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SalamCast PHP Podcast Generator: Generate RSS feeds for podcasts

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salamcast-generator 4GNU General Publi...5.3XML, PHP 5


This class can generate RSS feeds for podcasts.

It can compose a RSS 2.0 feed by adding channel items and other elements necessary to be used as a podcast feed.

The class generates the XML of the RSS 2.0 podcast feed and returns it as a string.

Picture of Karl Holz
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Name: Karl Holz <contact>
Classes: 14 packages by
Country: Canada Canada
Age: 44
All time rank: 44918 in Canada Canada
Week rank: 48 Up1 in Canada Canada Up
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Nominee: 9x


# SalamCastGen - Podcast Generator class *** - [GPL 2.0 license]( - [RSS 2.0]( - [iTunes podcast spec and documentation]( - [Documentation]( *** SalamCastGen and SalamCastGenItem are a fork of [Universal FeedWriter and FeedItem](, by Anis uddin Ahmad <>. Generates an RSS2.0 (Channel elements that are not included are: rating, skipHours, skipDays) Feed with a mix of ATOM xmlns and built-in support for iTunes Podcast xmlns; other XML Name spaces can be added, but you will need to manually add the elements your self with the proper xmlns prefix. ### Some features include: - This feed generator has been targeted at iTunes, XMBC, iPhoto, any podcast (RSS 2.0) player/downloader - Not all tags are supported by all RSS readers, but they can be used for any clients you choose to create to comsume them - Support for XSLT templates for applying them to the RSS Feed. - Nothing is printed to the browser until you call $s->genarateFeed(); - The feed can be returned as a string and not printed out right away, using $s->getNewFeed() - All common functionality is stored in an abstract class - iTunes podcast category checking

  Files folder image Files (5)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENCE.SalamCastGen.txt Lic. GPL 2.0
Accessible without login Plain text file README Doc. README
Plain text file salamcast.class.php Class SalamCast Podcast Generator classes file
Accessible without login Plain text file tester.salamcast.php Example feed tester script, use a query value to test the XSLT template
Accessible without login Plain text file tester.salamcast.xsl Data XSLT template tester to basic HTML

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