PHP Classes

flexGen: Generate code to show MySQL results using Flex

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Not enough user ratingsTotal: 909 All time: 3,908 This week: 46Up
Version License PHP version Categories
flex-gen 0.2GNU General Publi...4.1PHP 5, Code Generation, Flash


This class can be used to generate PHP code to show MySQL results in a Flex application.

It can generate a Flex application definition for retrieving results of a MySQL query and displaying in a data grid presented using Flex.

The class can also generate the PHP code script that runs on the server side to execute and retrieve the MySQL results.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2010
Number 7

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Flex is an Adobe product that allows developing Flash applications using a XML based syntax.

This class makes it easier to start Flex applications in PHP by generating the base of Flex application files that interact with PHP script.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of thiago
Name: thiago <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: 35
All time rank: 2480172 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 195 Up14 in Brazil Brazil Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


-= flexGEN =- flexGen it's a open source project build by me (Thiago Przyczynski) that pretends to be a rapid development tool to easily work with Flex projects using a backend with PHP and MYSQL. You can work and modify it's source code to feel much more like "your" kind of code, but please send me this changes to help improve this project. Table Contents: 1 - Install and Configuration 2 - Install Sample 3 - Changes 4 - Next Improves 5 - Helpfull Links 1 - INSTALL AND CONFIGURATION To install flexGen you only need to put all of it's contents in a folder on your Server path. After this you just have to run the index file and select your preferences (dbms,host,ser,password and table) to generate the flex and the php scripts. 2 - INSTALL SAMPLE The sample that comes with flexGen has 4 files: customers.php,customers.sql,sample.mxml and sample.swf. You have to Dump the customers.sql file on your MySQL server. Obs: To work with this sample the flexGen Project path has to be: - Linux: '/var/www/flexGen' - Windows: 'C:\SERVER_PATH\flexgen' 3 - CHANGES I made a lot of changes on this version (2.01), mostly are because i changed the way to work with the database (Procedures to PDO). 4 - NEXT IMPROVES On the next version i will add a inputbox with field selection to search data. 5 - HELPFULL LINKS To help PHP Programmers newbies on Flex Projects it's recommended this links: ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED: Flex Product Home Page: Getting Started with Flex: Sorry for my bad English. Hope it's usefull for you. Thiago Przyczynski if you're interested or have some difficult working with flexGen: My website: My E-Mail: [email protected]

Screenshots (1)  
  • FlexDatagrid
  Files folder image Files (11)  
File Role Description
Files folder imagesample (4 files)
Plain text file Crud Class Class used to connect and query database
Plain text file flexGen Class This is the class that generates the flex and php code to interact with your database.
Image file FlexCode Screen Flex mxml code generated by the flexGen Package
Plain text file index.php Data Form sample to use with the flexGen class
Plain text file Readme Doc. A simple readme file showing some information about the package
Plain text file gen Appl. Example of how to use this package

  Files folder image Files (11)  /  sample  
File Role Description
  Plain text file customers.php Example A sample file with the php script generated with flexGen
  Plain text file customers.sql Conf. Dump file generated by PHPMyAdmin fot the sample
  Plain text file sample.mxml Example MXML file sample of the sample Flex application
  Image file sample.swf Output Sample flex application

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:3,908
This week:46Up