form { display:table; }
form > div { display:table-row; }
form > div > div { display:table-cell; }
include 'formgenerator.php';
function LoadData() {
// First mount array with parameters
$fr = new formGenerator();
$fr->logErrors = true; // It log errors when validate
$fr->addTextArea('Dsadas','hidden', '', 'nothing');
$fr->addInput('','hidden', 'UserID', 'nothing');
$fr->addInput('Usuario', 'text', 'username', '', true, 'Usuario', array('class' => 'prueba'));
$fr->addInput('Password:', 'password', 'password');
$fr->addInput('Email', 'email', 'email', '', false, 'Tu email');
$fr->addInput('Tu web', 'url', 'tu_web', 'http://', false, 'Web personal');
$fr->addNumber('Edad', 'age', '', false, false, 2, 100, 2, false);
$fr->addNumber('Salario', 'salario', '', true, false, 2, 100, 2);
$fr->addDate('Fecha', 'fecha', '', false, false, '', '', '', false);
$fr->addSelect('RANK', 'RANK', array('test','test2'));
// Some option autocreated, Is required use addRadio, NOT addINPUT
// in this case, the value is the same that text to show, so key is optional (is incremental)
$fr->addRadio('Valoration', 'valoration', array(
), null, true);
$fr->addCheck('Accept conditions', 'accept conditions', '1');
$fr->addSubmit('send', 'Enviar');
return $fr;
// Load all form configuration
$fr = LoadData();
// Process data
if ($_POST) {
// Checking reply
if (!$fr->validate()) {
echo 'unvalidated';
echo '<br /><b>ERRORS:</b><br />'.$fr->errors;
} else {
echo 'validated';
// Now you can get values and save on you like
// or if is to manipule a database, you can use the module "FormGeneratorDB"
echo '<hr />';
// Show form everytime