PHP 5, Cryptography, Text processing, V... This class provides general-purpose PHP functions to process strings. It wraps all essential PHP functions that access string values, which are always helpful when you work on other projects. It has several functions that can perform several types of manipulation ...
HTML, PHP 5, SEO This package can generate metadata for HTML pages in JSON LD format. It provides several classes that can be used to set properties of metadata values to be associated to the current Web pages. The package can generate HTML tags in JSON LD format to be outputted within the current ...
HTML, PHP 5, SEO This package can generate semantic HTML tags following specifications. It provides several classes that can generate HTML for different types of content to be embedded in Web pages with metadata that can be extracted by applications. Currently it provides microdata generation ...
Databases, Content management This class can be used to manage a generic comments system. It could be used to add comments to a blog, a guest book, etc.. The comments are stored in an SQL database table. The class can install the table and associated indexes. Currently it supports MySQL and Microsoft ...
Email This class can be used to compose and send e-mail messages. The messages may be in plain text or HTML or both. The messages may also include one or more attachment files from the server file system or being uploaded to the server via Web forms. The class can recognize the MIME type from the ...