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Equirectangular 2 cubemap: I need to convert equirectangular panoramas into cubemap images

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Equirectangular 2 cubemap

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Picture of RalphRoeske by RalphRoeske - 2 years ago (2022-10-16)

I need to convert equirectangular panoramas into cubemap images

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I am looking for a script to transform equirectangular images into six cubemap images.

I found browser-based JavaScript code crashes when the source image is wider than 12288 pixels, but I need to convert 16384 pixel-wide images.

And I did not find a solution where I could create images after uploading the original image.

There are a lot of Python solutions and lots of code where you must install packages.

I only need a code that makes the calculations without setting up a new operating system.

Lately, browsers limit memory usage. So the old scripts in JavaScript, which worked before, do not work on bigger images anymore.

  • 2 Clarification requests
  • 2. Picture of RalphRoeske by RalphRoeske - 2 years ago (2022-10-17) Reply

    Hi Mat Thanks for your answer It is not that easy - look for equirect to cubemap. Actually it is a lot of math calculation. Unfortunately there is no php or javascript solution which provides only that piece of code; at least I did not find any yet. They are most Python with some special libraries I do not want to install on my server (never change a running system) and anyway I only need a solution which just makes the calculation after loading the image from a folder and saves the result in another folder on the server.

    • 1. Picture of Mat Jung by Mat Jung - 2 years ago (2022-10-17) Reply

      PHP itself provides a huge image library. I am not authorized to link to it (phpclass restrictions) Google for php imagecrop Don't know myself if there is a width restriction. You may have to crop the original six times to get your slices. Good luck

      • 3. Picture of RalphRoeske by RalphRoeske - 2 years ago (2022-10-17) in reply to comment 1 by Mat Jung Comment

        Hello again

        An hour ago I found a great Code-snippet on Github. Unbelievable good solution - short; just some lines and works perfect. I only have to code the saving of the images to the server (what I am just doing) and that's it 🙂👍

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