PHP Classes

Radius login class for php 8: I need a class to authenticate users on a radius server.

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Radius login class for php 8


Picture of Fanie Smith by Fanie Smith - 5 months ago (2024-08-27)

I need a class to authenticate users on a radius server.

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I need class that will take a radius IP and secret and authenticate the a username with a password on that radius serve.

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1 Recommendation

Pure PHP radius class: Authenticate users with a RADIUS server

This class can be used to authenticate users with a RADIUS network access server according to RFC 2865.

It connects to a Radius server given its IP address and requests access on behalf of an user given his password.

Once authenticated the class may return the attributes of the authorized user.

This class works with at least the following RADIUS servers:

- Authenex Strong Authentication System (ASAS) with two-factor authentication
- FreeRADIUS, a free Radius server implementation for Linux and Unix environments
- Microsoft Radius server IAS
- Radl, a free Radius server for Windows
- RSA SecurID (challenge/response support for the New-PIN mode)
- WinRadius, Windows Radius server (free for 5 users)
- ZyXEL ZyWALL OTP (One-Time Password for Two-Factor Authentication, Authenex ASAS branded by ZyXEL)
This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Hassane Moussa by Hassane Moussa Reputation 495 - 4 months ago (2024-10-14) Comment

Hi see this package !

Recommend package