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File: class/package.exceptions.errors.php

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  Classes of Johan Barbier   Package Exception Error   class/package.exceptions.errors.php   Download  
File: class/package.exceptions.errors.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: errorException package
Class: Package Exception Error
Turn PHP errors into catchable exceptions
Author: By
Last change: Added handler for...not handled types of errors, just in case new types arte created and this package is not yet up to date.
Also added the possibility to make a static call to the errorHandler method.
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 5,501 bytes


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 * @package package.exceptions.errors
 * @author Johan Barbier <[email protected]>
 * @version 20071017
 * @desc package transforming all php errors into catchable exceptions

 * @name exceptionErrorGeneric
 * @desc Generic exceptionError class. Overload Exception::__toString() method and Exception::__construct() method
abstract class exceptionErrorGeneric extends Exception {
     * @desc Error type
     * @var string
protected $sType;
     * @desc Error file
     * @var string
protected $sErrFile;
     * @desc Error line
     * @var int
protected $iErrLine;
     * @desc Error context
     * @var mixed
protected $mVars;
     * @desc is context enabled or not
     * @var boolean
protected $bContext;
     * @desc constructor
     * @param constant $cErrno
     * @param string $sErrStr
     * @param string $sErrFile
     * @param int $iErrLine
     * @param mixed $mVars
     * @param boolean $bContext
public function __construct($cErrno, $sErrStr, $sErrFile, $iErrLine, $mVars, $bContext = false) {
parent::__construct($sErrStr, $cErrno);
$this->sErrFile = $sErrFile;
$this->iErrLine = $iErrLine;
$this->mVars = $mVars;
$this->bContext = $bContext;
     * @desc Exception::__toString() overloading
     * @return string
public function __toString() {
$sMsg = '<strong>'.$this->sType.'</strong><br />';
$sMsg .= $this->getMessage().'['.$this->getCode().']<br />';
$sMsg .= '<em>File</em> : '.$this->sErrFile.' on line '.$this->iErrLine.'<br />';
$sMsg.= '<em>Trace</em> :<br />'.$this->getTraceAsString().'<br />';
true === $this->bContext) {
$sMsg.= '<em>Context</em> :<br />'.print_r($this->mVars, true);

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Fatal errors
class exceptionErrorError extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Fatal error';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Warnings
class exceptionErrorWarning extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Warning';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Parse errors
class exceptionErrorParseError extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Parse error';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Notice
class exceptionErrorNotice extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Notice';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Core errors
class exceptionErrorCoreError extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Core error';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Core warnings
class exceptionErrorCoreWarning extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Core warning';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Compile errors
class exceptionErrorCompileError extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Compile error';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Compile warnings
class exceptionErrorCompileWarning extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Compile warning';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for User errors
class exceptionErrorUserError extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'User error';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for User warnings
class exceptionErrorUserWarning extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'User warning';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for User notices
class exceptionErrorUserNotice extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'User notice';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for Strict errors
class exceptionErrorStrictError extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Strict error';

 * @desc exceptionErrors for not handled yet errors
class exceptionErrorNotHandledYet extends exceptionErrorGeneric {
$sType = 'Not handled yet';

 * @desc error handler, calling correct exceptionError type
class exceptionErrorHandler {
     * @desc translation between context error and exceptionError type of class
     * @var array
public static $aTrans = array (
E_ERROR => 'exceptionErrorError',
E_WARNING => 'exceptionErrorWarning',
E_PARSE => 'exceptionErrorParseError',
E_NOTICE => 'exceptionErrorNotice',
E_CORE_ERROR => 'exceptionErrorCoreError',
E_CORE_WARNING => 'exceptionErrorCoreWarning',
E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'exceptionErrorCompileError',
E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'exceptionErrorCompileWarning',
E_USER_ERROR => 'exceptionErrorUserError',
E_USER_WARNING => 'exceptionErrorUserWarning',
E_USER_NOTICE => 'exceptionErrorUserNotice',
E_STRICT => 'exceptionErrorStrictError'
     * @desc is context enabled or not
     * @var boolean
public static $bContext = false;
     * @desc constructor, optional bContext boolean can be given if you want context to be displayed or not
     * @param boolean $bContext (optional, default = false)
public function __construct($bContext = false) {
self::$bContext = $bContext;
set_error_handler(array ($this, 'errorHandler'));

     * @desc error handler
     * @param constant $cErrno
     * @param string $sErrStr
     * @param string $sErrFile
     * @param int $iErrLine
     * @param mixed $mVars
public function errorHandler ($cErrno, $sErrStr, $sErrFile, $iErrLine, $mVars) {
self::$aTrans[$cErrno])) {
            throw new
exceptionErrorNotHandledYet($cErrno, $sErrStr, $sErrFile, $iErrLine, $mVars, self::$bContext);
        } else {
            throw new
self::$aTrans[$cErrno]($cErrno, $sErrStr, $sErrFile, $iErrLine, $mVars, self::$bContext);