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OTPLogin 1.0.0
@desc This light weight class can be used to add one more step secure after login using OTP from ALL pre registered Machine using MAC Addresss
@author Bijaya Kumar Behera <it.bijaya@gmail.com> +91 9911033016
system requirements
1. HTTP Server with PHP Enabled
2. PHP Version >=5.3
3. Supported OS Window/Linux/Mac
How to implement OTPLogin
1. Create a database "test" if not already exists
2. Import OTPLogin.sql to "test" database
3. Get a MAC Address from your system
For Window User :
*. Click the Run button in the Windows Start Menu.
*. Type cmd in the Open prompt of the Run menu and click OK to launch a command prompt window.
*. maximised the window
*. Type ipconfig /all at the command prompt to check the network card settings.
*. The MAC address is listed by ipconfig under Physical Address.
below sample markked between '==>' and '<==' is the mac addresss
|Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : ==>70-54-D2-19-78-C0<==
For Linux Use
*. Open terminal
*. Type ifconfig and hit enter
*. The MAC address is listed by ipconfig under HWaddr.
below sample markked between '==>' and '<==' is the mac addresss
|Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr ==>00:26:18:25:6E:0E<==
For Mac OS Use
*. Open terminal
*. Type ifconfig and hit enter
*. The MAC address is listed by ipconfig under ether.
below sample markked between '==>' and '<==' is the mac addresss
|ether ==>e0:34:f5:ef:d4:a0<==
4. Add MAC Address record to table otplogin_macs
Example: Suppose MAC Address is 00-C0-26-C1-2D-6C
remove '-' or ':' & changed it UPPERCASE
Final MAC Address: 00C026C12D6C
Execute SQL Query
INSERT INTO otplogin_macs (macadd, name, parent, active ) VALUES ( '00C026C12D6C', 'My Machine', 0, '1' ) ;
Continue the above steps for ALl MAC Address
3. create mysql connection
$DB=new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "test");
$DB=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");mysql_select_db("test", $DB);
$DB= new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "root", "");
4. create OTPLogin object
Params are
1. $DB mySQL Connection [resourece/object]
2. $prefix Table prefix text [String]
3. $cookiename OTP Cookie Name [String]
4. $otpcookietimeout OTP Cookie Timeout in sec [Integer]
5. $otpsessiotimeout OTP Session Timeout [Integer]
$oOTPLogin [Object]
$oOTPLogin=new OTPLogin($DB, $prefix, $cookiename, $otpcookietimeout, $otpsessiotimeout );
5. check valid cookie session
Params are:
1. $userid Logged User Id [Integer]
true/false [boolean]
$oOTPLogin->isValid($userid) [true/false]
6. Initialise OTP if not started
Params are :
1. $userid Logged user id [Integer]
Return :
true/false [bollean]
$initStatus = $oOTPLogin->initOTP($userid);
7. Download OTPGenerator of your OS
Params are :
1. $otpurl OTP URL [String]
2. $userid User ID [Integer]
3. $info Info [Array]
4. $downloadfilename Download File Name [NULL [String] ]
NULL for Auto generated file
5. $os OS Name [String] [Window|Mac|Linux]
NULL for Auto Detected OS .
Reruen :
Void [null]
$oOTPLogin->downloadOTPGenFile($otpurl, $userid, $info, $downloadfilename, $os);
8. verify OTP
Params are :
1. $userid Logged user ID [Integer]
2. $otp User OTP [Integer]
Return :
true/false [bollean]
$oOTPLogin->verifyOTP($userid, $otp)