PHP Classes

PHP Code Analyzer: Analyze PHP code to check if it uses extensions

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StarStarStarStar 73%Total: 308 All time: 7,342 This week: 52Up
Version License PHP version Categories
phpca 1.13BSD License5.3PHP 5, Tools, Language


This class can analyze PHP code to check if it uses non-builtin extensions.

It can take the path of a given PHP source file or directory and parses the source files to find out calls to known functions, classes or constants defined by those PHP extensions.

The class can output a report that tells what PHP extensions are used in the code, denoting if each extension is bundled with PHP or not, the first and last versions of PHP the extension was made available, if the extension development is dead, if it is available in PECL repository or if it is a Windows specific extension.

The information about the detected extensions is read for a separate data directory that can be updated with information about other extensions not yet detected.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2015
Number 8

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Over the years many developers have worked on code that now may be considered legacy.

Some code relies on PHP extensions that existed in past PHP versions but may not be available in future versions.

This package is a tool that can examine your PHP code and tell which extensions it relies, as wel in which PHP versions those extensions are supported.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Sergey Vanyushin
  Performance   Level  
Name: Sergey Vanyushin is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Sergey Vanyushin .
Classes: 15 packages by
Country: Russian Federation Russian Federation
Age: 29
All time rank: 57216 in Russian Federation Russian Federation
Week rank: 59 Up1 in Russian Federation Russian Federation Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 15x

Winner: 2x



PhpCodeAnalyzer finds usage of different non-built-in extensions in your php code. This tool helps you understand how transportable your code between php installations is.

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License


Example of usage

To scan your files or folder launch phpca and pass file or directory names.

> phpca ..\HttpServer
Scanning ..\HttpServer ...
[spl] Function "spl_autoload_register" used in file ..\HttpServer/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php[258]
[spl] Function "spl_autoload_unregister" used in file ..\HttpServer/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php[266]
[spl] Function "spl_autoload_register" used in file ..\HttpServer/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php[22]
[spl] Function "spl_autoload_unregister" used in file ..\HttpServer/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php[24]

Used non-built-in extensions in your code:
- [spl] Standard PHP Library (SPL). This extension is bundled with php since PHP 5.0.0. Extension is available in pecl: spl.

You can skip progress with --no-progress option:

> phpca --no-progress ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching
Scanning ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching ...

Used non-built-in extensions in your code:
- [apc] Alternative PHP Cache. Extension is available in pecl: apc.
- [wincache] Windows Cache for PHP. Extension is available in pecl: wincache.

Also, you can keep only progress with --no-report option:

> phpca --no-report ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching
Scanning ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching ...
[apc] Function "apc_fetch" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[46]
[apc] Function "apc_fetch" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[56]
[apc] Function "apc_store" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[70]
[apc] Function "apc_add" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[84]
[apc] Function "apc_delete" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[95]
[apc] Function "apc_clear_cache" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[107]
[apc] Function "apc_clear_cache" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[109]
[wincache] Function "wincache_ucache_get" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CWinCache.php[46]
[wincache] Function "wincache_ucache_get" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CWinCache.php[56]
[wincache] Function "wincache_ucache_set" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CWinCache.php[70]
[wincache] Function "wincache_ucache_add" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CWinCache.php[84]
[wincache] Function "wincache_ucache_delete" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CWinCache.php[95]
[wincache] Function "wincache_ucache_clear" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CWinCache.php[106]

If you want to see only usage of one specific extension, use --extension= option:

> phpca --extension=apc ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching
Scanning ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching ...
[apc] Function "apc_fetch" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[46]
[apc] Function "apc_fetch" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[56]
[apc] Function "apc_store" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[70]
[apc] Function "apc_add" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[84]
[apc] Function "apc_delete" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[95]
[apc] Function "apc_clear_cache" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[107]
[apc] Function "apc_clear_cache" used in file ..\yii-1.1.16.bca042\framework\caching/CApcCache.php[109]

Summary report in this case will not be added at the end.


Full list of available options:

> phpca -h
    phpca [-v] [-q] [--output=<path>] [--no-report] [--no-progress] [--since-version=<version>] FILES...
    phpca [-v] [-q] [--output=<path>] --extension=<ext> FILES...
    phpca -h

  -h --help                 Show this text
  -v --verbose              Show more debug text
  -q --quiet                Don't print any messages
  --output=<path>           Path where to generate XML report
  --extension=<ext>         Look for usage a specific extension
  --no-report               Turn off summary report
  --no-progress             Turn off progress
  --since-version=<version> Only include extensions not included since version



  1. Just download a phar from releases page and make executable
    chmod +x phpca.phar
  2. a. Local installation: use it from current folder:
      ./phpca.phar -h
      b. Global installation: move it in to one of folders listed in your `$PATH` and run from any folder:
    sudo mv phpca.phar /usr/local/bin/phpca phpca -h


Another way to install phpca is via composer.

  1. Install composer:
    curl -sS | php
  2. Install phpcf in global composer dir:
    ./composer.phar global require wapmorgan/php-code-analyzer dev-master
  3. Run from any folder:
    phpca -h

  Files folder image Files (137)  
File Role Description
Files folder imagebin (1 file)
Files folder imagedata (131 files)
Files folder imagesrc (1 file)
Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Plain text file Lic. Auxiliary data
Plain text file Doc. Auxiliary data
Plain text file _config.yml Data Auxiliary data

  Files folder image Files (137)  /  bin  
File Role Description
  Plain text file phpca Example Auxiliary data

  Files folder image Files (137)  /  data  
File Role Description
  Plain text file apc.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Plain text file apd.php Aux. Auxiliary script
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  Plain text file spl.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Plain text file spplus.php Aux. Auxiliary script
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  Plain text file svm.php Aux. Auxiliary script
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  Plain text file tokyo-tyrant.php Aux. Auxiliary script
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  Plain text file win32service.php Aux. Auxiliary script
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  Plain text file xhprof.php Aux. Auxiliary script
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  Plain text file yaml.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Plain text file yar.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Plain text file yaz.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Plain text file zip.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Plain text file zmq.php Aux. Auxiliary script

  Files folder image Files (137)  /  src  
File Role Description
  Plain text file PhpCodeAnalyzer.php Class Class source

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