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  Classes of Alexander Selifonov   Print Form PDF   printform-pdf.php   Download  
File: printform-pdf.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main program module
Class: Print Form PDF
Creating PDF documents from PDF templates
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Last change: Update of printform-pdf.php
Date: 8 months ago
Size: 127,303 bytes


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<?php /** * @name printform-pdf.php, contains class CPrintFormPdf, * for generating "on the fly" PDF document populated with user data, possibly from source pdf template file, * loaded configuration from XML file or string. * @uses TCPDF, FPDFI classes for reading/writing pdf body, see * @Author Alexander Selifonov, <alex [at] selifan {dot} ru> * @version 1.57.080 2022-10-18 * @Link: * @license BSD * **/ if(!class_exists('TCPDF',false)) { # You should add this block in your module BEFORE include printform-pdf.php, # OR define PRINTPDF_LANGUAGE with Your base language prefix # ( include your TCPDF language module in tcpdf/config/lang folder, my case is lang/rus.php ) $lang = (defined('PRINTPDF_LANGUAGE') ? constant('PRINTPDF_LANGUAGE') : 'rus'); # require_once("tcpdf/config/lang/$lang.php"); // latest TCPDF versions have no lang modules! require_once('tcpdf/tcpdf.php'); } if (!class_exists('FPDF')) { require_once('fpdf/fpdi2tcpdf_bridge.php'); require_once('fpdf/fpdi.php'); # 1.4.2 had parazite "g" echoing ! Use latest FPDI !!! } /** * Abstract class for PrintFormPDF plugins - modules that will draw by specific algorhytms in desired rectangle regions * @since 1.1.0016 (2013-01-20) */ class PRINTPDFCONST { static $currentPageNo = 0; const PF_ADDPAGE = '{NP}'; # pseudo field in grid, command "add New Page" (NP) } abstract class PfPdfPlugin { protected $_error_message = 'no error'; protected $_region_pos = [0, 0]; protected $_region_dim = [0, 0]; abstract public function __construct($tcpdfobj, $cfg = null, $x=0,$y=0,$w=0,$h=0); # Render method should draw something according to passed _data, inside defined rectangle area (_region_pos, _region_dim) abstract public function Render($data); public function setAreaPosition($x, $y, $w=0, $h=0) { $this->_region_pos = array(floatval($x),floatval($y)); $this->_region_dim = array(floatval($w),floatval($h)); return $this; } public function getErrorMessage() { return $this->_error_message; } } class CPrintFormPdf { const VERSION = '1.45'; const DEFAULT_MARGIN = 5; const DEFAULT_GRID_ROWS = 30; const DEFAULT_GRID_STEPY = 6; const BOTTOM_H = 5; # Minimal height for "bottom" area for page numbers etc. const PAGINATION_FONTSIZE = 7; # Font size for page numbers static public $MIN_ZIGZAG_WEIGHT = 6; static private $currentPageNo = 1; static $debug = 0; public $father = NULL; static $errorMessages = []; protected $childDefs = []; # child definitions appended by AppendPageDefFromXml() protected $_data = []; protected $_dataBlock = NULL; protected $dataentity = []; # data for single document (one element from _data beeing printed) protected $pageSubData = []; # data for the page passed as sub-array protected $_pageno = 0; protected $_pluginData = []; protected $_basepar = []; protected $_tmpBasepar = FALSE; protected $_paginatonMode = FALSE; public $_templatefile = []; # source file(s) to be used as template protected $_alttemplatefile = []; # alternative template protected $_outname = ''; protected $defaultTextColor = 0; protected $_pdf = null; protected $pgno = 0; protected $prnPage = 0; // printed page number protected $_tofile = false; protected $_configfile = ''; public $datasource = FALSE; # if set, array '_datasource_id' will hold N rows data to create N printed documents protected $_config = []; protected $_pagedefs = []; protected $_errormessage = ''; protected $_alttemplate = false; protected $_rulerStep = false; protected $_rulerColor = array(80,80,200); protected $_compression = false; # compress result PDF protected $offsets = array(0,0); # for fine tuning field positions, depending on user printer protected $_printedfields = false; protected $_datagrids = []; protected $_curGridRow = []; protected $_specialPages = 0; protected $_mpgrid = FALSE; # becomes TRUE if multi-paging grid detected protected $_hide_pages = []; protected $_hide_fields = []; # field list to be hidden protected $_field_newattr = []; # "dynamically changed" field attribs array protected $_images_disabled = false; protected $_homedir = ''; # directory where loaded XML file resides protected $_pdf_path = ''; # PDF templates folder protected $_img_path = ''; # images folder protected $_curSrcPdf = ''; protected $_curSrcFile = -1, $_curSrcPage=-1, $_curSrcPgcount=-1; protected $_apFields = []; # fields to draw on All Pages protected $_apFinally = FALSE; # if TRUE, AllFields should be rendered last protected $_apValues = []; # values for All Pages fields protected $_tmpFldNo = 0; # "ALL pages" fields in "added" page definitions: protected $_subApFields = []; protected $_subApValues = []; protected $spot_colors = []; protected $_debug = 0; protected $_outputMode = 'I'; static protected $_cached = []; protected $adaptive_sizing = 0; # auto-change font size to make text fit in area (width * height) protected $signFunc = false; # external function for instant "signing" generated PDF protected $userParams = []; # to store data from <userparams> block protected $hooks = []; protected $callbackObj = NULL; public static function getVersion() { return self::VERSION; } public function __construct($param='', $callbackObj=FALSE, $father = NULL, $subid = NULL) { # writeDebugInfo("__construct subid: [$subid], param: ", $param); $loadData = NULL; $printMe = FALSE; if (is_object($callbackObj)) { $this->callbackObj = $callbackObj; } if(is_object($father)) $this->father = $father; else { $this->father = $this; $printMe = TRUE; } $this->_basepar = array( 'page' => array('orientation'=>'P', 'size'=>'A4', 'units'=>'mm') ,'font' => array('name'=>'arial', 'size'=>8, 'color'=> '', 'style'=>'') ,'margins' => array('left'=>0, 'top'=>0, 'right'=>0, 'bottom'=>0) ,'pgprefix'=> '_page' # prefix for "specific" data in 'pageNN' ); $this->_config = array( 'subject' => '' ,'author' => '' ,'creator' => '' ,'protectfile' => false ); if(is_array($param)) { if(isset($param['template'])) $this->_templatefile[] = array('src'=>(string) array($param['template'])); if(isset($param['alttemplate'])) $this->_alttemplatefile[] = (string)$param['template']; if(isset($param['outname'])) $this->_outname= $param['outname']; if(isset($param['output'])) $this->_outputMode = $param['output']; if(!empty($param['compression'])) $this->_compression = true; if(isset($param['tofile'])) $this->_tofile = $param['tofile']; if(isset($param['configfile'])) { $this->_configfile = $param['configfile']; } if(isset($param['subject'])) $this->_config['subject'] = (string)$param['subject']; if(isset($param['description'])) $this->_config['description'] = (string)$param['description']; if(isset($param['author'])) $this->_config['author'] = (string)$param['author']; if(isset($param['creator'])) $this->_config['creator'] = (string)$param['creator']; if(isset($param['stringcharset'])) { $this->_config['stringcharset'] = self::parseParam((string)$param['stringcharset']); } if(isset($param['datasource'])) $this->datasource = (string)$param['datasource']; if(isset($param['pdfpath'])) $this->_pdf_path = (string)$param['pdfpath']; if(isset($param['imgpath'])) $this->_img_path = (string)$param['imgpath']; # callback function to be called after last page done: if(isset($param['hook_end'])) $this->hooks['hook_end'] = (string)$param['hook_end']; } elseif(is_string($param)) { # configuration XML filename or whole XML string was passed $this->_configfile = $param; } if(!empty($this->_configfile)) { $this->_homedir = dirname($this->_configfile) .'/'; if ($this->_pdf_path == '') $this->_pdf_path = $this->_homedir; if ($this->_img_path == '') $this->_img_path = $this->_homedir; $ok = $this->LoadConfig(NULL, $subid); } $this->_pageno = 0; # if hook function name passed, save to call after PDF generation finished if (!empty($param['hook_end'])) $this->hooks['hook_end'] = $param['hook_end']; # if($printMe) writeDebugInfo("printPdf Object: ", $this); } public function setCallbackObject($callbackObj) { $this->callbackObj = $callbackObj; } public function setOutput($out = 'I') { $this->_outputMode = $out; } // setting signing function for final PDF body public function addSignFunction($funcName) { $this->signFunc = $funcName; } /** * Loads configuration from prepared XML file, see it's format in docs and examples * * @param mixed $cfgname full path-filename to config XML file * @Returns true if configuration successfully loaded, false otherwise */ public function LoadConfig($cfgname=null, $operSubid = '') { # writeDebugInfo(">>> LoadConfig(cfg:'$cfgname', subid:'$operSubid')"); $this->_alttemplate = false; if(!$cfgname) $cfgname = $this->_configfile; else $this->_configfile = $cfgname; # writeDebugInfo("LoadConfig(), cfg: ", $this->_configfile); $ret = true; if(is_file($cfgname)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($cfgname); } elseif(substr($cfgname,0,5)=='<'.'?xml') { $xml = @simplexml_load_string($cfgname); $cfgname=''; } else { $this->_errormessage = 'Configuration XML file not found: '.$cfgname; return false; } $homePath = dirname(realpath($this->_configfile)) . '/'; # folder of parsed XML config file if(!($xml) OR !@isset($xml->pages)) { $this->_errormessage = 'Wrong XML file or XML string syntax, '.$cfgname; echo $this->_errormessage ; return false; } if(isset($xml->description)) $this->_config['description'] = (string)$xml->description; # protect workpages by password if(isset($xml->protectfile)) $this->_config['protectfile'] = (int)$xml->protectfile; # protect workpages by password if(isset($xml->password)) $this->_config['password'] = (string)$xml->password; # password to protect with if(isset($xml->title)) $this->_config['title'] = (string)$xml->title; if(isset($xml->stringcharset)) $this->_config['stringcharset'] = strtoupper(self::parseParam($xml->stringcharset)); # if not UTF-8 and not '', use iconv() to make UTF-8 ! if(isset($xml->baseparameters->page)) { if(isset($xml->baseparameters->page['orientation'])) $this->_basepar['page']['orientation'] = (string)$xml->baseparameters->page['orientation']; if(isset($xml->baseparameters->page['size'])) $this->_basepar['page']['size'] = (string)$xml->baseparameters->page['size']; if(isset($xml->baseparameters->page['units'])) $this->_basepar['page']['units'] = (string)$xml->baseparameters->page['units']; } # misc "common" parameters if(isset($xml->baseparameters->params)) { if(isset($xml->baseparameters->params['pgprefix'])) $this->_basepar['pgprefix'] = (string)$xml->baseparameters->params['pgprefix']; } # @since 1.42: user defined params in XML block <userparameters>...</userparameters> if(isset($xml->userparameters)) { foreach($xml->userparameters->children() as $key => $usrPar) { $pname = (isset($usrPar['name']) ? (string) $usrPar['name'] : ''); $pvalue = (isset($usrPar['value']) ? self::parseParam($usrPar['value']) : NULL); if ($pname) $this->userParams[$pname] = $pvalue; } } if(isset($xml->baseparameters->pagination)) { $this->_basepar['pagination'] = []; $this->_basepar['pagination']['align'] = (isset($xml->baseparameters->pagination['align'])) ? strtoupper((string)$xml->baseparameters->pagination['align']) : 'C'; $this->_basepar['pagination']['posy'] = (isset($xml->baseparameters->pagination['posy'])) ? strtolower((string)$xml->baseparameters->pagination['posy']): 'bottom'; $this->_basepar['pagination']['format'] = (isset($xml->baseparameters->pagination['format'])) ? trim((string)$xml->baseparameters->pagination['format']) : '%page%'; } if(isset($xml->baseparameters->pdfpath)) { $this->_pdf_path = (string)$xml->baseparameters->pdfpath; } if(isset($xml->baseparameters->imgpath)) $this->_img_path = (string)$xml->baseparameters->imgpath; if(isset($xml->baseparameters->font)) { if(!empty($xml->baseparameters->font['name'])) $this->_basepar['font']['name'] = (string)$xml->baseparameters->font['name']; if(!empty($xml->baseparameters->font['size'])) $this->_basepar['font']['size'] = (float)$xml->baseparameters->font['size']; if(!empty($xml->baseparameters->font['color'])) $this->_basepar['font']['color'] = (string) $xml->baseparameters->font['color']; if(!empty($xml->baseparameters->font['style'])) $this->_basepar['font']['style'] = (string) $xml->baseparameters->font['style']; if(isset($xml->baseparameters->font['autosize'])) $this->adaptive_sizing = (int)$xml->baseparameters->font['autosize']; } if(isset($xml->baseparameters->margins)) { if(isset($xml->baseparameters->margins['left'])) $this->_basepar['margins']['left'] = (float)$xml->baseparameters->font['left']; if(isset($xml->baseparameters->margins['right'])) $this->_basepar['margins']['right'] = (float)$xml->baseparameters->font['right']; if(isset($xml->baseparameters->margins['top'])) $this->_basepar['margins']['top'] = (float)$xml->baseparameters->font['top']; if(isset($xml->baseparameters->margins['bottom'])) $this->_basepar['margins']['bottom'] = (float)$xml->baseparameters->font['bottom']; } if (isset($xml->baseparameters->templatefile)) { if(!empty($xml->baseparameters->templatefile['src'])) $this->_templatefile[] = $this->readTemplateDef($xml->baseparameters->templatefile); if(!empty($xml->baseparameters->templatefile['altsrc'])) $this->_alttemplatefile[] = (string)$xml->baseparameters->templatefile['altsrc']; } if ( isset($xml->templatefiles) ) { foreach($xml->templatefiles->children() as $key=>$item) { if(!empty($item['src'])) { $this->_templatefile[] = $this->readTemplateDef($item); } } } if(isset($xml->allpages)) { # All Pages Fields exist, load them! $this->_apFinally = !empty($xml->allpages['finally']); foreach($xml->allpages->children() as $key=>$item) { if($key === 'field' OR $key ==='image') { $value = isset($item['value'])? trim("{$item['value']}") : null; if($value !=='' and strtoupper($this->_config['stringcharset']) !== 'UTF-8') $value = iconv('UTF-8',$this->_config['stringcharset'],$value); $this->addAllPagesField($item, $value); } } } $fileversion = isset($xml->version) ? $xml->version : 1; # for future needs if(!empty($this->_config['templatefile'])) $this->_templatefile[] = array( 'src'=> (string)$this->_config['templatefile'] ); $this->_pagedefs = []; $fldcnt = 0; foreach($xml->pages->children() as $key => $pageitem) { # $pageno = isset($pageitem['number']) ? (int) $pageitem['number'] : $ipage; $hide_it = isset($pageitem['hide']) ? (int) $pageitem['hide'] : 0; $pg_orient = isset($pageitem['orientation']) ? $pageitem['orientation'] : $this->_basepar['page']['orientation']; $gridpage = $gridFields = false; if ($key == 'importdef') { # Append pages definition from another XML cfg $addXml = (isset($pageitem['src']) ? (string)$pageitem['src'] : ''); if(!empty($operSubid)) $subid = $operSubid; # passed from caller else $subid = (isset($pageitem['datasubid']) ? (string)$pageitem['datasubid'] : ''); $ifCond = (isset($pageitem['if']) ? (string)$pageitem['if'] : FALSE); if (substr($ifCond,0,1) === '@') $ifCond = substr($ifCond,1); $b_import = TRUE; if (!empty($ifCond)) { if(is_callable($ifCond)) { $b_import = call_user_func($ifCond, $this->dataentity); } elseif(is_object($this->callbackObj) && method_exists($this->callbackObj, $ifCond)) { $b_import = $this->callbackObj->$ifCond(); } else writeDebugInfo("if=[$ifCond] is not callable nor method of obj ", $this->callbackObj); } if ($b_import && strlen($addXml)) { $realXml = $this->_evalAttribute($addXml); if ($realXml) { $filePath = self::getRelativeFilename($this->_homedir, $realXml); if ($filePath) $this->AppendPageDefFromXml($filePath, $subid); else die('Importdef: file not found: '.$filePath); } } continue; } $pageno = $ipage = self::$currentPageNo++; if (isset($pageitem['datasource']) ) { # "conditionally printed" data-grid page $gridFields = isset($pageitem['fields']) ? explode(',', (string)$pageitem['fields']) : false; if (is_array($gridFields)) $gridpage = array( 'datasource' => trim((string)$pageitem['datasource']) ,'fields' => $gridFields ,'rows' => (isset($pageitem['rows']) ? (integer)$pageitem['rows'] : self::DEFAULT_GRID_ROWS) ,'posx' => (isset($pageitem['posx']) ? (float)$pageitem['posx'] : 0) ,'posy' => (isset($pageitem['posy']) ? (float)$pageitem['posy'] : 0) ,'step_y' => (isset($pageitem['rows']) ? (float)$pageitem['step_y'] : self::DEFAULT_GRID_STEPY) ,'step_x' => (isset($pageitem['step_x']) ? (float)$pageitem['step_x'] : 0) ,'order' => (isset($pageitem['order']) ? (string)$pageitem['order'] : 'R') # "Row first" ,'cols' => (isset($pageitem['cols']) ? (integer)$pageitem['cols'] : 1) ,'fillempty' => (isset($pageitem['fillempty']) ? (string)$pageitem['fillempty'] : FALSE) ); } if($hide_it) $this->_hide_pages[$pageno] = true; $this->father -> _pagedefs[$ipage] = array('pageno'=>$pageno, 'fields'=>[] ,'homepath' => $homePath ,'repeat'=>[] ,'hide'=>$hide_it ,'gridpage'=>$gridpage ,'datasubid' => $operSubid ,'orientation' => $pg_orient ,'ruler' => ( isset($pageitem['ruler']) ? (int)$pageitem['ruler'] : FALSE ) ,'copies' => ( isset($pageitem['copies']) ? (int)$pageitem['copies'] : FALSE ) ,'pageevent' => ( isset($pageitem['pageevent']) ? (string)$pageitem['pageevent'] : FALSE ) ,'datagrids' => [] ); # if ($gridpage) { echo '<pre>' . print_r($gridpage,1) .'</pre>'; exit; } # debug echo foreach($pageitem->children() as $key=>$item) { if($key=='template') { # there is specific template for this page $this->father->_pagedefs[$ipage]['template'] = array( 'src' => (isset($item['src']) ? (string) $item['src'] : false) ,'altsrc' => (isset($item['altsrc']) ? (string) $item['altsrc'] : false) ,'page' => (!empty($item['page']) ? (int) $item['page'] : 0) ,'orientation' => (!empty($item['orientation']) ? $item['orientation'] : $this->_basepar['page']['orientation']) ); continue; } elseif(in_array($key, ['field', 'image', 'plugin'])) { $fldname = isset($item['name'])? trim($item['name']) : ''; if(!$fldname) { writeDebugInfo("bad (no-name) item: ", $item); continue; } $newar = $this->prepareFieldDef($item); if($key=='image') $newar['type'] = 'image'; if($key=='plugin' || $newar['type']=='plugin') { # drawing specific data plugin $newar['plugintype'] = isset($item['plugintype']) ? strtolower((string)$item['plugintype']) : ''; if($newar['plugintype']=='' && $newar['type']!='plugin') $newar['plugintype'] = $newar['type']; $newar['type'] = 'plugin'; } $this->father->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][] = $newar; $fldcnt++; } elseif($key=='datagrid') { $datasource = isset($item['datasource']) ? (string) $item['datasource'] : ''; $dtfields = isset($item['fields']) ? (string) $item['fields'] : ''; $dtfields = str_replace(' ','',$dtfields); $fldArr = []; # field definitions are inside <datagrid> tag foreach($item->Children() as $chKey => $chItem) { if($chKey === 'field') { $chfldName = isset($chItem['name'])? trim($chItem['name']) : ''; if(empty($chfldName)) continue; $fldArr[] = $this->prepareFieldDef($chItem); } } $fields = FALSE; if(count($fldArr)) $fields = $fldArr; elseif(!empty($dtfields)) $fields = explode(',',$dtfields); if(!$fields) continue; # ignore empty datagrid tag (w/o field list) $gridId = !empty($item['name']) ? (string)$item['name'] : 'datagrid'.(count($this->father->_datagrids)+1); $this->father->_datagrids[$gridId] = array( 'page' => $ipage ,'datasource' => $datasource ,'fields'=> $fields # field names OR FieldDef array defined inside <datagrid> ,'posx' => (isset($item['posx']) ? (string)$item['posx'] : '0') ,'posy' => (isset($item['posy']) ? (string)$item['posy'] : '0') ,'step_y'=> (isset($item['step_y']) ? (float)$item['step_y'] : 0) ,'rows' => (isset($item['rows']) ? (int)$item['rows'] : 2) ,'step_x' => (isset($item['step_x']) ? (float)$item['step_x'] : 0) ,'order' => (isset($item['order']) ? (string)$item['order'] : 'R') ,'cols' => (isset($item['cols']) ? (int)$item['cols'] : 1) ,'fillempty' => (isset($item['fillempty']) ? (string)$item['fillempty'] : FALSE) ); $pageno = count($this->father->_pagedefs)-1; # if ($datasource) { $this->father->_pagedefs[$ipage]['datagrids'][] = $gridId; # WriteDebugInfo("register datagrid $gridId for pagedef $ipage: data source=", $datasource); # } if (count($this->father->_datagrids[$gridId]['fields'])) { foreach($this->father->_datagrids[$gridId]['fields'] as $gridField) { if(!is_string($gridField)) continue; foreach($this->father->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'] as &$fdef) { if($fdef['name'] === $gridField) { $fdef['ingrid'] = 1; # to avoid print empty grid row } } } } # writeDebugInfo("datagrid: ",$this->_datagrids[$gridId]); } elseif($key=='repeat') { # repeat all data on the sheet, with x/y shifting $off_x = isset($item['offset_x']) ? (float)$item['offset_x'] : 0; $off_y = isset($item['offset_y']) ? (float)$item['offset_y'] : 0; $enabled = isset($item['enabled']) ? (string)$item['enabled'] : 1; if(!empty($enabled) && is_callable($enabled)) $enabled = call_user_func($enabled, count($this->father->_pagedefs[$ipage]['repeat'])); if($off_x != 0 || $off_y != 0) $this->father->_pagedefs[$ipage]['repeat'][] = array($off_x,$off_y, $enabled); } } if(count($this->_datagrids)) foreach($this->_datagrids as $gid => $dtgrid) { // fill datagrid by prepared "numbered" fields: name1,age1; name2,age2,... if ($dtgrid['page'] != $ipage) continue; $posyarr = explode(',', $dtgrid['posy']); $farr = []; $gridFldDefs = $this->getFieldDefs($dtgrid['fields'], $ipage); if(!count($gridFldDefs)) continue; # Skip grid: no one field has a name listed in datagrid if (!empty($dtgrid['datasource'])){ # save $gridId for current pdf page def continue; # named datasource will be handled w/o creating "pseudo-fields" } $rows = $dtgrid['rows'] ? $dtgrid['rows'] : count($posyarr); $cols = $dtgrid['cols'] ? $dtgrid['cols'] : 1; $posx = $dtgrid['posx'] ? floatval($dtgrid['posx']) : 0; $fillEmpty = $dtgrid['fillempty'] ? $dtgrid['fillempty'] : false; $sumItems = $rows * $cols; # \writeDebugInfo("rows in grid = $rows * $cols = $sumItems"); for($kk=1; $kk <= $sumItems; $kk++) { $poy_off = $kk-1; $posy = isset($posyarr[$poy_off]) ? $posyarr[$poy_off] : ($posyarr[0]+($poy_off * $dtgrid['step_y'])); foreach($gridFldDefs as $fdef) { $newdef = ($fdef); $newdef['name'] = $fdef['name'].$kk; $newdef['posy'] = $fdef['posy'] + $posy; if($posx!=0) foreach($newdef['posx'] as $k=>$v) { $newdef['posx'][$k] += $posx; } $newdef['_gridtmp_'] = 1; # not a real field, just a clone if ($newdef['type']!='checkbox') $newdef['fillempty'] = $fillEmpty; $this->father->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][] = $newdef; # if ($fillEmpty) \writeDebugInfo("grid fillempty $newdef[name]"); } } } # $ipage++; } if (isset($xml->import)) { foreach($xml->import->children() as $key => $item) { if ($key === 'importdef') { $addXml = (isset($item['src']) ? (string)$item['src'] : ''); if($operSubid) $subid = $operSubid; else $subid = (isset($item['datasubid']) ? (string)$item['datasubid'] : ''); if (strlen($addXml)) { $filePath = self::getRelativeFilename($this->_homedir, $addXml); if ($filePath) $this->father->AppendPageDefFromXml($filePath, $subid); } } } } if(!$fldcnt) { $this->_errormessage = 'No valid workpage definitions found (no fields defined)!'; $ret = false; } # if (self::$debug) \writeDebugInfo("$cfgname / _basepar is: ", $this->_basepar); return $ret; } # read "template" sub-element to assoc.array protected function readTemplateDef($item) { $ret = [ 'src' => $this->_evalAttribute($item['src']) ,'altsrc'=> (isset($item['altsrc']) ? (string)$item['altsrc'] : '') ,'pagination'=> (isset($item['pagination']) ? (string)$item['pagination'] : FALSE) ,'pages'=> (isset($item['pages']) ? (string)$item['pages'] : '') ]; # if (!empty($ret['pagination'])) \WriteDebugInfo("template with pagination:", $ret); return $ret; } /** * Disables/enables all images import (debug needs) * @since 1.3.0020 * @param mixed $par */ public function disableImages($par=true) { $this->_images_disabled = $par; } public function setResourcePaths($pdfPath=null, $imgPath=null) { if($pdfPath!==null) $this->_pdf_path = $pdfPath; if($imgPath!==null) $this->_img_path = $imgPath; } /** * Add page definition programmatically * Programmer can add some PDF templates to output document without editing XML config-file * @since 1.2 * @param mixed $opts */ public function addPageDef($opts=[]) { $ipage = count($this->_pagedefs); $pg = []; $pg['orientation'] = (isset($opts['orientation']) ? $opts['orientation'] : $this->_basepar['page']['orientation']); $pg['pageno'] = (isset($opts['pageno']) ? $opts['pageno'] : $ipage); $pg['fields'] = (isset($opts['fields']) ? $opts['fields'] : []); $pg['repeat'] = (isset($opts['repeat']) ? $opts['repeat'] : []); $pg['hide'] = (isset($opts['hide']) ? $opts['hide'] : false); $pg['template'] = array( 'src' => (isset($opts['src']) ? (string)$opts['src'] : '') ,'altsrc' => (isset($opts['altsrc']) ? (string)$opts['altsrc'] : '') ,'page' => (isset($opts['page']) ? max(1,(int)$opts['page']) : 1) ); $this->_pagedefs[$ipage] = $pg; } /** * Overrides template PDF file for specified page * * @param mixed $pageno, 0-based! * @param mixed $srcPdf new PDF template file name * @param mixed $srcPage page to use from PDF template * @since: 1.5 */ public function setPageTemplateFile($pageno, $srcPdf, $srcPage=1) { if (isset($this->_pagedefs[$pageno])) { if (!empty($srcPdf)) $this->_pagedefs[$pageno]['template']['src'] = $srcPdf; if (!empty($srcPage)) $this->_pagedefs[$pageno]['template']['page'] = $srcPage; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get contents of base config, to be able programmatically saving XML def. * */ public function GetBaseConfig() { return $this->_config; } public function GetBaseParams() { return $this->_basepar; } public function SetOffsets($offset_x=0, $offset_y=0) { $this->offsets = is_array($offset_x) ? $offset_x : array(floatval($offset_x),floatval($offset_y)); } /** * Switches to using alternative" PDF template file(s) in all pages * * @param mixed $alt 1 or true to turn alternate template ON, false otherwise */ public function SetAltTemplate($alt=true) { $this->_alttemplate = $alt; } /** * "Manually" add one field definition * * @param int $ipage page index (offset) * @param array $parm associative arrya with all definitions : 'name','col','row','type' etc. */ public function AddFieldDefinition($ipage, $parm) { if(!isset($this->_pagedefs[$ipage])) $this->_pagedefs[$ipage] = array('offset'=>count($this->_pagedefs), 'fields'=>[]); if(empty($parm['name'])) return false; # array MUST contain 'name' element $tp = (isset($parm['type']) ? strtolower((string) $parm['type']) : ''); $posy = (isset($parm['posy']) ? (string) $parm['posy'] : '1'); $fldDef = [ 'name' => strtolower(trim($parm['name'])) ,'type' => $tp ,'posx' => (isset($parm['posx']) ? explode(',', (string)$parm['posx']) : array(0)) ,'posy' => ($tp=='poly'? floatval($pos) : explode(',',$posy)) ,'charstep'=> (isset($parm['charstep']) ? (float)$parm['charstep'] : 0) ,'maxlength'=> (isset($parm['maxlength']) ? (int)$parm['maxlength'] : 0) ,'width' => (isset($parm['width']) ? floatval($parm['width']) : 0) ,'font' => (isset($parm['font']) ? (string)($parm['font']) : '') ,'fontstyle' => (isset($parm['fontstyle']) ? (string)($parm['fontstyle']) : '') ,'size' => (isset($parm['size']) ? floatval($parm['size']) : 0) ,'align' => (isset($parm['align']) ? (string) $parm['align'] : '') ,'valign' => (isset($parm['valign']) ? (string) $parm['valign'] : '') ,'convert' => (isset($parm['convert']) ? (string) $parm['convert'] : '') ,'color' => (isset($parm['color']) ? (string) $parm['color'] : '') ,'bgcolor' => (isset($parm['bgcolor']) ? (string) $parm['bgcolor'] : '') ,'rotate' => (isset($parm['rotate']) ? (float) $parm['rotate'] : 0) ,'norepeat'=> (isset($parm['norepeat']) ? (int) $parm['norepeat'] : 0) ,'border' => (isset($parm['border']) ? (string) $parm['border'] : 0) ,'options' => (isset($parm['options']) ? (string) $parm['options'] : '') ,'opacity' => (isset($parm['opacity']) ? (float) $parm['opacity'] : 1) ,'thickness' => (isset($parm['thickness']) ? (float) $parm['thickness'] : 0) ,'src' => (isset($parm['src']) ? (string) $parm['src'] : '') ]; if ($fldDef['fontstyle']!='') exit("$parm[name] has fontstyle"); $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][] = $fldDef; } public function setTitle($strg) { $this->_config['title'] = $strg; } public function setSubject($strg) { $this->_config['subject'] = $strg; } public function setAuthor($strg) { $this->_config['author'] = $strg; } public function setCreator($strg) { $this->_config['creator'] = $strg; } public function protectFile($protect, $password=null, $options = false) { $this->_config['protectfile'] = $protect; if($password!==null) $this->_config['password'] = $password; $this->_config['protectoptions'] = $options; } /** * Pass whole data array for printing one "PDF entity" * * @param array $param associative array with all values. Don't call this more than once for one page/page set, * because next calling will create new page/page set (creating multi-paged formed PDF) */ public function AddData($entitydata, $datacharset='') { if(!is_array($entitydata)) return false; if(!empty($datacharset) && !empty($this->_config['stringcharset']) && $datacharset != $this->_config['stringcharset']) { #\writeDebugInfo("try to convert data from ",$this->_config['stringcharset'], ' to ', $datacharset); mb_convert_variables($this->_config['stringcharset'], $datacharset, $entitydata); } $pageData = []; foreach($entitydata as $key=>$value) { if(substr($key,0,5) == 'grid:' && is_array($value)) { $gridid = substr($key,5); foreach($value as $gridrow) { $pageData = array_merge($pageData,$this->AddDataGridRow($gridid,$gridrow,true)); } } else $pageData[$key] = $value; } $this->_data[] = $pageData; } /** * Change printing coordinates, font size etc before generating PDF, * for "tuning/testing" needs... * @param mixed $params assoc.array containing new page/fields parameters as $param[0]['fields'] - new fields for page1, etc. */ public function ModifyParameters($param) { if(!is_array($param)) return false; $ipage = 0; foreach($param as $key=>$fielddefs) { # overwrite $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'] with values from array if(!isset($this->_pagedefs[$ipage])) break; if(!is_array($fielddefs['fields'])) break; # $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'] = $fielddefs['fields']; for($kk=0; $kk<count($this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields']);$kk++) { # each($item as $itkey=>$fldef) if(!isset($fielddefs['fields'][$kk])) break; # passed array is shorter than our field list if(isset($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['posx'])) { for($kj=0;$kj<count($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['posx']); $kj++) $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][$kk]['posx'][$kj] = floatval($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['posx'][$kj]); } if(isset($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['posy'])) $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][$kk]['posy'] = floatval($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['posy']); if(isset($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['size'])) $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][$kk]['size'] = floatval($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['size']); if(isset($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['charstep'])) $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][$kk]['charstep'] = floatval($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['charstep']); if(isset($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['width'])) $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][$kk]['width'] = floatval($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['width']); if(isset($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['height'])) $this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'][$kk]['height'] = floatval($fielddefs['fields'][$kk]['height']); # charstep, size, etc... } $ipage++; } } /** * Adding fields to be hidden (not printed) in final document * @since 1.8 * @param mixed $fldnames comma(space) separated string or array containing field names to hide */ public function hideFields($fldnames) { if (is_string($fldnames)) $fldnames = preg_split( "/\s,]/", $fldnames, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); if (is_array($fldnames)) $this->_hide_fields = array_merge($this->_hide_fields,$fldnames); return $this; } /** * Change any attributes for one field * @since 1.8 * * @param mixed $fieldname field name * @param mixed $attribs assoc array in form "key" => new_value. * Supported keys: "src" */ public function setFieldAttribs($fieldname, $attribs) { if (is_array($attribs)) { if (!isset($this->_field_newattr[$fieldname])) $this->_field_newattr[$fieldname] = []; $this->_field_newattr[$fieldname] = array_merge($this->_field_newattr[$fieldname],$attribs); } return $this; } # obsolete function name, use drawRuler() ! public function DrawMeasuringGrid($step = 10, $color = false) { $this->drawRuler($step, $color); } /** * Turns ON creating of measuring grid (will be drawn on the first page only) * * @param mixed $step */ public function drawRuler($step = 10, $color = false) { $this->_rulerStep = ($step==1) ? 10 : $step; if($color && is_array($color) && count($color)>=3) $this->_rulerColor = $color; else $this->_rulerColor = array(20,20,200); } /** * Draws "measuring" grid on current pdf page * @since 1.12 */ protected function _renderMeasuringGrid() { if($this->_rulerStep > 0 ) { # let's draw a measuring grid $pageWidth = $this->_pdf->getPageWidth(); $pageHeight = $this->_pdf->getPageHeight(); $result = $this->_pdf->SetDrawColor($this->_rulerColor[0],$this->_rulerColor[1],$this->_rulerColor[2]); $this->_pdf->SetTextColor($this->_rulerColor[0],$this->_rulerColor[1],$this->_rulerColor[2]); $this->_pdf->SetFontSize(6.0); # $this->_pdf->SetLineWidth(0.2); for($posx=0; $posx<$pageWidth; $posx+=$this->_rulerStep) { $this->_pdf->Line($posx,0,$posx, $pageHeight, array('dash'=>'1,3')); if($posx>0) { $this->_pdf->Text($posx+0.05, 1.0, "$posx"); $this->_pdf->Text($posx+0.05, $pageHeight-5, "$posx"); } } for($posy=0; $posy<$pageHeight; $posy+=$this->_rulerStep) { $this->_pdf->Line(0,$posy,$pageWidth, $posy); if($posy>0) { $this->_pdf->Text(1.0, $posy+0.1, "$posy"); $this->_pdf->Text($pageWidth-5, $posy+0.1, "$posy"); } } $this->_pdf->setFontSize($this->_basepar['font']['size']); } } /** * Adds field definition (and possible value) to ALL PAGES (AP) in document. * For drawing "DRAFT" sign, bar-code, logo image and so on, on every PDF page * @param mixed $fdef full field definition array: name,type, posx,posy,rotate,color,... * @param mixed $value optional initial value for the field * @since 1.4 */ public function addAllPagesField($fdef, $value=null) { $new_fld = $this->prepareFieldDef($fdef); $name = $new_fld['name']; $this->_apFields[$name] = $new_fld; if($value) $this->_apValues[$name] = $value; } /** * Sets value for one "AP" field * @param mixed $fldname field name * @param mixed $value new value * @since 1.4 */ public function setAllPagesFieldValue($fldname, $value) { $this->_apValues[$fldname] = $value; } /** * Reads user (possibly not full) field definition and return a full definition for working * * @param mixed $item */ public function prepareFieldDef($item) { $fldname = isset($item['name'])? trim("{$item['name']}") : ('_field_'. (++$this->father->_tmpFldNo)); $ret = array( 'name' => strtolower($fldname) ,'type' => (isset($item['type']) ? strtolower((string)$item['type']) : 'text') ,'posx' => (isset($item['posx']) ? explode(',', (string) $item['posx']) : array(0)) ,'posy' => (isset($item['posy']) ? (float) $item['posy'] : 0) ,'charstep'=> (isset($item['charstep']) ? (float)$item['charstep'] : 0) ,'maxlength'=> (isset($item['maxlength']) ? (int)$item['maxlength'] : 0) ,'width' => (isset($item['width']) ? (float) $item['width'] : 0) ,'height' => (isset($item['height']) ? (float) $item['height'] : 0) ,'font' => (isset($item['font']) ? (string) $item['font'] :'') ,'fontstyle' => (isset($item['fontstyle']) ? (string) $item['fontstyle'] :'') ,'size' => (isset($item['size']) ? (float) $item['size'] : 0) ,'convert' => (isset($item['convert']) ? (string) $item['convert'] : '') ,'if' => (isset($item['if']) ? (string) $item['if'] : NULL) ,'color' => (isset($item['color']) ? (string) $item['color'] : '') ,'bgcolor' => (isset($item['bgcolor']) ? (string) $item['bgcolor'] : '') ,'rotate' => (isset($item['rotate']) ? (float) $item['rotate'] : 0) ,'norepeat'=> (isset($item['norepeat']) ? (int) $item['norepeat'] : 0) ,'align' => (isset($item['align']) ? (string) $item['align'] : '') ,'valign' => (isset($item['valign']) ? (string) $item['valign'] : '') ,'options' => (isset($item['options']) ? (string) $item['options'] : '') ,'opacity' => (isset($item['opacity']) ? (float) $item['opacity'] : 1) ,'thickness' => (isset($item['thickness']) ? (float) $item['thickness'] : 0) ,'src' => (isset($item['src'])? (string)$item['src'] : '') ,'fillempty' => (isset($item['fillempty'])? (int)$item['fillempty'] : FALSE) ); if($ret['type'] === 'rectangle' || $ret['type'] === 'rect') { # draw a rectangle, 'width' & 'height' sets its width/height $ret['type'] = 'rect'; } elseif($ret['type'] === 'poly' || $ret['type'] === 'polygone') { # draw a polygone, and posy must contain at least 2 values: x0,x1, y0,y1 $ret['type'] = 'poly'; $ret['posy'] = (isset($item['posy']) ? explode(',', (string) $item['posy']) : array(0)); } return $ret; } # make array of field definitions for datagrid public function getFieldDefs($arParam, $ipage) { if(is_array($arParam[0])) return $arParam; # array of field definitions (in datagrid) $ret = []; foreach($this->_pagedefs[$ipage]['fields'] as $fno => $ftdef) { if(in_array($ftdef['name'],$arParam)) { $ret[] = $ftdef; } } return $ret; } /** * Activates "only selected fields" printing mode * * @param mixed $filter assoc.array with pages/fields to print */ public function PrintFieldsFilter($filter) { $this->_printedfields = $filter; } /** * Renders PDF document [and sends to the browser or saves on the disc] * * @params $output if true (default) PDF contents will be sent to client (or saved to file), * otherwise You can do something after rendering and before sendind final document * @return true if pdf file generated, false if some errors */ public function Render($output=true, $debug=false) { if ($debug) self::$debug = $debug; if(count($this->_pagedefs)<1 && $this->_specialPages==0) { $this->_errormessage = 'Configuration not loaded, Rendering impossible !'; return false; } @ini_set('max_execution_time', 600); if (is_callable('WebApp::getAppState')) { if (100 <= WebApp::getAppState()) { while(ob_get_level()) { ob_end_flush(); } return; } } # writeDebugInfo("_outname: ", $this->_outname); if(empty($this->_outname)) { $this->_outname = 'generated.pdf'; $off = max(strrpos($this->_outname, '/'), strrpos($this->_outname, '\\')); if($off!==false) $this->_outname = substr($this->_outname, $off+1); } if(!($this->_createPdfObject())) { if (self::$debug) \writeDebugInfo("PDF object not created"); return false; } $this->_pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false,0); # disable auto creating new pages if data doesn't fit on page $creator = empty($this->_config['creator']) ? 'Printform-pdf module by Alexander Selifonov, using TCPDF/FPDF classes' : $this->_convertCset($this->_config['creator']); $this->_pdf->SetCreator($creator); $author = empty($this->_config['author']) ? 'CPrintFormPdf, TCPDF wrapper PHP class' : $this->_convertCset($this->_config['author']); $this->_pdf->SetAuthor($author); if(!empty($this->_config['title'])) $this->_pdf->SetTitle($this->_convertCset($this->_config['title'])); if(!empty($this->_config['subject'])) $this->_pdf->Setsubject($this->_convertCset($this->_config['subject'])); if($this->_rulerStep > 0 ) { # we'll draw a measuring grid $grcolor = array('R'=>200,'G'=>200,'B'=>200); if($this->_rulerColor) { $grcolor = $this->_parseColor($this->_rulerColor); # \WriteDebugInfo('grid color from ', $this->_rulerColor, ' is ', $grcolor); } } # Populating with data... foreach($this->_data as $entno=>$onedatablock) { #<3> $this->_dataBlock = $onedatablock; $this->pgno = $this->prnPage = 0; $this->_curSrcFile = $this->_curSrcPage = $this->_curSrcPgcount = -1; $this->dataentity = $onedatablock; $this->pageSubData = []; # Main loop for generating one multi-paged document entity foreach($this->_pagedefs as $no=>$pagedef) { #<4> # skip the page if no printed fields in TEST mode: # $this->pageSubData = []; # particular data for this page addresserd by subdataid # writeDebugInfo("printing [$no] by pagedef: ", $pagedef); if(!empty($pagedef['hide'])) { continue; # page is temporary hidden by attrib "hide" } if (!empty($pagedef['basepar'])) { $this->_tmpBasepar = $pagedef['basepar']; } else $this->_tmpBasepar = $this->_basepar; if (!empty($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['color'])) { $this->defaultTextColor = $this->colorToDec($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['color']); } else $this->defaultTextColor = 0; if(is_array($this->_printedfields) && (!isset($this->_printedfields[$no+1]) OR count($this->_printedfields[$no+1])<=0)) { continue; } if (!empty($pagedef['gridpage'])) { $this->_drawGridPage($entno, $pagedef); continue; # $dataid = $pagedef['gridpage']['datasource']; } $orientation = isset($pagedef['orientation'])? $pagedef['orientation'] : $this->_tmpBasepar['page']['orientation']; $this->_pdf->addPage($orientation); $this->pgno++; $this->prnPage++; if (!empty($pagedef['pageevent'])) { if(is_callable($pagedef['pageevent'])) { @call_user_func($pagedef['pageevent'], $this->prnPage); # run callback page-event hook } elseif(is_object($this->callbackObj) && method_exists($this->callbackObj, $pagedef['pageevent'])) { $callFnc = $pagedef['pageevent']; $this->callbackObj->$callFnc(); } } $pgPref = $this->_tmpBasepar['pgprefix'] . $this->pgno; if (isset($onedatablock[$pgPref]) && is_array($onedatablock[$pgPref])) { # there is specific [_pageNN] data sub-array for this page $this->dataentity = array_merge($this->dataentity, $onedatablock[$pgPref]); } if (!empty($pagedef['datasubid'])) { $pgPref = $pagedef['datasubid']; if (isset($onedatablock[$pgPref]) && is_array($onedatablock[$pgPref])) { # there is specific [subid] data sub-array for this page $this->pageSubData = $onedatablock[$pgPref]; # $this->dataentity = array_merge($this->dataentity, $onedatablock[$pgPref]); # commented! } } $pdfTpl = $pdfPage = false; # use explicit PDF file if set inside "<page">, otherwise - load page from "basic PDF template listed in XML "templatefiles" section if(!empty($pagedef['template']['page'])) { $home = $pagedef['homepath']; if(!empty($pagedef['template']['src'])) { $pdfTpl = (string)$pagedef['template']['src']; $pdfPage = isset($pagedef['template']['page']) ? ($pagedef['template']['page']) : 1; } if ( !empty($pdfTpl) && !empty($pdfPage) ) try { if (is_file($pdfTpl)) $pdfTpl = $pdfTpl; # dummy op. elseif(is_file($this->_pdf_path . $pdfTpl)) $pdfTpl = $this->_pdf_path . $pdfTpl; elseif(is_file($home . $pdfTpl)) $pdfTpl = $home . $pdfTpl; elseif(is_file($this->_homedir . $pdfTpl)) $pdfTpl = $this->_homedir . $pdfTpl; elseif(!empty($pagedef['sourcepath']) && is_file($pagedef['sourcepath'] . $pdfTpl)) $pdfTpl = $pagedef['sourcepath'] . $pdfTpl; if (is_file($pdfTpl)) { $pc = $this->_pdf->setSourceFile($pdfTpl); $pg = $this->_pdf->importPage($pdfPage); $this->_pdf->useTemplate($pg); } else { # writeDebugInfo("ERR-01: PDF not found ", $pdfTpl, ' _pdf_path: ',$this->_pdf_path); # writeDebugInfo("pagedef: ", $pagedef); # writeDebugInfo("this->_configfile: ", $this->_configfile); die ("Wrong config: template file $pdfTpl not found ! "); } # if (self::$debug) \writeDebugInfo("pdf template :", $pdfTpl); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_errormessage = 'Loading template PDF error, cause : '.$e->getMessage(); if (self::$debug && function_exists('\WriteDebugInfo')) \WriteDebugInfo($this->_errormessage," pagedef $no:",$this->pagedef); } } else $this->getNextTemplatePage(); $pageWidth = $this->_pdf->getPageWidth(); $pageHeight = $this->_pdf->getPageHeight(); # if($this->pgno==1) { #operations to do on the first page only if($this->_rulerStep > 0 ) { # draw a measuring grid $this->_renderMeasuringGrid(); } elseif (!empty($pagedef['ruler'])) { # personal ruler grid for this page $saveStep = $this->_rulerStep; $this->_rulerStep = ($pagedef['ruler'] <=2) ? 10 : $pagedef['ruler']; $this->_renderMeasuringGrid(); $this->_rulerStep = $saveStep; } # Common fields existing on ALL pages if(!$this->_apFinally) { if(count($this->_apFields)) { $this->_renderFieldSet($this->_apFields, array_merge($this->_apValues, $this->dataentity), $debug); } # "ALL PAGES" fields from nested loaded XML, if current page is "nested": if (!empty($pagedef['pageid'])) { $pgid = $pagedef['pageid']; if (isset($this->_subApFields[$pgid]) && count($this->_subApFields[$pgid])>0) $this->_renderFieldSet($this->_subApFields[$pgid], array_merge($this->_subApValues[$pgid], $this->dataentity), $debug); } } if (self::$debug && !isset($pagedef['fields'])) \WriteDebugInfo('bad pagedef(no fields):', $pagedef); $this->_renderFieldSet($pagedef['fields'], $this->dataentity, $debug, $pagedef); if (isset($pagedef['datagrids']) && is_array($pagedef['datagrids']) && count($pagedef['datagrids'])>0) foreach ($pagedef['datagrids'] as $gridid) { # only grids with assigned datasource array $sourceid = trim($this->_datagrids[$gridid]['datasource']); $isempty = empty($sourceid); if (!empty($sourceid) && (!array_key_exists($sourceid, $this->dataentity))) { writeDebugInfo("skip grid/No data in page values: sourceid: $sourceid, "); continue; // no named data sub-array for datagrid, skip it } # if($sourceid) writeDebugInfo("grid sub-array[$sourceid]: ", $this->dataentity[$sourceid]); # writeDebugInfo("datasource data for grid: ", $this->_data[$no][$sourceid]); $step_y = $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['step_y']; $step_x = $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['step_x']; $max_x = $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['cols']; $max_y = $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['rows']; $order = $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['order']; $fillEmpty = $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['fillempty']; $gridFields = $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['fields']; # writeDebugInfo("gridFields: ", $gridFields); # WriteDebugInfo("step_y=$step_y step_x=$step_x max_y=$max_y max_x=$max_x order=[$order], fillEmpty = $fillEmpty!"); $page_xoff = $page_yoff = 0; # $endRow = ($fillEmpty) ? $max_y: (count($this->dataentity[$sourceid]); $endRow = $max_y; for ($krow = 0; $krow < $endRow; $krow++) { # if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("krow: $krow, data exist: [".isset($this->_data[$no][$sourceid][$krow]).']'); $rowExist = FALSE; if (1) { foreach ( $gridFields as $fldItem ) { $fldid = is_array($fldItem) ? $fldItem['name'] : $fldItem; $nRow = $krow+1; if(!empty($sourceid)) $fldvalue = (isset($this->dataentity[$sourceid][$krow][$fldid])) ? $this->dataentity[$sourceid][$krow][$fldid] : NULL; else $fldvalue = (isset($this->dataentity[$fldid.$nRow])) ? $this->dataentity[$fldid.$nRow] : NULL; # if (!in_array($fldid, $gridFields)) continue; if($fldvalue !== NULL) $rowExist = TRUE; if ($fldid === '_rowno_' && !empty($sourceid) && isset($this->dataentity[$sourceid][$krow])) $fldvalue = $nRow; # line no. TODO: set for field_1 case $myFdef = FALSE; if(is_array($fldItem)) $myFdef = $fldItem; else # seek field definition foreach($pagedef['fields'] as $no => $fdef) { if ($fdef['name'] !== $fldid) { # writeDebugInfo("$fdef[name] - no what we seek"); continue; } $myFdef = $fdef; break; # print shifted value and break; } if($myFdef) { # filed definition found $myFdef['posy'] += ($step_y * $page_yoff) + $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['posy']; if($fillEmpty) $myFdef['fillempty'] = $fillEmpty; foreach($myFdef['posx'] as &$oposx) { $oposx += $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['posx'] + $page_xoff * $step_x; } # if(empty($fldvalue) && $myFdef['type'] === 'cross') continue; # writeDebugInfo("empty $myFdef[name]: type: $myFdef[type]"); $this->_valueToPdf($fldvalue, $myFdef); $rowExist = 1; } } } if(!$rowExist) { # no more data, should we fill empty rows? if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("TODO: $gridid / will empty row data $krow"); if($fillEmpty) foreach ( $gridFields as $fldid) { if(is_array($fldid)) $fdef = $fldid; else $fdef = $this->findFieldDef($pagedef['fields'], $fldid); if(!$fdef) { if($krow <=1) writeDebugInfo("grid field $fldid not found in page field list ", $pagedef['fields']); continue; } if ($fldid === '_rowno_') $fldvalue = '--'; # line no. else $fldvalue = '---------'; if(!empty($fdef['width'])) $fldvalue = str_repeat('-',ceil($fdef['width']*0.7)); # writeDebugInfo("$fdef[width] / $fldid: $fldvalue"); # seek field definition # foreach($pagedef['fields'] as $no => $fdef) { # print shifted value and break; $fdef['posy'] += ($step_y * $page_yoff) + $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['posy']; foreach($fdef['posx'] as &$oposx) { $oposx += $this->_datagrids[$gridid]['posx'] + $page_xoff * $step_x; } $this->_valueToPdf($fldvalue, $fdef); # } } } # if ($krow < $max_y) { if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("$krow/$sourceid: less than max rows in grid row greater than fact rows in grid $max_y"); # } if ($order == 'R') { # row fill first if (++$page_yoff >=$max_y) { $page_yoff = 0; if (++$page_xoff >= $max_x) break; } } else { #'C' - column fills first if (++$page_xoff >=$max_x) { $page_xoff = 0; if (++$page_yoff >= $max_y) break; } } } } # Common fields existing on ALL pages - if order is "Finally" (after all printed fields) if($this->_apFinally) { if(count($this->_apFields)) { $this->_renderFieldSet($this->_apFields, array_merge($this->_apValues, $this->dataentity), $debug); } # "ALL PAGES" fields from nested loaded XML, if current page is "nested": if (!empty($pagedef['pageid'])) { $pgid = $pagedef['pageid']; if (isset($this->_subApFields[$pgid]) && count($this->_subApFields[$pgid])>0) $this->_renderFieldSet($this->_subApFields[$pgid], array_merge($this->_subApValues[$pgid], $this->dataentity), $debug); } } if ($this->prnPage > 1) $this->_drawPageNo(); } #<4> } #<3> $this->_pdf->SetCompression($this->_compression); # will work if 'gzcompress' function enabled ! (see TCPDF docs) if(!empty($this->_config['protectfile'])) { # file protecting $pwd = isset($this->_config['password']) ? (string)$this->_config['password'] : '00000'; $this->_pdf->SetProtection(array(),$pwd); # ATTENTION: protecting (encrypting) can take ve-e-ery long, could cause PHP timeout } # send to callback final page count in generated PDF if (!empty($this->hooks['hook_end'])) { if(is_callable($this->hooks['hook_end'])) { $callResult = call_user_func($this->hooks['hook_end'], [ 'lastPage'=> $this->prnPage ]); } elseif(is_object($this->callbackObj) && method_exists($this->callbackObj, $this->hooks['hook_end'])) { $callFnc = $this->hooks['hook_end']; $callResult = $this->callbackObj->$callFnc(); } } $ret = true; if($output) { $ret = $this->Output($this->_outname); } return $ret; } /** * Loads next page from current "global" pdf template * @since 1.5 */ protected function getNextTemplatePage() { if (count($this->_templatefile)<1) { return; } if ($this->_curSrcFile >= count($this->_templatefile)) { # WriteDebugInfo('page '.$this->_curSrcFile . ': getNextTemplatePage: no more pdf templates'); return; # no more PDF templates } if ($this->_curSrcFile <0) { # WriteDebugInfo('Start using PDF templates...'); while($this->_curSrcFile < count( $this->_templatefile)) { $this->_curSrcFile++; if (!isset($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile])) return false; if (is_string($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['src'])) { $justName = $this->_evalAttribute($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['src'], $this->_data); if (is_file($justName)) $thisPdf = $justName; else $thisPdf = $this->_pdf_path . $justName; if (!empty($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['pagination'])) { $this->setPaginationMode($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['pagination']); # WriteDebugInfo("001.pagination set to ",$this->_paginatonMode); } else $this->setPaginationMode(FALSE); } else { # if(is_array($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile])) # templates from imported definitions $thisPdf = $this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['src'][0] . $this->_evalAttribute($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['src'][1]); # path+fname $this->_paginatonMode = FALSE; } # $thisPdf = $this->_evalAttribute($thisPdf); if (is_file($thisPdf)) break; # file exists } if (is_file($thisPdf)) { $this->_curSrcPdf = $thisPdf; $this->_curSrcPgcount = $this->_pdf->setSourceFile($thisPdf); $this->_curSrcPage = 0; } # else WriteDebugInfo('след.шаблон не найден:' . $this->_pdf_path . $this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]); } ++ $this->_curSrcPage; if ( $this->_curSrcPage <= $this->_curSrcPgcount) { # $pc = $this->_pdf->setSourceFile($pdfTpl); $pg = $this->_pdf->importPage($this->_curSrcPage); $this->_pdf->useTemplate($pg); return true; } # end of current PDF file, find next... $thisPdf = FALSE; while(++$this->_curSrcFile < count( $this->_templatefile)) { if (is_string($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['src'])) { $thisPdf = $this->_pdf_path . $this->_evalAttribute($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['src']); if (!empty($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['pagination'])) { $this->setPaginationMode($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['pagination']); } else $this->setPaginationMode(FALSE); } else # if (is_array($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile])) # templates from imported definitions $thisPdf = $this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['src'][0] . $this->_evalAttribute($this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]['src'][1]); # path+fname if (is_file($thisPdf)) break; # file exists # else WriteDebugInfo("pdf template {$this->_curSrcFile} not found and skipped: ", $this->_templatefile[$this->_curSrcFile]); } if (!$thisPdf) return false; $this->_curSrcPdf = $thisPdf; $this->_curSrcPgcount = $this->_pdf->setSourceFile($this->_curSrcPdf); $this->_curSrcPage = 1; if ($this->_curSrcPage <= $this->_curSrcPgcount ) { $pg = $this->_pdf->importPage($this->_curSrcPage); $this->_pdf->useTemplate($pg); return true; } } protected function _drawPageNo() { # TODO: define _basepar or _tmpBasepar use if (!empty($this->_basepar['pagination']) && empty($this->_paginatonMode)) { $pageWidth = $this->_pdf->getPageWidth(); $pageHeight = $this->_pdf->getPageHeight(); $margins = $this->_pdf->getMargins(); $width = $pageWidth - 20; $posx = 10; $height = 10; $align = $this->_basepar['pagination']['align']; if ($align==='EDGE' || $align ==='E') # align page no to "outer" edge of page $align = ( $this->prnPage % 2) ? 'R' : 'L'; $value = str_replace('%page%', $this->prnPage, $this->_basepar['pagination']['format']); $posy = ($this->_basepar['pagination']['posy'] === 'top') ? max(8,$margins['top']) : min( ($pageHeight-self::BOTTOM_H), ($pageHeight-$margins['bottom'])); $this->_pdf->SetFontSize(self::PAGINATION_FONTSIZE); $this->_pdf->MultiCell($width,$height,$value,0 , $align, 0, 1, $posx, $posy ); # $this->_pdf->SetFontSize($this->_basepar['font']['size']); } } protected function setPaginationMode($mode) { $this->_paginatonMode = $mode; # WriteDebugInfo("Page $this->prnPage, paginationMode set to [$mode]" ); if ($mode === 'reset') $this->prnPage = 0; # TODO: 0 or 1? } /** * Printing one or more (or none, if no data) data-grid filled pages * * @param mixed $entno adata array offset for current document * @param mixed $pagedef page definition */ protected function _drawGridPage($entno, $pagedef) { # writeDebugInfo("_drawGridPage : ",$pagedef); $debug = false; $listid = $pagedef['gridpage']['datasource']; $fillEmpty = $pagedef['gridpage']['fillempty']; # $fillEmpty = $this->_datagrids[ $fieldlist = $pagedef['gridpage']['fields']; $gridFldDefs = $stdFldDefs = []; foreach($pagedef['fields'] as $fldno => $fldef) { if (in_array($fldef['name'], $pagedef['gridpage']['fields']) || $fldef['name'] === '_rowno_') $gridFldDefs[$fldef['name']] = $fldef; else $stdFldDefs[$fldef['name']] = $fldef; } # if ($debug) WriteDebugInfo('defs for grid fields:', $gridFldDefs); # if ($debug) WriteDebugInfo('defs for std fields:', $stdFldDefs); if (empty($this->_data[$entno][$listid])) return false; // No data for grid pages! # if ($debug) WriteDebugInfo('to continue: $this->_data : ', $this->_data[$entno]); $orientation = isset($pagedef['orientation'])? $pagedef['orientation'] : ''; $pdfTpl = $pdfPage = false; # use explicit PDF file if set inside "<page">, otherwise - load page from "basic PDF template listed in XML "templatefiles" section $startTplPage = 1; if(!empty($pagedef['template'])) { if(!empty($pagedef['template']['src'])) { $pdfTpl = (string)$pagedef['template']['src']; $pdfPage = isset($pagedef['template']['page']) ? ($pagedef['template']['page']) : 1; $startTplPage = $pdfPage; } if ( !empty($pdfTpl) && !empty($pdfPage) ) try { if (is_file($pdfTpl)) $fileFound = 1; elseif(is_file($this->_pdf_path . $pdfTpl)) $pdfTpl = $this->_pdf_path . $pdfTpl; elseif(is_file($pagedef['homepath'] . $pdfTpl)) $pdfTpl = $pagedef['homepath'] . $pdfTpl; elseif(!empty($pagedef['sourcepath']) && is_file($pagedef['sourcepath'] . $pdfTpl)) $pdfTpl = $pagedef['sourcepath'] . $pdfTpl; if (!is_file($pdfTpl)) { # writeDebugInfo("ERR-02: PDF nnot found ", $pdfTpl, ' _pdf_path: ',$this->_pdf_path); die ("Wrong config: template file $pdfTpl not found !"); } if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("pdf path: ",$pdfTpl); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_errormessage = 'Loading template PDF error, cause : '.$e->getMessage(); if (self::$debug) WriteDebugInfo($this->_errormessage," pagedef $no:",$this->pagedef); } } # output multi-paged grid data $itemoff = 0; $_rowno_ = 1; $printedrow = 0; $base_y = $cur_y = $pagedef['gridpage']['posy']; $base_x = $pagedef['gridpage']['posx']; $step_y = $pagedef['gridpage']['step_y']; $step_x = $pagedef['gridpage']['step_x']; $max_x = $pagedef['gridpage']['cols']; $max_y = $pagedef['gridpage']['rows']; $order = $pagedef['gridpage']['order']; $gdata = $this->_data[$entno][$listid]; # writeDebugInfo("data to grid($max_y/$listid): ", $gdata); $lastItem = $max_x * $max_y; $stopper = 0; while (++$stopper <=20) { # was: count($gdata)>0 $startTplPage = $pdfPage; $this->_addGridPage($orientation,$pdfTpl,$startTplPage, $stdFldDefs, $entno, $debug); # populate with grid rows $page_xoff = $page_yoff = 0; for($krow = 0; $page_xoff<$max_x && $page_yoff < $max_y; $krow++) { if ($step_x <= 0 && $step_y <= 0) break; # avoid endless loop $rowdata = (count($gdata) ? array_shift($gdata) : []); # foreach ($gridFldDefs as $flid => $fldef) { # draw one "row" of grid data foreach($pagedef['gridpage']['fields'] as $flid) { if (strtoupper($flid) === PRINTPDFCONST::PF_ADDPAGE) { # pseudo field: add page before continue printing (one data row spreads to 2 or more pages) $startTplPage++; $this->_addGridPage($orientation,$pdfTpl,$startTplPage, $stdFldDefs, $entno, $debug); continue; } if(!isset($gridFldDefs[$flid])) { # writeDebugInfo("grid field $flid not in gridFldDefs, list is ", implode(',', array_keys($gridFldDefs))); continue; } $fldef = $gridFldDefs[$flid]; foreach($fldef['posx'] as &$oposx) { $oposx += $base_x + $page_xoff * $step_x; } $fldef['posy'] += $base_y + $page_yoff*$step_y; $value = (isset($rowdata[$flid]) ? $rowdata[$flid] : ''); if ($flid === '_rowno_' && $value ==='' && count($rowdata)) $value = $_rowno_; if ($fldef['type'] === 'plugin') { $this->renderPlugin($fldef, $rowdata, ($page_xoff * $step_x), ($page_yoff*$step_y)); } else { if($fillEmpty) $fldef['fillempty'] = 1; # if($value !=='' || $value!=0) $this->_valueToPdf($value, $fldef); # elseif($fldef['name'] == 'fullname') writeDebugInfo("KT-002B $fldef[name] empty grid field :" , $fldef); /* elseif($fillEmpty && count($rowdata)==0) { if(!empty($fldef['height'])) $this->strokeEmptyValue($fldef); else { $value = ( empty($fldef['width']) ? '---------' : str_repeat('-',ceil($fldef['width']*0.7)) ); $this->_valueToPdf($value, $fldef); } } */ } } $_rowno_++; if ($order == 'R') { # row fill first if (++$page_yoff >=$max_y) { $page_yoff = 0; if (++$page_xoff >= $max_x) { if (count($gdata)<1) break 2; break; } } } else { #'C' - column fills first if (++$page_xoff >=$max_x) { $page_xoff = 0; if (++$page_yoff >= $max_y) { if (count($gdata)<1) break 2; break 2; } } } if (count($gdata)<1 && !$fillEmpty) { if (self::$debug) \writeDebugInfo("3 $page_xoff/$page_yoff: breaking gridpawe, data count:", count($gdata)); break 2; } } } } # add (another one) page before drawing "grid/datasourced" page private function _addGridPage($orientation,$pdfTpl,$pdfPage, $stdFldDefs, $entno,$debug) { $this->_pdf->addPage($orientation); if ($this->_paginatonMode!=='stop') $this->prnPage++; if ($pdfTpl) { # apply PDF template $pc = $this->_pdf->setSourceFile($pdfTpl); $pg = $this->_pdf->importPage($pdfPage); $this->_pdf->useTemplate($pg); } if ($this->_rulerStep > 0) $this->_renderMeasuringGrid(); if(count($this->_apFields)) { # strings printed on all pages $this->_renderFieldSet($this->_apFields, array_merge($this->_apValues, $this->_data[$entno]), $debug); # first print "ALL PAGES" fields } if(count($stdFldDefs)) { # "standard" fields (no grid data) $this->_renderFieldSet($stdFldDefs, array_merge($this->_apValues, $this->_data[$entno]), $debug); # first print "ALL PAGES" fields } $this->_drawPageNo(); } /** * Stroke non-filled array by Horizonytal line, to avoid "hand-made" adding text * * @param mixed $fldef field definition * @param mixed $step_y verticval step in current print units */ public function strokeEmptyValue($fldef, $thickness = 1) { if ($fldef['type'] == 'checkbox') return; $x1 = $fldef['posx'][0] + 1; $fntWeight = empty($fldef['size']) ? 1.7 : $fldef['size']*0.2; $ypos = $fldef['posy'] + $fntWeight; $x2 = $x1 + (empty($fldef['width']) ? 10 : max(floatval($fldef['width'])-2, 8)); // $this->_pdf->SetDrawColor($this->defaultTextColor); $color = !empty($fldef['color']) ? $fldef['color'] : $this->defaultTextColor; $dcolor = $this->colorToDec($color); if ($fldef['fillempty']!== 1) $thickness = max(0.1, floatval($fldef['fillempty'])); $style = ['width' => floatval($thickness/2), 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => $dcolor ]; $this->_pdf->SetLineStyle($style); $polyArr = [$x1, $ypos, $x2, $ypos]; if (!empty($fldef['height']) && $fldef['height'] >= self::$MIN_ZIGZAG_WEIGHT) { # make "zigzag" over printing field area $polyArr[] = $x1; $polyArr[] = ($ypos + $fldef['height'] - 2.4); $polyArr[] = $x2; $polyArr[] = ($ypos + $fldef['height'] - 2.4); } $this->_pdf->Polygon($polyArr,'', [], [], FALSE); } /** * Adds block of data for "datagrid" block * * @param string $gridId - existing datagrid definitions's ID (name) * @param mixed $data assoc.array containing all data values for one grid row * @param $returnval if true, function generates assoc/array and returns it, otherwise, adds these values to the current _data[] block. * TODO: implement "multipage" grid feature: when added row exceeds grid capacity, add new page and start filling from the top. */ public function AddDataGridRow($gridId, $data, $returnval=false) { if(!is_array($data)) return []; if(!isset($this->_datagrids[$gridId])) return []; if(!isset($this->_curGridRow[$gridId])) $this->_curGridRow[$gridId] = 0; $this->_curGridRow[$gridId] +=1; if($this->_curGridRow[$gridId] > $this->_datagrids[$gridId]['rows']) { if(empty($this->_datagrids[$gridId]['multipage'])) return false; # no more rows allowed! # TODO: add new page, re-print "header" fields and begin new grid # foreach( } $griddata = []; foreach($this->_datagrids[$gridId]['fields'] as $fldid) { # writeDebugInfo("grid $gridId field: ", $fldid); $thisfield = $fldid . $this->_curGridRow[$gridId]; if(isset($data[$fldid])) $griddata[$thisfield] = $data[$fldid]; } if($returnval) return $griddata; $pageNo = count($this->_data)-1; # AddData() should be called first ! if($pageNo<0) return false; $this->_data[$pageNo] = array_merge($this->_data[$pageNo],$griddata); return true; } protected function _renderFieldSet($fldset, $dataentity, $debug=false, $pagedef=null) { if(count($fldset)) foreach($fldset as $no=>$fcfg) { if(is_array($this->_printedfields) && !in_array($no, $this->_printedfields[$this->pgno])) continue; // print only selectd fields $fldname = $fcfg['name']; $fldtype = $fcfg['type']; $value = NULL; # if (!empty($fcfg['fillempty'])) writeDebugInfo("to fillempty for $fcfg[name]!"); if(in_array($fldtype,array('alwais_rect','poly','image'))) $dataentity[$fldname] = 1; if ($fcfg['if']!==NULL) { $ifFunc = (substr($fcfg['if'],0,1)==='@') ? substr($fcfg['if'],1) : $fcfg['if']; $bDo = FALSE; if(is_callable($ifFunc)) { # perform user "signing" function over created PDF file $bDo = call_user_func($ifFunc, $dataentity); } elseif(is_object($this->callbackObj) && method_exists($this->callbackObj, $ifFunc)) { $bDo = $this->callbackObj->$ifFunc(); } if (!$bDo) continue; } if($fldtype!=='plugin') { if(!isset($this->pageSubData[$fldname]) && !isset($dataentity[$fldname]) && empty($fcfg['fillempty'])) continue; if (isset($this->pageSubData[$fldname])) $value = $this->pageSubData[$fldname]; elseif (isset($dataentity[$fldname])) $value = $dataentity[$fldname]; elseif (isset($this->dataentity[$fldname])) $value = $this->dataentity[$fldname]; else $value = ''; if(!is_scalar($value)) { # if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("non-scalar value, skip", $value); continue; } } else { $debugValue = ($fcfg['type']=='checkbox') ? 'X' : "X $fldname"; } $strval = ($value !== NULL) ? $value : ($debug ? $debugValue : ''); if(!empty($fcfg['convert'])) { # if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("goint to convert value by ", $fcfg['convert']); if(is_callable($fcfg['convert'])) # user converter function $strval = call_user_func($fcfg['convert'], $strval, $dataentity); # second param - the whole data array } /**** if($strval === '' && !empty($fcfg['fillempty'])) { if(!empty($fldef['height'])) { $this->strokeEmptyValue($fcfg); continue; } else { $strval = ( empty($fldef['width']) ? '---------' : str_repeat('-',ceil($fldef['width']*0.7)) ); } } if($strval==='' && $fldtype!=='plugin') { continue; } ****/ $initval = ''; $fontsize = empty($fcfg['fontsize'])? 0 : $fcfg['fontsize']; $this->_valueToPdf($strval, $fcfg); # repeat printing with offsets defined in 'repeat' block if (empty($fcfg['norepeat']) && isset($pagedef['repeat']) && count($pagedef['repeat'])>0) foreach($pagedef['repeat'] as $repeat) { if (empty($repeat[2])) continue; $tmpcfg = $fcfg; foreach(array_keys($tmpcfg['posx']) as $kk) { $tmpcfg['posx'][$kk] += $repeat[0]; } if(is_array($tmpcfg['posy'])) foreach(array_keys($tmpcfg['posy']) as $kk) { $tmpcfg['posy'][$kk] += $repeat[1]; } else $tmpcfg['posy'] += $repeat[1]; $this->_valueToPdf($strval, $tmpcfg); } } else { if (self::$debug) \writeDebugInfo("empty fieldset, none to print ", $fldset); } } /** * Outputs generated PDF according to _tofile parameter (sends to te browser or saves to disc) * @param $toMemory - pass true if Ypu want to return PDF in memory */ public function Output($outfilename=false, $toMemory = false) { if($outfilename) $this->_outname = $outfilename; $result = ''; if($this->_tofile && !$toMemory) { # writeDebugInfo("_templatefile: ", $this->_templatefile); if (isset($this->_templatefile[0]['src']) && is_string($this->_templatefile[0]['src']) && strtolower($this->_templatefile[0]['src'])==strtolower($this->_outname)) $this->_outname .= '.pdf'; # protect accidental template overwriting ! $result = $this->_pdf->Output($this->_outname,'F'); if (!empty($this->signFunc)) { if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("calling $this->signFunc ..."); $callResult = 'no call'; if(is_callable($this->signFunc)) { # perform user "signing" function over created PDF file $callResult = call_user_func($this->signFunc, $this->_outname); } elseif(is_object($this->callbackObj) && method_exists($this->callbackObj, $this->signFunc)) { $callFnc = $this->signFunc; $callResult = $this->callbackObj->$callFnc($this->_outname); } if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("result of signing func call: ",$callResult); if (!empty($callResult['errorMessage'])) self::$errorMessages[] = $callResult['errorMessage']; } } else { if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean(); if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean(); $outDest = ($toMemory ? 'S' : 'D'); $mdest = $outDest; if (!empty($this->signFunc) ) { $mdest = 'S'; # to sign file, we need it's body! } $result = $this->_pdf->Output($this->_outname, $mdest); $callFnc = $this->signFunc; if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("sign func: $callFnc"); if (!empty($callFnc)) { if( $result && is_callable($callFnc) ) { $result = call_user_func($callFnc, $result); } elseif( $result && is_object($this->callbackObj) && method_exists($this->callbackObj, $callFnc) ) { $result = $this->callbackObj->$callFnc($this->_outname); } if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("signFunc call result: ", $result); } if ($toMemory) return $result; else { # send to client response # WriteDebugInfo("sending signed PDF body to client..."); if (!headers_sent()) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Cache-Control: protected, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=1'); //header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0'); // HTTP/1.1 header('Pragma: public'); header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT'); // force download dialog if (strpos(php_sapi_name(), 'cgi') === false) { header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream', false); header('Content-Type: application/download', false); header('Content-Type: application/pdf', false); } else { header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); } // use the Content-Disposition header to supply a recommended filename header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($this->_outname).'";'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); } echo $result; # WriteDebugInfo("PDF body sent to client"); exit; } } $this->_pdf = null; $this->_data = []; if ($toMemory) return $result; } public function findFieldDef($fldList, $fldid) { foreach($fldList as $no =>$fdef) { if($fdef['name'] === $fldid) return $fdef; } return FALSE; } public static function getErrorMessages() { return self::$errorMessages; } protected function _evalAttribute($attr) { if(!$attr) return $attr; $attr = (string)$attr; if(substr($attr,0,1)=='@') { $atfunc = substr($attr,1); if(is_callable($atfunc)) return call_user_func($atfunc, $this->dataentity); elseif( is_object($this->callbackObj) && method_exists($this->callbackObj, $atfunc) ) { return $this->callbackObj->$atfunc($this->dataentity); } return ''; } else { return $attr; } } # TCPDF 6.x moves convertHTMLColorToDec() to static method of TCPDF_COLORS class protected function colorToDec($clr) { if (is_array($clr)) return $clr; if (is_numeric($clr) && $clr<=255) return ['R'=>$clr, 'G'=>$clr, 'B'=>$clr]; if(class_exists('TCPDF_COLORS')) $ret = TCPDF_COLORS::convertHTMLColorToDec($clr,$this->spot_colors); else $ret = $this->_pdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($clr); return $ret; } protected function _valueToPdf($value, $fcfg) { if(!isset($fcfg['name'])) return; $fldname = $fcfg['name']; if ( in_array($fldname, $this->_hide_fields) ) return; if (empty($value) && $fcfg['fillempty']) { if(!empty($fcfg['height'])) { $this->strokeEmptyValue($fcfg); return; } else { $value = ( empty($fcfg['width']) ? '---------' : str_repeat('-',ceil($fcfg['width']*0.7)) ); } } # $locDeb = ($fldname === 'sessign_date'); # if ($locDeb) writeDebugInfo("$fldame value is : ", $value); $origwidth = $width = empty($fcfg['width']) ? 0 : (float)$fcfg['width']; $origheight = $height = empty($fcfg['height']) ? 0 : (float)$fcfg['height']; $fldtype = isset($fcfg['type']) ? $fcfg['type'] : ''; $posx = empty($fcfg['posx']) ? array(0) : $fcfg['posx']; $posy = empty($fcfg['posy']) ? 0 : $fcfg['posy']; # auto-adjust zero width and height if($width<=0 && $fldtype!=='image') { if (!is_scalar($posx[0])) \writeDebugInfo("strange posx : ", $posx, ' fcfg:', $fcfg); $width = $this->_pdf->getPageWidth() - $posx[0] - self::DEFAULT_MARGIN; } if($height<=0 && $fldtype!=='image') { $height = $this->_pdf->getPageHeight() - $posy - self::DEFAULT_MARGIN; } $cstep = empty($fcfg['charstep']) ? 0 : $fcfg['charstep']; $maxlen = empty($fcfg['maxlength']) ? 0 : $fcfg['maxlength']; $fntsize = empty($fcfg['size']) ? $this->_basepar['font']['size'] : (float)$fcfg['size']; $fntname = empty($fcfg['font']) ? $this->_basepar['font']['name'] : $fcfg['font']; $fntStyle = empty($fcfg['fontstyle']) ? $this->_basepar['font']['style'] : $fcfg['fontstyle']; if (!empty($fcfg['color']) || $fcfg['color'] === '0') $color = $this->_evalAttribute($fcfg['color']); else $color = $this->_basepar['font']['color']; # $this->defaultTextColor; $bgcolor = $this->_evalAttribute($fcfg['bgcolor']); $src = empty($fcfg['src']) ? '' : $fcfg['src']; if (isset($this->_field_newattr[$fldname]['src'])) $src = $this->_field_newattr[$fldname]['src']; $rotate = empty($fcfg['rotate']) ? 0 : floatval($fcfg['rotate']); $border = empty($fcfg['border']) ? 0 : (intval($fcfg['border'])? intval($fcfg['border']) : $fcfg['border']); $align = isset($fcfg['align']) ? $fcfg['align'] : ''; $valign = isset($fcfg['valign']) ? $fcfg['valign'] : ''; if ($valign ==='C') $valifn = 'M'; $opacity = isset($fcfg['opacity']) ? $fcfg['opacity'] : 1; $foptions = $this->_evalAttribute($fcfg['options']); if($color) { $rgb = is_array($color) ? $color : $this->colorToDec($color); } else $rgb = array(0,0,0); $this->_pdf->SetTextColorArray($rgb); if ($opacity < 1) $this->_pdf->setAlpha($opacity); if($rotate) { $this->_pdf->StartTransform(); $this->_pdf->Rotate($rotate,$posx[0],$posy); } if($bgcolor) { # draw "background" filled ractangle $brgb = $this->colorToDec($bgcolor); if($brgb && $width>0 && $height>0) { $this->_pdf->Rect($posx[0], $posy, $width, $height, 'F', [], array_values($brgb)); # Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, $style='', $border_style=array(), $fill_color=array()) } } if ($fldtype==='image') { if( $this->_images_disabled ) return; if(is_file($this->_img_path . $src)) $src = $this->_img_path . $src; elseif(is_file($this->_homedir . $src)) $src = $this->_homedir . $src; if (!is_file($src)) { return; # image not found! } $isize = self::getImageInfo($src); if ($width==0 || $height ==0 ) { // get skipped parameter (height|width) from real image file $isize = self::getImageInfo($src); if (empty($isize[1])) return; $wtoh = $isize[0] / $isize[1]; if ($height <=0 ) $height = round($width / $wtoh, 4); elseif ($width <= 0) $width = round($width * $wtoh, 4); } $this->_pdf->Image($src,$posx[0],$posy,$width,$height); } elseif(in_array($fldtype, array('','text','money','date'))) { if($fldtype === 'money' && is_numeric($value)) { $vUtf = number_format(floatval($value),2,'.',' '); } else $vUtf = $this->_convertCset($value); if($maxlen>0 && mb_strlen($vUtf)>$maxlen) { $vUtf = mb_substr($vUtf,0,$maxlen,'UTF-8'); } $this->_pdf->SetFont($fntname, $fntStyle, $fntsize); $fitCell = ($this->adaptive_sizing && !empty($origheight) && !empty($origwidth)); if ($fntsize > 0) { $this->_pdf->setFontSize($fntsize); } if(count($posx)>1) { # output by char to predefined x positions for($kk=0;$kk<mb_strlen($vUtf);$kk++) { if(!isset($posx[$kk])) break; if($posx[$kk]>0) $this->_pdf->MultiCell($width,$height,mb_substr($vUtf,$kk,1,'UTF-8'), $border, $align, 0, 1, floatval(($posx[$kk]+$this->offsets[0])), floatval(($posy+$this->offsets[1]))); } } elseif($cstep) { # TODO: use emptyfill attr Char to fill "empty" boxes (maxlength attrib must be set!) for($kk=0; $kk<mb_strlen($vUtf); $kk++) { $this->_pdf->MultiCell($width,$height,mb_substr($vUtf,$kk,1,'UTF-8'), $border, $align, 0, 1, floatval($posx[0]+$this->offsets[0]+($cstep*$kk)), floatval($posy+$this->offsets[1]) ); } } else { $b_border = 0; if ($border) { $brdclr = $this->_parseColor($border); $b_border = 1; $this->_pdf->setLineStyle(array('width'=>0.2, 'color'=>$brdclr)); $this->_pdf->Rect($posx[0]+$this->offsets[0], $posy+$this->offsets[1], $width, $height,'',array('L'=>1,'T'=>1,'B'=>1,'R'=>1)); } $this->_pdf->MultiCell($width,$height,$vUtf, $border , $align, 0, 1, ($posx[0]+$this->offsets[0]), ($posy+$this->offsets[1]), TRUE,0,false,TRUE,$height,$valign, $fitCell); # writeDebugInfo("out $fcfg[name] = $vUtf"); } # Get back to "std" font & text color # if($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['name']) # $this->_pdf->SetFont($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['name'],'',(float)$this->_basepar['font']['size']); $this->_pdf->SetFont($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['name'],$this->_tmpBasepar['font']['style'], (float)$this->_basepar['font']['size']); $this->_pdf->SetTextColorArray($this->defaultTextColor); # back to default text color } elseif ($fldtype === 'html') { # render string as HTML code $vUtf = $this->_convertCset($value); if($fntname !='' && $this->_tmpBasepar['font']['name'] != $fntname) { $this->_pdf->SetFont($fntname, $fntStyle, $fntsize); } if ($fntsize !=0 && $this->_tmpBasepar['font']['size'] != $fntsize) { $this->_pdf->setFontSize($fntsize); } # writeHTMLCell($w, $h, $x, $y, $html='', $border=0, $ln=0, $fill=0, $reseth=true, $align='', $autopadding=true) $this->_pdf->writeHTMLCell($width, $height, $posx[0], $posy, $vUtf, 0, 0, 0, true, $align, true); // get back to defaults: # if($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['name']) $this->_pdf->SetFont($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['name'],$this->_tmpBasepar['font']['style'], (float)$this->_tmpBasepar['font']['size']); $this->_pdf->setFontSize($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['size']); } elseif($fldtype==='checkbox' or $fldtype==='check') { if ( $fntsize !=0 ) { $this->_pdf->setFontSize($fntsize); } if(!empty($value)) $this->_pdf->MultiCell($width,$height,'X', $border, $align, 0, 1, ($posx[0]+$this->offsets[0]), ($posy+$this->offsets[1]) ); } elseif(substr($fldtype,0,7)==='barcode') { # barcode field marked as "barcode:<BCTYPE>" $bctype = substr($fldtype,8); if(empty($bctype)) $bctype = 'C39'; #bctype is one of TCPDF supported: C39 | C39+ | C39E | C39E+ |C93|S25|S25+|I25|I25+|C128|C128A|C128B|C128C|EAN2|EAN5|EAN8 ... $xres = ''; $arr = explode(',',$foptions); $style= array( 'fgcolor'=>$rgb ,'text'=>in_array('text',$arr) ,'border'=>in_array('border',$arr) ); foreach($arr as $item) { $splt = explode('=',$item); if(count($splt)>1) { # attribute=value pair, try to use numbers as numbers, not strings $val = is_int($splt[1]) ? intval($splt[1]) : $splt[1]; $style[$splt[0]] = $val; # so 'fontsize=8' will become $style['fontsize']=8 } } if(!isset($style['stretchtext'])) $style['stretchtext'] = 0; # text without stretching by default! if(!empty($style['fontsize']) && empty($style['font'])) $style['font'] = $this->_tmpBasepar['font']['name']; # without 'font', fontsize is ignored in TCPDF! # if($rgb) $style['fgcolor'] = $rgb; $this->_pdf->write1DBarcode($value, $bctype, ($posx[0]+$this->offsets[0]), ($posy+$this->offsets[1]), $width, $height, $xres, $style, $align); } elseif(substr($fldtype,0,6)=='qrcode') { # Printing QRCode "qrcode:QRCODE,M" $qrtype = substr($fldtype,7); if (empty($qrtype)) $qrtype = 'QRCODE,H'; # supported: "QRCODE"="QRCODE,L","QRCODE,M","QRCODE,Q","QRCODE,H" $style=[]; if($rgb) $style['fgcolor'] = $rgb; $this->_pdf->write2DBarcode($value, $qrtype, ($posx[0]+$this->offsets[0]), ($posy+$this->offsets[1]), $width, $height, $style, $align, false); } elseif($fldtype=='rect') { if (!empty($value)) { # draw only if value non empty! # $line_style = array('all'=> array('width' => 1, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => $rgb)); $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray($rgb); # $this->_pdf->Polygon($p, $style, array(),array(),true); $style = ''; $border_style = []; $fill_color = []; if ($bgcolor) $fill_color = $this->colorToDec($bgcolor); if ($fcfg['thickness']>0) { # $border_style['width'] = $fcfg['thickness']; $this->_pdf->SetLineWidth($fcfg['thickness']); # $border_style['join'] = 'bevel'; } $this->_pdf->Rect($posx[0], $posy, $width, $height, $style, $border_style, $fill_color); $this->_pdf->SetLineWidth(0.2); } # Polygon($p, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $closed=true) } elseif($fldtype=='poly') { $p = []; for($kk=0;$kk<min(count($posx),count($posy));$kk++) { $p[] = $posx[$kk]; $p[] = $posy[$kk]; } $style = ['dash'=>0, 'join' => 'miter', 'color' => $rgb]; if ($fcfg['thickness']>0) { $style['width'] = $fcfg['thickness']; } $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray($rgb); $this->_pdf->Polygon($p, $style, [],[], false); } elseif($fldtype==='cross') { if(empty($value)) return; $style = ['dash'=>0, 'join' => 'miter', 'color' => $rgb]; if ($fcfg['thickness']>0) { $style['width'] = $fcfg['thickness']; } $this->_pdf->Line($posx[0], $posy,$posx[0]+$width, $posy+$height, $style); $this->_pdf->Line($posx[0], $posy+$height,$posx[0]+$width, $posy, $style); } elseif($fldtype==='plugin') { # Render specific area by calling plugin.Render() # if (self::$debug) writeDebugInfo("plugin field: ", $fcfg); $plgclass = isset($fcfg['plugintype']) ? $fcfg['plugintype'] : ''; $this->renderPlugin($fcfg,$this->dataentity); } if($rotate) $this->_pdf->StopTransform(); if ($opacity < 1) $this->_pdf->setAlpha(1); # back to normal (no transparency) $this->_pdf->setFontSize($this->_tmpBasepar['font']['size']); $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray(0); } # TODO: render Plugin public function renderPlugin($fcfg, $data, $xOff=0, $yOff=0) { $fldname = $fcfg['name']; $plgclass = isset($fcfg['plugintype']) ? $fcfg['plugintype'] : ''; $foptions = $this->_evalAttribute($fcfg['options']); if($plgclass!='' && !class_exists($plgclass)) { # try auto-load class file $clsName = strtolower($plgclass); if (substr($clsName,0,6) === 'pfpdf_') $clsName = substr($clsName,6); $clsFile = __DIR__ . '/' . strtolower($clsName) . '.php'; if (self::$debug) { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors', 1); } if (is_file($clsFile)) { include_once($clsFile); } else { if (self::$debug) \writeDebugInfo("No plugin file found for $clsName"); } } if($plgclass!='' && class_exists($plgclass)) { $opt_arr = []; if (!empty($foptions)) { $arr = explode(',',$foptions); foreach($arr as $elem) { $optpair = explode('=',$elem); if(count($optpair)>=2) $opt_arr[$optpair[0]] = $optpair[1]; } } if (!empty($fcfg['color'])) $opt_arr['color'] = $fcfg['color']; else $opt_arr['font'] = $this->defaultTextColor; if (!empty($fcfg['size'])) $opt_arr['size'] = $fcfg['size']; else $opt_arr['size'] = $this->_basepar['font']['size']; if (!empty($fcfg['font'])) $opt_arr['font'] = $fcfg['font']; else $opt_arr['font'] = $this->_basepar['font']['name']; if (!empty($fcfg['bgcolor'])) $opt_arr['bgcolor'] = $fcfg['bgcolor']; if (!empty($fcfg['thickness'])) $opt_arr['thickness'] = $fcfg['thickness']; $posy = $fcfg['posy']; $width = $fcfg['width']; $height = $fcfg['height']; $xReal = $fcfg['posx'][0] + $xOff; $yReal = $posy+$yOff; $pdf_plg = new $plgclass($this->_pdf, array_merge($this->_config, $opt_arr), $xReal,$yReal,$width,$height); if($pdf_plg instanceof PfPdfPlugin) { # plugin-specific options can be passed in plugin attribute options="name=value1,..." # $pdf_plg->setConfig(array_merge($this->_config, $opt_arr)); # if(count($opt_arr)) $pdf_plg->setConfig($opt_arr); $renderData = (isset($this->_pluginData[$fldname])) ? $this->_pluginData[$fldname] : $this->_dataBlock; $result = $pdf_plg->Render($renderData); if(!$result) { $this->_errormessage = $pdf_plg->getErrorMessage(); if(self::$debug && is_callable('\WriteDebugInfo')) \WriteDebugInfo("plugin $plgclass::Render() error : ".$this->_errormessage); } } else { $this->_errormessage = "Unknown plugin class [$plgclass] or not instance of PfPdfPlugin, rendering skipped"; if (self::$debug && is_callable('WriteDebugInfo')) \WriteDebugInfo($this->_errormessage); } unset($pdf_plg); } $this->_pdf->SetTextColorArray([0,0,0]); } /** * Appends a page to the PDF document * * @param mixed $orientation optional orientation ('P' for portrait, 'L' for Landscape', default - current configured value) * @param mixed $units optional units for the page ('mm' for millimeters etc., default - current configured value) */ public function AddPage($orientation=false, $units=false) { if(!$this->_pdf) $this->_createPdfObject(); $this->_pdf->AddPage(($orientation ? $orientation : $this->_config['page']['orientation'])); $this->_pdf->setPageUnit(($units ? $units : $this->_config['page']['units'])); } /** * Appends all page definitions from another XML config.file * All "base" parameters ignored (excluding <templatefiles>) * @param mixed $xmlCfg path to XML configuration file * @param mixed $subid id of element in data, that is sub-array of data specific to this page * @since 1.9 */ public function AppendPageDefFromXml($xmlCfg, $subid='', $relpath = NULL) { # echo 'AppendPageDefFromXml: <pre>' . print_r($xmlCfg,1). '</pre>'; # \writeDebugInfo("AppendPageDefFromXml($xmlCfg, $subid, '$relpath'"); if(!$this->father) $this->father = $this; $tmpCfg = new CPrintFormPdf($xmlCfg, $this->callbackObj, $this->father, $subid); # \writeDebugInfo("tmpCfg: ", $tmpCfg); if (!$relpath) $relpath = $tmpCfg->_homedir; if (substr($relpath,-1) !== '/' && substr($relpath,-1) !== '\\') $relpath .= '/'; $orientation = $tmpCfg->_basepar['page']['orientation']; if (self::$debug) \writeDebugInfo("$xmlCfg: basepar is ", $tmpCfg->_basepar); if (count($tmpCfg->_templatefile)) { foreach($tmpCfg->_templatefile as $oneTpl) { # echo ("template :<pre>". print_r($oneTpl, 1).'</pre>'); if (!is_string($oneTpl['src'])) continue; # array - WTF?! $realXmlname = self::getRelativeFilename($relpath, (string)$oneTpl['src']); $tplpath = dirname($realXmlname); if ($tplpath) $tplpath .= '/'; $tplname = basename($oneTpl['src']); # $oneTpl['src'] = $tplpath . $tplname; # $this->_templatefile[] = array('src'=>array($tplpath, $tplname, $tmpCfg->_img_path)); $this->father->_templatefile[] = array('src'=>array($tplpath, $tplname, $tmpCfg->_img_path)); ## STOP HERE! } } # writeDebugInfo("cnt of pagedefs: ", count($tmpCfg->_pagedefs)); /* if (count($tmpCfg->_pagedefs)) { $tFont = $tmpCfg->_basepar['font']; # WriteDebugInfo('child basepar font:', $tFont); # WriteDebugInfo('this basepar font:', $this->_basepar['font']); # echo 'child basepar:<pre>' . print_r($tmpCfg->_basepar,1) .'</pre>'; exit; $newName = ($tFont['name'] === $this->_basepar['font']['name']) ? '': $tFont['name']; $newSize = ($tFont['size'] === $this->_basepar['font']['size']) ? '': $tFont['size']; $newStyle = ($tFont['style'] === $this->_basepar['font']['style']) ? '': $tFont['style']; # apply BASE font & size as default for imported fields (if they're different vs "parent" cfg) $pageid = 'subpage_'.rand(100000,99999999); foreach($tmpCfg->_pagedefs as &$pdef) { if ($subid) $pdef['datasubid'] = (string)$subid; $pdef['sourcepath'] = $relpath; $pdef['pageid'] = $pageid; # each imported page will have it's own basepar (font name,size, color): $pdef['basepar'] = $tmpCfg->_basepar; } writeDebugInfo("to add page defs: ", $tmpCfg->_pagedefs); $this->father->_pagedefs = array_merge($this->_pagedefs, $tmpCfg->_pagedefs); if (count($tmpCfg->_apFields)) { $this->_subApFields[$pageid] = $tmpCfg->_apFields; $this->_subApValues[$pageid] = $tmpCfg->_apValues; } } */ # merge all user parameters $childPars = $tmpCfg->getUserParameters(); if (count($childPars)) $this->userParams = array_merge($this->userParams,$childPars); unset($tmpCfg); if (self::$debug) \writeDebugInfo("my own basepar after AppendPageDefFromXml: ", $this->_basepar); } # returns last error message public function GetErrorMessage() { return $this->_errormessage; } /** * Printing music staff page for writing music. Misicians will like it:) * * @param string $title page title * @param array $options - optional parameters associative array * 'measures' - measures per line: if 2 or greater, piano roll will have "measure border" vertical bars. * 'step_roll' - distance between piano-roll blocks (mm), default is 27mm * 'step_line' - distance between lines in the piano roll (mm), default is 2mm * 'color' - drawing color (RGB array), default is black - [0,0,0] */ public function AddPageMusicStaff($title='',$options=null) { $margin_l = $margin_r = 18; $margin_t = 20; $margin_b = 10; # $merged_staves=0, $measures=0, $step_y=0, $stepLine=0 $merged_staves = isset($options['merged_staves']) ? intval($options['merged_staves']) : 0; $measures = isset($options['measures']) ? $options['measures'] : 0; $step_y = isset($options['step_roll']) ? intval($options['step_roll']) : 27; $stepLine = isset($options['step_line']) ? intval($options['step_line']) : 2; $color = isset($options['color']) ? $this->_parseColor($options['color']) : array(0,0,0); $accolade = isset($options['accolade'])? $options['accolade'] : false; $blkheight = $step_y + ($stepLine*4); $this->AddPage('P','mm'); $y_lowest = $this->_pdf->getPageHeight()-$margin_b; $rightpos = $this->_pdf->getPageWidth() - $margin_r; $beatstep = ($measures>0) ? round(($rightpos-$margin_l)/$measures,2) : 0; if($title) $this->_valueToPdf($title, array( 'name'=>'pagetitle' ,'type'=>'text' ,'posx'=> $margin_l ,'posy'=> min(2,($margin_t-16)) ,'width' => ($this->_pdf->getPageWidth() - $margin_l - $margin_r) ,'align'=>'C' ,'color'=>'' ,'bgcolor'=>'' ,'options'=>'' ,'size'=> 10) ); $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray($color); for($ypos=$margin_t; $ypos+(4*$stepLine) <= $y_lowest; $ypos+=$step_y) { for($line=0;$line<=4;$line++) { $this->_pdf->Line($margin_l,$ypos+($line*$stepLine),$rightpos,$ypos+($line*$stepLine)); } $this->_pdf->Line($margin_l,$ypos,$margin_l,$ypos+(4*$stepLine)); # vertical bars $this->_pdf->Line($rightpos,$ypos,$rightpos,$ypos+(4*$stepLine)); if($beatstep) for($beatpos = $margin_l; $beatpos<$rightpos; $beatpos += $beatstep) $this->_pdf->Line($beatpos,$ypos,$beatpos,$ypos+(4*$stepLine)); # vertical bars } if($merged_staves>1) { $yStart = $margin_t; $yEnd = $yStart + ($merged_staves-1)*$step_y; while( $yEnd<$y_lowest ) { $this->_pdf->Line($margin_l,$yStart,$margin_l,$yEnd); $this->_pdf->Line($rightpos,$yStart,$rightpos,$yEnd); if($accolade) $this->drawAccolade($margin_l-4.4,$yStart,$margin_l-0.5,($yEnd+4*$stepLine), $color); if($beatstep) for($beatpos = $margin_l; $beatpos<$rightpos; $beatpos +=$beatstep) $this->_pdf->Line($beatpos,$yStart,$beatpos,$yEnd); # vertical bars $yStart += ($merged_staves)*$step_y; $yEnd = $yStart + ($merged_staves-1)*$step_y; } } $this->_specialPages++; } /** * Printing lined sheet page * * @param string $title page title * @param array $options - optional parameters associative array * 'step_y' - distance between horizontal lines, (mm). Default is 5mm * 'step_x' - distance between vertical lines, (mm). Default equal to step_y * 'color' - drawing color (RGB array), default is light gray - [180,180,180] */ public function AddPageLined($title='',$options=null) { $margin_l = $margin_r = $margin_t = $margin_b = 5; $step_y = isset($options['step_y']) ? intval($options['step_y']) : 5; $step_x = isset($options['step_x']) ? intval($options['step_x']) : $step_y; $color = $color1 = isset($options['color']) ? $this->_parseColor($options['color']) : array(180,180,180); $millimetrovka = ($options==='mm' OR !empty($options['mm'])); # millimeter sheet mode if($millimetrovka) { $step_x = $step_y = 1; $color1 = isset($options['color']) ? $this->_parseColor($options['color']) : array(90,90,90); # thick lines color $color = array(ceil($color[0]+(255-$color[0])*0.5),ceil($color[0]+(255-$color[1])*0.5),ceil($color[2]+(255-$color[0])*0.5)); # thin lines color } $this->AddPage('P','mm'); $y_lowest = $step_y>0 ? $this->_pdf->getPageHeight()-$margin_b - ($this->_pdf->getPageHeight()-$margin_t-$margin_b)%$step_y : $this->_pdf->getPageHeight()-$margin_b; $rightpos = ($step_x>0) ? $this->_pdf->getPageWidth() - $margin_r - ($this->_pdf->getPageWidth()-$margin_l-$margin_r)%$step_x : $this->_pdf->getPageWidth()-$margin_r; if($title) { $this->_valueToPdf($title, array( 'name'=> 'page_title' ,'type'=>'text' ,'posx'=> $margin_l ,'posy'=> min(2,($margin_t)) ,'width' => ($this->_pdf->getPageWidth() - $margin_l - $margin_r) ,'align'=>'C' ,'size'=> 10) ); $margin_t+=5; } $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray($color); $xx=0; if($step_y>0) for($ypos=$margin_t; $ypos<= $y_lowest; $ypos+=$step_y) { if($millimetrovka) { if(($ypos-$margin_t)%5==0) { # think line every 5 mm $width = (($ypos-$margin_t)%10) ? 0.15 : 0.25; # 10mm-thicker $this->_pdf->SetLineWidth($width); $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray($color1); } else { # thin line $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray($color); $this->_pdf->SetLineWidth(0.05); } } $this->_pdf->Line($margin_l,$ypos,$rightpos,$ypos); # horiz.lines } if($step_x>0) for($xpos=$margin_l; $xpos<= $rightpos; $xpos+=$step_x) { if($millimetrovka) { if(($xpos-$margin_l)%5==0) { # think line every 5 mm $width = (($xpos-$margin_l)%10) ? 0.15 : 0.25; # 10mm-thicker $this->_pdf->SetLineWidth($width); $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray($color1); } else { # thin line $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray($color); $this->_pdf->SetLineWidth(0.05); } } $this->_pdf->Line($xpos, $margin_t,$xpos, $y_lowest); # vert.lines } $this->_pdf->SetDrawColorArray(array(0,0,0)); # back to normal $this->_pdf->SetLineWidth(0.1); $this->_specialPages++; } /** * Fetching TCPDF object to manipulate beyong of this class functionality * @returns TCPDF object ref. */ public function getPdfObject() { if(!$this->_pdf) $this->_createPdfObject(); return $this->_pdf; } public function GetPageDefs() { return $this->_pagedefs; } /** * Draws music "Accolade" sign. Accolade will fit inside rectangle limited by x0,y0 - xk,$yk coordinates. * @param mixed $x0 start X pos * @param mixed $y0 start Y pos * @param mixed $xk ending X pos * @param mixed $yk ending Y pos * @param mixed $color color, black by default */ public function drawAccolade($x0,$y0,$xk,$yk, $color=[]) { $koefx = 1.2; $kxd = 0.4; $koefy=0.05; $y_mid = ($y0+$yk)/2; $segments = array(); $segments[] = array($xk-($xk-$x0)*($koefx-0), $y0+($yk-$y0)*$koefy, $x0+($xk-$x0)*($koefx-0),$y_mid-($yk-$y0)*$koefy, $x0, $y_mid); $segments[] = array($x0+($xk-$x0)*($koefx-0), $y_mid+($yk-$y0)*$koefy, $xk-($xk-$x0)*($koefx-0),$yk-($yk-$y0)*$koefy, $xk, $yk); $segments[] = array($xk-($xk-$x0)*($koefx-$kxd), $yk-($yk-$y0)*$koefy, $x0+($xk-$x0)*($koefx+$kxd),$y_mid+($yk-$y0)*$koefy, $x0, $y_mid); $segments[] = array($x0+($xk-$x0)*($koefx+$kxd), $y_mid-($yk-$y0)*$koefy, $xk-($xk-$x0)*($koefx-$kxd),$y0+($yk-$y0)*$koefy, $xk, $y0); $this->_pdf->Polycurve($xk, $y0, $segments, 'F', array(), $color); } /** * @return true if PDF object created (and template loaded from $this->_templatefile) */ protected function _createPdfObject() { if(is_object($this->_pdf)) return true; try { $this->_pdf = new FPDI($this->_basepar['page']['orientation'],$this->_basepar['page']['units'],$this->_basepar['page']['size']); $this->_pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $this->_pdf->setPrintFooter(false); $this->_pdf->SetFont($this->_basepar['font']['name'], $this->_basepar['font']['style'], $this->_basepar['font']['size']); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_errormessage = 'Creating PDF object error: '. $e->getMessage(); return false; } $this->_pdf->setMargins(0,0,0,true); $this->_pdf->SetRightMargin(0); return true; } # convert to UTF8 before drawing protected function _convertCset($strval) { $srcCharset = (isset($this->_config['stringcharset']) ? $this->_config['stringcharset'] : 'UTF-8'); $ret = ($srcCharset!='' && $srcCharset!='UTF-8') ? @iconv($this->_config['stringcharset'],'UTF-8',$strval) : $strval; return $ret; } protected function _parseColor($param) { if(is_array($param)) $color = $param; elseif(is_int($param)) $color = array($param,$param, $param); else { if(!$this->_pdf) $this->_createPdfObject(); $color = $this->colorToDec((string)$param); } return $color; } public static function getRelativeFilename($basepth, $filename) { # writeDebugInfo("getRelativeFilename: ", $basepth, $filename); if(!is_string($filename)) { echo ('bad filename <pre>'.print_r($filename,1).'</pre>'); echo '<pre>'; debug_print_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS,4); echo '</pre>'; exit; } if (is_file($filename)) return $filename; $path = $basepth; if (substr($filename,0,1)==='@' && ($fncname = susbtr($filename,2) && is_calleble($fncname))) { $srcfile = call_user_func($fncname, $this->_data); return $srcfile; } if ($path === './') $path = getcwd() . '/'; if (substr($filename,0,2)==='./') $filename = substr($filename,2); while(substr($filename,0,3) === '../') { $path = dirname($path) ; if ($path!='') $path .= '/'; $filename = substr($filename,3); } return ($path . $filename); } /** * Passes data that will be visualized by plugin * * @param mixed $name plugin data block unique name. There maight be more than one plugin-rendered block on the PDF page(s) * @param mixed $data data to be visualized */ public function setPluginData($name, $data) { $this->_pluginData[$name] = $data; } public static function getImageInfo($imgsrc) { if (!isset(self::$_cached[$imgsrc])) self::$_cached[$imgsrc] = @getimagesize($imgsrc); return self::$_cached[$imgsrc]; } public static function parseParam($par, $data=0) { $ret = (string)$par; if (substr($ret,0,1) === '@') { $ret = substr($ret,1); if (is_callable($ret)) $ret = call_user_func($ret, $data); elseif( is_object($this->callbackObj) && method_exists($this->callbackObj, $ret) ) { return $this->callbackObj->$ret($data); } } return $ret; } public function getUserParameters() { return $this->userParams; } } # class CPrintFormPdf definition end