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File: Sqlitei_Example.php

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  Classes of Andrea Giammarchi   Sqlitei   Sqlitei_Example.php   Download  
File: Sqlitei_Example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Simple test with sme comments
Class: Sqlitei
mysqli like database access wrapper for SQLite
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 3,551 bytes


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<?php // 5
// EXAMPLE FILE for Sqlitei.class.php
// requires the class file
require( 'Sqlitei.class.php' );

// try all these things ...
try {
// new Sqlitei instance
$connect = &new Sqlitei( 'test.sqlitei' );
// Uncomment if this is at least second time you're testing this file
        // Dopping table ...
        $stmt = $connect->prepare("DROP TABLE test");
                // execute drop
                // close this prepared query
    // */
    // table creation, prepare the query
$stmt = $connect->prepare("CREATE TABLE test ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, something VARCHAR(255) )");
// simple error management with try / catch sintax
try {
// execute the prepared query
// close this prepared query
Exception $e ) {
// if somethong on query was wrong, die with a message
die( $e->getMessage() );
// new prepared query, this time with 2 variables
$stmt = $connect->prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES( ?, ? )");
// try to do queries ...
try {
// first table id, start from 1
$id = 1;
// multiple queries generation
for( $a = 0; $a < 100; $a++ ) {
// foreach $a insert 2 rows to test slashes on sqlite ...
$something = 'test number '.( $a + 1 ).'a with "this" and \'that\' !';
// send parameters to use for this query
                        // i = integer value
                        // s = not int, not double, not bool but everything else ( a string for example )
$stmt->bind_param( 'is', $id++, $something );
// and again, with differents slashes
$something = "test number ".( $a + 1 )."b with \"this\" and 'that' !";
$stmt->bind_param( 'is', $id++, $something );
// execute all prepared queries
                // NOTE: with multiple queries this class automatically uses a TRANSACTION
                // then if there is an error, its ROLLBACKs queries
// close all these queries ...
// ... or give me the error
catch( Exception $e ) {
$e->getMessage() );
// prepare another query, this time with a SELECT statement
$stmt = $connect->prepare("SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 0, ?");
// try my operations ...
try {
// limit 0, how many ??? ...
$stmt->bind_param( 'i', 10 );
// really impossible for me to clone the MySQLI bind_result method
                // ... it's something like that but you can't send directly undefined variables ...
                // then send reult names, it's simple too
$stmt->bind_result( 'id', 'text' );
// execute this query
// as MySQLI does, you can use fetch() method too ...
while( $stmt->fetch() ) {
// then to use binded results, just call this object with those names !
echo 'ID: '.$stmt->id.'<br />'; // the id
echo "TEXT: {$stmt->text}<br />"; // and the text value !
echo '<hr />';
// and close this query
// ... or tell me the error!
catch( Exception $e ) {
$e->getMessage() );
// however, you can use all default SQLiteDatabase class methods, isn't cool ?
        // just query !
$query = $connect->query( 'SELECT * FROM test' );
// for example, the number of rows ...
echo 'Total Rows = '.$query->numRows();
// close database connection, resets all and unset internal SQLiteDatabase class
// or tell me what's wrong
catch( Exception $e ) {
$e->getMessage() );