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File: src/components/pagination/Pagination.tsx

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   WordPress React Plugin Kit   src/components/pagination/Pagination.tsx   Download  
File: src/components/pagination/Pagination.tsx
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WordPress React Plugin Kit
Environment to develop new WordPress plugins
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 3,862 bytes


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/** * External dependencies */ import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; import ReactPaginate from 'react-paginate'; interface IPagination { /** * How many items per page. */ perPage: number; /** * Total items. */ total: number; /** * Current page. */ currentPage: number; /** * Paginate handler. */ paginate: Function; } const defaultProps = { perPage: 10, total: 0, currentPage: 1, paginate: () => {}, }; const Pagination = (props: IPagination) => { const { perPage, total, paginate, currentPage } = props; const [current, setCurrent] = useState(currentPage); const boxClassName = `relative inline-flex items-center border text-sm font-medium`; const activeClassName = `bg-white border-slate-300 text-primary hover:text-primary-dark hover:bg-blue-200`; const inactiveClassName = `bg-white border-slate-300 text-gray-500 hover:bg-blue-200 hover:text-primary-dark`; const totalPage = Math.ceil(total / perPage); return ( <div className="py-2 flex"> <div className="flex-1 text-left"> <p className="text-sm text-gray-700"> <span> <span className="font-medium"> {total} </span> items -{' '} </span> <span> Page <span className="font-medium"> {current} </span> </span> {totalPage > 0 && ( <span> of{' '} <span className="font-medium"> {totalPage} </span> </span> )} </p> </div> {totalPage > 1 && ( <nav className="flex flex-1 justify-end justify-items-end"> <ul className="flex pl-0 rounded list-none flex-wrap"> <li> <ReactPaginate pageCount={Math.ceil(total / perPage)} onPageChange={(page) => { paginate(page.selected + 1); setCurrent(page.selected + 1); }} initialPage={current - 1} previousLabel={'<'} nextLabel={'>'} breakLabel={'...'} breakClassName={`${boxClassName} ${inactiveClassName} `} marginPagesDisplayed={2} pageRangeDisplayed={2} containerClassName={'flex'} activeClassName={`${boxClassName} ${activeClassName} `} pageClassName={`${boxClassName} ${inactiveClassName} `} pageLinkClassName="px-4 py-2 text-[#cdcccc]" activeLinkClassName="px-4 py-2 text-primary-dark" nextClassName={`${boxClassName} ${activeClassName} `} nextLinkClassName="px-4 py-2" previousClassName={`${boxClassName} ${activeClassName} `} previousLinkClassName="px-4 py-2" disabledClassName="bg-white" disabledLinkClassName="disabled:opacity-75 text-gray cursor-not-allowed hover:bg-opacity-75" disableInitialCallback /> </li> </ul> </nav> )} </div> ); }; Pagination.defaultProps = defaultProps; export default Pagination;