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BACKGROUND WORDPRESS USER VALIDATION VALIDATE WORDPRESS USER Robert Cordingley I need to check that a user is still logged in to WordPres Following successful logging into a WordPress site using MemberPress, I want to allow access to a separate php app that I plan to build outside WordPress. Access ...
READING CHANGED CHECK BOXES CHECK BOXES Lalo Celi Need to read changes in check boxes The page has: 1. A drop-down (Countries) Based on that drop-down value I call an Ajax PHP file to get the cities in that country (just a few). 2. The rest is a list of the cities (one-to-many) that have a "status ...
WHAT IS THE BEST PHP EMAIL TRACK OPENS CLASS? EMAIL TRACK OPENS Daniel Herrera Track emails sent I have to design a newsletter but I need to know the status of the email sent. I need to know if the email has been received, opened or rejected. Is there a package that allow me know this? WEB TRACKER ...
PHP 5, User Management, Web services This class can authorize the access of users to an API using the OAuth protocol. It abstracts OAuth1 (1.0 and 1.0a) and OAuth2 in the same class, so you can use the same code to authorize the access on behalf of the current user any API that supports any version ...
Algorithms, Web services, Artificial ..., P... This package can generate responses to questions using Ollama AI. It can send HTTP requests to call the Ollama API and ask questions in natural language using a given artificial intelligence model. The package can also get the responses to the questions ...
User Management, Web services, PHP 7, A... This package can verify if a specific type of work was done. It provides an API that can generate a random challenge code that can be displayed to users using Web page front-end code. The API can also verify if the user entered a correct challenge code. ...
PHP 5, Cryptography, User Management, W... This package implements a REST API example to perform user login operations. It implements an API that allows clients to perform CRUD operations on user accounts like getting the user account details, listing all users, updating a user account, delete one ...
HTTP, Libraries, Design Patterns, Per... This package can be used to implement microservices using Open Swoole. It provides a framework of classes that developers can use to implement Web applications based on service classes. The framework uses the Open Swoole PHP extension to implement single thread ...
Design Patterns, PHP 7 This package can be used to setup microservices apps using configuration arrays. It can read configuration PHP scripts that contain values that will be used to set up details of operation of an application based on microservices. Currently it allows to configure: - SQL query ...
PHP 5, Databases, Design Patterns This class implements the singleton design pattern to access SQL databases using the PDO extension. It can connect to several possible SQL databases using the available PDO drivers. Currently it supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB, CUBRID, Oracle, Microsoft ...
PHP 5, Databases, Design Patterns, Ap... This package provides an application that uses CRUD to manage multiple users. It uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operation classes to implement an application that allows users to perform several ...
Tools, PHP 8 This package can create and run action workflows. It provides a class to define workflow actions using sub-classes that define code that will be executed for each action. The package can also create workflows associating each workflow with a set of actions. It can also execute a workflow ...
Time and Date, User Management, PHP 7, A... This package can manage and share a list of tasks. It provides an application that can perform several tasks with users, tasks, task lists, and tasks shared between users. The backend provides an API that can serve the frontend pages that the application ...