PHP Classes

GRSlideShow: Online pictures slide show wizard.

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StarStarStar 58%Total: 3,474 All time: 974 This week: 524Up
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grslideshow 1.0.0GNU General Publi...Graphics


GRSlideShow is everything you need in order to put your pictures online.
Put your pictures in different directories, each directory is an album.
Put the GRSlideShow script in the parent directory of your albums and you're done. Nothing else needed.
There is much more you can do, you can upload pictures from the web, set descriptions and comments to albums,
or create new albums, you can add descriptions to pictures, rotate your images or automaticallly resize pictures to reduce bandwith usage.
You can upload zip files, and have them automatically extracted on the server. The zip flle can be kept in the 'Download'
section so your friends can download all the pictures for offline browsing and printing.
You can allow image upload for guests for specific albums, so your friends can upload their stuff as well.
'All In One' is the fastest way to see all the pictures on one page, just scroll down, but this is usefull only when your network is fast.
And of course there is the slideshow where everything started, fade in fade out style slideshow, simple and powerfull.
The slideshow is quite fast, since the next images are loaded to cache while the current image is displayed.
You are welcome to contact me for questions and feedback.

Picture of Yair Bar-On
Name: Yair Bar-On <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Israel Israel
Age: 52
All time rank: 9286 in Israel Israel
Week rank: 215 Up1 in Israel Israel Up

  Files folder image Files (3)  
File Role Description
Plain text file demo.php Example Usage example for GRSlideShow
Plain text file example_multiple.php Example example for using mulitple albums
Accessible without login Plain text file GRSlideShow.php Class GRSlideShow

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