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Database synchronization: Synchronization of databases

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Database synchronization


Picture of ramesh by ramesh - 10 years ago (2014-11-25)

Synchronization of databases

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I need a class to synchronize databases.

  • 2 Clarification requests
  • 2. Picture of Michael Cummings by Michael Cummings - 10 years ago (2014-12-12) Reply

    Do you need to sync only the data in the tables or the database schema also?

    • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 10 years ago (2014-11-26) Reply

      What kind of databases are those? Could they be MySQL or are of different types?

      Ask clarification

      2 Recommendations

      Data Migrator and Merger: Synchronize MySQL tables with another database

      This class can synchronize MySQL tables with another database.

      It connects to a given MySQL database, retrieves the lists of tables and their fields.

      The class executes INSERT statements that recreate the table records in another MySQL database in the same server, so it can be used to migrate records between two versions of the same database schema.
      This recommendation solves the problem.
      This recommendation does not solve the problem.


      Picture of Nitesh Apte by Nitesh Apte package author package author Reputation 125 - 10 years ago (2015-01-28) Comment

      Try this one if it's only MySql.

      PHP Database Synchronize Tables: Synchronize tables between two database using PDO

      This class can synchronize tables between two database using PDO.

      It can connect to a origin database and query the records of a given database table.

      Then the class connects to a destination database and inserts the table records retrieved from the origin database table

      Optionally the class can take a backup of the database tables to a file in a backup directory. It may also delete the destination table records before the synchronization is run.
      This recommendation solves the problem.
      This recommendation does not solve the problem.


      Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 26695 - 10 years ago (2015-01-27) Comment

      This package can be used to synchronize tables of two databases. Since it uses PDO, it may work with other database types in case you do not use MySQL.

      Recommend package