Author : Subash Ps <pssubashps@gmail.com>
Descritption : Catcha Generator,case sensitive
Version : 1.0 beta
include class.captcha.php into your application.Create object to that class a call the function named createcaptcha().
This function have three optinal arguments,there are
font color
backgroud color
width : Captcha image width,by default it is 200
height : Captcha image height,by default it 150
font color : The class define only five diffrent colors,black(0),white(4),red(1),green(2),blue(3) and yellow(5).
By default it will take black color.Pass the color code as the argument.
backgroud color : The class define only five diffrent colors,black(0),white(4),red(1),green(2),blue(3) and yellow(5).
By default it will take white color.Pass the color code as the argument.
noice : This is boolean argument.by default it is false.If it is true it will scatter some dotts on the
captcha image.
front end file : displays catpcha
<img name = 'cap' src='createcaptcha.php'/>
createcapthcha.php : this file helps to customize your captcha
require_once 'captch.php';
$captcha = new Captcha();
Your comments are valuable.
Please send your feedback to psssubahsps@gmail.com