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how to convert html to pdf in php using fpdf: how to convert html to pdf in php using fpdf how to convert html

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how to convert html to pdf in php using fpdf


Picture of Austin by Austin - 7 years ago (2016-12-31)

how to convert html to pdf in php using fpdf how to convert html

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how to convert html to pdf in php using fpdf how to convert html to pdf in php using fpdf how to convert html to pdf in php using fpdf how to convert html to pdf in php using fpdf

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1 Recommendation

HTML Generate: Generate HTML from arrays

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Tony Frezza by Tony Frezza package author package author Reputation 30 - 7 years ago (2017-04-17) Comment

You will need to use another library to generate PDF files. FPdf receives parameters and not HTML to generate pdf files. I recommend the mpdf library. Also, you will have to pass html texts to the class. Here is the link to generate the HTML through php. Translated into Google Translate.

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