This class can generate, display a calendar of a given month in valid XHTML 1.1 as defined by the W3C and lets the user change the month if desired.
The cells of certain days may be customized to appear as links to pages with configurable URLs on which more details can be presented about the respective day.
Here follows a detailed list of features:
* Generates valid XHTML validated by the W3C Validator.
* Provides translations to 5 idioms: English, German, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Adding translations to more languages is a trivial task.
* Lets you choose to show either the current month calendar or the calendar of the month and the year of your choice.
* Can present specific days as links with a configurable the URL pattern.
* Lets you choose whether the first day of the week should be Monday or Sunday.
* The presentation can be customized using to CSS styles. |