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classHTML: A simple HTML Generation class

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This class, despite is incomplete yet, is fully functional. It is meant to generate HTML code completely from PHP, with beautiful output.

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This class is based in a superclass, the clsTag class. All the classes extends this one. The Properties of this class are: $indent : used to set the indentation of HTML code $outputCode : holds the generated HTML code $tag : holds the HTML tag being generated $child : an array of objects that holds all the child nodes of this tag. $indenting : deprecated. it was intended to act as a flag of indentation The methods are: InString(what,where): search through an array (where) looking for a string (what) GetAttributes(addAttr,attr): this method mixes the default tag's attributes with the provided ones clsTag(tag,attr,indenting): the class Constructor. getOutputCode: returns as a string the generated HTML code Generate: builds the code and output it. AddNode(node): insert a node in the tag tree. For example, you can add a row inside a table, or an image between opening and closing A tags HookIt: it was introduced as a sort of parent::constructor callback function. CloseTag: this is almost the only one method that is overcharged. It adds the closing tag to the tree. Classes that extends the clsTag class: clsHTMLDocument: This should be the top class in the tree. It builds the HTML /HTML tags clsHeaderSection: adds the HEAD /HEAD tags clsTitle: adds the TITLE /TITLE tags clsMeta: adds the META tag. This class overwrite the CloseTag method. --------------- I think the most interesting part of this tutorial must be the support functions, the ones used to actually put this class to work. Those functions and their parameters are: In every case the child parameter can be an object or an array of objects in every case, the attr parameter (if present and/or not empty) represents the tag's attributes, like the border of a table, or the src of an img. the format of this parameter is: attr1=val;attr2=val;attr3=val;....;attrn=val fnHTML(object [child]) fnHeader(object [child]) fnTitle(string [title]) fnMeta(string [attr]) fnStyleSheet(string stylesheet, string [attr]): The stylesheet parameter is the location of the .css file. it will generate a <link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=«the style sheet»> fnBody(string [attr], object [child]) fnTable(string [attr], object [child]) fnRow(string [attr], object [child]) fnCell(string [text], string [font], string [attr], object [child]): The text parameter is used in conjunction with the font parameter, and is used when you want to show text inside a cell, instead another tag. fnFont(string [text], string [attr], object [child]): Just like the fnCell, but the font there is attr here. fnParagraph(string [text], string [font], string [attr], object [child]): See fnCell fnShowText(string text, string [attr]): insert text without formatting fnImg(string src, string [id], string [attr]) fnLink(string [href], string [text], string [font], string [attr], object [child]) fnForm(string [action], string [name], string [hiddens], string [attr], object [child]): the hiddens parameter has the same format that the attr parameter, and it will generate the <input type=hidden> tags according to the name=value pairs. fnOption: This function is used internaly, and should NEVER be used by you fnSelect(string name, string [values], string [selvalue], string [attr]): the values parameter is an array. Its format is values["the_val"]="the text". the selvalue is a string, matching one key in the values array. fnInput(string name,string [value], string [size], string [maxlength], string [attr]): It generates a <input type=text> fnPassword(string name,string [value], string [size], string [maxlength], string [attr]) fnFile(string name, string [attr]): Builds a <input type=file> fnTextArea(string name,string [value], string [rows], string [cols], string [attr]): It generates a <textarea>value</textarea> fnHidden(string name, string [value], string [attr]) ---------------------------- I will add more documentation in a few days... but I think the other support functions are quite self-explainatory. Below, a few examples... ---------------------------- $document=fnHtml(array( fnHeader(array( fnTitle("This is a test"), fnStyleSheet("styles/mystyle.css") )), fnBody( fnTable("",array( fnRow("", fnCell("This is a text","","align=center;bgcolor=#c0c0c0") ) )) ) )); $document->Generate(); The example above will generate this code: <html> <head> <title>This is a test</title> <link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="styles/mystyle.css"> </head> <body> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td align=center bgcolor="#c0c0c0">This is a test</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>

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