PHP Classes

Recommendation for a PHP class to save email attachment: Read email and save attachment

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Recommendation for a PHP class to save email attachment


Picture of ajit by ajit - 4 years ago (2020-04-30)

Read email and save attachment

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I need PHP code to read email from Microsoft Exchange or using IMAP and save an attachment file it may contain.

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1 Recommendation

PHP MIME Email Message Parser: Decode MIME e-mail messages

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 23960 - 4 years ago (2020-05-02) Comment

If you can read your email message into a string or a file, you can use this package to parse the email and save all attachments to strings or files.

You can use the PHP IMAP extension to extract the email contents to a string.

Recommend package