (1)
It is good, quick and easy solution for captcha.
14 years ago (Nikolay Boyukliev)