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ADDING EXCEL OBJECT IN DOCX ADD OLEOBJECT IN DOCX Premlatha Adding excel in docx and edit the excel content using php I have use phpword to add excel object to word file. First problem, it appear as icon in docx. Secondly, could not access the added object to edit content of excel using phpword. ...
Dave Smith can help you more with what you need. If you have questions, you can ask him in the package support forum: * * Kamrul Islam thanks for your recommendation. my problem is different which is not related to the user tree.
have any difficulties with this XML parser class in handling your case, you may also ask for support in its support page:
HTML, PHP 5, Code Generation This package can generate HTML for several types of pages. It provides PHP scripts for Web pages that can be generated for several types of HTML pages. The generated HTML uses the Materialize CSS library. In Portuguese: Este projeto é um gerenciador de páginas web desenvolvido ...
Debug, Language, PHP 8 This package can handle PHP errors in several ways. It provides several classes with functions that can perform checks for error conditions and process the errors based on the function parameters. The package introduces more error-handling tools and improvements to PHP 8.1 ...
PHP 5, Web services, Finances, Applic..., G... This package can search for private keys of virtual currency wallets. It uses PHP and Javascript code to generate word lists from random words to create private keys. Then, it uses the site API to search for known private keys recorded ...
Cryptography, User Management, Security This class can be used to authenticate and manage OTP user tokens for strong two-factor authentication. It can create, update and delete tokens to authenticate users with one time passwords (OTP). The users data is stored in files. The class can also check ...
PHP 5, Databases, Libraries, Design P... This package is a MVC framework providing autogenerated MySQL models. It provides base classes for creating Web applications like controllers, models and view classes, as well as, a set of MVC components for commons database operations like search, sort, paginate ...
Text processing, Data types, PHP 7 This package can generate unique identifiers of different types. It provides several classes that can generate strings that can be used as identifiers for different purposes. Currently, it can generate identifiers for invoices, orders, or users. Name: Hashemi Rafsan ...
PHP 5, Libraries, Language, Design Pa... This package demonstrates how to resolve class dependencies using an Inversion of Control as a Laravel service container. It provides an example application that demonstrates how to set up a service container that can solve dependencies of classes on each ...
PHP 5, Configuration This class can manage configuration files in the dotenv format. It provides functions to define the configuration values that will be part of a dotenv configuration file. Currently, it can set values, delete values and write the configuration values to a dotenv file with a given ...
PHP 5, Databases, Libraries, Design P... This package can be used to handle model class events in the object itself. It provides a trait that can be used in Laravel model classes to register callback functions of the model class itself to handle different types of events for changing the model object ...
PHP 5, Databases, Design Patterns This package can be used to build queries with parameters to define conditions. It provides a trait that can be used with Laravel model classes to define queries that can be used to store and retrieve database records with the information for model objects that match ...