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File: demo/script.demo.txt

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  Classes of Roger Baklund   PHP Layout Template Processor   demo/script.demo.txt   Download  
File: demo/script.demo.txt
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Demo script
Class: PHP Layout Template Processor
Template engine with indented blocks based syntax
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 8,501 bytes


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# script.demo.txt # NOTE: This script mix different types of code and content, this is not how you would write an application. This is a demo, it is written this way to demonstrate different features and hopefully to make it easier to see what is going on. !if PHP_SAPI == 'cli': "Run in browser! !return <!doctype html> $width = '500px'; $ErrorMessage = false # utility for constructing statements from strings =do:!param string !php static::run_script($_param); #### Language settings # supported languages $valid_languages = array( 'en'=>'english', 'no'=>'norwegian'); $default_language = 'en' # Get and validate language selected by user $lang = isset($_GET['lang']) ? $_GET['lang'] : $default_language; !if !in_array($lang,array_keys($valid_languages)): $lang = $default_language $lang_label = $valid_languages[$lang] # Load language file !if file_exists("lang-$lang_label".SCRIPT_EXTENSION): # Reading language specific content do:lang-$lang_label !else: # Can not read language file, can not display error here $ErrorMessage = "lang-$lang_label".SCRIPT_EXTENSION.' was not found' lang-english =LanguagePicker: !scope caller $lang,$valid_languages <span style="padding-left:3em;">Language: </span> <select onchange="location.href='?lang='+this.value"> !loop $valid_languages as $lang_code=>$lang_label: $sel = ($lang == $lang_code) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' "<option value="$lang_code"$sel>$lang_label</option> </select> #### CSS $nav_style = ' font-size:120%; margin:1em; padding:.5em; border:solid 1px black; border-radius:5px; display:inline-block; ' =Demo_style: !scope caller $width " .demo { border: solid 1px silver; border-radius:5px; width:$width; height:110px; padding:5px; margin:0; } # This CSS example shows three different ways to send some variable into a layout: We call it with $width parameter, the $nav_style (defined above) is picked from the caller scope, and Demo_style is defined as a separate layout above. =CSS:!param string:$width !scope caller $nav_style # !! The space between { and $nav_style below is required, otherwise PHP removes the {} " p {width:$width;} p.intro {font-weight:bold;} .nav { $nav_style } .demo1 {color:green;} .demo2, .demo_viewer {color:blue;} .demo3 {color:purple;} .demo4 {color:red;} Demo_style #### 4 demo boxes defined here =demo1: # defining a placeholder =Greeting:"Hello world # using it <div class="demo demo1"> Greeting </div> =demo2: # defining a basic template =MyTemplate:"<div class="demo demo2">$_param</div>\n # calling template with parameter MyTemplate:Hello world =demo3: # defining a template with resolved parameter =MyTemplate: !param $msg:string "<div class="demo demo3">$msg</div>\n # defining a variable $who = 'world' # calling the template using the variable MyTemplate:Hello $who =demo4: # defining a template, fetching variable from caller =MyTemplate: !scope caller $msg "<div class="demo demo4">$msg</div>\n # defining a variable $msg = 'Hello world' # calling the template MyTemplate #### Start of HTML output <html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> Title </title> <style> CSS:$width </style> </head> # For making internal links, lang parameter is set automatically =Link:!param string colon:$src,$label !scope from script:$lang "<a href="?lang=$lang&amp;src=$src">$label</a> # The 'override_demo' layout is used to override the demo1-demo4 layouts defined above, this is done for demonstration purposes. In general we can just redefine the layout with = prefix. In this case we need to store the content of the demo layouts in string variables, then redefine them so that they will display these strings in a <pre>. Explaining this code in detail is beyond the scope of this demo, but $$ is a special placeholder for the input, in this case it is replaced with 1, 2, 3 and 4. =override_demo: !scope caller $demo$$_script $demo$$_script = htmlentities(self::$layouts['demo$$']['content']); =demo$$:!scope caller $demo$$_script "<pre class="demo demo$$">$demo$$_script</pre> =Content: # Content_intro, Example_explanation and Example_invitation are defined in the lang-*.demo.txt files !if $_param == 'show_src': # override the demos, make them display the source override_demo:1 override_demo:2 override_demo:3 override_demo:4 Content_intro <div> demo1 demo2 demo3 demo4 </div> !if $_param == 'show_src': Example_explanation !else: Example_invitation =View source: # This is the application part, showing different sources depending on URL parameter 'src' This layout has a space in the name for no particular reason, just showing that it works # This input is whitelisted, we check for specific values, no need for extra validation $src = $_GET['src'] # Simple navigation to take the user back to start or to the next relevant page =Navigation:!param raw:$target !scope from script: $lang, $back_to_start, $link_separator, $show_PHP_demo_source, $show_demo_viewer_source $links = array( 'demo_source'=>$show_demo_viewer_source, 'php_source'=>$show_PHP_demo_source ) <div class="nav"> "<a href="?lang=$lang">$back_to_start</a> !if $target: "$link_separator Link:$target:$links[$target] </div> !if $src == 'examples': # This is an alternative to overriding a layout: send in a parameter and use conditonal statements to have different behaviour (see Content definition above). Content:show_src Content_demo_source_invitation Navigation:demo_source !elseif $src == 'demo_source': Demo_source_intro # reading the script from the internal $layouts array $script = htmlentities(self::$layouts['script']['content']); "<pre class="demo_viewer">$script</pre> Demo_source_description Navigation:php_source !elseif $src == 'footer': $footer_file = 'footer'.SCRIPT_EXTENSION; Footer_intro:$footer_file # reading footer from file, it is not yet loaded $footer = htmlentities(file_get_contents($footer_file)); "<pre class="demo_viewer">$footer</pre> Footer_description Navigation:demo_source !elseif $src == 'lang': !scope from script: $valid_languages,$lang $lang_label = $valid_languages[$lang] $lang_source = self::$layouts['lang-'.$lang_label]['content'] # Language file is in UTF-8 format, if internal encoding is not UTF-8 it must be decoded before using htmlentities() !if mb_internal_encoding() != 'UTF-8': $lang_source = utf8_decode($lang_source); $lang_source = htmlentities($lang_source) Language_intro "<pre class="demo_viewer">$lang_source</pre> Language_description Navigation:demo_source !elseif $src == 'php_source': PHP_source_intro $php_source = highlight_file('demo.php',true); "$php_source PHP_source_description Navigation:demo_source !elseif $src == 'log': # show the tail of the log file $size = 2500 $fh = file_exists(LOGFILE) ? fopen(LOGFILE,'r') : false !if $fh: $res = fseek($fh,-$size,SEEK_END) !if $res == -1: # smaller than $size, read entire file $log_content = htmlentities(file_get_contents(LOGFILE)) !else: $ignore = fgets($fh); # ignore first (incomplete) line $log_content = htmlentities(fread($fh,$size)) !php fclose($fh); "<pre class="demo_viewer">$log_content</pre> Logfile_description !if !DEBUG_MODE: Warning:DEBUG_MODE is disabled, messages might be old !elseif DEBUG_MODE: Warning: DEBUG_MODE is enabled but the log file was not found! !else: Warning: Log file not found, enable DEBUG_MODE Navigation:php_source !else: Warning: Unexpected src parameter Navigation =Warning: !param string: $msg "<p style="color:red">$msg</p> <body> <h1> Title </h1> <p class="intro"> Intro </p> !if $ErrorMessage: Warning:$ErrorMessage !if isset($_GET['src']): View source !else: Content <div class="nav"> Link:examples:$show_template_definitions LanguagePicker </div> # The footer is defined in a separate file footer:black|silver; font-family:Verdana,sans-serif; width:$width; border-radius:5px; </body> </html>